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Review Article

Stent Fracture: How Frequently Is It Recognized?

Mohammed Khalil Mohsen, Awad Alqahtani, Jassim Al suwaidi
Heart Hospital, Hamad Medical Corporation, Doha, Qatar


In spite of there being several case reports, coronary stent fracture is not a well‑recognized entity and incidence rates are
likely to be underestimated. In this article, we review different aspects of stent fracture, including incidence, classification,
predictors, outcome, diagnosis, and management.

Key words: Complication of percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI), instent restenosis, stent fracture, stent thrombosis
How to cite this article: Mohsen MK, Alqahtani A, suwaidi JA. Stent fracture: How frequently is it recognized?. Heart Views 2013;14:72-81.
© Gulf Heart Association 2013.

INTRODUCTION in daily practice, ranging from conventional BMS and

old-generation DES to newer generations of DES:

dramatic revolution in the field of intervention DES with novel coatings, dedicated bifurcation stents,
cardiology has been heralded by the use drug- self‑expanding stents, and biodegradable stents.
eluting stents (DES) replacing bare metal stents Coronary SF was first reported in 2002 after a BMS
(BMS), and thereby significantly reducing the restenosis implantation in a venous bypass graft.[10] The first case of
rates and the need for repeat revascularization. [1‑4] coronary DES fracture appeared in 2004,[11] after which
However, the occurrence of late‑onset complications, several cases of SFs were reported.
such as stent thrombosis, has raised concern over the
use of DES. In addition, there has been an increasing INCIDENCE
awareness of stent fracture (SF) as a potential
complication following DES implantation. The reported incidence of SF varies widely between
Review of the literature shows there is increasing different studies. These variations are related to many
concern about SF as a potential cause of stent different factors including definition of SF among these
restenosis and thrombosis, which can lead to adverse studies, the methods used to detect SF, type of stent
clinical outcomes such as recurrent angina, myocardial used, and the population studied.
infarction (MI), and even sudden death. The majority of studies report the incidence of SF
The objective of this article is to analyze controversial between 1 and 8% [Table 1].[12] The incidence also varies
issues about the incidence, diagnostic tools, and clinical depending on the percentage of patients who undergo
implications of SF. follow‑up with the available imaging modalities with
variable sensitivity of detection of SF.
BACKGROUND Generally speaking, the overall incidence of SF
is most likely underestimated due to different reasons
In 1964, Charles Theodore Dotter and Melvin P. Judkins given below:
described the first angioplasty. [5] In 1977, Andreas 1. Patients with SF might be asymptomatic, particularly
Grüntzig, a German radiologist, successfully performed in case of minor fractures, and therefore, if the
the first balloon coronary angioplasty,[6] a revolutionary angiographic or any other imaging modality
treatment that led to the birth of interventional cardiology. follow‑up were clinically driven, then many cases
Coronary stents were first developed in the
Access this article online
mid‑1980s, [7] and have ultimately replaced plain
Quick Response Code:
balloon angioplasty after the observed improvements Website:
in angiographic and clinical outcomes seen with their
use.[8,9] Nowadays, different types of stents are used
Address for correspondence: Dr. Awad Alqahtani, DOI:
Heart Hospital, Hamad Medical Corporation, P. O. Box 3050, Doha, Qatar. 10.4103/1995-705X.115501

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Mohsen, et al.: Stent fracture: How frequently is it recognized?

of SF were not reported. On the other hand, the 3. As SF might lead to stent thrombosis, several
incidence of SF is expected to be higher in studies patients might present with sudden cardiac death
where repeat procedure and the use of imagining before diagnosis.
modalities were clinically driven secondary to Although most SFs occurred in sirolimus stents,
selection potential bias several cases of SF were also reported in other
2. Not all SFs can be detected with conventional types of stents, including BMS, [10,13‑16] Taxus, [17‑19]
angiography; therefore, many patients might be Xience (everolimus‑eluting stent),[20] and zatrolimus.[21,22]
treated as stent thrombosis or stenosis without the In a series of 530 patients (of a total 2728 patients
detection of SF, especially if other more sensitive treated with DES) who underwent repeat angiography
diagnostic imaging modalities were not used during follow‑up, SF was identified in 10 patients (a

Table 1: The incidence of SF, adverse clinical outcome, and percentage of TLR in patients with SF
Study Incidence Adverse clinical outcome TLR (%)
Lee et al.,[16] 1.9% 60% ISR and 10% ST 70
Lee[17] 1.5% 53.3% ISR 53.3
Ino et al.,[9] 4.9% 33% ISR 28
Chung[30] 0.84% 65% ISR 30
Aoki et al.,[24] 3.1% 37.5% ISR 50
Umeda et al.,[25] 7.7% 15.2% ISR 9
Park et al.,[48] 0.89% for SES 41.7% 33.3
0.09% PES
Chakravarty et al.,[39] meta‑analysis of eight studies Mean incidence 4% 38% 17
TLR: Target lesion revascularization; SES: Serolimus-eluting stent; PES: paclitaxel-eluting stents; ISR: Instent restenosis

Figure 1: Shows (a) types of stent fracture,(b) classification of calcification. Nakazawa G, Finn AV, Vorpahl M, Ladich E, Kutys R,
Balazs I, Kolodgie FD, Virmani R. Incidence and predictors of drugeluting stent fracture in human coronary artery a pathologic
analysis. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2009 Nov 17;54(21):1924-31. PubMed PMID: 19909872. (Figure added with permission from author)

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Mohsen, et al.: Stent fracture: How frequently is it recognized?

prevalence of 1.9%). All occurred with sirolimus‑eluting theoretically weaken the stent struts[32]
stents.[23] • Stent overlap, which results in localized rigidity
Aoki et al., reported an incidence of SF of 2.6% creating hinge points that deform the stent
when they studied 256 patients who underwent leading to fracture[33]
angioplasty with SES.[24] • Stent length: Longer stents may be subjected
Umeda et al., studied 422 patients treated with to higher radial forces[32]
Cypher stents and found a 7.7% incidence of SF during • Inappropriate handling of stent[34]
follow‑up.[25] • Stenting technique: An example of stenting
In an autopsy study, the incidence of SF was 29%, technique that might cause SF is crush
which is much higher than clinically reported. A high technique. A case has been reported of stent
rate of adverse pathologic findings was observed strut fracture in a bifurcation lesion treated with
in lesions with grade V SF, whereas fracture with crush stenting, resulting in restenosis.[35]
grade I–IV did not have a significant impact on the 2. Stent type and stent conformability:
pathological outcome [Figure 1].[26] Autopsy studies Stent conformability is defined as the degree to
could be expected to have a higher incidence of SF which a stent can bend around its longitudinal axis
compared to living patients as the studied population after deployment.[36] Decreased stent conformability
might have had a higher incidence of stent thrombosis can lead to longitudinal straightening of the vessel
and restenosis in which SF might be the cause, leading after stent deployment, which subjects the stent
to a higher reported incidence of SF. to the countervailing force of the vessel wall. This
tends to revert the vessel axis to its original shape,
Most cases of SF were reported with the use of
The definition of SF varies from study to study and various sirolimus‑eluting stent (SES). Several theories have
morphologic classification schemes have been used. been proposed to explain this association.
Some studies discriminate between isolated strut fractures The first was attributed to the design of the SES,
and SF.[27] Some include both complete and partial types with its rigid, closed‑cell structure that results in greater
of fractures,[28] while others only include severe fractures straightening of the vessel, which subjects the stent to
with complete separation of stent segments [Table 2, greater forces during the cardiac cycle.[1] Secondly, it is
Figure 1].[1,24] easier to detect SF in SES as it is a more radio‑opaque
structure.[37] On the other hand, Taxus and BMS have
PREDICTORS OF SF greater neointimal coverage, which could mask the
fractured struts, as well as it may strengthen and
Stents are more likely to fracture in the presence of the stabilize the struts to withstand mechanical forces.[38]
following factors: Despite the higher incidence of SF in SES, it does
1. Technical factors: not necessarily translate into a clinically significant
• Balloon or stent overexpansion, as it may difference, as it has been shown by different studies that

Table 2: Classification of SF according to different studies

Lee et al.,[23] Minor: Single‑strut fracture
Shaikh et al.,[1] Moderate: Fracture >1 strut
Kim et al.,[29] Major: Complete separation of stent segments
Umeda et al.,[25] Complete fracture: Complete separation of stent segments
Partial fracture: Single or multiple stent strut fracture
Chung et al.,[30] Disruption: Inner and outer stent struts separated without displacement; linear or curvilinear alignment of
stent maintained
Avulsion: Outer struts separated; connection of inner struts maintained
Displacement: Proximal and distal pats of fractured stents completely separated; linear or curvilinear of
the stent lost
Lee et al.,[31] Avulsion: Fractured stent segments separated completely (fluoroscopy) or stent struts absent from stent
fracture site (IVUS)
Partial: Stent struts absent in ≥⅓ of the vessel wall on IVUS
Collapse: Folded and compacted inner and outer walls of the stent found in a bended segment with ≥45°
on fluoroscopy
Nakazawa et al.,[26] Type 1: Single‑strut fracture
[Figure 1] Type 2: ≥2 strut fractures without deformation
Type 3: ≥2 strut fractures with deformation
Type 4: Multiple strut fracture with acquired transection but without gap
Type 5: Multiple strut fractures with acquired transection with gap in the stent body
SF: Stent fracture; IVUS: Intravascular ultrasound

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Mohsen, et al.: Stent fracture: How frequently is it recognized?

Table 3: Incidence of SF in different coronary arteries reported following stenting of myocardial bridge.[47]
Vessel stent location Incidence of SF (%) In one study, chronic kidney disease was found as
RCA 56.4 an independent predictor of DES fracture.[48]
LAD 30.4 It is important to mention that clinical characteristics
Circumflex 10.9 such as CAD risk factors and previous MI or CABG do
Saphenous vein grafts 1.7 not determine the risk of SF.[39]
LM <0.01
SF: Stent fracture; RCA: Right coronary artery; LM: left main; LAD: Left anterior
SES are associated with lower rates of stent restenosis
and late luminal loss compared to paclitaxel‑eluting In spite of its low reported incidence, SF represents
stents (PES).[36,39‑41] an important clinical entity as it may present with serious
3. Anatomic and pathologic factors which include the clinical sequelae [Table 3].
following: It is important to mention that not all SFs are
• Tortuous and highly angulated vessel[37] associated with clinical sequelae as it can be an
• Long lesions incidental finding in asymptomatic patients, particularly
• C  hange in vessel angulation after stent with mild forms of SF (isolated strut fractures).
implantation, which can create a significant SF can present as recurrent angina, MI,[49,50] and
distortion force[25] even sudden death.[51] So, it is possible that some cases
• C  omplex lesions: In the ACROSS/TOSCA 4 of sudden cardiac death in patients with previous stent
study, SF was more frequent in the complex implantation might be secondary to SF, leading to stent
lesion subset of chronic total occlusion.[42] thrombosis.
• S  tent location: [Table 3] SF is more common Usually severe forms of SF have more adverse
in right coronary artery (RCA) and saphenous clinical outcomes, as reported by Nakazawa et al.,[26]
graft locations as these vessels are dynamic The most likely explanation for the development of
during cardiac contractions. Stents in these in‑stent restenosis in case of SF is the poor distribution
locations may be subjected to repetitive or interruption of drug delivery as a result of strut
distorting forces, as some segments of these fracture, which will suppress the inhibition of neointimal
vessels have more flexion points during the formation, leading to neointimal overgrowth and
cardiac cycle.[1,11] Repetitive cardiac contraction stenosis.[48]
exposes the stent to compression, torsion, In a study by Lee et al.,[23] 530 patients with DES
kinking, elongation, bending, and shear underwent repeat angiography. SF was identified in
stress, [11,43] which can cause fracture from 10 patients. None of these fractures were detectable at
mechanical fatigue.[44] The points of SFs are the time of stent placement. The median time interval
usually located at hinges[24] subjected to either from stent implantation to detection of fracture at repeat
medial or shear forces created by non‑uniform angiography was 226 days (ranging from 7 to 620 days).
vessel anatomy. Six patients had binary restenosis and one patient had
Table 2 shows the incidence of SF according stent thrombosis, all necessitating repeat intervention.
to the vessel stent location in a meta‑analysis On routine follow‑up coronary angiography
of eight studies with 108 SFs in 5321 patients, 6-9 months after SES implantation, Ino et al.,[28] reported
where the incidence of SF in RCA was the 33% in‑stent binary restenosis, 28% target lesion
highest while left main (LM) stents were less revascularization (TLR), and 0% stent thrombosis rates
likely to fracture.[39] in SF lesions. All patients with SF had an additional
4. Other possible causes: follow‑up for 24 months, but no major adverse coronary
There are other possible causes that may lead events were observed.
to SF. Sanchez et al., [45] reported a case of In a literature review by Chhatriwalla et al.,[52] a total
biventricular pacing leading to LAD coronary of 289 SFs, with available information about patient
SF where the chief risk for SF was the vascular presentation, were found. 10.4% of cases presented
angulation; however, this risk was increased by with ST segment elevation myocardial infarction [STEMI]
abnormal myocardial contraction patterns that or stent thrombosis and 26.3% presented with Non ST
were induced by the ventricular pacing. Hoshi segment elevation myocardial infarction [NSTEMI] or
et al., reported a case of fatal ostial right coronary Unstable angina [UA]. The review also highlighted the
artery SF, aneurysm formation, and coronary artery difference in clinical presentation between patients
perforation caused by mechanical stress between with DES fracture and patients with BMS fractures,
the sternum and dilated aortic root.[46] SF was also and it was noticed that STEMI occurred more often in

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Mohsen, et al.: Stent fracture: How frequently is it recognized?

patients in the first group, indicating that the latter has 2. SF which may also tear the arterial wall
more benign presentation. This might be explained by 3. The drug and/or polymer of the DES might cause
the thicker neointimal layer that develops around the some sort of inflammation or hypersensitivity reaction
BMS, which limits the contact of stent material with the causing adventitial inflammation, weakening of the
arterial lumen inhibiting thrombus formation. In case of media, excessive dilatation and, consequently,
DES, because of the absence of this thick neointimal aneurysmal formation and marked malapposition of
layer, fractures allow the stent’s metal structure to come the stent.[59] The FDA reports and autopsy findings
into contact with the vessel lumen, leading to thrombus suggest that DES may be a cause of systemic and
formation. intrastent hypersensitivity reactions that, in some
Several studies showed that SFs, particularly cases, have been associated with late thrombosis
severe forms, were associated with high rate of TLRs and death.[60]
[Table 3].[23,27]
Jindal et al.,[61] reported a case of giant coronary
In a study by Park et al.,[48] the clinical presentation
aneurysm after Cypher implantation in a patient
of patients with SF did not differ from those without
who presented with fever of unknown origin.
SF, including the severity of angina, the incidence
Histopathology revealed a predominantly
of Acute coronary syndrome [ACS], and event silent
ischemia. Despite that, it is important to mention that lymphocytic and eosinophilic infiltrate with an
in this study, 50% of SFs were of type 1, and overall, absence of giant cells, suggesting that local
types 1, 2, and 3 represented 96.1% of all cases, hypersensitivity reactions caused the aneurysm.
while type 4 represented only 3.9% and there were no 4. It was also suggested that the coating drug of
type 5 fractures. It is expected that the majority of these DES might inhibit the process of healing, leading
patients will have similar outcomes compared to patients to aneurysmal dilatation. Kim et al., reported a
without fracture, as the adverse clinical outcome in SF case of simultaneous occurrence of coronary
is associated with severe forms. It is worth mentioning aneurysm at both the DES‑implanted sites without
that the rate of binary stenosis, as well as target lesion high‑pressure ballooning, which suggests that an
revascularization, was significantly higher in the SF aneurysmal dilatation may have preceded SF,
group compared to the control group (41.7% vs. 11.4% rather than the fracture of the stent leading to
and 33.3% vs. 8.1%, respectively). aneurysmal formation. Kim et al., attributed the
It is also important to recognize that while the unique property of the DES as the potential cause
probability of ISR and TLR is increased in patients with of coronary aneurysm.[58]
SF, the opposite is also true. That is to say the probability T here might also be association between SF,
of SFs is increased in patients with ISR and in patients pseudoaneurysm, and infection. Kelvin S. H. Loke[62]
requiring TLR.[39] reported a case of pseudoaneurysm and coronary
It is worth mentioning that the time of occurrence of abscess secondary to coronary SF identified with
SF, the time between SF and the development of stent Tc‑99m hexamethylpropyleneamine oxime‑labeled
stenosis or thrombosis, and the occurrence of symptoms white blood cell SPECT/CT scintigraphy.
are still not well recognized. Some patients presented W. Kyle Stribling reported a case of giant
as early as 3 days after stent implantation (Xience)[20] aortocoronary saphenous vein graft
and others presented after several years.[53,54] pseudoaneurysm caused by SF in an 80‑year‑old
In the study by Lee et al., mentioned previously, the patient who presented with fever and was found to
median time interval from stent implantation to detection have positive blood culture for methicillin‑sensitive
of fracture at repeat angiography was 226 days (ranging Staphylococcus aureus.[63]
from 7 to 620 days).[23] In an intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) study which
An interesting finding in a study by Ino et al.,[55] is was done to identify SF as a cause of stent failure,
that late stenosis was not observed in SF sites without 17 patients were evaluated by IVUS where 20
early restenosis during the midterm follow‑up after SES SFs were found. Five SFs occurred in a coronary
implantation. aneurysm (accompanied by malapposition in
three patients) despite the absence of aneurysm
SF AND CORONARY ANEURYSM at index stenting. Comparing the SFs associated
with aneurysm (5/20) with those that occurred
There are several reported cases of coronary without association with aneurysm (15/20),
artery aneurysms associated with DES SF. [56,57] complete SF was more frequent (100% vs. 27%).
Previous reports suggested several potential causes All fractures were after Cypher stent implantation
for aneurysmal formation:[11,58‑60] and all presented more than 1 year after index
1. The use of oversized balloon and high‑pressure stenting.[38]
balloon dilatation, which result in intima media tearing To the best of our knowledge, there are no cases

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Mohsen, et al.: Stent fracture: How frequently is it recognized?

of Taxus SF associated with coronary aneurysm,

despite several reports of cases of acquired
coronary aneurysm after Taxus implantation.[61‑66]
It is worth mentioning that it is possible that the
association between coronary aneurysm and SF
is a reciprocal one. In other words, as SF might
cause aneurysm, aneurysmal formation and
malapposition might precede SF. This would lead
to excessive motion of the stent, leading to SF.[38]


Conventional fluoroscopy
Stent visibility is limited on conventional fluoroscopy.
There are several factors that contribute to stent
visibility, including the patient’s build, a stent platform,
and stent thickness.[34] Earlier generation stainless steel
stents are more visible than the newer cobalt‑chromium
stents (such as Xience), as the first have a strut thickness
of 0.0055 inches compared to the latter that have a strut
thickness 0.0032 inches.[34] Figure 2: A Fractured right coronary stent by MDCT. The
RCA stents became two pieces. Li P, Gai L. Coronary stent
IVUS fracture detected by multidetector computed tomography. Int J
Cardiovasc Imaging. 2010 Oct;26(7):729-30. Epub 2010 Mar
In several studies, IVUS was used to confirm the 28. PubMed PMID: 20349340 (Figure added with permission
diagnosis of SF that was suggested by angiography. from author)
In other studies, IVUS detected several cases of SF
that were missed by angiography. So, the use of IVUS a stent or stented segment in order to acquire images.[34]
increased the rate of SF detection in multiple studies.
Yamada et al., [67] in a prospective study of 102 Multi‑detector computed tomography (MDCT)
Cypher stents with 100% angiographic and IVUS Several cases of SF detected by MDCT have been
follow‑up, observed three SFs (3%), all detected with reported [Figure 2].[71‑73] In a retrospective study, 18 SFs
IVUS but not observed on angiography. were detected by MDCT in 371 patients with 545
Another advantage of IVUS over conventional stents. Six SFs were not detected by initial conventional
angiogram is the ability of IVUS to identify mechanisms angiograms in this study.[74] Pang et al.,[75] evaluated
of stent failure by providing information regarding the ability of 64‑slice computed tomography (CT),
neointima formation, vessel remodeling, perivascular conventional cine‑angiography, and IVUS to detect
tissue, stent expansion, stent strut distribution, and SFs under ideal conditions. They concluded that under
malapposition.[38] A limitation of IVUS is that the resolution ideal in vitro conditions, CT has a high accuracy when
is only approximately 150 micrometer and the echoes used to evaluate coronary SFs. The overall accuracy,
frequently cause artifacts.[38] sensitivity, and specificity of detecting SFs are lower
Another limitation of IVUS is the occasional with conventional cine‑angiography. SFs were not
difficulty in passing the IVUS across the lesion when detected using IVUS in this study, which was attributed
there is SF, especially with stent displacement. to the limitations of acoustic window inherent to in vitro
procedures and the longitudinal orientation of the
Stent boost fractures.
This technology has improved the visibility of stent Hecht et al., [76] evaluated stent gaps in 292
struts.[68] It involves the automated detection of proximal consecutive patients with 613 stents. Correlations with
and distal markers of balloon catheters in each cine catheter coronary angiography (CCA) were available
frame. [69] This automated marker detection is done in 143 patients with 384 stents. The authors concluded
through the identification of blob‑like structures.[70] This that stent gap by CT angiography [CTA] is associated
technology can be also used to position a stent precisely with 28% of ISR, and ISR is found in 46% of stent gaps.
over a previously stented segment.[34] Another advantage They also noted that stent gap is infrequently seen on
of stent boost over IVUS is that it does not add to the catheter angiography, and most likely represents SF in
procedural costs. A limitation of stent boost technology is the setting of a single stent and may represent SF or
that a balloon catheter needs to be placed in the vicinity of overlap failure in overlapping stents.

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Mohsen, et al.: Stent fracture: How frequently is it recognized?

c h

d i

b e g j
Figure 3: An Exactly Matching Set among Angiography, Fluoroscopy, and OCT A nonfractured stent shows (a) no restenosis in
angiography, (b) no distorted stent in fluoroscopy, (c) preserved coronary lumen (white circle), and (d) well-covered stent struts
(yellow circle) in optical coherence tomography (OCT). (c–e) Neointima grows evenly. A fractured stent shows (f) focal restenosis in
angiography, (g) distorted and fractured stent in fluoroscopy, and (i) excessive neointimal hyperplasia with absence of stent struts
(white line) at fractured site in OCT. (h, j)

Optical coherence tomography (OCT) overexpansion. On the other hand, when SF is caused by
This imaging modality can also be used to detect a non‑modifiable factor like excessive vessel tortuosity,
SF [Figure 3]. In a study by Kashiwagi et al.,[77] it was then referring the patient for CABG is more reasonable
found that the absence of stent strut was the most when there is a clear need for revascularization.
common morphological feature of SF in OCT. It was Khanna et al., reported a case of acute STEMI
also noticed that both the mean and maximal neointimal 6 years after implantation of a sirolimus‑eluting stent,
area were larger in the SF group and the distribution of secondary to complete SF, which was treated with
neointimal area showed a peak at the fracture site in CABG because of the expected recurrence of SF.[53]
the fractured stent group. In a study by Lee, [17] 1009 patients with DES
underwent a follow‑up coronary angiography irrespective
The advantage of OCT over IVUS is that it has
of symptoms. Seventeen SFs were detected in
better resolution (10 times the resolution of IVUS) and
15 patients (1.5%). All SF patients were continued
fewer artifacts.[38]
on medication with combination antiplatelet therapy,
regardless of angina symptoms. If in‑stent restenosis at the
MANAGEMENT fractured site was significant, coronary interventions were
performed even in patients without ischemic symptoms.
There is no consensus about the ideal management Some patients were treated with heterogeneous DES
of SFs. The decision should depend on the type of for restenosis lesions (5/8 patients) and the rest were
fracture, presence of ischemia, and the presence of treated with either homogenous DES (2 patients), or
factors that predict possible recurrence. If the reason plain balloon angioplasty (1 patient) or medical treatment
of SF was stent overexpansion, then restenting only (7 patients). The authors concluded that if patients
the lesion again is possible with avoidance of stent with SF were continued on combination antiplatelet

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Mohsen, et al.: Stent fracture: How frequently is it recognized?

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Al-Aqsa Mosque, Jerusalem,

Al-Aqsa Mosque is the second oldest
mosque in Islam after the Ka'ba in Mecca,
and is third in holiness and importance after
the mosques in Mecca and Medina.
Its name in Arabic is Al-Masjid El-Aqsa,
meaning Tha Farthest Mosque.
The rectangular Al-Aqsa Mosque is 144,000
square meters, 35 acres, or 1/6 of the entire
area within the walls of the Old City of
Jerusalem as it stands today. It is also called
Al-Haram El-Sharif (the Nobel Sanctuary).
Al-Aqsa Mosque holds up to 400,000
worshippers at one time.
Al – Aqsa Mosque was originally built nearly
1300 years ago by Muslim Caliph Al-Walid the son of AbdulMalek bin Marwan in 709 AD.
Throughout its history, Al-Aqsa was subject to successive restoration work due to damages caused by earthquakes,
etc. The outer dome was covered with Lead in 1985 replacing the Aluminum dome of 1964, in order to restore
it to its original cover. The inner dome, decorated with stucco work, dates back to the 13th century.
Submitted by: Dr. Mohamed K. Mohsen
Heart Hospital, Doha, Qatar

Apr-Jun 13 Issue 2 / Vol 14

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