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The land of shrouded Wounds

Baluchistan is witnessing a very volatile and chaotic spree of incidents both in it’s core and particularly
more often in the provincial preperies in the south.

It has been no more a place for living since its dissenting Baluch tribels revort to Armed struggle against
the gross socio economic and political inequalities,thus earning a much redid and notorious name for its
citizenry as a home of Traitors and fugitives.

A place for disguised enemies, hatching conspiracies and betraying with our Eastern foe.

Moreover, Baluch have been pictured as a separatist bent over to dismantle this country.Its mountains
are painted as it pours out a perpetual seeds of hatred, animosity and more importantly a sense of
xenophobia for their fellow countrymen. Infact all this have not been happening like there. Off course
there’s , there are sense of deprivation and dissenting Baluchs who beg for egalitarian and just provisions
of Wealth and resources which is the very crux of the social contract prevailing in our country

Baluch insurgency has been one of the ordained issues in our political edifice ,a potential threat for
bifurcation. Its certitude would had less threatening if it had been prudently diagnosed by the political
pundits in post Bengal partition.Bulochistan a province,, Rich in resources, comprising 1/4 th Pakistan’s
land and bordering with an unfriendly Afghanistan was governed like an occupied colonial territory,
disregarding it’s geographic important and sentimental public grievances

Hence a political issue was handled militarily with out sensing the political pulse and tribels uprising in

This iron hand treatment galvanized the public resentment and paved the way for insurgency

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