The Jinx Vol 002

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NOVWGR 1934 I want also to make a solemn promlee that 'TkiE

JIM' will not be late adain. The first of every month
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- will see thla s4eet of uncompromlslng effects In the
hands of your dealer and In tne mall to eubscrlberr. X
- Knen I first thought about putting out a monthly detest allble but two weeks In Chicago on buelnerr upret
barrage of tricks, mystloal whatnot, et cetera, I dld- my schedule and altnough I had planned flnlshing lt dur-
n't have the faintest idea of what euoh a time clock ing my stay there corny and tne boys sQuashed that idea
procedure al&ht portend. I had (and et111 have) ldoae very effectively.
for such a sheet such aa have been had by no other pur-
veyor of magical wlsdom. such thoughts save me great After a oelated return to New York I again beaame
courage thou&h, and I have become somewhat of a martyr skttleh and wandered away to Glens Pall8 with Uordon
(you Just can’t be a martyr In entlrety when you love Yeck, than whom tnere 1s no more alncere or clever ama-
it tne way I do) to a monthly cause. teur in the country, and with whom there oan be no rent.
Trier? was a time when a month seemed like a long So please forgive and forget. I’ve Just made arr-
while to me but that time la gone forever. The recep- angeaents that ye Jinx shall be around on t&u0 hence-
tion accorded such an unpreaumlng sheet as 'The Jinx' forth, and a staff artlat sits with brush in hand 10
has surprised even ye egotlstloal owner, publisher, ed- that one will be mlsntlly lntrlgued by tne illustratlone
itor and head office boy. I now walk the streets and in Issues to come.
feel myself dedicated to a monument that will become
heavler and heavler. (Ed., I hope) I dedicated the first copy to a memory ati inten-
ded deilcatlng tnls one to the expectation of another,
To the few dear brothers who promised me material out L think I ahnll Just sit tight for a while and hope
and then forgot to follow through I offer my sincere for tm best wblle antlclpating the worst.
apologies for not being able to hold up the sheet airy
longer. I'm pay& good cash for complete tricks of aw
type 80 I cannot understand why there should be a delay
ferhnps it lo a case of being surprised that anyone
would actually pay for contrlbutlons along magical
lines. I can use two good, clean and complete effects
a month and the more varied tne nature the better. If
I can't use it, It will go aalllng back without any
kuibbllng, but if I oan rest assured I will be Only to
happy to receive it and will forwlth remlt by check.
If Interested, write me at Haverly, New York.
nhlle in this strain or vein of lily concealed THIZ DISVIL'S FOUR ACE3. (Annemann)
sarcasm I may as well acknowledge tne deslre of several
to furnish me with columns of .newa and notes provided For thO8e who want a clean and showy method' for
I would wait for tnree or four issue8 in order (I am doing the four ace trick In front of audleneea I Offor
assuming) that they might not be in the posltlon of the ay oonceptlon of the age old problem that nwer aeeme
man who dove into the pool and found it too shallow. to dle.
I've tried to make it clear that I don't need any Dupllcatee of three of the aces are used and theme
news, etc., except for possible late items which can be are long cards, Have them in the right coat pocket wit4
used to fill. I'm not doing anything other tnan produo- a Nbber bani. The deok la unprepared and can be uaad
1% a monthly sheet of good, sound and practloal trlcke for anything else .Start by handing deok to a egaotator
for tne magicians at large who buy and have bought mag- with the reGueet that he take out the four aoea and
ical books for years. The fact that I will never lncludc mark them.
a trick that isn't a complete program item and will al-
ways keep to the straight and narrow as far As what 18 While he la thus occupied palm out the three dup-
practical 1s concerned should be the only eelllng Point licates and add them to the bottom of the deck. Keep
a3 f?r as ',l!he Jinx' 1s concerned. them separated from rest of deck by the little finger.

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Rhen speotator holds up the marked sses, take one Build UP the nrrltirrs feature8 the fact t&t all
at a time and drop face down on top of deok. The ace aoes can be seen when one pile Is seleoted, and the
that la mlsslng from the three duplicates Is left until sImplloIt~ and obrleue fairness of the @aeros mhIeh
last and thus beoomee top card of deck. hold the oardo. It's a praotloal method -- I hope
somebody makes us0 of it.
Turning oall attention
towamide table to four large
and unprepared At this t&me the three dlipll-
oate a008 are
passed to the top. f've never oared a lot
for nor advooatsd making a pass, but in this oase it 18
the easiest way out and the mIsdIreotIon Is euob that s
really olever or fast pass Is not neoessary. At this
tine there are four different aoes on top of the deok,
the fourth down bea one of those marked. THE FINDERS. (Orville Wayne Meyer)

The four top oards are now placed sin& In the This effect differs with the eIze of the audlenos
glasses with their baoks to audlenoe. PIret pit o1)e k\ but In each case the performer appears to nave perfect
each end lass and then flnIeh with the two oenter tum- control of the pasteboards.
blers. Th 'f s actIon~w5.11 leave the marked ace eeoond
from either end so that It may later be forced by the An ordinary deck 1s shown and rlfflsd. A spectator
'between 1 ani 4' method, Inserts his finger or a knife into the pack and removes
ttie card stopped at. There 1s no forcing.
From here on, I would advise my readers to follow
the routine with a deok In hand. St will make the His card 13 replaced upon the deck. Two oafis arm
aotloa muoh clearer. Unknolln to the audience, the top now removed and a. The selected card 1s out to the
t&es oarde of deok are marked aoes. State that you center of pack. PerCormer takes pack and the two cards
wIl1 use twelve otilnary and mixed cards from deok. Just shown and states tnat he will thrust them HEVEHSED
Count them off aloud by snapping them into rl&t hand, into the squared up deck. Suppose the two oaz% to be
whloh naturally reverses them. The flret nine are thus the Two of Dlamonde and the Three of Spades. The wlsard
counted but the last three ( also snapped ) arm picked says that he ~111 do this very oulckly, and to show that
off to leave them at bottom of packet cover- the aoe It Isn't necessary to see what he 1s doing, the action
which would otherwise be ln view. Put the deck aside shall take place behind his baok. SultIng the action to
as it 1s not used again. hls words, he places deck ani cards behind hls back for
&OUT ONE WCON~. l?he pack Is now brought to the front
The twelve cards you are now hold- have the and fanned. The Two and the Three are seen near the oen-
three marked aces for the seventh, e&hth and nlnth ter reversed, BUT A CAR3 IS BETWNN THAW FACINGTHE OPP-
cards from top. Hold this packet in left hand as for OSIPP WAX. Removing these three csrde together, they are
dealing. Fan off three cards into right hand, holding turned over and the center card IS THB CHOSE ONE! In
them up to show all different. one second's time the performer has managed to thrust
tne two cards into the sauared up deck with one on each
Close fan and place them In the first glass so the side of the selected card.
ace Is at face of paoket. Now read thle carefully. When
you close the fan of three that you have shown, your Nothing but ordinary cards are used for this feat,
right hand naturally comes down to the left, aul the there are no sleLght8 and examlnatlon of the deck would
left thumb, seoond and third ffngere eausre the sides show only the regular 53 cards.
while the right hand squares the etis. This Is an un-
oonoIous action that you'll do without being told. However, the effect, if shown to but one or two at
a time oan be made to become even more mlraculoue. In
When you fan the second set of three, spread all such a case, the spectator himself rnw thrust the two
the remaining omrds so that your left little finger cards lnto deck, and ctlll tney ~111 be found on either
oan hold a bresk between the last elx, as you take the aide of the first chosen card!
SeoOad set in ri&zt hand. The left little finger thus
separates the aces from the three lndlfferent canis on First shall oome the explanatlon for the first of
bottom. Show the seoond set, but this time when squar- the described effeots. At the beginning there are two
krg them up ollp this packet between the second a& duplicates used. We shall say, for lnotance, the cards
thIni fingers, and with rl t fingers 1Ift out the above mentioned. Thus one would have two of eroh. One of
packet of aces leav lq~ beh% the oaFds Just shwon. eaoh Is on the top ati bottom of the deck. And above and
Thls switch 1s natur , aulok, unlooked for and very below these two, REVERSBD, 1s the other pair.
saay to do In an unhurried ww. Thle packet (aces) Is
now placed in second glass (the marked ace) cud unknom Thus arranged the pack appears natural and may be
to all this glass now holds the four marked aces. The riffled wltnout exDosIn~ the two reversed oatia,next to
two remaining sets of three cards are shown and plaoed We top and bottom. The-working should now be clear. The
In the other two glasses. card chosen by speotator (freely seleoted from deck) 1s
placed on top of the deck. This card 1s then slightly
At this time you state that someone may have a raised at the rear and the one beneath removed. The sel.
sueplclon regarding the location of the aces. Vey del- eoted can2 now hldes the faot that the NEXT one Is a CO.
lberately turn the four glasses around so the four aces versed cerd. The bottom card of paok Is alao removed and
face the audience. Have one of the glasses ohoeen armi the pack kept, at an angle so that the now reveraed card
through use of the 'between 1 and 4' principle the on bottom cannot be seen.
marked ace packet Is foroed. Pick up this glass and
have the party who selected (?) It stand holding the The two cards thus remwed are shown. The deok Is
tumbler on his hani. out to lose the selected oard, but unknot to speotators
thls cut brings the selected card between the two re-
Remove the three packets from the ~1asses. plaoa versed duplloates. The performer emphaslaes the speed
them face down on your left hand. Stand with your right of the behind the back action. The deck la in left hand
side to audlenoe during this. The rl&ht hand, in put- and the two cards In right. Both hands go behlrd baak
ting the packets Into left, can oull the aoes (1% but Instesd of the two cards being thrust Into the deck
cards) each time and drop them on top of cards ln haod. TriIiX ARli FtEALIJ TtiRUST INTO THP HIP FOClWl and the deck
The right hand hides this perfectly and to the audienas brought back Into view.
lt merely appears as though you evened the calde a
little. After the third packet 1s In hand, the last The deok now oonslsts of only 53 cards and the eel-
oull brings all three to top. Square the deck and tip eoted card 1s found between the two reversed cards Just
these three up Into rQht palm (they are easy to grab seen by all. You won!t find an explanation In a oarload
on account of be- long onrde) and reaching Into right Of spectators.
coat pocket for the rubber band 1s the getawsy. Snap
the band around the packet and hand to another speatat- The extra kink for allowing a smctator to do the
or. inserting of the two cards himself Is very simple. The
The finish Is up to the lndlvldual performer. The deck 1s the same as before with the addltlon that you
four marked aces are in the glass and there are only have removed any other two catis (what they are Is un-
omiInary innocent cards left In the paoket. No dupli- important) and placed them in a oonvenlant pooket. The
oates are to be found and the deck can be used freely. two 'flnders' are removed and deck out as in first me-

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thod. Now an explanation 1s made to 8peCtatOr that he b8ok osrd of the two sllUes b8OkW8rda and lines up rlth
la to take pack and oarde, and, behfti his own baok, the eeoond card picked up. Never do the two front carda
thrust the two cards lnto the pack re8ersed. le8Ve the sight of tile audlenoe for 8n instant.

dand him the paok keeping the two cards in your Calling attentlon that it la &eur card whloh was
hand. Have him turn around and the moment his back la ploked flret, you gull out the forward card and show lt,
turned chaange the two cards he has Juet 86~x1 for the twC laying it on the face up deok. Now, holding the two
cards you have had rl@t aloag. Hand them to him tellln$ cards in hand as one they are turned and 8hom as one,
him to keep them face up, BUT ACTUALIX OIVE THEM TO iiIM ani the 8udlenoe seea the dupllc8te of the card first
FACE DOWN. shown! Still holding the two as one they are he&l face
down in right hand With fingers at one end and thumb 8t
After this he tune, fans through the deck and ac- the other. Startlug at rl@t end of the deck before you
tually finds face up the cards he Just saw and apparen- on table, the cards are all scoopsd along to the left
tly pushed lnto the deok himself. In between them is nnd after squaring are turned face up, The two face
found the card he originally selected. lard8 now matoh and the two decks may be looked over 8s
there 1s nothing to find.
This second method while good for oriiy one Or two
people at the most. ln a stunner In lta’ place.

YOUR CARD: (Orville rayne Meyer)

SYNl!Hl!XIC SXYPATHX (Annemann) Effect: A spectator draw3 a card while the deck
la being held by the performer behind his back. The
Borrowing a red and blue backed deck, the perfor- selection 1s perfectly free and the deck consists or
mer apparently foroes the spectator to take a card, the but 52 cads. However, tile performer states that the
duplicate of which the performer has already picked. In drawn card shall not be replaced. The specLaLor 1s to
short, the ma&clan apparently knows exactly whloh card keep the card he has selected and the performer will
the spectator will choose. reveal lta' identity in a most unueual manner.

Ha&d OUL deok to be shuffled. Take it back and the So saying, the mwlclsn nolds tne remalnder of
Other la handed out at the same time. Hold the deck re- deck behind hls back and drawl@ oui one card throws it
turned in right hand, thumb at one end and finger8 at face down on the table. This la repeated with a second
the other with the deck r8C palm. Take the seoond Card. iixplalning tnat it would be otherwise lmposalble
deok back f&oe up in left ha 3. Make a slight rl@t to indiaate the ohoaen and still mlaeFng card, the wlz-
turn aa you tap the long edge of the right hand deok on ati turns one aard to lndloate the suit and the other
faoe of left deck, and at this time the left finger6 to reveal the value. BOTrI ARh COiWiCT!
make a slip, brin&ng off the faoe cati of right p8Ok
OntO the r8Ce of the left pack. The left hand pack le 8t Method : The simplest and most ortncdox of prln-
onoe turned f8Ce down In left hand 8s performer asks olplrq la used to 8COOmpllsh this really effective
whloh deok ehall be used. trick. A st8oked deck (either the M&t Kings set up or
that of Stebblne may be used) la at hand. After a false
No matter what the selection may be, the right hand shuffle or out, the deck 1s held behind back and a
deok 1s spread face down on table or floor from r&ht tc Card 1s selected. All you have to do 1s cut the deck at
left. Turning the left hand deck with faces towards the spot from where the card 1s taken. The apeotator
yourself run through them to find a card. At first you keeps the chosen pasteboard and at this polnt the thing
notlce the oard on face of deck (the added cati from to do 1s give the deck another false shuffle if possibl,
other deck) and in running through you look for the dup-
licate of thle card. The card3 are being fanned very The pack 1s placed behind the back onoe
slightly from left to rl&t and when the duplicate 1s more and the two cards which lndlcate suit and vahe
found the left and rl&t thumbs behind deck slide the are g~apduced. It la simply a matter of oountlng down
faoe card to left and on top of the found duplicate. The and brlnglng out the FOJRTH card from top, RHICH WILL
r&ht hand now outs the portlon of deck in front Of BE 0.F THE SAU SUIT -- and oontlnulng to the THUU!&lZNTH
these two to back of deck. Prom tne front it appear8 8s oati from top HtiTCH ZILL BJL OF TliE SAFlh VALUE:
though ycu ran through until you found a card and then
merely cut the deok, brlnglng it to the faoe. This prlnclple works regatileas of the
stack ueed and it 1s 8 nioe VahE%nCe from the Usual
The face card towards performer la now the card of 'put it back.'
opposite colored back and under lt IS the duplicate
from deok ln hand. The r&ht thumb lifts the two cards
et bottom and pushes them up about an inch together.
Phe left hand turne deck downward, and these two c,!tis
are taken between the thumb and second finger Or r&ht
hand, the left hand placing deck on table faOe up.

The two Cards are handled 8s one and kept 8lW8yS

with back to audlenoe. Phey are now held In left hand,
f-era alo ng lower long edge and thumb on opposite
side (upper). The forefinger 1s at the erd. MNTiiD ----- Questlons and Answers.

The spectator 1s now asked to plsh forward on the All of us nave noticed tnat when m~lclans get to-
table or floor any one of the fifty two cards he may gether they lnvarlably start working out an idea that
T8nt to select. %u pick it up without ahowlng aImi pit one or the Other has thougnt of while day dreaming or In
lt with back St111 outward In left h8IKi between f-era the bath. And I doubt very much If tnere 1s one of us
&ut pulled back about an lnoh so that neither Card la who hasn't the idea for an effect of some nature that 1s
ever out of sight for a secold. 'etumplng u8 In 3pots for a yractlcal metnod.

The left first finger now presses against the back I'd like to hear from a few reg.ardlnJ the above and
of the set of two at the outer end. The r&bt second start a steady cjuestion and answer column. iuames won't
finger presses down on the two differently colored be used unleas desired but all
questions can be numbered
baoke in front where they overlap so that they may be and answered in that way. *hat
one oan't solve another
pushed forward together and the right thumb ls overlap- can. and such an undertakln&? will brlw out Of hiding a
ping the bottom of the second oaFd in front to act a6 8 sood many hints, tips and wrinkles as well as plentv of
stop. As you ask apeot8tor to tell which 16 his Oard and new effects, the one sore spot in tne life Of any magi-
whloh 1s yourn, an easy puah forward is made and the cal performer. ~11 mail to me at 'Eraverly, New York.

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&y that title
been so many fanciful
urge to write the abowe.
homee and spots
Yaw thee
be glanoed at,
aulte oiten for
anyone exactly
one might thipk
title6 applied
I was kidding
to euoh effects

method ani presentation

where it could be presented

has been a great favorite

in an apparently
18 out for an evening and the opportunity
either from the table or bookcase.
about this but
that I couldn't

of mine for

impromptu fashion.
when a book mey
At the same time one La alone
a few mlnutee when suoh a test may be prewed.
how to fraae this part of the teat a8 conditions
I'm not tell-
always differ.

I'm explalnlng how I've done It time and again and ~111 continue doing it in the
t same manner.
t In effect It dlfiers a lot iron the usual routine and build-up. 1 know
that W original way oi hava the page and nunber looked up from the card8 is
I extremely effective and a throw art ln every way.
I At an opportune moment the performer takes apparently at random two
I books from a table or bookcase. Decidlw 4e needs three and being at lose as to
I Just which he shall take, a spectator ia oalled upon to give hLm another. Thie
1s a little wrinkle but remembered later. They are placed on the floor or chair
I and someone asked to pick up two Of them. This 1s going to be an out and out
I force so I may as well explain it as I go along. If they leave the rl&ht one
behi&i merely tell them to lay aside tne books they have picked UP as they Won't
I be needed again. If they include the right one among the two, ask them to hsnd
I you one. If you are hatied the wrong one, thank them, pick up the book on floor
I and 1~ them aaide. If they hand you the rl.&ht one, thaok them, read the title
of the book and mentlon that you are using for the test a book taken from tne
I cam and selected at random. Just take this part easy and don't stall or hee-
l ltate during It anb you have the prettiest foroe that you'll ever need.
I Nor for the carde. Aq
borrowed deck is used and fannlw them tnrough
, you get on top a four, an eight
a five spot in any 9mler.
and ‘Take the book In
right hand and in covering deck for a second add the three top cards from deck
1 to bottom OS the book, right lin(Jers hold@ them there. Sow have the deck lt-
self shuffled well. rake baok on your left hand. Aek a person to cut the deck
' anywnere and dlacard the upoer 4alL. As they do thls you drop book from right
1 hand Onto the lower half in left a&i 4and tne whole th- to the person askLog
1 them to go to a far corner of the room and turn their baok. They may also leave
the room hi they wlah as long ae they can hear you.
Now you tell them to look at tne three cards on top of the lower half.
Tell them to take any two of them arxi open the book at tnat page. At this spot
you have a neat point. After tell- them the above continue and say. 'Just
take w two of the three cards and open at that page. If you have a six and a
nine ycu oan call it either sixty-nine or ninety-sir - It really doesn't matter
as long as the book is opened at a me selected in Borne mannel . the cards as
I want everything left to chance.' Now tell them to use the remaGing card and
Count to tOat word as they read along at top of 9age. Knowing the woti they
return ani you HIM ONU A ihf2i.1 OR T‘irO UV&AL Pria; %(iH3 cu~(l~cpULy1
I The real kick I get out of this test is the handling of the Page and
I woti numbers from the three carde. Aimi I am sure that that point 1s as fair as
I any oould be ln the eyes of the audlenoe. However, fair as it may eeem to the
audience and complloated a8 lt may seem to you, IdERIC AU OYLX JLt POSSIBLE
rake three cards as follows and check with this table:

Psge 45 WOIe 8 .Phat's tne secret ln a nutshell. tieforehand you

the six word3 as per ttie table. 1 say semorlse
I know it to be the best way in the long run. Phe
enter ln wnlcn you nemorlse then doesn't matter a bit.
X generally onawe tnem around and form a sort of mental
4 sentence made of the six words in their easleet remembered
First pick out tne books and have the right one
selected. If you have been ualry the cards before, you can have the three proper
catis already on top. You have nothing else to do after person cuts deck and
leaves room except tell them what to do. klum they return you know they are
. thlnkina Of one of the six words you know and it is up to you now to find out
which. iJlne times out of ten I pimp It out with a queetlon or two br by stabbing
at letters. Ask them if it beeins with a T eto. IS m-o*, try a last letter of
another. When I say ‘Ask them I m*an 'Tell them' but In a more or less ques-
tioning manner. You'll always-get a reaction and know whether or not you are
on the right track. As there are only six words you just can't have much trouble.
Yore often that you would think you'll hit it the first time. Remember that in
the mind of the audience you have the most dlffloult task ln the world - that
Of Pming out what word 1s belw thought of. AM to the audience et might be
any word ln the language.
As a variance I somet3nee hand the person a pencil
and pad and ask tnem to print the word and Jut it immediately in their pocket.
Yt*odLng across the room you can invariably spot a letter or two by the pencil
action and know the ap9roxlmate length of the woni. In this way you can hit it
the first time in practically every caee. I do know that under the abwe con-
dltlons it is a fine working and simple book test.

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