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Paranam, October 28, 2023

To: Mr. Amrish Lachman PhD.

From: Mr. Indre Ori

Regarding: Third party activities within former mining concession area and previously rehabilitated areas

Mr. Lachman,

As brought to your attention on during the meeting on October 13th, 2023, between the commission and
a delegation of Alcoa / Suralco, we hereby presenting you this letter regarding third party activities in
the former mining concession areas, which impact either the already rehabilitated areas or the attempts
from Suralco to finalize the agreed mine rehabilitation activities associated with the mining disturbance.
In this oversight we will present the activities per concession area.

Marowijne concession
Issue encountered in this area are that third parties are disturbing previously rehabilitated area and also
preventing completion of areas to be rehabilitated.

These items include:

1. timber activities.
In Several rehabilitated areas we encounter timber activities causing damages to our previous
rehabilitated areas, such as clearing rehabilitated vegetation to make landings or create logging
trials to go and collect logs. This is the case, and not limited to the following plateaus, Wane 1
and 2, Lobato and Jones hills. Associated with these activities you also have littering of waste
and sometimes soil contamination with lubricants and fuel.

2. Shifting cultivation
In some older rehabilitated areas, we have encountered shifting cultivation plots in already
rehabilitated area. These have been already identified at Lobato 1 hill. We are still investigating
if this is also the case on other plateaus.

3. Sand excavations
We have encountered sand excavation work at Gemerts hill and Bushman Hill, which was an
area that had been previously rehabilitated already. We are identifying if this is also the case in
other plateaus.

4. Placing name tags and planting on areas still requiring rehabilitation.

This is the case at Bushman hill, where several persons have placed their name tags on board in
the field, indicating that that is their plot. Also, people are planting in the mined out area, so in
case we will have to go and rehabilitate the area we could end up with a situation that these
persons will claim compensation for damages caused by our rehabilitation efforts.
Successor Mines

The main issues hampering rehabilitation work in the successor mines are as follows:
1. Damage to the haul road
Third party activities, such as log transport and sand transport cause significant damage to the
Successor Mines haul road, making this sometimes inaccessible for Suralco staff to go into the
area. This is especially the case during rainy season. Often request come in for Suralco to fix the
road, but the road has already been transferred to the GoS and Suralco does not have any
management responsibilities over this any longer.

2. Third parties cordoning off access to parts of the Haul road

The haul road has been cordoned off just beyond the Kaiman Grasi mine with a chain. Although
not confirmed, our understanding is that a third party has received timber and or logging rights
in this area and placed the chains to control access into the area. As a result of this Suralco does
not have any access to the Caramacca Mine any longer to execute mine rehabilitation and
monitoring work.

3. Illicit activities in the area

In 2021 and 2022 there have been 2 confirmed events of unauthorized airplanes landing near
the former Kaiman Grasi mine. Since then, Suralco has prevented any staff to enter this area,
due to the significant security risk on these activities. With limited telecommunication in the
area, this is a major concern. Because of this no rehabilitation and monitoring work can be
executed in the Kaiman Grasi mine area.

4. Third parties placing name tags in the area claiming ownership or management rights.
In the Roca area adjacent to the former Klaverblad mines, there is significant third-party activity
going on. There are several buildings constructed and name tags placed by third parties claiming
rights in the area. This will have an impact on mine rehabilitation work for the Klaverblad mine
and associated spoil areas.

Para Mines

In the Para mines the major issue hampering mine rehabilitation work is the many third party
activities taking place in the former Lelydorp 3 and Lelydorp 1 area. Although no formal map has
been seen, there clearing activities visible in the field and on social media several land plots
around these 2 former mines are being offered for sale, implying that third parties have formal
title on the land.
Suralco has also encountered land survey crews in the field indicating that they have been
ordered by the government to conduct survey work in these areas.
As result of these developments no rehabilitation activities can be executed in these areas since
we now have to deal with several “new” landowners.

The following is a collection of some images of the actual situation in the field.
With this summary we hope you have a better understanding of the challenges in the field and
how these issues can be best addressed.

Haul road Successor Mines

Haul road Successor Mines

Sand excavation around Lelydorp mine

Burning around Lelydorp 1 Mine

Clearing on Gemert 1 Hill ( already rehabilitated area)

Clearing on Gemert 1 Hill ( already rehabilitated area)

Clearing older revegetation and logging Wane 2

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