Gr11 LO T4 Nov 2022 CNTRL Test

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Examiner: Ms Sithole Moderated: Mrs L Eyssell



1. The question paper consists of THREE sections, namely SECTION A,

2. The questions in SECTION A and SECTION B are compulsory.
3. Write ONLY TWO essays in SECTION C.
4. Read ALL the questions carefully.
5. Number the answers correctly according to the numbering system used in this
question paper. Start each question on a new page.
6. Write neatly and legibly.
7. This paper consists of 8 Pages & 6 Questions

SECTION A (Compulsory)
Answer all the questions in this section.

Question 1
Various options are provided as possible answers to the following questions. Choose
the correct answer and write only the letter (A-D) next to the question number
(1.1.1 to 1.1.5) in the answer book, for example 1.1.6. D.

1.1.1 Which of the following people would make a positive role model?

A. A social media influencer who promotes physical fitness and emotional health.
B. A doctor who drinks excessively because they cannot save everyone.
C. A parent who tries their best but sometimes gives in to unsafe behaviour.
D. A community leader who settles disputes with personal interests in mind.

1.1.2 Joshua made the unsafe decision to drive when he didn't have his driver's and
caused an accident. What can he do to take responsibility?

A. Drive away from the scene of the accident to avoid being arrested.
B. Blame someone else so the insurance could be convinced to pay.
C. Apologize to all parties involved and accept consequences.
D. Call a friend in the law enforcement to bail him out.

1.1.3 Identify an unethical practice when applying for a job.

A. Refusing to disclose marital status if asked by hiring agent.

B. Not using a specific past employer as a potential referee.
C. Lying about work experience to make a CV more impressive.
D. Forgetting to correct spelling and grammar in the cover letter.

1.1.4 Having to be right and win an argument is a characteristic of a(n)______


A. Avoidant
B. Competitive
C. Collaborative
D. Assertive

1.1.5 Identify a study strategy that will help learners learn effectively.

A. Plan breaks that are longer than study sessions.

B. Stick to one study method for consistency.
C. Avoid all social obligations in order to study.
D. Create and stick to a study timetable.

1.2 Give ONE word/term for EACH of the following descriptions.
Write only the word/term next to the question number (1.2.1 to 1.2.5) in the

1.2.1 A schedule that allows learners to set specific times each day for learning,

revising work and other necessary activities, such as breaks. (1)

1.2.2 A formal statement recommending someone’s character or work ethic. (1)

1.2.3 A formal correspondence written by a job seeker that accompanies their CV

and states why they are best suited for the job. (1)

1.2.4 A set of principles that guide the way people interpret reality which may
form the basis of our religion, life philosophy or moral code. (1)

1.2.5 The techniques we use to take in and retain new information. (1)

1.3 Answer the following questions by writing the answer next to the question number
(1.3.1 to 1.3.3) in the ANSWER BOOK/ FOLIO provided.
Write your answers in full sentences.

1.3.1 Provide TWO precautions that teenagers could take if they decide to attend a
large party at a venue that they are unfamiliar with, to prioritise their personal safety.
(2x1) (2)

1.3.2 Explain THREE reasons why employers could want to hire candidates who
display accountability. (3x2) (6)

1.3.3 Recommend ways in which to soothe/calm a person who is terminally ill and
contemplating euthanasia so that they may regain hope. (1x2) (2)



SECTION B (Compulsory)
Answer all the questions in this section.
Write your answer in full sentences.

Question 2

Read the extract below and answer the questions that follow.

Creating a Curriculum Vitae (CV) at school

Tasha has just learned how to create a Curriculum Vitae (CV) in his Life Orientation
(LO) class, and has decided to put this skill into practice. He learned that a good CV is
not just for adults applying for jobs. High school students need to avoid common
mistakes and develop high quality CVs to apply to tertiary education, for scholarships,
employment, and internships. Tasha’s teacher has advised him to get started on
creating his CV while he is still in high school.

A CV is an important marketing tool that helps us provide an idea of who we are, both
personally and professionally. Tasha knows that the more effort he puts in to create a
well-rounded and high-quality CV, the more likely he will be to gain part-time
employment. He is looking forward to next week’s lesson on application letters and
hopes that he can ask his teacher how he could overcome his lack of work experience
when he decides to apply for jobs.

[Adapted from Accessed:25 July 2022]

2.1. Define the term ‘Curriculum Vitae’ and mention THREE reasons why starting
a CV during high school is a good idea. (1+3) (4)

2.2. Provide TWO ways in which an application letter differs from a CV. (2x1) (2)

2.3. Discuss ONE way in which job seekers could submit a CV so as to make the
best impression to their future employer. (1x2) (2)

2.4. Describe THREE mistakes that job seekers should avoid when creating their
CV. (3x2) (6)

2.5. Advise Tasha on TWO practical strategies that he can use to overcome his
lack of work experience. In your answer also indicate how EACH strategy
could make him more employable. (2x3) (6)


Question 3
Read the extract below and answer the questions that follow.

Euthanasia cases on the rise

Very few countries allow legal euthanasia. Of those countries that do, doctors have
noted that there is an increase in requests for euthanasia as well as assisted dying
and assisted suicide. Those who seek out euthanasia are giving similar

Not all doctors are comfortable with euthanasia while others feel it is part of their
duties. Despite personal feelings, doctors have been debating reasons for the rate
of euthanasia cases has increased over the past couple of years. Are there
external factors that need to be addressed?

[Adapted from Accessed: 12 May 2022]

3.1. Give a definition for the term ‘euthanasia’ and state THREE reasons why
someone could disagree with the practice of euthanasia. (1+3) (4)

3.2. Discuss TWO reasons which could motivate someone to seek out (2x2) (4)

3.3. Explain THREE negative psychological impacts euthanasia could have on

doctors. (3x2) (6)

3.4. Suggest THREE external factors which could account for the increased rates
of euthanasia. (3x2) (6)


SECTION C (Choice)
Answer any TWO questions in this section.
Your responses must consist of paragraphs.
Marks will only be allocated for responses written in full sentences.

Question 4

Read the extract below and answer the questions that follow.

Warning: Poor diets damaging children’s health!

Poverty, urbanization, climate change and poor decision making skills driving
unhealthy diets and poor nutrition. An alarmingly high number of children are
suffering the consequences of poor diets and a food system that is failing them,
UNICEF warned today in a new report on children, food and nutrition.

[Adapted from Accessed: 12 August 2022]

Write paragraphs on nutrition and physical health.

Use the following as a guideline.

• Define the term ‘nutrition’ and state THREE ways in which poverty can
contribute towards poor nutrition. (1+3) (4)

• Analyse how unhealthy diets could negatively affect children’s physical health.
(2x4) (8)

• Evaluate how modern society’s views on food have affected children’s dietary
behaviour. (2x4) (8)


Question 5

Study the following cartoon and answer the questions that follow.

[Accessed from on 19 September 2022]

Write paragraphs on the debate over learning styles and study goals.

Use the following as a guideline.

● Define the term ‘learning styles’ and state THREE of the different learning
styles that have been identified. (1+3) (4)

● Analyse how learners could set healthy study goals to achieve academic
success. (2x4) (8)

● Critically discuss how prioritising personal physical health can help improve
the effectiveness of a learner’s study strategy. (2x4) (8)


Question 6

Study the extract below and answer the questions that follow.

Managing Religious Diversity in the South African workspace

Religion plays a 1pivotal role in the lives of the majority of South Africans. During the
apartheid era, religious freedom and accommodation within the workplace was
restricted. In 1994, with the election of a democratic government, South Africa
witnessed an increase in the number of diverse religions in the workspace,
contributing towards harmony at work. For the first time in South African history,
religious freedom was guaranteed by the constitution.

1Pivotal – something important for achievement of something

[Adapted from: on 12 September 2022]

Write paragraphs on diverse religions and harmony within the workplace

Use the following as a guideline:

● Define the term ‘harmonious society’ and give THREE characteristics of a

harmonious society within the workplace. (1+3) (4)

● Analyse how diverse religions could help to create a harmonious society

within the workspace. (2x4) (8)

● Critically discuss how the workspace could accommodate diverse religious

beliefs and practices. (2x4) (8)



TOTAL = 20 + 40 + 40 = 100


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