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Part 1: Dataset

In this assignment, I found data that compared the variation of diabetes treatment via insulin

levels age and educational levels of a sample of students from different schools within the same


Part 2: Question

Run two different one-way ANOVAs using the dataset for multiple comparisons to analyze the

relationship between treatment levels and the grouping variables (age and education level).

Part 3: Tool

This question can be directly and appropriately answered using a one-way ANOVA tool for the

two different grouping variables.

Part 4: Analysis

The one-way ANOVA is appropriate to analyze the data and determine the relationship

between the dependent variable with the two grouping variables. Two one-way AONOVAs will

be conducted to determine how the insulin levels of treatment are correlated with the two

grouping variables that is; the age of the samples as well as their education levels. The ANOVA

analysis will make assumptions that the insulin levels of treatment are effective for younger

patients. The younger patients in this case are represented by the age and education levels


Part 5: Results

From both one-way ANOVAs, the homogeneity of variances test was passed, with the

both the p-values less than the level of significance (0.05). Students at higher levels of education
portrayed the highest levels of insulin, which was evident from the F-statistics of education level.

Similarly, the F-statistics of age indicated that lower insulin levels for younger generation was

needed as compared to higher levels for older generations. For age, the Eta-squared from the

one-way ANOVA implied a higher effect size.

In summary, both p-values from the two one-way ANOVAs were less than their

respective levels of significance, which implies that both grouping variables are statistically

significant in their levels of insulin treatments. As such, it was concluded that the assumption or

rather the null hypothesis was rejected, which implies that there was sufficient evidence to

support the fact that insulin treatment levels are effective for younger patients than older patients.

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