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Module 6: Homework Assignment

Tamala Lee


Ch. 12: Complete #2, #4, #8

#2: Test Statistics

a) T-Test Statistics

b) T-Test Statistics

c) T-Test Statistics

#4: Confidence Intervals

M = 28 n = 10 SM = 2.2

a) 99% confidence interval

First, find t-critical value for 99% confidence interval;

tcrit = z(99%) = 2.575

σ σ
SM= =2.2=
√n √10

σ =2.2∗√ 10=6.957

C . I =M ±
( z∗σ
√n )

C . I =28 ±
( 2.575∗6.957
√10 )
¿ 28 ± 5.667=22.333∨33.667

C . I =[ 22.333 33.667 ]

b) 95% confidence interval


First, find t-critical value for 95% confidence interval;

tcrit = z(95%) = 1.96

σ σ
SM= =2.2=
√n √10

σ =2.2∗√ 10=6.957

C . I =M ±
( z∗σ
√n )

C . I =28 ±
( 1.96∗6.957
√10 )

¿ 28 ± 4.312=2 3.688∨3 2. 312

C . I =[ 23.688 3 2.312 ]

c) 90% confidence interval

First, find t-critical value for 99% confidence interval;

Degrees of freedom, df = 10 – 1 = 9

tcrit = z(90%) = 1.645

σ σ
SM= =2.2=
√n √10

σ =2.2∗√ 10=6.957

C . I =M ±
( z∗σ
√n )

C . I =28 ± 1.
√ 10 )
¿ 28 ± 3.619=24.381∨31.619

C . I =[ 2 4.381 31.619 ]

#8: 90% Confidence Interval

M = 30 n = 17 SS = 101

First, find t-critical value for 90% confidence interval;

tcrit = z(90%) = 1.645

Then, find the standard deviation using the sum of squares SS, and the sample size, n;

√ √
=2. 4375

C . I =M ±
( z∗σ
√n )

C . I =30 ±
( 1.645∗2.4375
√ 17 )
C . I =30 ± 0.9725=29.0275∨30.9725

C . I =[ 2 9.0275 30.9725 ]

Ch. 13: Complete #4, #8, and #12

#4 Eta Squared

Eta squared is a measure of size effect in the analysis of variance (ANOVA) models. Eta squared

measures the total variance’ proportion in a dependent variable that is related to different

independent variables. As such, Eta squared gives a standard estimation of the effect size in

comparison of independent variables measured in distinct units.

#8: One-way ANOVA Table

Source SS df MS F

Between-treatments 649.8 2 324.9 15.0139

Within-treatments 584.2 27 21.64

Total 1234 29

#12: One-way ANOVA Analysis

Summary Data

G1 G2 GTuk3 Total

N 5 5 5 15
∑x 35 41 41 117
Mean , x 7 8.2 8.2 7.8
∑ x2 255 345 351 951
Standard Deviation 1.5811 1.4832 1.9235 1.6562

ANOVA Results

Source SS df MS F P-value

Between-groups 4.8 2 2.4 0.8571 0.4488

Within-groups 33.6 12 2.8

Total 38.4 14

Tukey HSD

There is no significant difference means of any paired groups.

Pair HSD SE Q Lower CI Upper CI Critical Mean P-value

G1 – G2 1.2 0.75 1.60 -1.62 4.02 2.82 0.5126

G1 – G3 1.2 0.75 1.60 -1.62 4.02 2.82 0.5126

G2 – G3 0 0.75 0 -2.82 2.82 2.82 1

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