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II, Excerpt from A Contribution to the Cxi- ‘tique of Political Economy ‘A Contribution to the Critique of tranalated from the second Geman ed Chicago: Chatler H. Ker and Company, 1904, piges ro-35-Eo. some rematks a to the course of my own politio- conomio studi may be in pace here ‘The subject of my professional stodics was dence, which I punted, however, in connection fs seoonday to the studies of philosophy and history. In 2842-43, a8 editor ofthe RKeiniwohe Zeitung, I found my- at fist when [had to take pat in discus fons concering socalled miter interests, The proceed- nghof the Rhine Diet in connection with forest thefts and the etree subdivision of landed property; the oficial con- tuorery about the condition of the Mose peasonts, into time President of the einiche Zeitung; fe the debates on free trade and protection gave me the frst impulte to take up the study of economic questions ‘At the seme time a weak, quasiphilosophie echo of Fr focialien and communiem made islf heard in the Rhein- fiche Zeitung in those days when the good intentions “to i head” ge ned knowledge of fet. 1 declared yell ag ‘bt ba to admit at once ia ant ans, 8 controversy srg Zang tat war glad to gr iy study room fom p ‘The fist work undertaken forthe solution of the ques tion that troubled me was axial revision of Hegel P mn to that work speared in feaery cee ele ng thread in my studies may be briefly summed up as follows: In the soc = tions of production correspond to 4 Yelopment oftheir material power of production, The sam tie selations of production constittes the eco. nomie stractue of society ‘of production acter of the so ts not the ne existence, but, on the contrary, thei amines their consciousness. At'a certain stage of thet de- 5 me thing—with ‘pea at work tween Our view and the Meal ‘im of the German philosopiy, in fat, to settle our 20. counts criticism of the post: phy. The manascipt ia two solid octavo volumes had long reached the publisher in. Westphalia when we received information that condition subjects in which we presented our views tothe public at that ine, I real only the Men nist 1¢ German Workmen's Clb ely, was prevented from leaving the hands of Painter by the I Neue Rheinische Zeitung in 1848 hich tok place I lies, which T could not resume be ‘The enormous material ‘economy which is sccumulated in the the favorable view which London offers te ver beginning and wok mae ‘hse spare to wht ight am econ, over which {novice had fo sop for lenge ot it convince op spetto Spa val amon che gu a mote TI. On Historical Materialism [FRIEDRICH ENGELS ‘This esay, written in Bngish, was the pine to the English fax and Engels 92, Dhilosophy of Wiliam of tus, 1 am perfectly aware that the contents of this work wil mee jection from a considerable potion of the But if we Continentals lad taken. the ofthe prejudices of British “espetabity™ eshould bo even worse off than we are. Ths book dees te a ‘and the word “mate: immense majority of tolerated, but mate

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