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Neuroconnections fall 2009 .

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Neuroconnections fall 2009 .indd 2 8/11/2009 3:31:28 PM

ISNR Co-editor: Merlyn Hurd, PhD
AAPB Neurofeedback Division Co-editor: Roger H. Riss, PsyD
Managing Editor: Cynthia Kerson, PhD
2007 Research
Fund Awardees
Mario Beauregard, PhD
Robert Coben, PhD
Bojana Knezevic, BA
Estate Sokhadze, PhD

Be Involved | Support Neurofeedback Research
Help the Field of Neurofeedback Grow

Journalist for MindFull: David Kaiser, PhD

Look for news about 2008 Fund Raisers

ISNR 2008
Become an ISNR Member! Crowne Plaza Riverwalk
Membership Advantages San Antonio, Texas
August 28 – 31, 2008
Subscription and online access to the W/additional Pre- and Post-Conference Workshops
Journal of Neurotherapy
Subscription to NeuroConnections
joint newsletter with the AAPB Neurofeedback Division
Listing your Member Profile on our Site
Discounts to book and DVD purchases
Discounts to the annual conference registration
Submission process begins early 2008 for fees and application (800) 847-4986

Student Editor: Kimberly Weeks, MS
Publisher: International Society for Neurofeedback and Research
Design: Rosalie Blazej Contents
Letter from ISNR President. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
International Society for AAPB Neurofeedback Division
Neurofeedback and Research 2009-2010 Board Letter from AAPB President . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
2008-2009 Board President
President David Kaiser, PhD Letter from ISNR Co-Editor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
John Nash, PhD Letter from AAPB Co-Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Past President
Past President Jon Walker, MD
Nancy White, PhD Letter from ISNR Executive Director. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
President Elect
Tom Collura, PhD
Richard Souter, PhD Letter from AAPB Executive Director. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Secretary Board Members Biofeedback Interventions for Autistic Spectrum Disorders:
Joy Lunt, RN Jeffrey Carmen An Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Treasurer Rex Cannon, MS EEG Assessment and Treatment of Seizures in Children
Richard E. Davis, MS Richard E. Davis, MS
with Autism Spectrum. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Sergeant at Arms
Randall Lyle, PhD Using the Tower of London to Assess Improvement
Paul Swingle, PhD after Neurofeedback Training in Clients with
Member at Large
Leslie Sherlin, PhD
Web Site Coordinator Asperger’s Syndrome . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
David Kaiser, PhD Myths, Fears and Reality of Washing a Patient Off Their
Member at Large
Research Committee
Anne Stevens, PhD
Medication For QEEG Assessment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Int’l Member at Large Kirtley Thorton, PhD Z-score Training with Profound Autistic
John Carmichael, PhD Spectrum Disorder: A Case Study. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Executive Director
Cynthia Kerson, PhD Resolving the International “Blind-Spot”: ISNR RF Information Officers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Membership & Conference
Coordinator Research Fund Update. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Ann Marie Horvat
Neuropathological Theories and EEG Gamma Oscillation
NeuroConnections is published four times a year and will consider all Abnormalities in Autism. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
materials pertaining to the practice and/or promotion of neurofeedback.
Copyright © 2009 International Society for Neurofeedback and Research Tech Talk. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
and the AAPB Neurofeedback Division.
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without
written permission from ISNR and AAPB.
Direct all correspondence and inquiries, including commercial advertising
information and classified ads to:

1925 Francisco Blvd. E. #12
San Rafael, CA 94901
Phone: (800) 488-3867 Fax: (415) 485-1348

NeuroConnections is the official publication of the International Society for Neurofeedback and Research and the AAPB Neuro-
feedback Division. Opinions expressed herein are those of the respective authors and do not necessarily reflect the official view of
ISNR or AAPB. ISNR and AAPB are not responsible for the products or programs of private companies advertised herein.

Neuroconnections fall 2009 .indd 3 8/11/2009 3:31:30 PM

NeuroConnections FALL 2009

Letter from Letter from Letter from

ISNR President AAPB President ISNR Co-Editor
This has been an QEEG-Guided Dear Readers,
encouraging period Neurofeedback for We l c o m e
of time. The ISNR Personality Disorders to the fall edition
is developing a con- which you are re-
structive relation- ceiving with the
ship with CHADD, At last count there Journal of Neuro-
the largest advoca- are 200 listservs therapy. The com-
cy organization for on Yahoo in which bining of the two in
people with ADHD. people discuss neu- one mailing will be
ISNR representatives have been invited to rofeedback or EEG, the method from now on. Hope this is use-
CHADD’s annual meeting and we’re invit- from professionals ful to you.
ing CHADD leadership to our annual meet- comparing protocol In this issue the focus is on Autism
ing. We think this is the beginning of a very differences to the and Asperger’s. A number of highly expert
beneficial dialogue. parents of a child clinicians and researchers have contributed
We are also hearing numerous reports receiving services to the hobbyist engi- comprehensive articles that have informa-
of neurofeedback reducing symptoms of neer building a better amplifier. Add to tion to help you in your work. Personally, I
Autistic Disorder, as discussed in this issue these dozens of commercial and non-profit am very excited regarding this issue!
of NeuroConnections. I’ve worked with a groups with private discussion lists such as Martijn Arns, Werner van den Bergh
number of children and young adults with ISNR, EEG Spectrum International, EEG and Jay Gunkelman provide an article on
Asperger’s, PDD-NOS and Autistic Dis- Info, Neuroguide, BrainMaster, LENS, and theory-driven approach to QEEG. The au-
order - the “Autism Spectrum Disorders” SKIL (my company). And add to this the thors came together as they began to exam-
(ASD) - over the last several years. This many temporary email groups that form ine similarities between EEG Phenotypes
has been very rewarding work, particularly and unform weekly over single issues or and Vigilance Stages which they saw as dy-
when we hear of improved self-manage- events, and add in the other common carri- namic variants of the EEG as a function of
ment of anxiety and improved social rela- ers like AOL, Google, and MSN, and what time occurring in the same subject. I urge
tions. We use combinations of neurofeed- we have is a cacophony of opinion and dis- you to read this article to obtain more in-
back, slow paced respiration with heart-rate cussion. It’s amazing anything ever gets ac- sight into the information that is being re-
variability biofeedback and skin conduc- complished or standardized. vealed to us about the function of the brain
tance biofeedback. Whether the coherence We have three major scientific societ- and the impact on our clinician work.
problems that seem frequent in frontal re- ies that do help standardize our process and Michael Thompson M.D., Lynda
gions or the hypercoherence that we often our technology, which act as keels to our Thompson PhD, James Thompson PhD
see in posterior regions can truly be altered, ship, improving the science of quantitative and Andrea Reid provides an overview of
with concomitant clinical improvement EEG assessment and neurofeedback and the biofeedback interventions for Autisitc
will require careful controlled studies. On distributing empirically-validated informa- Spectrum Disorders (ASD). They review
an individual basis in my clinic we train tion. These societies are AAPB, ISNR, and findings that point to the anterior cingulate
these functions and behavior as well as ECNS (EEG and Clinical Neuroscience So- Brodmann area 24 as possibly correlated
emotional control improves. We also fre- ciety) and in terms of mission and member- with difficulties with affect modulation.
quently – but not in all children – see major ship, AAPB is a mix of autonomic nervous Their review of theories for understanding
excesses of high frequency beta (18 – 30+ system (ANS) training and central nervous the symptoms of ASD that support Neuro-
Hz). This usually appears over central and system (CNS) training, whereas ISNR and feedback interventions cover Mirror Neu-
parietal regions. We’ve found training this ECNS focus on CNS training. We also have ron System; Theory of Mind; Weak Central
splinter or daughter groups from the larger Coherence; Polyvagal Theory and Execu-
Continued on page 6 Continued on page 6 tive Dysfunction. Well worth reading and

ISNR Mission Statement AAPB Neurofeedback Division

To promote excellence in clinical practice, educational applications, and Mission Statement
research in applied neuroscience in order to better understand and enhance To improve human welfare through the pursuit of its goals. The specific
brain function. Our objectives are: goals are:
• Improve lives through neurofeedback and other brain regulation • The encouragement and improvement of scientific research and clinical
modalities applications of EEG technology and neurofeedback.
• Encourage understanding of brain physiology and its impact on behavior • The promotion of high standards of professional practice, peer review,
• Promote scientific research and peer-reviewed publications ethics, and education in neurofeedback.
• Provide information resources for the public and professionals • The promotion of neurofeedback and the dissemination of information to
• Develop clinical and ethical guidelines for the practice of applied neuro- the public about neurofeedback.
science • The division is organized for the purpose of carrying on educational and
scientific objectives and is not to be operated for profit.

Neuroconnections fall 2009 .indd 4 8/11/2009 3:31:31 PM

NeuroConnections FALL 2009

seeing the strong rationale for combining

neurofeedback and biofeedback.
Do have a good time reading his latest mus-
ing in this issue. Letter from
Estate (Tato) Sokhadze, Ph.D., Joshua
Baruth, M.S., and Manuel Casanova, M.D.,
Daniel A. Hoffman M.D. has provid-
ed us with a thoughtful article on the myths,
have provided an article re: Neuropathologi- fears and reality of washing a patient off It took us a little lon-
cal Theories and EEG Gamma Oscillation their medication for QEEG assessment. Be- ger to get this issue to
Abnormalities in Autism. They state “the ing an QEEGer, I can relate to the worry of you because we are
available neuropathological and structural having the Psychiatrist or Neurologist take retiming its mailing
imaging data suggest that autism is the re- the client off medication so that the EEG is to coordinate and mail
sult of a developmental lesion capable of as “real” as possible. His article will help to along with the Journal.
affecting normal brain growth. Currently relieve our concerns on this issue. Having The issues will now be
our laboratory is looking into the therapeu- recently had the opportunity to use the CNS sent with each journal.
tic effects of low-frequency (i.e., inhibitory) Response of which Dr. Hoffman is Chair- If you’ve missed us,
repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation man, I can state the information they pro- this is why.
(TMS) and neurofeedback on the excessive vided for the psychiatrist, client and myself This season, we have been busy with
high-frequency EEG activity characteristic was very , very helpful. PR projects. We set up the Helping the
of individuals with autism.” This article is Finally, we welcome Michael Gis- Brain Help Us campaign; I hope you’re
extremely informative and will help to un- mondi, LMHC with his interview with Dr. enjoying your free t-shirt from the confer-
derstand autism parameters and treatment. Robert Thatcher on the evolution of his 19 ence. See page 32 for a sample of the poster
Penijean Rutter, M.A., C.R.C., channel live Z-score and LORETA training
L.M.H.I, a very talented clinician, has system. Well worth reading to see what is We hope to
provided a case study of a young child the next system we will probably want to encourage your
receiving Z-score training. The child has add to our repertory of treatments.
Profound Autistic Spectrum Disorder. Her Having written this letter listening patients and clients
study illuminates the patience and creativ- to Hugh Jackman sing all the songs in The to support sorely-
ity that one needs to work with these chil- Boy from OZ, I feel very hopeful and joy-
dren. After 40 sessions they observed a ous that we are providing caring help to so needed research for
decrease in his hypocoherence across both many and for ones that are so needing the neurofeedback.
eyes open and eyes closed conditions. The treatments!! Keep up the good works!!
article will give you more insight into the See you ar the ISNR Conference in that you can display in your practice. We
autism spectrum and Z-score training with September!! hope to encourage your patients and clients
children with the disorder. Merlyn Hurd PhD, BCIAC/EEG Fellow to support sorely-needed research for neu-
Bojana Knezevic MA, Lynda ISNR Co Editor
Thompson PhD. and Michael Thomp- Continued on page 7
son M.D. provide an article of “Using the
Tower of London to assess improvement
after Neurofeedback training in clients with
Letter from Much of the debate has focused on
Asperger’s Syndrome.” They looked at the
changes in executive planning. This is a pi-
AAPB Co-Editor the causes of autism, as research continues
into the role of genetics, environmental
lot project at the ADD Centre to measure “One in 166.” In toxins and early developmental influences,
changes in which metacognitive strategies 2006 the Centers for with research extending even to the poten-
and Neurofeedback were combined. Again Disease Control and tial impact of increased rates of television
the high quality of research provides us Prevention updated viewing in infants! But for children and
with more information on the types of work their best estimate of families who live with the effects of this
that can be done in our offices and with our the prevalence of Au- disorder, the more immediate questions are
clients with success. tism Spectrum Disor- closer to home. What can be done to help
Robert Coben Ph.D. and Kevin der (ASD) to between my child? Who is having success with chil-
McKeon M.A. have provided a case study 2 to 6 per 1,000; or as dren like mine? The search for answers for
regarding children with Autism disorder high as one in 166 American children. This these parents and children has led to a blos-
and seizures. They note that the total cost estimate reflected an astonishing increase soming of clinical innovation and research
of providing treatment and additional re- from the previous figure of one in 2,500 that among neurofeedback practitioners which
sources for the children/adults with Autism autism researchers had accepted for decades. is increasingly drawing the attention of
Disorder is $35 billion annually. Certainly Across a single decade—1993 to 2003—sta- mainstream neuroscience. This is the theme
the help that Neurofeedback and biofeed- tistics from the U.S. Department of Education of the current issue. I tip my hat to my co-
back has shown over and over again would revealed a 657 percent increase in the report- editors, Merlyn Hurd and Cynthia Kerson,
help to reduce this cost and we need to help ed rate of autism within US schools. While who have brought together a groundbreak-
the medical world embrace the treatments. the explanations for this apparent increase ing group of contributors to update readers
Their report is very useful to all of us. continue to be widely debated, what cannot on this compelling story.
David Kaiser PhD provides his usual be argued is the profound lifelong impact of Roger Riss, PhD
humorous and deeply profound article, this this disorder, and the crying need for a new AAPB Co-Editor
time of the neuroscience of consciousness. generation of effective interventions.

Neuroconnections fall 2009 .indd 5 8/11/2009 3:31:32 PM

NeuroConnections FALL 2009,access our Committee Volunteer very exciting to see. I think there’s also a
Letter from Form under “About AAPB,” and sign up background alteration in the default brain
AAPB ED to participate on this task force. You will
be making an important contribution to our
state that results from training that isn’t
particularly deliberate or conscious. This is
AAPB’s University field and helping to ensure that this new certainly the case in my own experience of
Outreach Initiative paradigm shift becomes a reality! blood pressure control. I trained myself 30
David L. Stumph, IOM, CAE, years ago to lower my blood pressure, first
AAPB’s Univer- Executive Director silently in a non-demanding situation, then
sity Outreach Task during talking and finally during exposure
Force Chair, Con- to increasingly demanding and competitive
stance Schrader, ISNR President situations (e.g., playing pool). The result is
said it best in her Continued from page 4 that I have the background habit of low nor-
recent report to the mal blood pressure (no meds) that is quite
AAPB Board of Di- down at the same time as we train for im- unconscious; I also can very deliberately
rectors. Here is what proved HRV and lower skin conductance lower my blood pressure when the occa-
Schrader had to say: is very effective for anxiety and creates sional extreme situation arises. I think this
“…we are in the midst of a powerful para- a calm feeling that the child can replicate is exactly what I see my patients with ASD
digm shift in our conception of the human outside the clinic. Given the tendency of and other disorders learning to do. I hope
body. This shift is evident in the attention kids with ASD to have “meltdowns” easily ISNR members who work clinically will de-
given to health in the media, in legislative when faced with social demands, unexpect- velop the necessary training and experience
actions, in our organizational initiatives ed changes in routine or disappointment, I to understand and work with people with
(well workplaces) and in personal lifestyle think the development of anxiety manage- ASD, applying their clinical skills coupled
choices.” She continued, “… this shift is ment skill is really important. with neurofeedback and biofeedback. And
occurring in spite of interests and agendas I suspect one net effect of the various I hope our researchers will continue their
of so-called ‘traditional’ medical practices brain electrical abnormalities we see in peo- efforts to create excellent scientific studies
that are embedded in industries whose prof- ple with ASD is to make the Yerkes-Dod- that will gradually illuminate the best meth-
its rely on the embrace of these practices. son “inverted U” narrower for a given task. odologies for helping people with ASD.
Those who are going to investigate human Consider the task of “cooperation.” Coop-
John K. Nash, Ph.D., L.P., Fellow,
potential as doctors, researchers, and health eration often requires 1) stopping some-
practitioners are our current students.” thing one would rather do; 2) interpreting
President, ISNR
AAPB’s University Outreach ini- a request; 3) possible negotiation; 4) imag-
tiative is designed to specifically address ining the potential positive consequences
Ms. Schrader’s observations. Here is how of cooperating—or the negative effects of
AAPB has defined the charge of this task not; 5) executing a behavior, be it simple AAPB President
force: or complex. So even “simple” cooperation Continued from page 4
• Identify universities who use and or/ is really a set of tasks. The Yerkes-Dodson
Law predicts that elevated arousal beyond a entities, such as BFE (Biofeedback Foun-
teach biofeedback but are unknown
certain level will make the performance of dation of Europe) and SABA (Society for
to us (through equipment and other the Advancement of Brain Analysis) which
vendors) in order to acquaint them a given task decline and then cease abruptly
(the inverted U-shaped curve). Any kind of further provide support to our larger mis-
with AAPB, ISNR, and BCIA’s edu- sion of brain modification.
cational blueprint for certification.   brain impairment may in effect “narrow”
the Y-D arousal window for optimal task I created one of the first list serves
• Target selected schools that don’t performance of a given task. We see this in our field in 1996. This was a time
teach biofeedback or applied psy- phenomenon, commonly called “flooding,” when kids fresh out of college controlled
chophysiology in their curricula, and in traumatic brain injury. At higher levels of the World Wide Web, when e-mail was
encourage them to do so. arousal, simpler tasks run better. Complex hyphenated, and AOL was considering
We need to be prepared to take ad- cooperation will run better at lower levels whether to litter the biosphere with CDs or
vantage of the paradigm shift that Ms. of arousal where more complex thinking not. Unfortunately for those who missed
Schrader noted so eloquently above. There and behaving is possible. We hear reports the origins of our field’s email lists, I
are few initiatives that we see as more im- that our kids with ASD will spontaneously checked back in recently to a few of the
portant than obtaining recognition for bio- report using their anxiety management lists and although the conversations have
feedback and neurofeedback in college and skills at home and in school when they feel changed, they haven’t changed as much
university curricula. It offers real benefits themselves getting ramped up. They report as I had hoped in the intervening decade.
to growth of our field and, we all know the this proudly to parents or to us at the clinic. There is more science in the discussion,
benefits that both modalities offer to the Parents report improved cooperation and but the proportion of opinion and confu-
wellbeing of human mind and body. fewer and less intense meltdowns. I see our sion remain high. Some days I believe the
We are looking for your help. If you clients learning to keep themselves in the written word was created solely to foster
are affiliated with a college or university, “performance window” where their better miscommunication, removing the face-
you could play an important role in helping behavior is possible. The development of to-face encounters, and without this so-
us meet the objectives of this task force. We this ability to relax and handle a situation cial constraint, people tend to exaggerate,
encourage you to visit our website at www. deliberately—as a conscious choice—is or lie as Dr House from TV might say, or

Neuroconnections fall 2009 .indd 6 8/11/2009 3:31:33 PM

NeuroConnections FALL 2009

even make up fake people and emails to ISNR ED they belong to and which other con-
support their opinions. Continued from page 5 ferences they attend and/or present at
Science is a set of rules to keep us rofeedback. We also created brochures that in an effort to determine where ISNR
from lying to each other but with neuro- inform potential clients about neurofeed- may be best suited for creating a
therapy, and with any other clinical sci- back and potential members about ISNR. presence to inform others about neu-
ence, the clinical comes first and this means I want to extend infinite appreciation rofeedback and about our society,
opinions and anecdotes often trump general to Sarah Prinsloo, our PR committee chair, • Creating a DVD about neurofeed-
principles. We are working with humans, who has been working hard to see the tasks back and ISNR that can be distrib-
not molecules, and with humans, variation set forth by the committee come to fruition. uted via the Web, and
is the rule, not the exception. So my point These tasks include:
is that we will be hard-pressed to wring out • Creating a template letter that can be
• Sending letters to the appropriate used to respond to newspaper and
opinion from our listservs, and we would
congresspersons that encourages magazine articles that provide or fail
be doing it a disservice. Surely we treasure
evidence over conviction, but from outsid-
them to consider neurofeedback in to provide information about neuro-
ers come truth, less often from insiders.
their health care reform efforts (you feedback when applicable.
can link to it from our home page,
The truth starts at the periphery and moves I also want to thank Anita Myer,
edit it and send it to your congress- our Professional and Government Affairs
in, revising older ways.
person as an individual), committee chair who helped Sarah with
With this in mind, the Neurofeedback
Division of the AAPB created a listserv for • Sending a letter to the 50 attorneys getting the above-mentioned letters to the
its members and I hope we might focus it general that state that the unwilling- correct congresspersons in a timely and
on the strengths of this division, which is ness to pay for biofeedback is actu- most useful way and Cindy Perlin, another
training both ANS and CNS, co-registering ally a restraint of trade. This letter, PR committee member, who is working to
peripheral signals with brain activity. The which was first composed by the see that the letter to the attorneys general is
first order of business for many a person Northereastern Regional Biofeed- properly distributed.
is to connect heart to head and this can be back Society, can be linked to from The new members of the Board of
done physiologically, if not metaphorically, our home page (, Directors will have been voted in and the
nowadays. But how it is to be done is still • Coordinating with our members in changing of the guards will have occurred
a question. With the rise of interpersonal finding out what other organizations after this writing. In the interest of being as
biofeedback, couples therapy with effective as possible, the 2008-09 Board of
physiological assistance, we have Directors has worked
a fresh new world to discuss and with respect and fair-
develop. This list may serve those ness to each other, in
who come up with new methods, gain a competitive spite of some disagree-
test out those methods, and assist
others in constructing a whole-per-
advantage by offering ments. It is because of
this that we accom-
son physiology trainer. biofeedback services. plished as much as we
We also need discussions on did and will continue
dollar items—the need to improve to do so. I would like
the financial health of our practi- Insurance billing information provided. Register today and receive a 10% discount.
to extend thanks and
tioners, including methods for re- appreciation to John
ceiving third party reimbursement, Professional BCia CertifiCation training Nash for leading us
commercializing technology, and with initiative and
advancing and maturing certifica- BIOFEEDBACK NEUROFEEDBACK insight into what the
tion and mentoring programs. This
newsletter is a great place for cli-
Aug 1-5, 2009 JuL 17-20, 2009 field and association
need to do now and
HawtHorne, nY HawtHorne, nY
in the near future as
OCT 24-28, 2009 NOV 13-16, 2009
nicians to have their voice heard
above the fray and lay out their we grow and become
HawtHorne, nY HawtHorne, nY more recognized. And,
beliefs and evidence for all to see
Featuring Erik Peper, Ph.D.
and adopt (or ignore), but keep I welcome Tom Collu-
in mind that ideas never stay put. ra as this year’s presi-
They squirm around, expand and dent. Tom is one of the
constract, and can always improve, most clear-minded,
be heard by more people, and a list- creative and reason-
server serves that purpose as well. able persons I know
For more information to join and I look forward to
the AAPB Neurofeedback Division working with him.
and its listserver, visit http://www. Until next time,
dll/4DCGI/join/intro.html Cynthia Kerson, PhD,
David Kaiser, PhD
Phone - 877-669-6463 / 914-762-4646 Executive Director,

Neuroconnections fall 2009 .indd 7 8/11/2009 3:31:33 PM

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Neuroconnections fall 2009 .indd 8 8/11/2009 3:31:33 PM

NeuroConnections FALL 2009

Biofeedback Interventions for Autistic Spectrum

Disorders: An Overview
Michael Thompson, M.D., Lynda Thompson, Ph.D., James Thompson, Ph.D., Andrea Reid, M.A.

Introduction Edition (DSM-IV) criteria for autism and we may see EEG differences, as compared
Asperger’s Disorder are very similar with to a normative data base, at both F3 and F4,
When working with Autistic Spectrum Dis-
the main difference being that there are no the 10-10 sites closest to the mirror neurons.
orders (ASD) a multimodal approach is typi-
significant delays in language development Figures 1a, 1b, and 1c (generated from Neu-
cally used (Green et al, 2006). The senior au-
or cognitive development in Asperger’s roGuide Software System, Applied Neuro-
thor has worked with these disorders for 40
syndrome (AS) (APA, 2000; Macintosh science, St. Petersburg, Fl.) illustrate typical
years and had the very good fortune to work
et al. 2004; Simpson, 2004; Wing, 2001). findings in the EEG of a fourteen-year-old
and co-author a chapter in a child psychia-
Language proficiency constitutes a main student with Asperger’s syndrome who had
try textbook with Milada Havelkova, a child
feature of those with Asperger’s, as con- been treated with special education place-
psychiatrist and true pioneer in the treatment
trasted to children with autism who have ment, speech and language interventions,
of Autism (Thompson & Havelkova, 1983).
severe language limitations. High function- and stimulant medication (Ritalin) since
Havelkova’s work began in the 1940s and
ing autism (HFA) can seem close to AS so he was in primary school. The quantitative
was devoted to the investigation of educa-
the two terms are often used almost inter- EEG (QEEG) findings can guide NFB train-
tional, behavioral, psychotherapeutic and
changeably. In the authors’ experience, cli- ing, which was recommended as an addition
medication approaches to working with the
ents with AS are quite different from those to the interventions already in place for this
most seriously disturbed children with ASD.
with autism in terms of their emotional teenager.
(See Sloman, 2005, regarding medication
responsiveness and interest in others. The The EEG of a sixteen-year-old male
use.) In the last fifteen years, there has been
term Pervasive Developmental Disorder client diagnosed with Autism is shown in
the experimental addition of EEG Biofeed-
(PDD) should be reserved for those few Figure 2. It is a pattern also seen in Asperg-
back also called neurofeedback (NFB) and
children who truly have a “pervasive” dis- er’s syndrome because the decreased alpha
biofeedback (BFB), especially diaphragmatic
order in virtually all areas of functioning. and increased beta activity above 19 Hz is
breathing and heart rate variability training,
Such children are described well in older often seen in people with anxiety and in cli-
to this mix of interventions. Most experts in
literature on childhood psychoses and au- ents in the autistic spectrum. Adults with AS
the autism field are appropriately skeptical of
tism (Thompson & Havelkova, 1983). have often been first diagnosed with anxiety
NFB due to the lack of controlled research.
Despite good language proficiency, or panic disorder. Using LORETA (Pascual-
Our experience leads us to be enthusiastic,
those with Asperger’s Syndrome (AS) do Marqui et al, 2002), Brodmann Area 24 in
but everyone should also be very cautious not
have communication difficulties in the prac- the anterior cingulate is often identified as
to ‘over-sell’ our hypotheses and our clinical
tical applications of language, such as in the source of activity found to be outside
observations of improvements. In particular,
conversations. They talk about their interests the data base norms when there is anxiety
if we are to keep the respect of experienced
too much and fail to read the nonverbal cues as a main symptom, as illustrated in Figure
clinicians in this field, we should be carefully
of the person they are talking to. In addition, 3. Thus the CZ electrode site in children and
reporting observations but not making any
there may be differences in their speech, FCZ in adults have been the primary sites
pretense that these observations necessarily
such as the use of pedantic phrases or a voice for NFB training in these clients.
correspond to ‘sub-types’ of ASD. Clinically
that is monotone and lacks prosody (intona- Emotional regulation is poor in those
derived hypotheses can, however, lead to
tion, loudness variation, pitch, rhythm). with ASD. Even in their teens, those with
careful future research concerning this com-
The latter symptoms may be termed a mo- AS may suddenly over-react emotionally,
plex diagnostic entity.
tor aprosodia (Ross, 1981) and, in the elec- going from placid to tears, or even extreme
Autistic Spectrum Disorders include
troencephalogram (EEG), we may observe anger. Others observing the behavior may
both autism and Asperger’s Syndrome
EEG differences from the normal data base feel the precipitating incident was quite
(Asperger, 1944). Autism is a disorder
at F6 (electrode position of the 10-10 elec- trivial. Anxiety may be most apparent with
of neurodevelopment resulting in perva-
trode placement system (Chatrian, Lettich & any transition or change in routine. We pos-
sive abnormalities in social interaction,
Nelson, 1985)), an area in the non-dominant tulate that our consistent finding of anterior
communication, and imagination, usually
right frontal lobe that is the homologous site cingulate BA 24 being greater than two
combined with repetitive behaviors and re-
to F5, which is near Broca’s area in the left standard deviations (2 SD) from the Neu-
stricted interests. The Diagnostic and Sta-
hemisphere. These are frontal sites identified roGuide data base (usually in the 4-8 Hertz
tistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth
as mirror neuron areas. In autistic children Continued on page 10

Neuroconnections fall 2009 .indd 9 8/11/2009 3:31:34 PM

NeuroConnections FALL 2009

Autistic Spectrum Disorders positive mood in the same way as matched, dorsolateral areas in this research). These
continued from page 9 normal controls (Martinez, 2003). authors note that prefrontal lesions resulted
Neuroanatomical Findings in significant impairment in the understand-
range and/or 13-14 Hertz and high frequen-
cy beta above 20 Hertz) may correlate with ing of irony and faux pas. In contrast to the
Right frontal and right parietal-tempo-
difficulties with affect modulation (Devin- patient who has damage to the amygdala,
ral junction abnormalities may correlate
sky et al, 1995). Understanding of emotions who cannot correctly understand the signifi-
with aprosodias as mentioned above; that
cance of another person’s anger or aggres-
is the other side of this. At our centre, chil- is, deficient expression of emotion in their
dren with AS were compared to a normal voice, facial expression, and gestures (mo- sive behavior, the patient with orbital frontal
school group. Subjects completed an adjec- tor aprosodia) plus difficulty reading social damage recognizes the significance of other
tive check-list describing their mood before cues, gestures, and tone of voice (sensory people’s emotions but may fail to modulate
and after reading a happy passage. Those aprosodia). Shamay-Tsoory and his col- their behavior as the social situation changes.
with Asperger’s did not show the shift to- leagues (2005) have hypothesized that pre- This kind of impairment could lead to diffi-
wards positive emotion found in the control frontal brain damage may result in impaired culty in correctly recognizing the intentions
group. However, the six AS children who social behavior, especially when the damage of others and thereby lead to inappropriate
completed NFB training in this pilot study involves the orbito-frontal and/or ventrome- behavior (Bachevalier & Loveland, 2006).
identified more adjectives that signified dial areas of the prefrontal cortex (but not In their paper, Bachevalier and Loveland

FIGURE 1a: Child, MC, with Asperger’s syndrome. Laplacian Montage, 19 FIGURE 1c. Child, MC, with Asperger’s syndrome, Laplacian Montage,
channel EEG. Spindling beta seen repeatedly at F3 (as close as we can be 19 channel EEG. Spindling beta at F4 and F8 possible origin is near F6.
with 19 channel EEG). With single channel we were able to confirm origin Hypothesize that dysfunction in this area (F6) might correspond to observed
between F3 and F5. motor aprosodia.

FIGURE 2. DU, autistic male, aged 10.9, Laplacian montage ec, spindling
FIGURE 1b. Child, MC, with Asperger’s syndrome. The LORETA image synchronous beta at F4 (25 Hz 5sd) Fp2, & F7 (20 Hz 3.4sd), C4 (25 Hz
shows bright red, 20 Hz, F5 area, which is at an important mirror neuron site 3sd). and high amplitude slow wave at T6. The general pattern shown by
in the left frontal lobe. this child is a frequently found pattern in both anxiety disorders & ASDs
demonstrating high amplitude 2-5Hz, low amplitude 8-10 Hz, high amplitude
11-12 Hz & 12-16 Hz, plus high amplitude higher frequency beta at various
frequencies between 17–36 Hz. The specific frequency ranges & sites vary
from child to child.


Neuroconnections fall 2009 .indd 10 8/11/2009 3:31:35 PM

NeuroConnections FALL 2009

posit that developmental dysfunction of the and predicting the behavior of others. Im- ported on his work using neurofeedback to
orbito-frontal-amygdala circuit is a critical portant MNS areas in the left hemisphere increase 8 – 13 Hz activity at C4 in chil-
factor in ASD. Imaging studies have shown (there are corresponding areas on the right) dren with ASD. Increased activity in these
differences, as compared to neurotypical include frontal near F5, the temporal pole, frequencies was associated with improved
children, in the density of gray matter at the the temporal-parietal junction, and activi- facial recognition and it was posited that
junction of the amygdala, hippocampus and ties in the anterior insula and the anterior the training had an influence on the mir-
entorhinal cortex. LORETA consistently cingulate gyrus. Each area is postulated to ror neuron system in the right hemisphere.
shows EEG abnormalities in these regions. have mirror functions that correspond to (The intervention was based on findings
The fusiform gyrus and the superior tempo- the functions of that area of the cortex. Mir- concerning lack of “Mu” suppression in
ral lobe are noted in many papers to be in- ror neurons have strong connections to the children with ASD when they viewed vid-
volved in ASD and Porges polyvagal theory limbic system including the anterior cin- eos of children moving their fingers and
specifically notes that these areas may not be gulate (AC) (Iacoboni & Dapretto, 2006). hands. Mu, which is measured at C3 and
inhibiting the central nucleus of the amygda- The cingulate and the insular cortices both C4 across the motor strip, is found in con-
la and this can lead to sympathetic drive in- contain mirror neuron cells (Ramachandran junction with motor quiescence and is at-
crease and a decrease in a myelinated vagal & Oberman, 2006). A functional magnetic tenuated when there is movement of the
sense of a “safe” environment. Both hearing resonance imaging (fMRI) study demon- contralateral hand, or thinking of moving
(as mediated by the strapedius muscle in the strated that activity of the MNS is correlat- the hand, or watching someone else mov-
middle ear) and facial expressiveness are in- ed with empathic concern and interpersonal ing their hands. Mu was not identified by
fluenced by vagal innervation. competence (Pfeifer, Iacaboni, Mazziatta its morphology in this study.)
The importance of noting the above ar- & Dapretto, 2005). It has also been shown
eas that are reported as deviant in the general that children with ASD have reduced activ- Theory of Mind (ToM) (Hill & Frith,
literature on ASD is that these areas are all ity in MNS regions during tasks that re- 2003): Theory of mind (which is some-
found to be outside the data base norms using quire the child to mirror facial expressions times more accurately called “theory of
LORETA (Thompson & Thompson, 2009). of different emotions (Dapretto et al, 2006). others’ minds”) involves the ability to
The reason for reminding the reader of this “mentalize about both the self and others”
Theories for (Abu-Akel, 2003). This model implicates
Understanding the system is that our findings with 19-chan-
nel QEEG and LORETA source locations the posterior brain (parietal and temporal
Symptoms of ASD support regions) in representational thinking, the
NFB interventions show these areas to be almost consistent-
ly involved (>2SD from data base means prefrontal regions for the application and
Mirror Neuron System (MNS): The from normal children) in our ASD clients execution of theory of mind, in addition
MNS is postulated to be involved in the (Thompson & Thompson, 2009). to the medial prefrontal cortex (anterior
imitation of movements, and perhaps also At the Association of Applied Psy- paracingulate cortex), the temporal-pari-
in copying appropriate social interactions, chophysiology and Biofeedback (AAPB) etal junction, and the temporal poles. ToM
as well as being critical to understanding meeting in April 2009, Jaime Pineda re- proposes that a fault in any component of
these aspects of the social brain can lead to
an inability to understand aspects of social
communication. Intuitive understanding of
others, especially understanding what they
are feeling or thinking, has always been
understood to be a core deficit of the au-
tistic spectrum disorders (Thompson and
Havelkova, 1983). The reader will note
that these are also areas referred to in the
above discussion of mirror neurons. The
amygdala is also implicated (Adolphs,
2003; Adolphus et al, 2007) and the reader
will see the overlap here with the salience-
landscape theory (Ramachandran & Ober-
man, 2006). They also mention findings of
less connectivity between the occipital and
temporal regions and that is a finding that
we observe using coherence (a measure of
phase-locked connectivity) analysis in the
EEG with these subjects (Figure 3).
Weak Central Coherence: The weak-cen-
tral-coherence theory seeks to explain the
need for ‘preservation of sameness’ and also
FIGURE 3: Eyes open, linked ears montage. Deep red lines are >3SD from NeuroGuide data base mean the special interests and talents of those with
for age and sex. Figure shows hyper-coherence between occipital, parietal, temporal and frontal regions. AS. The child with ASD seems to be flooded
This shows mainly left hemisphere hyper-coherence but we see cases with autism that have only right
hemisphere hyper-coherence and ASD cases where hypo-coherence is the dominant pattern. We must be very
careful not to make attempts at this early stage to say the EEG can distinguish different subtypes of ASD. Continued on page 12

Neuroconnections fall 2009 .indd 11 8/11/2009 3:31:35 PM

NeuroConnections FALL 2009

Autistic Spectrum Disorders between F3 and F7) and over the anterior and easily kindled (Sterman, 2000). When
continued from page 11 cingulate (CZ). enhancing SMR be careful to identify a site
Polyvagal Theory: Stephen Porges has on the sensory motor strip where there is
with inconsequential details and/or, memo- no high amplitude spindling beta in the 13
ries, without grasping the context or the noted that flat facial expression, poorly
modulated tone of voice, and poor listening – 15 Hz range. In addition to the low activ-
Gestalt. Defensive behaviors may include
skills are related to the neural pathways that ity observed at T6, another factor that may,
rigidity, repetitive movements and obses- in future, prove to be a helpful ‘marker’ for
sive and even preservative behaviors. Weak regulate the striated muscles of the face and
head and that reduced muscle tone in this ASD could be the ‘mu’ rhythm response.
central-coherence probably involves a lack In ASD there is evidence of a reduction in
of appropriate connectivity between areas circuit correlates with less expressiveness
in voice and face, less eye contact (eye- mu rhythm suppression during action ob-
of the brain. Connectivity in this discussion servation (Oberman, Hubbard, McCleery,
refers particularly to connections between lids droop), and slack middle ear muscles
that makes distinguishing human voices Altschuler, Ramachandran, & Pineda,
the posterior sensory processing areas of 2005). In our experience, however, mu
the brain (including lingual gyrus) and the from background noise more difficult. In
addition, Porges has discussed the neuro- is not observed in the majority of clients.
frontal areas that modulate responses to the Therefore using this as a training parameter
sensory input (‘top-down’ modulation). Hill physiological interactions between what he
terms the Social Engagement System and for NFB, as suggested in an article in Sci-
states that one cause of this deficit could be entific American Mind (Ramachandran &
a failure of normal developmental ‘prun- the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA)
axis, the neuropeptides of oxytocin and Oberman, 2006), would not be our initial
ing’ in early life that eliminates certain brain approach, although Pineda has reported
connections and optimizes the coordination vasopressin, and the immune system (Porg-
es, 2003, 2004, 2007). He has noted that some success when 8 – 13 Hz was enhanced
of neural functioning. Resulting perceptual at C4. (Whether the training was increasing
overload may, in turn, be partly responsible training of myelinated vagal tone should
be helpful in the ASDs (Porges 2003). We mu, alpha, SMR, or some combination of
for their ‘autistic’ withdrawal. A reasonable, those brain waves is an interesting ques-
researchable hypothesis is that our findings would add that this BFB “bottom-up” train-
ing synergistically combines with our NFB tion that could be researched). Abnormali-
of gross EEG coherence abnormalities with ties in coherence are commonly found in
clients who have an ASD and our observa- “top-down” training to potentially decrease
a key symptom of anxiety in addition to those with ASD and training for normaliz-
tions of symptomatic improvements corre- ing connectivity between the parietal lobes
sponding to normalization of these coher- other symptoms observed in ASDs, which
we presented as a Systems Theory of Neu- and the temporal and frontal regions may
ence abnormalities corresponds to Hill’s prove to be beneficial. Coben (2005) has
ral Synergy at the International Society for
weak central coherence theory. Once the
Neurofeedback and Research (ISNR) an- reported on normalizing coherence using
thalamus is properly gating the incoming single channel, sequential training of the
nual conference in 2008. We hypothesize
sensory information (the result of sensory
that heart rate variability (HRV) training or, sites found to be deviant on QEEG analy-
motor rhythm (SMR) training changing thal- sis. We have observed normalization after
amo-cortical firing patterns) we hypothesize in the early days, just teaching effortless,
diaphragmatic breathing, may have been amplitude training, as Joe Horvat used to
that the person may be less overwhelmed by teach in his workshops. Some clinicians
important in our success with clients along
sensory stimuli.
the autistic spectrum and Porges’ polyvagal have reported on the emergence of difficult
Executive Dysfunction: This third cogni- theory provides a rationale for adding the behaviors when treating purely based on
tive theory was advanced to explain fea- biofeedback to neurofeedback. QEEG z-score findings (James Thompson,
tures that do not appear to be subsumed personal clinical experience). This should
under the former two theories. Executive Neurofeedback Training not be surprising for some of the abnormal
functioning (including attention, planning, findings may be related to compensatory
As noted above, our understanding of the
inhibition and mental flexibility) appears to mechanisms. In addition, any professional
functional significance of different areas of
be impaired in those with ASDs. The Tower well versed in psychosocial development
the brain, as elucidated in the small book-
of London Test (ToL) can evaluate many let that correlates Brodmann areas to 10-20
in early childhood will recognize that
aspects of executive functioning and those sites (Thompson, Thompson, & Wu, 2008),
these children are actually beginning to
with an ASD score poorly on this test. It re- emerge from an arrested early development
combined with theories concerning brain
quires the subject to inhibit immediate re- (Thompson & Patterson, 1986, Thompson,
dysfunction in those with ASD, as outlined
sponses, plan, shift mental-set, use working 1990). These factors and the importance of
above, and 19-channel QEEG assessment,
memory, initiate a thought-out response and a staged approach to treatment that begins
sometimes combined with a stress assess-
then monitor and evaluate the results of that by working with the child’s anxiety will be
ment of psychophysiological variables,
response. The required cognitive functions discussed in more detail in an upcoming
has led to interventions that combine EEG
all depend on good prefrontal functioning, chapter (Schwartz & Andrasik, in press).
feedback with BFB. Normalizing the EEG
and the prefrontal region is an area also Briefly, our overall approach is to initially
can involve using one or two-channel NFB
seen to be outside EEG database norms in do neurofeedback with biofeedback to al-
training, such as training at FCZ (to influ-
our clients with Asperger’s. Improvement leviate anxiety. Then the NFB parameters
ence the AC) and at T6 (to decrease the sen-
in performance on ToL has recently been are changed to placements and frequencies
sory aprosodia symptoms). EEG training
reported in children with AS who received designed to decrease impulsivity while in-
can be combined with BFB, usually HRV
neurofeedback training (Knezevic, 2007). creasing externally oriented attention span.
(Gevirtz, 2007). We usually increase senso-
We hypothesize that these improvements This is a logical initial approach because
rimotor rhythm (SMR), which may have a
could be related to our training over the left stabilizing effect on a cortex that is unstable
dorsolateral frontal cortex (a site midway Continued on page 14

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Autistic Spectrum Disorders output and symptoms observed in ASD. Psychophysiology and Biofeedback, Portland OR.
continued from page 13 There does appear to be a strong rationale Macintosh, K. E & Dissanayake, C. (2004). Annotation:
The similarities and differences between autistic disor-
for combining neurofeedback and biofeed- der and Asperger’s disorder: A review of the empirical
these are the difficulties that cause the cli- back, particularly heart rate variability evidence. Journal of Child Psychology & Psychiatry.
45(3), 421-434.
ent with an AS disorder to withdraw and / training, since both promote calmness and
Martinez, Y. (2003). Unpublished thesis done as part of the
or to act out in situations that involve in- better self-regulation, which are pre-condi- requirements for an Honours B.A. degree. Copy on file at
teracting with others. As sessions progress tions for successful social interactions. the ADD Centre, Toronto.
and the client becomes relaxed, calm, and Neuroguide Delux, 2.3.7 (2007). Robert Thatcher, Applied
focused, the NFB will be combined with Neuroscience Inc. (www.appliedneuroscience.
Abu-Akel, A. (2003). A Neurobiological Mapping of Theory com)
cognitive and social strategies which place of Mind. Brain Research Reviews, 43, 39-40.
more emphasis on executive functions and Adolphs, R. (2003). Is the human amygdala specialized for
Oberman, L. M., Hubbard, E. M., McCleery, J. P., Altschul-
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social awareness. The sites for training and processing social information? Annals of the New York EEG evidence for motor neuron dysfunction in autistic
Academy of Sciences, 985, 326. spectrum disorders. Brain Research & Cognitive Brain
the frequencies used will correspond to the Adolphs, R., Gosselin, F., Buchanan, T.W., Tranel, D., Research, 24, 190-198.
brain areas involved in these processes and Schyns, P., Damasio, A.R., (2005). A mechanism for im- Pascual-Marqui, R. D., Esslen, M., Kochi, K., & Lehmann,
the QEEG assessment findings. paired fear recognition after amygdala damage. Nature D. (2002). Functional Imaging with Low Resolution
433, 68. Electromagnetic Tomography (LORETA): A review.
Remember that other interventions American Psychiatric Association. (2000) Diagnostic and Methods & Findings in Experimental & Clinical Phar-
are typically being used in conjunction with statistical manual of mental disorders - 4th edition – Text macology, 24C, 91-95.
NFB, such as speech and language training, Revision. Washington, DC. Pfeifer, H., Iacoboni, M., Mazziotta, C., & Dapretto, M.
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dietary approaches, and other behavioral im Kindesalter. Archiv fuer Psychiatrie und Nerven- its relation to empathy and interpersonal competence. In
training. At a center treating children with krankheiten, 117, 76-136. English translation (1991) Au- Abstract Viewer/Itinerary Planner. Soc. Neurosci. Abstr.
tistic psychopathy in childhood. In U. Frith (Editor and 660(24).
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documented significant improvements af- United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press. 37-92. phylogenetic perspective. Annals of the New York Acad-
ter hyperbaric oxygen treatments (James Bachevalier, J. & Loveland, K. A., (2006). The orbitofrontal- emy of Sciences, 1008, 31-47.
Thompson, personal observations of clini- amygdala circuit and self-regulation of social-emotional
behavior in autism. Neuroscience and Behavioral Re-
Porges, S. W. (2004). The Vagus: A mediator of behavioral
and physiologic features associated with autism. In M.
cal outcomes at this center). For each indi- views, 30, 97-117. L. Bauman and T. L. Kemper (Eds.) The Neurobiology
vidual client, the right mix of interventions Chatrian, G.E., Lettich, E., Nelson, P.L. (1985). Ten percent of Autism. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press,
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has to be created for optimal improvement. ous and evoked EEG activity. American Journal of EEG Porges, Stephen W. (2007). The Polyvagal Perspective. Bio-
Technology, 25, 83-92.
Conclusion logical Psychiatry, 74, 116-143
Coben, R. (2005). Assessment guided neurofeedback for Ramachandran, V. S. & Oberman, L. M. (2006). Broken
Over the past dozen years, a few papers autistic spectrum disorder. Presentation at the Society Mirrors. Scientific American, 295(5), 62-69.
for Neuronal Regulation 13th annual conference, Denver,
and presentations about interventions us- Colorado, September. Reid, A. (2005). Autistic Spectrum Disorders: Assessment
ing neurofeedback for clients with AS have and Intervention Results after Neurofeedback in 146
Coben, R. (2006) Panel on autistic spectrum disorders at the Cases. Student Award Presentation, International Society
appeared (Coben, 2005, 2006, 2007; Jarus- 36th annual meeting of the Association for Applied Psy- for Neuronal Regulation annual meeting. Denver, Colo-
chophysiology and Biofeedback, Portland OR.
iewicz, 2002; Linden, 2006; Reid, 2005; rado, September, 2005.
Coben, R. (2007). Connectivity-guided neurofeedback for
Solnick, 2005; Thompson & Thompson, autistic spectrum disorder. Biofeedback, 35(4), 131-135.
Ross, E. D. (1981). The Aprosodias: Functional-Anatomic
Organization of the Affective Components of Language
1995, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009). These pa- Dapretto, M., Davies, M. S., Pfeifer, J. H., Scott, A. A., Sig- in the Right Hemisphere. Archives of Neurology, 38, 561-
pers all note favorable clinical outcomes man, M., Bookheimer, S. Y., & Iacoboni, M. (2006). Un- 569.
derstanding emotions in others: mirror neuron dysfunc- Shamay-Tsoory, S. G., Tomer, R., Berger, B. D., Goldsher,
in case series, some with large numbers of tion in children with autism spectrum disorders. Nature D., & Aharon-Peretz, J. (2005). Impaired “Affective
cases, such as 159 clients reported on at the Neuroscience, 9(1), 28-30. Theory of Mind” is associated with right ventromedial
Biofeedback Foundation of Europe annual Devinsky, O., Morrell, M., & Vogt, B. (1995). Contributions prefrontal damage. Cognitive & Behavioral Neurology.
of Anterior Cingulate Cortex to behavior, Brain, 118, 18(1), 55-67.
meeting in 2009 (Thompson & Thompson, 279-306. Simpson, D. (2004). Asperger’s syndrome and autism:
in press). Of particular interest for NFB Gevirtz, R. (2007). Biofeedback Training to Increase Heart Distinct syndromes with important similarities. In Ma-
providers are findings that EEG differ- Rate Variability. In Lehrer, Paul M.., Woolfolk, Robert ria Rhode & Trudy Klauber (Eds) The many faces of
L., & Sime, Wesley E. (Eds.) Principles and Practice Asperger’s syndrome. The Tavistock Clinic Series. xviii,
ences, augmented by LORETA analysis of of Stress Management, 3rd Edition. New York: Guilford 302, 25-38. London, England: Karnac Books.
QEEG data, identify many of the key areas Publications. Sloman, L. (2005). Medication use in children with high
reported in the literature to be abnormal in Green, V. A., Pituch, K. A., Itchon, J., Choi, A., O’Reilly, M., functioning pervasive developmental disorder and As-
& Sigafoos, J. (2006). Internet survey of treatments used perger syndrome. In K. Stoddart (Ed.) Children, Youth
those with ASD (Thompson & Thompson, by parents of children with autism. Research in Develop- and Adults with Asperger Syndrome: Integrating multiple
2009). Since neuroanatomical differences mental Disabilities, 27, 70-84. perspectives. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers.
Solnick, B. (2005). Effects of electroencephalogram biofeed-
reported in numerous studies parallel EEG Hill, E. L. & Frith, U. (2003). Understanding Autism: In-
back with Asperger’s syndrome. International Journal of
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differences, it provides an impetus for sys- and brain’. Phil. Trans. of The Royal Society London, Rehabilitation Research, 28(2), 159-163.
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connectivity differences (identified through views and Neuroscience, December 2006, 942-951. 45-55.
comparisons with a normative data base) Jarusiewicz, E. (2002). Efficacy of neurofeedback for chil- Thompson, M. and Thompson L. (in press). Autistic Spec-
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people who have diagnoses along the au- tors) Biofeedback: A Practitioner’s Guide (4th edition)
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tistic spectrum. Other interesting research Tower of London Test (ToL) to Assess Outcomes of Thompson L. & Thompson M. (1995). Exceptional Results
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questions involve the efficacy of combin- Student Award paper presented at the International So- for the Study of Neuronal Regulation. Annual Meeting:
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supported by Stephen Porges’ demonstrat- San Diego, CA. Thompson, L. & Thompson, M. (2006). Panel on Autistic
ing a relationship between vagal nerve Linden, M. (2006) Panel on autistic spectrum disorders at
the 36th annual meeting of the Association for Applied
Continued on page 22

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Neuroconnections fall 2009 .indd 15 8/11/2009 3:31:37 PM

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Neuroconnections fall 2009 .indd 16 8/11/2009 3:31:37 PM

NeuroConnections FALL 2009

EEG Assessment and Treatment

of Seizures in Children with
Autism Spectrum Disorder:
A Case example
Robert Coben Ph.D. and Kevin McKeon M.A.

Autism is a neurodevelopmental disorder Seizures and Autism spikes may reflect underlying morphologi-
with possible genetic and environmental cal brain abnormalities (Shelley, Trimble,
Multiple neuroimaging studies have dem-
influences. The Center for Disease Con- & Boutros, 2008) and/ or metabolic distur-
onstrated brain anomalies in autistics
trol and Prevention indicates that the cur- bances (Kobayashi, Bagshaw, Grova, Du-
compared to healthy controls (McAlonan
rent prevalence of the Autism Spectrum beau, & Gotman, 2006).
et al., 2004; Page et al., 2006). Consistent
Disorder (ASD) is 1 in 150 (CDCP, 2007). Recent estimates suggest that ap-
with this, seizures and epilepsy have been
Furthermore, the U.S. Department of Edu- proximately one-third of all autistic chil-
commonly observed in autistic samples.
cation reported that from the 1992-1993 to dren experience a regression in speech or
Recent analyses have estimated the preva-
2001-2002 school years the rate of Autism behavior early in life (Canitano, 2007).
lence of seizure disorders in autistic series
increased 528%. Monetarily, in the United Tuchman and Rapin (1997) were unable to
at anywhere from 20% to 46%. Based on
States approximately $3.2 million is spent relate early regression to seizure disorders,
recent analyses, the prevalence of seizure
to care for a single individual with Autism but suggested that the EEG is abnormal in
disorders in autistic series is estimated at
over the course of his or her lifetime, which a greater proportion of autistic children that
about 36% (Danielsson, Gillberg, Billst-
in turn equates to a total cost of $35 bil- regress than those that do not. Abnormal
edt, Gillberg, & Olsson, 2005; Hara, 2007;
lion annually. Beyond the financial costs, electroencephalogram (EEG) recordings
Hughes & Melyn, 2005; Parmeggiani et al.,
countless other collateral effects are felt are also present in the majority of autistic
2007). In fact it has been reported that the
by family members and caregivers of those children with seizure disorders (Hughes &
autistic population has about 3 to 22- fold
with ASD. Parents with an Autistic son or Melyn, 2005). For these reasons, experts
increased risk of developing seizure disor-
daughter have been found to have increased in the field have recommended the use of
ders as compared to the normal population
complaints of anxiety disorders, higher in- routine and sleep EEGs in the evaluation
(Volkmar & Nelson, 1989). Increasing cog-
stances of obsessive-compulsive illness, of autistic disorders, especially when there
nitive/intellectual disability appears to be
and poorer sleep quality as well as quan- has been regression or there are signs of
associated with seizure disorders in Autism.
tity. Children with a sibling with ASD have possible seizures.
Sub-clinical seizure activity or paroxysmal
been found to have more behavior distur- EEG Assessment
discharges occur in an even higher propor-
bances, increased reports of loneliness, and
tion of autistics, but the significance of The electroencephalogram (EEG) is a pre-
suffer more peer related problems. These
these remain uncertain (Hughes & Melyn,
detrimental ancillary effects compounded miere tool to assess neural dysfunctions due
2005; Parmeggiani et al., 2007). Ray, Tao,
with the financial burdens associated with to its non-invasive nature, availability and
Hawes-Ebersole, and Ebersole (2007) have temporal resolution. Moreover, when EEG
this disorder serve to provide clear evi-
suggested that the initial phase of cortical assessment is processed and analyzed with
dence that ASD is an apparent problem in
spikes may relate to underlying intracranial
society warranting increased treatment ef-
foci. Other work has suggested that EEG
ficacy research. Continued on page 18

FIGURE 2. Summary of spike reveal/reveal with component mapping, time,

FIGURE 1. Spike and wave pattern detected by the Persyst/reveal–spike and and perception (left side of figure). Spike review propagation mapping (right
seizure detection system (longitudinal montage) with voltage mapping. side of figure).


Neuroconnections fall 2009 .indd 17 8/11/2009 3:31:38 PM

NeuroConnections FALL 2009

EEG in Children with analyzed with the Persyst/Reveal–spike EEG biofeedback as a

Autism Spectrum and seizure detection system treatment for seizures
continued from page 17 (Persyst, 2004). This included 19
Human EEG biofeedback was first attempted
cephalic, ground, and reference channels.
the most advanced techniques it can be in- in the 1960s by Joe Kamiya at the University
Figure 1 shows 8 epochs (seconds) of data
valuable in screening for possible seizure of Chicago (Kamiya, 1969). Early investiga-
during which the patient clearly evidenced
tions focused on operant conditioning of al-
activity. In fact, seizure detection has been paroxysmal activity consistent with a focal
the primary role of the EEG for decades. pha brain waves primarily to facilitate deep
spike and wave pattern (Fisch, 1999; Gold-
The following exemplar is presented relaxation and meditation. Subsequently, M.
ensohn, Legatt, Koszer, & Wolf, 1999). On
Barry Sterman at UCLA developed a form
as a demonstration of the utility of such an the right side of this figure is a voltage top-
assessment. This patient presented to our of EEG biofeedback involving the training
ographic map suggestive of a left occipital-
clinic in 2006 and was diagnosed by a pe- of the sensorimotor rhythm (SMR) (12-15
parietal-temporal localization.
diatric neurologist with Pervasive Develop- Hz frequency range) developed from op-
Figure 2 is the spike review of all de-
mental Disorder-Not Otherwise Specified at erant conditioning of cats’ EEG. Sterman
tected events seen during this single EEG
the age of 3. He was delivered at 36 weeks and colleagues found that cats trained in
recording. There were a significant 165
the middle to high frequency range from a
gestation due to gestational diabetes and events detected over the 20 minute record-
previous unrelated experiment had greater
had high liver enzymes. There was no histo- ing time. Analysis of individual compo-
ry of regression, but a developmental delay latency to seizure onset, and a higher thresh-
nents of such activity showed five separate
in speech/language abilities and a complete old for seizure onset, than those of untrained
patterns with similar areas of morphologi-
inability to identify letters or read words. cats. These results were then replicated in
cal disturbance. These all involve the left
humans in some twelve research centers,
At the time of his assessment he was taking posterior region likely including regions
no medication, was receiving speech, occu- encompassing over twenty studies. Finley et
near the left occipital and left temporopa-
pational, and physical therapies at school, al. (1975) found evidence supporting these
rietal junction. The spike review propaga-
findings by reporting that training humans in
and his intelligence was considered low tion maps show a deactivation followed
average (WISC-IV FSIQ = 80). A clinical the way prescribed by Sterman resulted in
by a hyperactivation of this region which
EEG (resting) conducted in our clinic at in- reduced seizure frequency in even the most
is often associated with seizure activity.
take resulted in the following. Resting eyes severely epileptic patients. In 2000, Sterman
Interestingly, these regions of the brain are
closed and open data was acquired with the performed a meta-analysis of 30 years of
responsible for some of his difficulties in-
Deymed 32-True Scan acquisition system research conducted on epilepsy. The results
cluding comprehension, speech/language
(Deymed Diagnostic, 2004) and viewed/ showed that 82% of subjects achieved clini-
functions and his alexia (inability to read).

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Neuroconnections fall 2009 .indd 18 8/11/2009 3:31:38 PM

NeuroConnections FALL 2009

cal improvements with about 60% showing was trained by order of severity. Training ure 3. This analysis revealed large elevations
significant reductions in seizures intensity was performed three times per week and by within the delta and theta bands in the left
and frequency (Sterman & Egner, 2006). the end of the first protocol there were no posterior region mainly over electrode sites
More recently, Walker and Kozlows- further episodes of status epilepticus. Addi- O1, T5 and PO3. These low frequency el-
ki (2005) have proposed a novel approach tionally, generalized seizures were limited evations correspond to the slow wave com-
to epilepsy that utilizes EEG biofeedback to one episode per week. By the completion ponent and the spike and wave complex.
focused on reducing abnormalities of of treatment all seizures had ceased. Fur- Similarly, there were also elevations in the
power and coherence in an attempt to de- ther, both the patient’s speech and memory alpha and beta bands from about 8-15 hz.
crease and potentially eliminate seizure improved and he returned to working full which correspond to the spike component of
likelihood. Prior to this investigation no time and began to drive again. this paroxysmal activity.
studies of coherence abnormalities in pa- Case Study The next steps in this data analysis
tients with epilepsy had been conducted. were designed to understand the contribu-
The basis of this approach is to tackle the To begin the process of determining a neu- tion of coherence analyses to these power
most statistically abnormal power or coher- rofeedback treatment plan for the subject elevations. We processed this same data
ence anomalies first, followed by training noted above we further analyzed his EEG set with the NeuroRep coherence analy-
of successively less severe abnormalities with various unique quantitative methods. sis system (Hudspeth, 2009). This system
in the latter course of treatment. Moreover, While quantitative EEG usually focuses on uses pairwise coherence data and through
these abnormalities are located by use of artifacting records so as to eliminate non-eeg a principal components statistical analysis
advanced statistical techniques, including related signals and spike or seizure events, converts the data into 3-dimensional multi-
methods such as Quantitative EEG analy- we have started performing a unique type of variate coherence eigen images. The analy-
sis (QEEG). Walker & Kozlowski (2005) analysis. In this approach, we highlight all sis for this case is shown in Figure 4 with
reported a successful case of a 31-year-old instances in which seizure activity occurred only the horizontal views displayed.
man with recurrent partial complex and from the original EEG recording, and then This analysis revealed low coherence
secondary generalized seizures with fre- merge these separate pieces of data together in the left hemisphere over all frequency
quent episodes of status epilepticus. At the for analysis via quantitative methods. In this bands, most prominently in the delta range.
time of assessment the patient was on nine case study, we processed his EEG in this There appears to be diminished coherence
different anticonvulsant medications and fashion. Once all EEG data that included at these low frequencies that spans almost
was not a candidate for surgery due to the spike events was compiled we were then left the entire left posterior quadrant of his
independence of the foci of onset in the left with 2 minutes and 22 seconds of analyz- brain. Importantly, this finding indicates
and right temporal lobes. Further, a vagal able data from an approximately 15 minute that at the time when these spike and wave
nerve stimulator was previously implanted original recording. These data were then episodes occur they are associated with low
which provided little relief. A QEEG re- analyzed for absolute power values across
vealed several neural anomalies and each various EEG frequencies as shown in Fig- Continued on page 21

FIGURE 4. Horizontal Eigen images in delta, theta, alpha, beta and total
frequencies based on NeuroRep coherence analysis.

FIGURE 5. Findings from Compare for differences in delta and theta coherences
FIGURE 3. QEEG analysis of Absolute Power for this patient’s EEG comparing high – low spike and wave events processed in Spectral Sort for O1/1-4
data composed of spike and wave paroxysmal discharges. hz/absolute power.


Neuroconnections fall 2009 .indd 19 8/11/2009 3:31:39 PM

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Neuroconnections fall 2009 .indd 20 8/11/2009 3:31:39 PM

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NeuroConnections FALL 2009

EEG in Children with being placed into a “low” record. These the subject’s neuropsychological findings
Autism Spectrum two records, high and low, were then ana- were all within normal limits for his age,
continued from page 19 lyzed in the NeuroRep program Compare including receptive language skills which
for differences in power and coherences were previously impaired. His reading abil-
coherence or synchronization of brain activ- with a special emphasis on the latter. Fig- ity had progressed to within one year of his
ity over these regions. Interestingly, these ure 5 shows the results of this analysis for age, parents ratings of autistic symptoms
are the same regions of the brain where the delta and theta coherences between when diminished as did his seizure activity. As
spike and wave events were manifested. these paroxysmal discharges are larger vs. may be seen in Figure 6, epileptiform par-
This same data was then analyzed in when they are smaller. These findings show oxysmal discharges decreased from 165 to
the program Spectral Sort (SS), a compo- a decrease in coherence over O1, T5, and practically none over the duration of treat-
nent of the NeuroRep qEEG software suite. P3 when these spike and wave events be- ment. He was not taking medications to re-
Spectral Sort is designed to test the hy- come larger or are released or discharged. duce such activity and it is presumed that
pothesis that large amplitude EEG signals This coincides with the same regions of the the neurofeedback training was responsible
arise because of failed connectivities. Thus, brain where these events are observed and for these changes. During the same time
when EEG signals range between small correlates with many of his symptoms. frame, his parents’ ratings of his autistic
and very large amplitudes, there are corre- Based on these analyses of his par- symptoms decreased by approximately
lated changes in connectivities that serve to oxysmal activity a neurofeedback treatment 82% and at the completion of his sessions
modulate amplitude. SS traverses through plan was designed. This involved two-chan- his level of symptoms would be considered
the time history of an EEG recording, com- nel coherence training between electrode to be within the normal range of behaviors.
puting the FFT magnitude, in a specific sites O1 and T3; active sensors were placed
frequency range at specific electrode sites.
over these sites referenced to his left ear and
The sample voltages are sorted by ampli- grounded on the right ear. Coherence was re- Research indicates seizures and subclini-
tude and then a median value is computed. warded for increases from 1 – 7 hz. and am- cal paroxysmal discharges to be prevalent
Two new recordings are extracted from the plitude inhibits were applied simultaneously in autistic disorders. This case presenta-
original recording: one is based on epochs over these same regions for frequencies in- tion was provided as an exemplar for how
in which the sorted values are larger than cluding 1 – 4 hz. and 8 – 13 hz. These latter EEG data may be analyzed in a way to
the median and the second is based on values correspond to the amplitude values of detect, conceptualize and provide impetus
the epochs less then the median. The two the spike and wave events themselves. The for intervention related to these complex
records are then subjected to coherence hypothesis underlying this training was that difficulties. Through such an application,
analysis and the connectivity metric is then these coherence anomalies are what lead to EEG biofeedback may be utilized to treat
put though statistical analyses to discover these losses of control with paroxysmal dis- seizure activity in children with ASD over
the significance of any observed coher- charges being the outcome. As a result, the a short treatment span and without signifi-
ence differences between these two files or goal of treatment was to enhance coherence cant side effects. Clearly, more empirical
conditions. For this case presentation, his across the region of the brain involved in data is needed to validate this approach as
EEG file composed only of spike and wave these paroxysmal events with the idea that an evidence-based form of intervention for
events, was analyzed in SS highlighting the this would allow for greater neuronal regu- seizures in ASD.
O1 electrode site for the frequency between lation and diminished seizure activity. This References
1 – 4 hz. in absolute power. The median treatment continued with gradual improve- Canitano, R. (2007). Epilepsy in autism spectrum disorders.
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epochs above this value being placed into a ly one year. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2007). Preva-
“high” record and epochs below this value By the completion of these sessions lence of the autism spectrum disorders (ASDs in multiple
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Continued on page 22

Neuroconnections fall 2009 .indd 21 8/11/2009 3:31:39 PM

NeuroConnections FALL 2009

EEG in Children with Autism Spectrum Autistic Spectrum Disorders

continued from page 21 continued from page 14
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Shelley, B. P., Trimble, M. R., & Boutros, N. N. (2008). Electroencephalographic cerebral dys-
Thompson, M., & Thompson, L. (2009). Asperger’s Syndrome Intervention: Combining Neu-
rhythmic abnormalities in the trinity of nonepileptic general population, neuropsychiatric,
rofeedback, Biofeedback and Metacognition. In Thomas Budzynski, Helen Budzynski,
and neurobehavioral disorders. Journal of Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience, 20,
James Evans, & Andrew Abarbanel (Eds.), Introduction to Quantitative EEG and Neu-
rofeedback: Advanced Theory and Applications (Second edition). New York: Academic
Sterman, M.B., & Egner, T. (2006). Foundation and practice of neurofeedback for the treatment Press/Elsevier, 365-415.
of epilepsy. Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback, 31(1), 21-35.
Thompson, M., Thompson, L., & Reid, A. (in press). Neurofeedback Outcomes in Clients with
Volkmar, F.R. & Nelson, D.S. (1989). Seizure disorders is autism. The American Academy of Asperger’s Syndrome. Journal of Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback.
Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 29(1), 127-129
Tower of London Test. 1982. Colorado Assessment Tests.
Walker, J.E. & Kozlowski, G.P. (2005). Neurofeedback treatment of epilepsy. Child and Ado-
lescent Psychiatric Clinics of North America, 14(1), 163-176. Wing, L. (2001). The Autistic Spectrum: A parent’s guide to understanding and helping your
child. Berkeley, CA: Ulysses Press.

Lynda Thompson Ph.D., Michael Thompson, M.D.
of the Biofeedback Institute of Toronto, Canada
Invited Presenters & Teachers on 5 Continents
Guest Faculty:
Professor Vietta Sue Wilson, Ph.D.
James Thompson, BHK, M.Sc. Ph.D.
Basic Concepts in

Join us here @
Stoney Lake
September 21-25, 2009 & May 31- June 4, 2010
Accredited by the Biofeedback Certification Institute of America
Canada 905-803-8066
This workshop combines comprehensive instruction in the basics of neurofeedback
(NFB) with an experience of Canada’s North. The location is at a small inn on the
shores of Stony Lake, a 2- hour drive northeast of Toronto. The Workshop has a
strictly limited enrolment due to its unique location and also to ensure lots of hands-
on experience for all participants. Teaching includes: assessment (1, 2, and 19
channel) with examples of analysis that use NeuroGuide and LORETA, plus the
theory and practice of using biofeedback combined with NFB for common disorders
and for optimizing performance. There will be time each afternoon for relaxing and
for the enjoyment of water sports (boating, canoeing, fishing, swimming and sailing)
It is always a unique and international learning experience.
Accredited by the Biofeedback Certification Institute of America (BCIA) to cover the didactic
portion of the requirements for certification in EEG Biofeedback. The BCIA examination is
administered on the Saturday morning following the workshop. Prior registration with Judy
Crawford at BCIA required.


Neuroconnections fall 2009 .indd 22 8/11/2009 3:31:41 PM

NeuroConnections FALL 2009

Using the Tower of London to assess

improvement after Neurofeedback training in
clients with Asperger’s Syndrome
Bojana Knezevic, Lynda Thompson, and Michael Thompson
waves (3-10Hz) and/or very low amplitude
beta (13-18Hz) and/or high amplitude beta
spindling in these regions in children with
AS. Other researchers reported impaired
performance of children with Autism on
the ToLDX as compared to their typically
developing counterparts (Hughes, Russell,
& Robbins, 1994). It was thus logical to
investigate whether executive functioning
Asperger’s Syndrome (AS), a develop- ments when NFB was applied at the central related to frontal lobe activity, as measured
mental disorder on the autistic spectrum locations (Cz and FCz) with a goal to train by ToLDX performance, would improve in
(Klin, McPartland, & Volkmar, 2005), is down frequencies that were high in ampli- clients with AS after they received NFB
characterized by difficulties in correctly tude as compared to the rest of the client’s training. Scores on the ToLDX test were
interpreting social innuendo, an inability EEG (theta 3-7Hz or low alpha 8-10Hz, compared before and after NFB training.
to use emotionally appropriate vocal into- and/or high frequency beta 20-35Hz) and The goal was both to document changes in
nation and volume, as well as stereotyped, to train up sensorimotor rhythm (SMR, executive functions and to ascertain wheth-
rigid, and repetitive patterns of behaviour, 12-15 or 13-15Hz; Thompson, Thompson, er the ToLDX could be useful for that pur-
activities, and interests (Ross, 1981; Wing, & Reid, 2008). These clients were also pose in a clinical setting.
2001). Individuals with AS have difficulty introduced to various problem solving ap- Methods
with cognitive switching, word retrieval proaches that were each tailored to their
strategies (Kleinhans, Akshoomoff, & Del- The subjects for this pilot project varied in
area of difficulty.
is, 2005), and free recall (Bowler, Gardiner, age from 7 years and 6 months to 21 years
Our small pilot project at the ADD
& Berthollier, 2004). On the Wechsler In- and 5 months and were mixed in terms of
Centre investigated the utility of the Tower
telligence Scales (WISC and WAIS), most racial backgrounds, countries of origin, and
of London—Drexel University (ToLDX)
clients with AS obtain high IQ scores with socioeconomic status. They were 19 con-
test as an additional measure of changes
significantly better Verbal IQ than Perfor- secutive clients (16 males and 3 females)
obtained after 40 NFB sessions combined
mance IQ (Alvarez, 2004). Furthermore, recruited over a two and a half year period
with metacognitive strategies in clients
these clients often display inappropriate so- (see Table 1) who met the criteria for a diag-
with AS. ToLDX is an individually admin-
nosis of AS and who participated in at least
cial boundaries, such as excessive friendli- istered neuropsychological instrument
ness and openness with strangers (Thomp- 40 NFB sessions. A psychologist (LT) made
designed to assess higher-order problem
son & Thompson, 2007). AS occurs more the diagnosis based on a complete clinical
solving—specifically executive planning
frequently in males (Lawson, Baron-Co- assessment including history taking, con-
abilities—in children and adults (Culbert-
hen, & Wheelwright, 2004). However, as a tinuous performance tests (CPTs), behav-
son & Zillmer, 2001). On this test, there
iour rating scales, intellectual testing (the
result of numerous controversial issues re- is a board with three posts and the subject
garding the diagnosis of AS, its prevalence WISC or WAIS if not done within the past
must move coloured beads from one post
and an exact cause are still not firmly estab- two years), as well as single channel EEG
to another in order to copy a model shown
lished (McPartland & Klin, 2006). recordings at Cz. After obtaining parental
by the examiner, who changes the pattern
consent, the client with AS did the ToLDX,
Commonly tried interventions for the between the ten trials that make up the test.
treatment of AS are psychotherapy, behav- which was administered both before and
According to Lezak (1995), one must be
iour therapy, social training, group therapy, after the completion of 40 NFB sessions.
able to look-ahead, respond impartially,
medications, and speech therapy (Green et Each NFB session lasted approximately 50
generate and select alternative options, and
al., 2006). Nevertheless, findings regarding minutes during which 10-15 minutes of the
sustain attention in order to achieve a goal.
their effectiveness remain equivocal. Over training was done on task, that is, time was
These are the characteristics of executive
the past 12 years, a few papers and presen- spent introducing new thinking and learn-
planning measured by the ToLDX. Numer-
tations have emerged and reported favour- ing strategies and the client practiced the
ous studies have indicated that the prefron-
able clinical outcomes using neurofeed- strategy while maintaining the alert and
tal lobes, interacting with other cortical and
back (NFB) as an intervention for clients focused state as indicated by the comput-
subcortical structures, are involved in ex-
with AS (Coben, 2005, 2007; Jarusiewicz, erized feedback. The client was rewarded
ecutive planning and that injuries to these
2002; Reid, 2005; Solnick, 2005; Thomp- once he or she increased SMR (13-15Hz)
areas and/or deficits can have profound ef-
son & Thompson, 1995; 2003; 2007). Spe- and/or problem solving (15-18Hz), depend-
fects on behaviour (Cummings, 1993; Grat-
cifically, researchers reported amelioration ing if the deficits were present in either one
tan & Eslinger, 1991; Shallice & Burgess,
of AS symptoms based on the single chan- or both, and decreased slow brain wave ac-
1991). Recently, Thompson and Thompson
nel electroencephalographic (EEG) assess- (2005) have identified high amplitude slow
Continued on page 24

Neuroconnections fall 2009 .indd 23 8/11/2009 3:31:42 PM

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Tower of London total rule violations (TRV; number of times scale with respect to their problem solving
continued from page 23 the client either moved two beads at a time approach, attention and activity, and person-
tivity, such as theta (4-8Hz) or some other or placed an extra bead on a peg), (d) total al-emotional-social regulation.
relevant frequency range, such as 3-10Hz time violations (TTV; number of times the Results and
or whatever band showed excessive magni- client exceeded one minute per item), (e) to- Interpretation
tude at the time of initial assessment. tal initiation time (TIT; the time it takes the
Clients were evaluated on six quanti- client to execute the first move), and (f) total This clinical outcome study extends our un-
execution time (TET; the time required to derstanding of planning, working memory,
tative variables, which were the scores for
solve the problem after the first move). Each cognitive flexibility, and inhibition in cli-
executive function assessed by the ToLDX:
ents with AS; partially replicates previous
(a) total moves (TMS; number of moves raw score was converted to a standard score
for statistical analysis. Following comple- studies that have provided evidence that
needed to solve all the test items), (b) total
tion of all ten test items, clients were rated NFB and training in metacognitive strate-
correct (TCS; number of test items solved
by the experimenter on a five-point Likert gies produce positive clinical outcomes in
with the minimum amount of moves), (c)
clients with AS; demonstrates the utility of
the Tower of London test to further improve
Table 1
Descriptive Statistics for Demographics and Executive Functions Initial Standard Scores the diagnosis of AS and plan treatment for
incoming clients; and reveals that system-
atic data collection can be carried out in a
Variable (N) Minimum Maximum Mean (M) Standard Deviation
(SD) private educational setting. In addition to
these general findings, there are a number
of specific conclusions that can be drawn
Age 19 7.50 21.50 11.97 3.67
IQ 18 82.00 124.00 105.72 13.75 from the data obtained.
ToLDX There were significant improve-
TMS 19 60.00 108.00 85.37 12.22 ments on measures of executive planning,
TCS 19 74.00 108.00 90.74 9.64 inhibition, cognitive flexibility, and plan-
TRV 19 60.00 104.00 72.63 19.69 ning efficiency (see Table 2). After the
TTV 19 60.00 114.00 96.95 12.69 training, clients were more likely to work
TIT 19 80.00 108.00 90.21 6.63 at an increased speed through the problems
TET 19 60.00 110.00 88.42 15.12 and violate fewer rules. As such, their prob-
Note. ToLDX – Tower of London – Drexel University lem-solving pattern showed an improved
ability to shift set and inhibit prepotent
Table 2 moves (Culberston & Zillmer, 2001). Fol-
Quantitative ToLDX Mean Standard Scores Pre- and Post-40 Neurofeedback Sessions lowing 40 NFB sessions, clients with AS
seemed more systematic and organized,
Variable PRE POST p value appeared more attentive during the task,
Total Move (TMS) 85.37 94. 11 .027 and presented with increased self-confi-
Total Correct (TCS) 90.74 93.89 .392 dence (see Table 3). Furthermore, accord-
Total Rule Violations (TRV) 72.63 92.74 .007 ing to our findings, there do not appear to
Total Time Violations (TTV) 96.95 101.89 .331 be significant age or IQ effects on changes
Total Initiation Time (TIT) 90.21 95.68 .066 in ToLDX performance. Clients’ raw scores
Total Execution Time (TET) 88.42 99.68 .002 were converted to standard scores relative
Note. ToLDX – Tower of London – Drexel University to their age matched peers. The availabil-
ity of norms for standard scores means
Table 3 that ToLDX is a useful tool when assess-
Qualitative ToLDX Mean Raw Scores Pre- and Post-40 Neurofeedback Sessions ing performance of clients of all ages as it
takes into account that executive functions
Variable PRE POST p value emerge in early childhood and continue to
develop over the years until adulthood is
Systematic 3.32 2.26 .003
reached (Dennis, 1991). As a measure of
Deliberate 4.00 2.63 .002
executive function, the association between
Persistent 2.47 1.42 .000
intellectual level and ToLDX performance
Flexible 3.84 2.42 .000
should not be significant. Accordingly, our
Alert 3.58 1.79 .000
findings did not indicate any significant IQ
Attentive 3.42 1.63 .000
effects on clients’ performance. As such,
Motor 1.05 1.00 .331
ToLDX appears to be a true measure of fron-
Cooperative 2.21 1.16 .000
tal lobe function.
Confident 3.63 2.11 .000
In summary, ToLDX provides standard-
Relaxed 4.00 2.26 .000
ized measurement of numerous, although
Frustration 3.42 1.74 .000
overlapping, cognitive skills. It provides
Support 3.52 1.58 .000
quantitative measures regarding an individ-
Note. ToLDX – Tower of London – Drexel University ual’s performance level as it compares each


Neuroconnections fall 2009 .indd 24 8/11/2009 3:31:42 PM

NeuroConnections FALL 2009

client’s performance to that of age matched peers. The qualitative References

measures can be used to further clarify interpretation of the quan- Alvarez, A. (2004). Issues in assessment: Asperger’s syndrome and personality. In M. Rhode
titative information, such as directing and controlling of executive & T. Klauber (Eds.) The many faces of Asperger’s syndrome. The Tavistock clinic series.
London: Karnac Books, 113-128.
planning through verbalizations, as well as speed at which it is ex- Bowler, D. M., Gardiner, J. M. & Berthollier, N. (2004). Source Memory in Adolescents
ecuted. In light of the previous research that has indicated dysfunc- and Adults with Asperger’s Syndrome, Journal of Autism & Developmental Disorders.
34(5), 533-542.
tion in the frontal lobes in clients with AS (Kaiser, 2006; Thompson
& Thompson, 2007), paired with research on frontal lobe functions Coben, R. (2005). Assessment guided neurofeedback for autistic spectrum disorder. Presenta-
tion at the International Society for Neuronal Regulation 13th annual conference, Denver,
being linked to ToLDX performance (Owen, 1997), our current find- Colorado, September.
ings suggest that ToLDX may be a useful tool in clinical settings. It Culbertson, W.C., & Zillmer, E.A. (2001). Tower of London – Drexel University (TOLDX).
can enhance accuracy of the diagnostic process, improve treatment New York: Multi-Health Systems Inc.

planning, and track client progress across time. Continued on page 39

Finally, we were able to conduct qualitative observations
with two clients who were tested after 40 and 60 NFB sessions.
Client 1 seems to have done worse after 40 NFB sessions, but his
performance improved after 60 NFB sessions (see Figure 1). After
further training he appears to engage in more efficient executive
planning, violate fewer rules, and solve problems faster than at the
initial assessment. The second client seems to continue to improve
his ability to hold information on-line and to become a more effi-
cient problem solver as he progresses through training (see Figure
2). He also seems to maintain gains, such as increased speed of
problem solving and reduced impulsivity, observed after 40 NFB
sessions. Finally, according to the researcher’s observations, these
clients continue to advance their problem-solving approach, atten-
tion, and social interaction over time (see Figure 3). Perhaps cli-
ents with AS may require more than 40 NFB sessions in order to
make significant gains on tests of executive functions. Therefore, FIGURE 1. ToLDX standard scores on six quantitative measures at three time
tracking their progress with tools such as ToLDX may provide use- points (pre-, post-40, and post-60 NFB sessions) for Client 1.
ful information to help tailor the training, especially with respect
to indicating whether more training is needed and thus help ensure
that sufficient training is done.
In addition to a number of limitations, such as a small sam-
ple size, lack of establishing inter-rater reliability, and testing and
retesting at different times of the day, the mechanism of improve-
ment remains far from clear. The noted increase in confidence
and possible decrease in impulsivity would contribute to clients
becoming more reflective and better at test-taking. They may
have also developed a more positive attitude and an increased
interest in pleasing others after 40 NFB sessions. Despite the
five-month gap between the two testing sessions, familiarity with
the tests and the relationship with the examiner may have played
a role. Future studies would ideally include a control group and
random assignment to either NFB or an active placebo. This
would help distinguish between nonspecific effects and specific FIGURE 2. ToLDX standard scores on six quantitative measures at three time
effects attributable to the NFB intervention, as well as address the points (pre-, post-40, and post-60 NFB sessions) for Client 2.
question of practice effects on the ToLDX test. Nevertheless, our
findings suggest that 40 NFB sessions coupled with training in
metacognition do result in positive effects on executive function-
ing in clients with AS, including planning efficiency, speed, and
ability to switch sets and inhibit certain responses. In particular,
clients with AS may realize that proper planning is essential to
everyday success and may become better at identifying subgoals
and organizing them into a sequence, self-monitoring during the
process, and developing a final action plan in order to achieve
a goal. Furthermore, employing measures of planning and orga-
nizing abilities in clinical settings seems to provide diverse and
important information about clients’ initial functioning and ongo-
ing progress over the course of training. Such knowledge may be
useful to clinicians when determining the diagnosis and devising
FIGURE 3. ToLDX raw scores on three groups of qualitative measures at
a subsequent treatment plan for each client. three time points (pre-, post-40, and post-60 NFB sessions) for Clients 1 and
2 combined.


Neuroconnections fall 2009 .indd 25 8/11/2009 3:31:42 PM

NeuroConnections FALL 2009

Myths, Fears and Reality of

Washing a Patient Off Their
Medication For QEEG Assessment
Daniel A. Hoffman, M.D., Medical Director, Neuro-Therapy Clinic
President & Chief Medical Officer, CNS Response

Introduction This article is based on the combined based biomarker was the motive for these
experiences of several practicing psychia- particular patients. Referenced-EEG is a
It is a common occurrence for a patient in a
trists who routinely washout patients in or- test using a clean “digital EEG” submitted
mental health practice to present for QEEG
der to perform a Referenced-EEG (rEEG) to a database of pattern recognition corre-
evaluation while on numerous, concurrent
test to predict medication response.7-14 lated to clinical outcomes of most psycho-
psychotropic drugs. Medication stacking,
However there are several factors tropic drugs other than antipsychotics.7-14
particularly in the treatment resistant pa-
that should be noted which determine ac- In the process of using this new test,
tient, may cause adverse reactions, over-ac-
tual brain clearance. LSD, for example, the author gained experience in tapering and
tivation or even neurotoxicity.4 Equally dis-
theoretically clears in 2.5 hours according washing out medications and suggests sev-
tressing is the patient who may actually no
to the five half-life rule, yet the CNS effects eral valuable principles to minimize risks.
longer need any medication but remain on
continue well beyond that period. Doses of 1. Preparation and proper informed consent
psychotropic drugs for years.3, 6 But often
medications and length of time using the gains the patient’s confidence and sup-
the task requested of the Neurotherapist is
drug also affect brain clearance. port. Initially it consists of the patient
to understand the patient’s EEG, yet medi-
For purposes of this reporting, 2,008 borrowing from the posture and exper-
cations are known to affect brainwaves
patients were followed for medication ta- tise of the provider recommending the
making the assessment results murky, un-
pering off both their psychotropic and other washout. Proper management of expec-
less a clean naïve brain can be evaluated.
medications (including vitamins, herbs,
In order to accomplish this task effec- tations can make the difference between
OTC meds, alcohol, caffeine, etc) under a successful taper and a potential crisis.
tively, washing out medication is necessary in
the author’s guidance. This included the Part of the preparation includes the
order to obtain a true baseline state. This is not
patients at two substance abuse clinics and patient understanding that there may be
done without trepidation, regardless of who
several leading academic institutions in-
orchestrates the taper schedule. Since each discomfort over the next few weeks. In
volved in randomized studies for rEEG-- fact, anticipating discontinuation symp-
medication, drug, or supplement requires 5 to
all occurred without significant incidence.
7 half lives in order to clear the brain, most toms from SSRIs of dizziness, dry mouth,
A carefully orchestrated washout of
health care practitioners are understandably insomnia, nausea, nervousness, sweating,
medications was successful without any
uncomfortable washing a patient out of their anorexia, diarrhea, somnolence, and sen-
major incidence.15, 16 Most of our cases sory disturbances (shock like electrical
chemicals. To make matters worse, while the
were seen in outpatient settings of non-psy- sensations or “zaps”) educates the patient
taper decision needs to be done by the pre-
chotic patients. In addition to the goal of as to realistic expectations.
scriber, there is often skepticism about the
taking patients off medication in order to
validity of QEEG and Neurofeedback, thus
get clean rEEG testing results, other sub- 2. Depending on the reason for washout,
starting the process off with initial resistance.
stantial benefits were observed, not the least allowing the patient to have input into
A search of the literature revealed
of which were patients feeling better.6 Over the decision of taper speed helps confirm
several articles on the risks of getting pa-
this period of several years, based on a sur- a sense of teamwork, avoiding anger if
tients off medication or switching from one
vey of other investigators, only15 patients they experience symptoms. Whereas the
drug class to another, but no articles were
(0.75%) presented with adverse reactions more typical taper speed for SSRIs, for
discovered recommending a therapeutic
due to medication withdrawal yet elected example, may be to half the dose every
washout except one by this author.6
to continue the process until the rEEG two weeks, it has been my experience
Most prescribers would welcome the
test could be performed. An additional 5 that when given this choice for patients
opportunity to “start over” with some pa-
(0.25%) patients were unable to complete doing a Referenced-EEG, almost uni-
tients by washing out their current drugs. In
fact, most would consider it good medicine,
their washout and chose to go back on their formly they’ll elect a more rapid, yet
previous medications. still appropriate, taper schedule in order
particularly when the patient has been on
meds for decades or when they were initial-
There were no known correlations to reduce the length of time for any po-
with the patients who had trouble washing tential discomfort.
ly put on psychotropics in their adolescent
out. Symptoms, history, quantitative EEG
years prior to the completion of the brain’s 3. Asking patients if they’ve ever missed
variables, or motivation failed to predict dif-
myelination. On the other hand, patients and
ficulty in getting off medication. Previous any doses of their medicine and, if so,
prescribers alike are reticent to take the risk what symptoms they experienced6 helps
response to getting off psychotropics was
of the patient becoming clinically worse or
the only variable which helped to determine identify whether a slower or more ag-
even decompensating, (particularly where gressive taper should be attempted.
ease of washout, as discussed below.
one is unlikely to be able to washout or ta-
per in a hospital setting). Washing out some Recommendations: 4. Medications that have long half-lives can
medications, like benzodiazepines, should While there are many reasons to contem- temporarily be switched to similar drugs
be considered with caution due to potential plate a washout, testing for a new evidence- in the same class with shorter clearance
for addiction and withdrawal.2 (e.g., escitalopram (Celexa) for fluox-

Neuroconnections fall 2009 .indd 26 8/11/2009 3:31:43 PM

NeuroConnections FALL 2009

etine (Prozac) or quetiapine (Seroquel) safety. The members of the support en- worse, either due to the return of symptoms
for aripiprazole (Abilify). vironment must agree to watch the pa- or to acute side effects of discontinuation.
tient for suicidal ideations or attempts, Those patients improved when their medi-
5. Written taper schedules for each medica- mood swings or any other potentially cations were reinitiated after successful
tion can help alleviate anxiety, especial- life threatening worsening of symptoms. completion of the rEEG assessment.
ly when a patient is at home questioning They must also be prepared not to leave The purpose of this paper was to
their memory of your instructions. Com- the patient alone. If there is not an ad- ease the concerns of many clinicians who
pliance is as much an issue tapering off equate support system in place, the dis- feel it may, for one reason or another, be
medications as it is remaining on them. continuation may be delayed until such a good therapeutic approach, yet have con-
support is available. cerns about how “risky” it might be. In my
6. If discontinuation symptoms do devel-
direct personal experience combined with
op and cause a significant problem for 9. Patients who become extremely ill cases I’ve supervised, while there may be
the patient, allowing the use of natural (e.g., suicidal, homicidal, extremely de- a week or so of unpleasantness, irritability
products to help relieve symptoms of pressed) or who have medical conditions and in some cases, even significant mood
agitation may be beneficial. Typically requiring their continual use of prescrip- changes, when done correctly and with an
augmenting with choline, inositol and/or tion drugs (active cardiac, asthma or adequate support system, there are many
whey protein isolate can ease anxiety seizure disorders, for example) should good therapeutic reasons to try a washout
and irritability – as long as they are off not be taken off their medications due to and taper in order to adequately assess a
these products for the last 2 days if they the risk of serious medical sequelae. The brain’s QEEG. Juxtaposed to the increasing
are preparing for rEEG testing. person prescribing for the medical con- number of patients on multiple psychotro-
7. If the current schedule of medication
dition should always make the decisions pic medications, many of which are being
about the degree of risk of tapering off used to treat a side effect from a previous
withdrawal is causing too much discom-
their medication.
fort, the patient should be instructed to drug, there are times when a fresh look at
immediately return to the previous dose the brain’s neurochemistry makes sense,
until the prescriber can see them again. In and the fear of washout need not stand in
my experience, this is rarely necessary. As reported in an earlier paper6, several the way.
patients experienced significant relief from References:
8. Before attempting to washout a patient merely ridding themselves of the toxic ef- 1. Mitchell, AJ. Understanding medication discontinuation
with significant psychiatric symptoms, fects of medications they didn’t need. Oth- in depression, Psychiatric Times, 2007: 24(4):
gathering their support system to gain ers experienced decreased side effects such 2. Ramadan, MI., Werder, SF., Preskorn, SH. Safe use of
as sedation, sexual dysfunction and/or cog- benzodiazepines, buspirone, and propranolol. Journal of
consensus is not only important for the Family Practice. 2006: 5(5):
patient’s preparation, but also for their nitive disturbances. Many reported feeling
Continued on page 30

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Neuroconnections fall 2009 .indd 27 8/11/2009 3:31:43 PM

NeuroConnections FALL 2009

Z-score Training with Profound Autistic

Spectrum Disorder: A Case Study
Penijean Rutter, M.A., C.R.C., L.M.H.I
Clinical Services Director at Cognitive Neuro Sciences, Inc., Tampa, FL

Brain-based biofeedback with severely ing nature sounds, and found an empty most beneficial There was some hesitancy
compromised clients can be uniquely chal- plastic water bottle that he could bite down on our part to take his case because we were
lenging. When Billy’s mother brought him on when he became agitated instead of my concerned that he would be unable to sit in
in for an evaluation, I was unsure we would arm. Trying to record with minimal muscle the chair, leave the wires on his head, and
be able to record his EEG without sedating artifact required our collective innovation engage in the task for long enough periods
him which would render the data unusable. to calm and occupy Billy who had particu- of time for training to actually occur. At the
Billy was an active, large-framed 12-year- lar difficulty keeping his eyes closed, and time, we did not have other interventions,
old with profound autistic spectrum behav- would tic even more when he felt stressed such as LENS or Neurofield, that require
iors and the cognitive function of a small or nervous. much less engagement from the client, and
child. He met DSM-IV criteria for Autistic An analysis of Billy’s EEG record- we relied on our client participation.
Disorder with the following symptoms: ings revealed a number of significant find- Ultimately, we decided to take Billy’s
• Delay in development of verbal and ings. (See Figures 1 and 2) We did not ob- case for a couple reasons. He was a prime
non-verbal communication serve any epileptiform or paroxysmal activ- physical candidate for treatment because
ity in his raw waves, but statistical analysis his mother had put considerable effort into
• Lack of social or emotional reciprocity
of spectral activity according to NeuroGu- providing Billy with excellent nutrition, in-
• Stereotyped and repetitive motor man- ide v. 2.3.8 and SKIL v.3.0 indicated sig- cluding supplements believed to assist with
ners, impaired fine motor skills nificant dysregulation of both activity and the raw materials necessary for brain health
• Tourette’s-like physical spasms, and in- connectivity measures compared to healthy and function. She had also visited homeo-
voluntary high-pitched shrieks functional children his age. pathic or natural practitioners, and tried al-
• Failure to develop peer relationships The most significant findings in my ternative methods to help Billy improve his
appropriate to developmental level, or opinion were Billy’s alpha hypocoherence functioning. When he came to us for treat-
to spontaneously engage peers in play and his high phase activity in the fronto- ment, he was medication free.
activities central lobes because they replicated across Another factor that weighed heav-
databases, showing up in the most recent ily into our decision was the opportunity
• Interrupted sleep patterns, and noctur- versions of both SKIL and NeuroGuide, to gather data that would contribute to our
nal enuresis and appearing in both recording states. His internal attempts as a clinic to construct a
• Aggressive behavior toward peers and excess activity in high beta was also rep- working paradigm of how neurofeedback
service providers, including hitting, licated between databases and recording impacted our clients. We had been debat-
scratching, grabbing and biting states, then localized to 23-27 Hz using sin- ing between ourselves whether or not our
Billy’s mother reported her concern gle Hz bins (See Figure 4). Because EMG clients need to cognitively understand what
with his level of aggression, stating that his artifact in the beta ranges is diffuse across they were trying to accomplish for their
increasing tendency to hit and bite people as the entire spectrum and not localized to brains to correctly interpret the feedback
he entered puberty was becoming problem- specific bandwidths (Nunes, et at., 2004), they received from our training programs
atic and she was worried that the staff mem- we determined that Billy’s beta activity re- and for function to improve. This question
bers at his school were exacerbating his ag- flected EEG instead of muscle artifact. dovetailed with our interest in how much
gressive behavior by responding to it poorly. The eyes closed recording showed placebo effect or therapeutic interaction
As she described his sensitivity to light and a significant reduction of alpha activity with the trainer contributed to the reduction
sound, and his habit of biting first and asking in frontal and temporal regions that cor- in symptoms that our clients experienced
questions later, I became even less optimistic responded with the only instance of slow (Budzynski 1996). Billy was an ideal op-
about a QEEG recording and analysis, much phase activity between frontal lobes and portunity for us to observe the individual
less doing traditional neurofeedback training occipital lobes, and excess beta asymmetry capability of a child with severely compro-
with him (Sichel, et al. 1995) (Baving 2002). mised functioning to engage in the training
Our first attempt at putting an electro- Other findings that we noted for tasks without a full cognitive grasp of the
cap on Billy more closely resembled a three monitoring during treatment were Billy’s purpose behind them, which would affect
ring circus than a therapeutic intervention. low amplitudes in delta, particularly in our perception of not only placebo effect,
Billy’s mother, one of our clinic techni- eyes open, and his high amplitudes in beta but how the brain perceives reward and
cians, and I worked to get him hooked up at homologous sites, most notably over the uses feedback to reorganize itself.
as quickly and efficiently as possible while motor strip in eyes open. We decided to train Billy using the
he flailed his arms, shrieked, and tried to Once we had looked at the data, my Z-score training program on BrainMaster
bite us. After the second time he pulled colleague, William A. Lambos, Ph.D., and equipment because the normative database
the cap off his head, and threw me into a I discussed whether Billy was trainable us- used by the Z-score DLL is based on the da-
nearby wall, I turned all of the lights in the ing traditional neurofeedback methods, and tabase used in Thatcher’s NeuroGuide EEG
room down very low, put on some sooth- if so, which training approach would be analysis software (Thatcher 2003), and the

Neuroconnections fall 2009 .indd 28 8/11/2009 3:31:44 PM

NeuroConnections FALL 2009

connectivity measures in all of Billy’s body language and determine when

maps indicated severe dysregulation he was becoming agitated enough to
across both recording states. act out. Billy and I conditioned each
We created a training protocol other as our rapport developed, al-
as if he were a high functioning cli- though his continual attempts to grab
ent to give his brain the most com- and bite me extinguished any inatten-
prehensive and efficient feedback we tive behaviors I might have had, far
could devise regardless of what his more quickly than my soothing vocal
cognitive limitations appeared to be tones and musical rewards shaped his
(Banaschewski & Brandeis, in press). attention. It was helpful to hook him
I was operating from the premise that up with very low lighting, and then to
the brain is a reward seeking machine, train him completely in the dark with
and we could potentially condition the computer monitors dimmed and
him to associate the visual and aural the musical notes turned down very
feedback from the training program quietly because of his sensitivities to FIGURE 1
with verbal and social approval from sound and light.
me and his mother, thereby reinforc- To distract him as I put on his
ing him cognitively or emotionally as electrodes, I made up a song about the
his brain was rewarded for meeting electrode placement that detailed each
training criteria. step of what I was doing and what I
I trained him with a ground was going to do next to facilitate his
lead behind the right ear, two linked comfort level with the procedure and
ears for reference, and then four ac- to help him routinize the sensations.
tive training electrodes that recorded I hooked him up in exactly the same
the live EEG which the program used order each time and within five or six
to create the feedback. I placed the sessions he would hum along and tilt
four training electrodes at F3, F4, C3 his head for the next placement.
and C4 because much of the pattern The involuntary muscle tics
of dysregulation from his brain maps and upper body spasms were an is-
was concentrated in his frontal and sue of concern as his EEG readings
central lobes (see Figures 1-2). were riddled with EMG artifact and I
There are a variety of different was unsure he would be able to relax FIGURE 2
approaches to using Z-score training enough to produce accurate feedback.
in a clinical setting, and I chose to The first session, Billy trained for 24
train Billy using the “percentZOK” minutes, during which he was able to
setting wherein the training program keep his eyes open and his body still
monitors the activity at each of the for 20-30 second stretches about 6
four EEG channels (F3, F4, C3, C4) times over the course of the session.
in absolute power, relative power, I monitored his feedback parameters
and power ratios, and then measures throughout training and adjusted them
the asymmetry, coherence and phase to keep his reward percentage high
between each site pairing. This pro- enough that he was challenged but
duces 248 variables at which to mea- low enough that he could receive suf-
sure and observe Billy’s EEG at those ficient reinforcement to keep his brain
four sites compared to the activity engaged. Using the percentZOK pro-
contained in the normative database gram, this meant keeping his reward FIGURE 3
being accessed. levels between 40-60%.
Creating the actual feedback Over the first 20 sessions, Billy
consisted of setting the standard de- seemed intermittently calmer and less
viation parameters and telling the agitated. He ticced less during train-
program what percentage of the 248 ing, and he sat still and appeared to
Z-scores needed to be within the set be engaged by the visual and musical
standard deviation criteria simultane- feedback for longer periods of time.
ously for Billy to get a reinforcement, Every handful of sessions, he would
which consisted of musical tones or a decide he was done training 5-10 min-
visual that activated when he met cri- utes into it and stand up and pull the
teria for reinforcement. electrodes off of his head, or he would
The first few training sessions not tolerate being hooked up at all, and
were particularly challenging as Billy we would have to reschedule, but most
and I acclimated to each other and cre-
ated a routine. I learned to watch his FIGURE 4
Continued on page 30

Neuroconnections fall 2009 .indd 29 8/11/2009 3:31:44 PM

NeuroConnections FALL 2009

Z-Score Training to a normative database. We can postulate, mild autism. Journal of Neurotherapy, 1 (1), 60-64.
continued from page 29 using a functional connectivity model, that Thatcher, R.W., Walker, R.A., Biver, C., North, D., Curtin,
R., Quantitative EEG Normative databases: Validation
problematic connectivity measures between and Clinical Correlation, J. Neurotherapy, 7 (No. ¾):
of the sessions we were able to coax him or particular areas of the brain can correspond 87 - 122, 2003.
distract him long enough that we kept him in to behavioral excesses or deficits that the Thatcher, R.W. (1998) EEG normative databases and EEG
the chair at least 20-30 minutes. client is demonstrating. biofeedback. Journal of Neurotherapy, 2(4): 8-39.
Billy’s mother reported less aggres- In Billy’s case, his difficulties with so- Thatcher, R.W., North, D., and Biver, C. EEG and Intel-
sion and bed-wetting during the first 10 cial interaction, verbal processing, and self- ligence: Univariate and Multivariate Comparisons Be-
tween EEG Coherence, EEG Phase Delay and Power.
sessions but also an increase in his restless- regulation appeared to lessen as his EEG Clinical Neurophysiology, 2005, 116(9):2129-2141.
ness at night saying that he was sleeping normalized in both activity and connectivity.
less and seemed more activated. Between Feedback from his family members proved
15-20 sessions he began to sleep through consistent with our observations. Washing a Patient Off Their
the night completely several times a week, The fact that Billy was able to effect Medication
something he had not done in several years, such a significant change in his own EEG continued from page 27
and his restlessness during the other nights (Egner 2001) without a cognitive under- 3. DuVal, G. Ethics in psychiatric research: Study design
of the week decreased markedly. His tic- standing of the goal he was trying to ac- issues. Canada Journal of Psychiatry. 2004;49:55–59.
cing also lessened significantly, and his complish indicates some interesting possi- 4. Preskorn, SH, Lacey, RL. Polypharmacy: When is it
rational? Journal of Psychiatric Practice. 2000;13(2):97-
mother reported increasingly fewer upper bilities for future application of brain based 105.
body spasms. biofeedback training with significantly im- 5. Suppes T, Baldessarini RJ, Motohashi N, Tondo L, Vi-
As we progressed through training, paired populations. guera AA. Special treatment issues: Maintaining and
discontinuing psychotropic medications. Rush AJ (ed):
Billy became more verbal. When we hit Banaschewski, T., & Brandeis, D. (in Mood Disorders. Systematic Medication Management.
20-30 sessions, he was making eye contact press). Annotation:What EEG/ERP tell us Mod Probl Pharmacopsychiatry. Basel, Karger, 1997,
and addressing peers voluntarily without about brain function that other techniques
vol 25, pp 235-254 (DOI: 10.1159/000061671)
6. Hoffman, DA. “First, Do No Harm – A Basic Tenet in
prompting. His was also more easily en- cannot tell us. Journal of Child Psychology Jeopardy?” Journal of Neurotherapy. 2006: 10(4):53-61.
gaged by external stimuli such as televi- and Psychiatry. 7. Emory WH, Schiller M, Suffin SC. (June, 2004). Refer-
sion shows, school work and video games, enced–EEG in the treatment of eating disorders. Poster
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demonstrating longer periods of focus Evaluation Unit (NCDEU). Phoenix, Arizona.
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and attention. There were some days that brain activation in anxious school children. Journal of 8. Schiller M, Emory, H. Background, methodology and
I couldn’t get Billy hooked up and in the Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 43, 265–274. support of referenced-EEG. In:
chair, and other days where he trained for Budzynski, T. H. (1996). Brain brightening: Can neuro- Physician’s Guide to Referenced-EEG (rEEG). CNS Re-
feedback improve cognitive process? Biofeedback, 24 sponse; 2005;1-5.
40 minutes and wanted to go longer.
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and in social interaction improved over the EView–a workstation-based viewer for intensive clini-
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experience. Poster No. 10 for 158th Annual Meeting of
course of training. His mother reported that cal electroencephalography. IEEE Transactions American Psychiatric Association. Atlanta, GA.
the most notable difference she observed on Biomedical Engineering, 49, 736-744. 10. Schiller, M, et. al., Referenced-EEG in the Treating of
was his ability to process verbal or social Duffy, F., Hughes, J. R., Miranda, F., Bernad, P. & Cook, Eating Disorders, presented at NIMH’s 44th NCDEU in
June 2004.
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observed a decrease in his hypocoherence Fehmi, L.G. & Collura, T.F., (2007) Effects of Electrode Method for Predicting Pharmacotherapeutic Outcome in
(See Figures 1-3) across both recording Placement Upon EEG Biofeedback Training: The Mo- Refractory Major Depressive Disorder, J of Physicians
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conditions, a decrease in the high beta am- Vol. 11(2)
14. Suffin SC, Emory WH. Neurometric subgroups in atten-
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symptoms and behaviors that could possi- cephalography, 34, 145–152. 18(3):193-7.
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toms often have EEG maps that show either brasileira de anestesiologia, 54, 404-22. tinuation of Atomoxetine in Children and Adults With
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Neuroconnections fall 2009 .indd 30 8/11/2009 3:31:44 PM

Generalized Anxiety Disorder Subtypes QEEG mapping service

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Delta Theta Alpha Beta 22Hz 23Hz 24Hz 25Hz
High Alpha Subtype: Anxiety, Depression, ADD High Mean Frequency Beta: Anxiety, Alcoholism, Insomnia

Delta Theta Alpha Beta 9Hz 10Hz 11Hz 12Hz

Low Alpha Subtype: Anxiety, Insomnia, Alcohol / Drug Abuse High Mean Frequency Alpha: Anxiety, Insomnia

Full Package: #’s 1-7: minimum recommended for Neurotherapy $225.00
Includes electronic copy. Priority mail is $20 extra.

Full Package: #’s 1-6: Without report (1-5 only) $195.00

Includes electronic copy. Priority mail is $20 extra. If one database used the minimum is $75.00

01) NX Link - NYU/E. Roy John Normative Database (Eyes Closed) $70.00
A) NX Link Discriminant Analyses: ADD, LD, Depression, Memory/Dementia, Substance Abuse, Head Injury, Schizophrenia/Thought Disorders
02) EureKa3! - Nova Tech EEG LORETA Analysis System and Adult Normative $70.00
Database - Eyes Closed
03) Neuroguide - R. Thatcher Normative Database $70.00/each
A) Eyes Closed Linked Ears Z-scores // Eyes Closed LaPlacian Z-Scores
B) Eyes Open Linked Ears Z-Scores // Eyes Open LaPlacian Z-Scores
04) Neurorep - W. Hudspeth QEEG Analysis System $70.00/each
A) Eyes Closed - Weighted Average, Z-scores, Magnitude,% Power, LaPlacian, Average Spectrum, coherence, connectivity
B) Eyes Open - Weighted Average, Z-scores, Magnitude, % Power, LaPlacian, Average Spectrum, coherence, connectivity
05) Thatcher TBI Discriminant Analysis and Severity Index $70.00
06) Thatcher Learning Disabilities Discriminant Analysis and Severity Index $70.00
07) Clinical Correlations and Neurotherapy Recommendations by Bob Gurnee $70.00

total value: $630

08) Conventional Medical EEG - Read by Neurologist $125.00
09) EureKa3! – Nova Tech EEG LORETA Analysis - Eyes Open-Non Database $70.00
10) Neurorep - W. Hudspeth QEEG Analysis System: Task
Weighted Average, Z-scores, Magnitude,% Power, LaPlacian, Average Spectrum
11) Supervision and Training Hourly Rate $100.00
12) Extra set of Printed Maps sent priority mail $35.00
13) Electronic (sent via FTP or E-mail) and Paper Copies of Maps sent priority mail with package purchase $20.00
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Tel: (480) 424 7200 Fax: (480) 424 7800
MSW, BCIA:EEG, QEEG Diplomate, Director Established 1982

Neuroconnections fall 2009 .indd 31 8/11/2009 3:31:44 PM

The ISNR Research Foundation hopes you’ll consider being part of the solution. The problem is that for
neurofeedback to be better recognized by other medical and psychological professionals,
and for better insurance coverage, we need to perform studies proving effectiveness.

You know it worked for you.

The ISNR Research Foundation hopes to accomplish the necessary research
to demonstrate that neurofeedback is or is not effective in particular disorders.

You can HELP THE BRAIN HELP US by making a donation to the Foundation

Neuroconnections fall 2009 .indd 32 8/11/2009 3:31:45 PM

NeuroConnections FALL 2009

Resolving the International

“Blind-Spot”: ISNR RF
Information Officers
We recently published a meta-analysis on Neurofeedback and
ADHD where we were finally able to conclude that: “…Neuro-
feedback treatment for ADHD can de considered “Efficacious
and Specific” (Level 5)…” (Arns, de Ridder, Strehl, Breteler &
Coenen; 2009). This conclusion could be mainly drawn based
on some excellent and recent studies from Germany, of which
2 were published in German. This made me realize that since
the ISNR meetings are always held in the US and that for most
English speaking people it is very hard to be able to keep up- Mexico / S-America Carlos Novo
to-date with publications in non-English journals, that there Australia Nerida Saunders
was a scientific ‘blind-spot’ towards studies published in other Russia Tato Sokhadze
After discussing this with the ISNR Research Founda- Russia Alexei Berd
tion it was decided to identify a group of international Infor- South Africa Mitzi Claassen
mation Officers who would report back to the ISNR Research Japan Jo Sato
Foundation (ISNRRF) on international scientific publica- Slovakia Pavel Krivulka
tions, articles but also on legal developments and grants/fund-
ing in the field of Applied Neuroscience (e.g. Neurofeedback, We hope to be able to provide a first update on interna-
QEEG, Neuromodulation). We hope that this initiative will tional developments during the ISNR meeting in Indianapolis
help to resolve the international ‘Blind-Spot’ so we are bet- next September, so hopefully see you there!
ter aware of relevant research performed across the globe. Kind regards,
Furthermore, we also hope that this information will enable
ISNR to better understand and learn from international devel- Martijn Arns
opments such as regulatory issues and grants obtained for Ap-
On behalf of the ISNR Research Foundation martijn@
plied Neuroscience research and foster further collaborations
with internationally like-minded organizations.
Arns, M., de Ridder, S., Strehl, U., Breteler, M & Coenen,
We currently have received a positive response from
A. (2009) Efficacy of Neurofeedback Treatment in ADHD: the
the people below for the geographical areas indicated (Car-
Effects on Inattention, Impulsivity and Hyperactivity: a Meta-
los, Nerida, Tato, Alexei, Mitzi, Jo and Pavel thanks for your
Analysis. EEG and Clinical Neuroscience, 40(3): 180-189.
help!). We are still seeking for other Information Officers for
the areas that have not been covered yet. If you are interested,
please contact me!

Research Foundation Donations since Last Issue Total = $1,510

Delta Level:
BETA Level
Gail Awaya
Alberto Texidor
Ann Richman
Deborah Stokes
Seaburn Fisher
John Davis
Thomas Fink
Kristen Sokol GAMMALEVEL
Shanti Fry Martijn Arns
SMR level (Brain Clinics Diagnostics)
Jon Frederick
Dee Edmonson
Howard Gray Atkins Brodmann
Bob Gurnee (SNI) booklet sales:
Lynda Kirk 18 booklets=$360
Barbara Cohen
John Fisher

Neuroconnections fall 2009 .indd 33 8/11/2009 3:31:46 PM

NeuroConnections FALL 2009

Neuropathological Theories and EEG Gamma

Oscillation Abnormalities in Autism
Estate (Tato) Sokhadze, Ph.D., Joshua Baruth, M.S., and Manuel Casanova, M.D., University of Louisville School of Medicine

Informed clinical consensus defines autism ing to Baron-Cohen & Belmonte (2005), in autism, in particular demonstration of
as a behavioral syndrome characterized by the combination of local sensory hyper- minicolumns of reduced size and increased
pervasive impairment in several areas of arousal and low-level over-processing of number in the autistic brain (Casanova et al.,
development: social interaction, commu- incoming sensory stimuli concurrent with 2002ab, 2006ab). The increased number of
nication skills, and repertoire of interests abnormalities of attention selectivity and minicolumns reported in autism suggests a
and activities. Thus far there have been focus, may be a consequence of the over- possible disruption during the earlier stages
no neuropathological findings nor labora- connected low-level processing neural net- of neurodevelopment in the brain of an au-
tory/performance based measures provid- works in autism spectrum disorders. In such tistic patient. Furthermore, a minicolumnar
ing construct validity to the diagnosis. It over-wired networks signal is insufficiently abnormality may translate difficulties in the
is not surprising that given the complexity differentiated from noise or task-irrelevant integration of information into a delay in
of the clinical symptoms researchers have information, and as a result information language acquisition. In all, minicolumnar
claimed abnormalities in widely divergent capacity is drastically reduced (Belmonte abnormalities may incapacitate a patient as
areas of the brain in autism. In the absence et al., 2004; Casanova, 2006; Rubinstein a social being by distorting elements of the
of pathognomonic abnormalities clinical and Merzenich, 2003). Higher-than-nor- child’s biopsychological experience.
research in autism has been guided by a mal noise in cortical processes also affects The modular arrangement of the
variety of ideologies and epistemological normal development of differentiated rep- cortex is based on the cell minicolumn: a
assumptions each contributing to the de- resentations, because cortical response se- self-contained ecosystem of neurons and
velopment of explanatory models or “theo- lectivity in space and time is a product of their afferent, efferent, and interneuronal
ries”: executive function (Ozonoff et al., balanced inhibitory and excitatory process- connections (Mountcastle, 2003). Our pre-
1997), “weak central coherence” (Frith and es. Such over-representation by non-differ- liminary studies indicate that minicolumns
Happe, 1994), complex information pro- entiated systems could plausibly account, in the brains of autistic patients are nar-
cessing (Minshew et al., 1997), “theory-of- for example, for the strong aversive reac- rower, with an altered internal organization
mind” (Baron-Cohen et al., 1985), and em- tions to auditory, tactile, and visual stimuli (Casanova, 2006). More specifically, their
pathy (Baron-Cohen, 2004). By themselves that are commonly recorded in autistic in- minicolumns reveal less space for inhibi-
these theories are incapable of accounting dividuals. The abnormal long-range neural tory local circuit projections. A defect in
for all of the developmental, social, cogni- connectivity model is suggested to explain these GABAergic fibers may correlate with
tive and affective variables which define deficits in high-level complex information the increased prevalence of seizures among
autistic psychopathology. Genetic factors processing functions where rapid and inte- autistic patients. Based on the descriptions
in autism should definitely be considered grated operation of many separate neural given thus far, it is possible to propose a
as well. Autism is thought to be influenced systems is required (Minshew et al., 1997; disruption of the normal balance between
by multiple genes as well as environmental Welchew et al., 2005). In the autistic brain, excitation and inhibition in the columnar
factors thus providing for multifactorial in- high local connectivity may develop along organization of autistic patients. In this re-
heritance (Muhle et al, 2004). Accordingly, with deficient long-range connectivity. gard, a series of noteworthy studies report
there is no singular causal pathway to au- In recent years, neuropathological that both children and adults with autism
tism. studies of autism have revealed abnormali- were superior to a control group in their
Therefore, an integrative framework ties in several brain regions. Changes in ability to discriminate novel, highly simi-
capable of relating available theoretical con- brain size with widespread increases in both lar stimuli (Plaisted et al., 2003). Autistic
structs appears justified. Recent attempts at gray and white matter volumes suggest that children also have a superior ability in dis-
deriving such an overarching meta-theory the underlying pathology in autism consists criminating display items in visual search
have focused on a basic abnormality of of widely distributed histological abnor- tasks; such enhanced discrimination in
neural connectivity (Belmonte et al., 2004). malities. The available neuropathological autism results from low-level perceptual
This model is empirically based on lack of and structural imaging data suggest that au- processing of incoming stimuli, and this is
coordinated brain activity and abnormal tism is the result of a developmental lesion called the bottom-up approach (O’Riordan
“binding” in the brains of autistic patients capable of affecting normal brain growth. et al., 2000).
that can be detected with EEG methodology One possible explanation for this is the re- It is well known that networks of in-
(Brock et al., 2002; Brown, 2005). Accord- cent finding of minicolumnar abnormalities hibitory interneurons acting as GABA gated

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pacemakers are critically involved in gam- the ability to focus attention. In autism, (0-800 ms post-stimulus) was performed
ma EEG (30-80 Hz) oscillations (Grothe and uninhibited gamma activity suggests that with Morlet wavelet analysis using MAT-
Klump, 2000). Therefore, analysis of high none of the circuits in the brain can come to LAB. We selected several channels from
frequency EEG oscillations in patients with dominance because too many of them are the frontal, central, parietal and occipital
autism may provide additional information active simultaneously (Brown et al., 2005). areas to cover the whole head, in order to
about potential neural deficits in autism. The “temporal binding deficit” hypothesis examine EEG gamma oscillations in vari-
Abnormalities in these mechanisms have of autism (Brock et al., 2002) suggests that ous brain regions. We found that the power
been associated with binding problems (the many features of autism, such as superiority of gamma oscillations in response to non-
co-activation of neural assemblies), which in processing detail (local processing) and target Kanizsa and non-Kanizsa standard
may be present in both autism and schizo- disadvantages in global processing, can be stimuli was higher in the autism group at
phrenia (Brock et al., 2002; Grice et al., explained by a failure of binding between the left frontal (F1, F7), left and right pari-
2001). Oscillatory activity in the gamma- cortical areas. etal (P1, P2, P7, P8), and occipital (O1, O2)
band of the EEG has been related to Gestalt An increased and earlier burst of EEG channels. Figure 2 shows differences
perception and to cognitive functions such gamma activity in autism might be linked to between induced early and late induced
as attention, learning, and memory (Kaiser, increased ability to perform tasks in which gamma activity in response to non-target
2003). Electrophysiological studies show ignoring contextual information is an ad- and target Kanizsa figures.
strong evidence that synchronized corti- vantage. The disadvantage of such an over- Group (control, autism) differences
cal activity in the gamma frequency range active system however lies in an inflexible in gamma oscillation power to non-target
could be a correlate of feature binding to re-focusing of the brain system onto events and target Kanizsa stimuli were better ex-
form a single coherent percept. Binding rapidly occurring in sequence. Abnormali- pressed over the lateral frontal (F7, F8) and
of widely distributed cell assemblies by ties of gamma oscillatory synchrony in parietal (P7, P8) EEG sites. At all record-
synchronization of their gamma frequency autism can therefore result in significant ing sites the power of gamma to non-targets
activity is thought to underlie cohesive perceptual and cognitive deficits. In our in the autism group was higher compared
stimulus representation in the human brain own study on 12 children with autism and to controls. We found also that at the lat-
(Kahana, 2006). According to this assump- 12 age-matched controls we tested Brock’s eral frontal and parietal sites the difference
tion, changes in gamma EEG activity have “temporal binding deficit in autism” hy- between target and non-target stimuli was
been considered indicators of processing of pothesis (Brock et al., 2002; Rippon et al., more negative in the autism group at the
Gestalt-like patterns (Herrmann and Meck- 2007) using a visual attention task with right hemisphere. There were certain an-
linger, 2000, 2004; von Stein et al. 1999). Kanizsa illusory figures as stimuli. In this terior vs. posterior differences; most nota-
It has been proposed that “weak cen- task subjects have to respond with a but- bly the power of gamma was similar in the
tral coherence” (Frith and Happe, 1994) in ton-press to rare (25% probability) Kanizsa control and autism groups at parietal sites,
autism could result from a reduction in the squares (targets) among Kanizsa triangles but higher in the autism group at the fron-
integration of specialized local networks (rare non-target distracters, 25% probabil- tal sites. The most reproducible finding was
in the brain caused by a deficit in tempo- ity) and non-Kanizsa figures (standards, that gamma induced by non-target stimuli
ral binding (Brock et al., 2002). Visual and 50% probability). was globally higher in autistic subjects
auditory perception anomalies associated Dependent measures in EEG gamma compared to controls at all sites. Analysis
with weak central coherence may be attrib- band were recorded continuously with an of gamma coherence at 4 sites of EEG (F7,
uted to a reduction in synchronization of Electrical Geodesics Inc. 128-electrode ar- F8, P7, and P8) using BESA Coherence
gamma activity between networks process- ray net, referenced to vertex. Extraction of
ing local features; this may explain some induced gamma band power in single trials Continued on page 36
of the features of language deficits, execu-
tive dysfunctions, and other impairments in
social communication associated with au-
tism. Brown (2005) tested adolescents with
autism in an experiment which presented
either shapes with visual illusions (Kanizsa
figures, Kanizsa, 1976) or random pictures.
When perceiving the shape, the group with
autism differed from the controls in three
ways: (1) gamma power was higher than
in the control group; (2) the group with au-
tism showed a very early burst of gamma
activity between 80 and 120 ms; and (3) the
later gamma (around 300 ms) component
in the autistic patients was more powerful
and started much earlier. The inability to FIGURE 1. Kanizsa and non-Kanizsa figures were used as stimulus material in this experiment. In
reduce gamma activity according to Brown particular, the stimulus types used in the experiment are Kanizsa square (target), Kanizsa triangle, non-
(2005) would lead to the inability to decide Kanizsa square, and non-Kanizsa triangle. Non-target Kanizsa triangle was introduced for differentiation
which event requires attention when there of processing Kanizsa figures and targets. The stimuli consisted of either three or four inducer disks which
are considered the shape feature and either do or not constitute an illusory figure (square, triangle). This
are multiple choices. Excessive gamma test with Kanizsa illusory figures is readily inducing gamma response during perceptual processing of
can therefore be linked to a reduction in stimulus (Brown, 2005; Herrmann and Mecklinger, 2000, 2004)


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Abnormalities in Autism serving cognitive processes involved in tients is over-activated and over-loaded with
continued from page 35 combining information processing are not incoming sensory information. In general,
functioning normally. A reduction in the perceptual filtering in autism seems to occur
Tools revealed significantly lower coher- ability to decrease gamma oscillations may in an all-or-none manner, with little specific-
ence in the autism group. A Hemisphere reflect inhibitory deficits as well, resulting ity for the location of the stimulus, the behav-
(left, right) X Topography (anterior, poste- in difficulties directing attention. Earlier ioral relevance of the stimulus, or the sensory
rior) X Group (autism, control) interaction onset and enhanced gamma activity can be modality. The attention of autistic patients
indicated that the autism group had reduced used by some individuals to improve their seems founded more on the coarse control of
coherence coefficient values at anterior atypical perceptual abilities and demon- general arousal than on selective activation of
(i.e., frontal) sites of the right hemisphere. strate well-known islets of superior local specific perceptual systems.
Our findings of excessive gamma processing of detail at the expense of re- Currently our laboratory is looking
oscillations and low inter- and intra-hemi- duced global processing abilities. into the therapeutic effects of low-frequency
spheric coherence in response to non-target Enhanced, prolonged and weakly dif- (i.e., inhibitory) repetitive transcranial mag-
items is in agreement with other studies ferentiated gamma responses to both target netic stimulation (TMS) and neurofeedback
noting that neural systems in the brains of and non-target stimuli in sensory specific cor- on the excessive high-frequency EEG activ-
autistic patients are often inappropriately tical areas (e.g., visual cortex at occipital EEG ity characteristic of individuals with autism.
activated (Belmonte and Yurgelin-Todd, sites) and/or delayed gamma activation at the Our preliminary results using TMS were
2003a), and may be due to a disruption in frontal integrative cortical areas suggests dis- already published recently in the Journal
the ratio between cortical excitation and rupted neural signaling (low functional con- of Autism and Developmental Disorders
inhibition (Casanova et al., 2002ab; Ca- nectivity), and supports the hypothesis of (Sokhadze, et al. 2009). Our study under-
sanova, 2006; Rubenstein and Merzenich, abnormal regional activation patterns (local way is open for enrollment and we continue
2003). In autism, increased gamma activity over-processing vs. global under-processing). research in this promising direction of neu-
indicates that activity induced by percep- In addition to these failures of modulation of rotherapy based on TMS; we plan to add
tual processes starts earlier and continues induced high frequency EEG oscillations in neurofeedback in the future development of
longer, because the neural networks sub- response to stimuli, the brain of autistic pa- our treatment protocol.

FIGURE 2. Induced gamma frequency oscillations in response to Kanizsa FIGURE 3. Coherence of scalp EEG gamma oscillations in response to target
target and non-target stimuli. Children with autism show higher power of Kanizsa stimulus in a typical child and in a patient with autism. Coherence
the late (240-500 ms post stimulus) gamma oscillations in response to target is analyzed using the Coherence Module of BESA (Brain Electric Source
Kanizsa stimulus, and higher power of early (40-180 ms post-stimulus) Analysis) software (MEGIS Software, GmbH, Germany). Left frontal site (F3)
gamma oscillations in response to non-target Kanizsa stimulus. shows high hemispheric phase coherence in control subject, but not in patient
with autism.


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Interview with Dr. Robert Thatcher on the Evolution of
his 19-channel Live Z-Score and LORETA Training System
Michael Gismondi, LMHC
that attempts to integrate what we know distribution; it’s a straight line above two
MG: What constitutes the underly- about the anatomical structure and function hertz….below that we are capturing mostly
ing brain organization that permits current of the brain as we characterize its network glia cell activity, but from 2 to 100 hz it’s
4-channel z-score neurofeedback (ZNF) to or connectivity-based properties. This re- a straight line. The low frequencies, from 2
be clinically meaningful and efficacious? search speaks of 5 to 6 high-density “func- to 9hz, are the most “global” or far-reach-
When a neurofeedback clinician uses ZNF, tional modules” with high local connectiv- ing from a spatial and temporal view; their
there is the assumption your normative da- ity also referred to as “hubs” that are driven effects ripple through the entire spectrum.
tabase, and its real time mathematical trans- and coordinated by pacemakers, primarily Higher frequencies are progressively more
forms, will allow us to observe the many the thalamus. The thalamus is of course at “local” and spatially constrained. These
relationships and required balances and the center of cortical activity detectable via various “functional modules” engage in
flag the key deviations between power vari- EEG. The hippocampus, septal regions, both local and global processing of neural
ables along with measures of connectivity. reticular formations, the ventral tegmental information, and they are always talking to
How does your mathematical and statistical areas are all examples of additional pace- each other.
modeling of brain normalcy, and its devia-
tions, find its neurological validation?
maker areas that drive or contribute to the MG: Could you explain the
different bands of EEG. But all the EEG meaning and significance of Freeman’s
RWT: That’s an important question, frequencies we can detect and relate back to “straight line” distribution of EEG values
one that I have been pursuing, in one form anatomical sources are “nested” and func- from 2 to 100 hz?
or the other, for several decades. Recently,
there has been a series of studies using dif-
tionally interrelated; they are not separate RWT: The straight line in the
or random. Walter Freeman and others have 1/f distribution is a scaling function and de-
fusion MRI and fMRI, especially the work shown that when you plot the EEG spec- pending on the slope, provides a measure
of Drs. Yong He and Hagmann and others trum on a log-log scale it is a one over “F”
Continued on page 38

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Tech Talk circuit, the compensatory activities found promised function. For treatment to proceed
continued from page 37 in the EEG which also appears to be out of as efficiently as possible, we need rapid,
range or even symptomatic now normalize seamless access to whole brain QEEG data
of nonlinear dynamics in that if one knows on their own. recorded simultaneously rather than piece-
something about a short segment of the line Another way of saying that is ZNF is meal so that we can, at the very least, retain
at a given frequency then one knows the en- compromised if it isn’t guided by a careful phase and coherence information across the
tire spectrum. It also means that the higher assessment and a tight linking of complaint entire brain system. We need to avoid the
frequencies are nested within the low fre- with lost function to specific anatomical fundamental disconnects we see currently
quencies with a spatial scaling in that the areas and their expectable EEG values in between QEEG assessment and training,
lower frequencies are global excitability health and pathology…PLUS some idea of where the QEEG is forced to be little more
oscillations that bind some of the neurons what the likely compensatory activity looks than a quickly outdated snapshot of a rich
in all of the modules in the same time frame like in the EEG so you don’t train it and pull and dynamic motion picture. We need a
and nested time frames. the rug out from under the client’s function- common measurement system if we are to
ing, or at the very least, have an inefficient monitor training and measure progress. We
MG: Some of the modules address mode of treatment. need to be able to train with as many or as
auditory and somatosensory information few electrode sites as the problem at hand
processing, some address visual informa-
tion processing, some address attention
MG: You’ve stressed that hypercoher- requires. We need to make it fast and easy
ence was a major way in which we might for the clinician to do a full re-mapping
control, and still others look at the deeper observe, on the EEG level, the brain com- whenever it is needed and to then resume
limbic system structures, and then there pensating for a loss of function training in the same session. The new train-
is the concept of the “default hub.” Con- ing system will be an add-on module to Neu-
nectivity hubs and modules with their own RWT: That is one sign I am aware of, roGuide Deluxe, and as a result, the seam-
unique neural structure and function would extremes of variability is perhaps another, less integration between 19-channel QEEG
seem to give us another way to approach and I think of these EEG patterns as a loss of mapping and training will be assured.
the placement of electrodes for ZNF. efficiency…a functional regression of sorts.

RWT: That’s right, but when we take

A region of the brain has lost its ability to MG: It’s my understanding that you
process information, locally and/or globally. will at some point include a computerized
surface EEG recordings, we are actually The brain tries to “work harder” in the ways symptom questionnaire that will link symp-
gathering information on how these modules that it can. Neurofeedback, properly ren- toms and client complaints to both spatial
interrelate and function jointly; we gather in- dered, attempts to open up and re-connect localizations of the presumed areas of lost
formation on how well the brain as a whole the parts of the brain that the neuroscientific function, based on the findings of the neu-
is maintaining homeostasis. Z-scores reduce literature tells us are most responsible for the roscience research literature, not unlike
the complexity we are seeing by bringing loss of function in the first place. Tom Brownback’s CNC 1020 system.
together all the various metrics of activa-
tion and connectivity and integrating them MG: I would imaging this approach RWT: We have developed our own
into one common framework. In pathology, takes on even greater importance when symptom check list that is based on the
these hubs or modules become disregulated; you are dealing with clients with disorders fMRI, PET and EEG/MEG literature about
compensations can then be observed in the like autism or specific learning disabilities, hubs and modules as well as classical neuro-
EEG. Various systems in the brain are now where there is a complex interplay and psychological information about functional
out of balance. We can combine the various juxtaposition of “islands of functioning” specialization. I have not had a chance to
measures and normalize them, adjusting for amidst a “sea of dysfunction”. examine Tom’s system yet, but I know that
the various intercorrelations. We now have it is based on the scientific literature and
a way to determine when the brain is mov- RWT: Yes, with the additional possi- that is what is important. We start with a
ing towards greater balance and regulation. bility of compensatory skills and talents and symptom check list and predict likely brain
But at the same time, we must be mindful behaviors. Our lab’s most recent paper is a modules and sub-modules and predict EEG
of what the client’s key symptoms are, and study on autism from the viewpoint of EEG scalp locations and then QEEG Z scores
what parts of the brain are implicated via the phase reset, a new metric that goes deeper are compared to the predicted locations to
observed loss of function. A symptom IS a than coherence and phase in characterizing produce a protocol for neurofeedback. An
loss of function; Luria and others taught us the actual workings of the brain in both pa- upgrade adds LORETA source localization
that. When there is a loss of function, there thology and in peak performance states. Z scores to the statistics that generates a
is an effort on the part of the brain to com- protocol where there is maximal overlap.
pensate, and you want to be able to separate MG: Where do your new NeuroGuide
the two out, and not train them or treat them neurofeedback training module extensions MG: In addition to what you’ve men-
in the same manner. In other words, you fit into all this? tioned, two very important features of your
want to be able to distinguish between the new training system, originally inspired by
weakened system variables that need to be RTW: Everything I have developed some of Freeman and Buzaki’s work, and
addressed and the compensatory activities and plan on releasing this year is designed now coming out of Walter Klimesch’s lab,
that are still needed and probably need to be towards one end; to help further constrain namely, phase reset training and cross fre-
left alone. The reasoning is as you increase the interpretive complexity as we help the quency phase training. Could you describe
the connectivity and/or the appropriate ac- clinician get better at precisely localizing this approach to the modification of cogni-
tivation levels of the weakened functional and characterizing the areas of lost or com- tive performance?


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RWT: Phase reset is made up of two components, phase lock and phase shift. Tower of London
continued from page 25
Phase lock is positively correlated with present measures of coherence, which is a
measure of stability in phase differences over time. Phase shift, the disengagement Cummings, J.L. (1993). Frontal-subcortical circuits and human behav-
from a phase lock between sites, is negatively correlated to coherence. Phase shift is ior. Archives of Neurology, 50, 873-880.
related to the functional circuit’s ability to recruit momentary neural resources and Dennis, M. (1991). Frontal lobe function in childhood and adoles-
cence: A heuristic for assessing attention regulation, executive
processing pathways. Phase lock is the binding together of the recruited resources control, and the intentional states important for social discourse.
for a brief period as a commitment to a particular information processing task OR Developmental Neuropsychology, 7, 327-358.
compensation, which is just another way to speak about function. Using our norma- Forbes, G. B. (1998). Clinical utility of the Test of Variables of Atten-
tion (T. O. V. A.) in the diagnosis of attention-deficit/hyperactivity
tive database of over 650 subjects, we have calculated norms for phase lock and disorder. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 54, 461-467.
shift. I view phase reset as more fundamental or an underlying measure of connec- Grattan, L.M., & Eslinger, P.J. (1991). Frontal lobe damage in children
tivity, especially in studies of cognitive performance and its rehabilitation. This is and adults: A comparative review. Developmental Neuropsychol-
ogy, 7, 283-326.
what is being found in the work of Paul Sauseng and Walter Klimesch, and Walter
Green, V. A., Pituch, K. A., Itchon, J., Choi, A., O’Reilly, M., & Si-
Freemen, and I am trying to put these findings to work, so to speak, in the context of gafoos, J. (2006). Internet survey of treatments used by parents
a more powerful form of neurotherapy. Phase reset provides us with more detailed of children with autism. Research in Developmental Disabilities,
27, 70-84.
and precise information on how the functional modules talk to and work with each
Hughes, C., Russell, J., & Robbins, T.W. (1994). Evidence for execu-
other, and in turn the modules give us a more precise way to characterize how symp- tive dysfunction in autism. Neuropsychologia, 32, 477-492.
toms are linked to the brain. In all of our studies at my lab relating EEG measures Jarusiewicz, E. (2002). Efficacy of neurofeedback for children in the au-
to types of pathology and their neuropsychological testing correlates, phase reset tistic spectrum: A pilot study. Journal of Neurotherapy, 6(4), 39-49.
measures are consistently at or near the top of our predictors for not only pathology, Kaiser, D. A. (2006, September). Functional connectivity of ADHD
and Asperger Syndrome Children. Poster session presented at the
but intellectual ability as well, which is a very exciting finding. Cross-frequency annual meeting of the International Society of Neuronal Regula-
phase lock refers to the locking of two different frequency bands, for example, theta tion, Denver, Colorado.
waves to beta and/or gamma waves in the course of cognitive function. We have a Kleinhans, N., Akshoomoff, N., & Delis, D. C. (2005). Executive
Functions in Autism and Asperger’s Disorder: Flexibility, Fluency,
way to track these relationships and train them as needed. and Inhibition. Developmental Neuropsychology, 27(3), 379-401.
Klin, A., McPartland, J., & Volkmar, F. R. (2005). Asperger syndrome.
MG: It’s exciting that both Buzaki and Paul Sauseng will be presenting at In F. R. Volkmar, R. Paul, A. Klin, & D. Cohen (3rd ed.). Hand-
ISNR in September, and in fact Dr. Sauseng is presenting right before your talk on
book of autism and pervasive developmental disorders, Vol. 1: Di-
agnosis, development, neurobiology, and behaviour (pp. 88-125).
phase reset and cross frequency phase locking. I know you have been referring to Hoboken, NJ, US: John Wiley & Sons Inc.
phase reset as “the mother of coherence.” I have used the phase of “the machine Lawson, J., Baron-Cohen, S., & Wheelwright, S. (2004). Empathizing
and systemizing in adults with and without Asperger syndrome. Jour-
code of cognition” to describe phase reset and the more fundamental information nal of Autism & Developmental Disorders, 34, 301-310.
it provides. Lezak, M.D. (1995). Neuropsychological assessment (3rd ed.). New
York: Oxford University.
RWT: I am looking forward to the many discussions that come out of that and McPartland, J., & Klin, A. (2006). Asperger’s syndrome. Adolescent
Medicine Clinics, 17, 771.
to learn new things and receive feedback on our 19 channel Z score neurofeedback
Owen, A.M. (1997). Cognitive planning in humans: Neuropsycho-
methods. The new training system, which we are presently calling “NeuroGuide logical, neuroanatomical and neuropharmacological perspectives.
Feedback” or simply “NF,” will be released in three phases and will also be pre- Progress in Neurobiology, 53, 431-450.
sented at the ISNR meeting. Reid, A. (2005). Autistic Spectrum Disorders: Assessment and Inter-
vention Results after Neurofeedback in 146 Cases. Student Award
NF-1 is a 19 channel surface EEG recording using real-time Z scores and seam- Presentation, International Society for Neuronal Regulation annual
less integration of QEEG and neurofeedback and includes the computerized symptom meeting. Denver, Colorado, September, 2005.
checklist with corresponding anatomical and QEEG values to develop a protocol that Ross, E. D. (1981). The Aprosodias: Functional-Anatomic Organiza-
tion of the Affective Components of Language in the Right Hemi-
as a guide to what fits the patient’s symptoms and complaints. We hope to release this sphere. Archives of Neurology, 38, 561-569.
module around the end of June, 2009 with updates over the next several years. Shallice, T., & Burgess, P.W. (1991). Deficits in strategy application
NF-2 adds the LORETA Z score assessment to further constrain and localize following frontal lobe damage in man. Brain, 114, 727-741.
the determination of the areas of functional loss that need to be addressed. Solnick, B. (2005). Effects of electroencephalogram biofeedback with
Asperger’s syndrome. International Journal of Rehabilitation Re-
NF-L adds the LORETA 3-dimensional neurofeedback capability so that we search, 28(2), 159-163.
can more directly modify the functional modules via Brodmann areas and Lapla- Thompson L. & Thompson M. (1995). Exceptional Results with Ex-
cian feedback. This is also called Neuroimaging Neurofeedback in which one can ceptional Children. Proceedings of the Society for the Study of
modify specific components of hubs and modules with higher spatial accuracy than Neuronal Regulation. Annual Meeting: Scottsdale, Arizona.
Thompson, M. & Thompson, L. (2003). The Neurofeedback Book: An
can be done with just surface EEG biofeedback. This is similar to fMRI Neuroimag- Introduction to Basic Concepts in Applied Psychophysiology. As-
ing therapy but at a fraction of the cost and an order of magnitude higher temporal sociation for Applied Psychophysiology, Wheat Ridge, Colorado.
resolution. We hope to have a prototype of LORETA Z score neurofeedback around Thompson, M., & Thompson, L. (2005). Improving Attention in
Adults and Children: Differing Electroencephalography Profiles
the time of the ISNR meeting in Indianapolis. and Implications for Training. Biofeedback, 34 (3), 99-105.

MG: So, with all that constraining and specifying of the lost function areas, it
Thompson, L. & Thompson, M. (2007). Autistic Spectrum Disorders
including Asperger’s syndrome: EEG and QEEG findings, results,
and neurophysiological rationale for success using neurofeedback
sounds like a lot of the targeting will be gradually automated for the neurotherapist. training. Presented at the 11th Annual Meeting of the Biofeedback
Foundation of Europe, Berlin, Germany. Abstract reprinted in Ap-
RWT: Yes, but with the provision for clinician override and re-direction at all plied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback, 32(3-4), 213-214.
Thompson, M., Thompson, L., & Reid, A. (in press). Neurofeedback
times. In the present context, we look for overlaps in what the symptoms tell us about Outcomes in Clients with Asperger’s Syndrome. Journal of Applied
areas of lost function, as illuminated by normative QEEG and LORETA. These areas Psychophysiology and Biofeedback.
of overlap help us begin to differentiate loss of function or areas of weakened function Wing, L. & Gould, J. (1979). Severe impairments of social interaction
and probable compensatory activities. We are striving to provide the neurotherapist with and associated abnormalities in children: Epidemiology and classifi-
cation. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 9, 11-29.
better and better hypotheses, but his or her clinical reasoning remains in control..

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