Childhood Trauma

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Development and Psychopathology 23 (2011), 397–410

# Cambridge University Press 2011



Trauma in early childhood: Empirical evidence and

clinical implications

University of California, San Francisco; b University of Denver; and c Children’s Research and Education Institute

Children in the birth to 5 age range are disproportionately exposed to traumatic events relative to older children, but they are underrepresented in the trauma
research literature as well as in the development and implementation of effective clinical treatments and in public policy initiatives to protect maltreated
children. Children from ethnic minority groups and those living in poverty are particularly affected. This paper discusses the urgent need to address the needs of
traumatized young children and their families through systematic research, clinical, and public policy initiatives, with specific attention to underserved groups.
The paper reviews research findings on early childhood maltreatment and trauma, including the role of parental functioning, the intergenerational transmission
of trauma and psychopathology, and protective contextual factors in young children’s response to trauma exposure. We describe the therapeutic usefulness of a
simultaneous treatment focus on current traumatic experiences and on the intergenerational transmission of relational patterns from parent to child. We
conclude with a discussion of the implications of current knowledge about trauma exposure for clinical practice and public policy and with recommendations
for future research.

The recent publication by the American Academy of Child & of these recommendations to the field of infant mental health
Adolescent Psychiatry (AACAP, 2010) of the updated Prac- in light of the high incidence of trauma exposure in the first 5
tice Parameter for the Assessment and Treatment of Children years of life. We discuss research findings on early childhood
and Adolescents with Posttraumatic Stress Disorder high- maltreatment and trauma, including the role of parental func-
lights the centrality of trauma exposure as a pathogenic event tioning, the intergenerational transmission of trauma and psy-
with potentially severe sequelae for the mental health of chil- chopathology, and protective contextual factors in young
dren across the developmental continuum. In keeping with children’s response to trauma exposure. We describe the ther-
advances in the field since the previous Practice Parameter apeutic usefulness of a simultaneous treatment focus on cur-
was published in 1998, the new document includes important rent traumatic experiences and on the intergenerational trans-
new recommendations among the minimum standards of care mission of relational patterns from parent to child. We
supported by rigorous empirical evidence and/or overwhelm- conclude with a discussion of the implications of current
ing clinical consensus. These recommendations include the knowledge about trauma exposure for clinical practice and
routine inclusion of questions about trauma exposure and public policy and with recommendations for future research.
symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in the psy-
chiatric assessment of children and adolescents; the inclusion
Contextual Factors in Maltreatment, Traumatic
of parents or other caregivers in the child’s assessment; the as-
Exposure, and Infant Mental Health
sessment and treatment for comorbid disorders in children di-
agnosed with PTSD; and the use of trauma-focused psycho- The first 5 years of life have the highest incidence of child
therapies as first-line treatments for children and adolescents maltreatment, as attested by national statistics showing that
diagnosed with PTSD, with the key elements of direct atten- children aged birth to 5 represent 36% of those entering foster
tion to the trauma, engaging the parent(s) as important agents care, 75.7% of the children who died from child abuse or ne-
of change, and a focus not only on symptom improvement but glect were younger than 4 years old, and the highest maltreat-
also on enhancing functioning and developmental trajectory ment death rate occurs between birth and 12 months of age,
as treatment goals. The present paper examines the relevance with an overall victimization rate of 21.9 per 1000 children
(US Department of Health and Human Services [USDHHS],
2009). Children in this age range are also more likely than
Address correspondence and reprint requests to: Alicia F. Lieberman, De-
partment of Psychiatry, Box 0852-CTRP, SFGH Building 20 2100, Univer- older children to reside in homes with domestic violence
sity of California, San Francisco, San Francisco, CA 94143-0852; E-mail: (Fantuzzo & Fusco, 2007). Whether from accidents, neglect, or inappropriate supervision, children under age 5 are dispro-
398 A. F. Lieberman et al.

portionately hospitalized and more likely to die from drowning exposed to community violence, with very high percentages of
and submersion, burning, falls, suffocation, choking, and poi- preschool children witnessing muggings, fights, shootings, or
soning when compared to children in any other age group knifings; hearing gun shots; or seeing a dead body on the
(Grossman, 2000). A sample of 305 children aged 2–5 re- way to school (Linares et al., 2001; Shahinfar, Fox & Leavitt,
cruited from a public pediatric clinic showed that 52.5% of the 2000; Taylor, Zuckerman, Harik, & Groves, 1994). Adversity
children had experienced at least one severe traumatic stressor takes a toll on young children’s emotional wellbeing. Among
in their lifetime; 20.9% had experienced the loss of a loved adult; children in poverty, one in five has a diagnosable mental health
16% had been hospitalized; 9.9% had been in a motor vehicle disorder (Masi & Cooper, 2006; Mills et al, 2006), and children
accident, 9.5% had a serious fall, and 7.9% had been burned. in the child welfare system, who come primarily from poor
Contrary to the widespread belief that young children are not families, have a greater prevalence of mental health problems
affected or recover quickly from stressful experiences, there compared with those in the general population (Dore, 2005;
was a strong association between the number of stressors Leslie, Hurlburt, Landsverk, Barth, & Slymen, 2004). The
experienced by a child and the likelihood of a psychiatric dis- overlap between poverty and health problems originates in
order, with 17.4% of the children showing such a disorder (Eg- early childhood, with the association mediated by increased
ger & Angold, 2004). These findings converge with a growing child exposure to chronic physical and emotional risk factors,
body of research and clinical findings about the prevalence of including substandard housing, lack of access to resources
mental health disorders in the first years of life, making it im- such as high-quality childcare and safe, stimulating neighbor-
perative to develop and disseminate trauma-focused treatment hoods, and environmental toxins as well as child abuse and
approaches that are solidly grounded in theoretical models neglect, severe maternal depression, parental substance abuse,
and supported by empirical evidence of efficacy. harsher parenting, and family and community violence (Anda
Infant mental health is a multidisciplinary and pluralistic et al, 2006; Evans, 2004; Repetti, Taylor, & Seeman, 2002).
field of inquiry, practice, and policy concerning the wellbeing The prevalence of risk factors and the scarcity of protective
of young children in the prenatal to 5-year age range and de- factors conspire to create toxic ecological systems for children
fined by five organizing premises: early experiences matter, from poor and disempowered families, creating a “supraclini-
quality of caregiving relationships is a key factor in the child’s cal” problem that includes but supercedes the mental health
psychological health, normative developmental trajectories domain (Harris, Lieberman, & Marans, 2007).
need ongoing support, infants and young children may suffer Although cultural considerations are crucial for under-
from psychiatric disorders, and early psychopathology may standing the context of traumatic exposure and its meaning
be enduring (Zeanah & Zeanah, 2009). In light of the high rates for the family and community, research findings about cul-
of maltreatment and accidental injury among young children, tural/ethnic differences in rates of child maltreatment are in-
these premises have significant implications for the identifica- consistent and at times contradictory as the result of defini-
tion of traumatic exposure and the treatment of its sequelae in tional differences and methodological limitations across
infancy and early childhood. Although infant mental health in- studies (Chu & Lieberman, 2010; Elliott & Urquiza, 2006).
terventions share a common therapeutic focus on enhancing the Nevertheless, maltreatment reports to child protective ser-
child’s primary caregiving relationships, they differ substantially vices show clear group differences, with African American,
in the etiological role attributed to the intergenerational transmis- American Indian or Alaska Native, and multiracial children
sion of psychopathology versus real-life experiential events comprising the groups with the highest rates of reported mal-
(Lieberman & Amaya-Jackson, 2005). The role of trauma in in- treatment, and Asian children having the lowest report rate
fant mental health disorders is beginning to be addressed in treat- (Hill, 2007; USDHHS, 2009). Once a maltreatment report
ment approaches that show empirical evidence of efficacy, such is made, the outcome for the child and the family also differs
as child–parent psychotherapy (CPP; Lieberman & Van Horn, according to ethnic group. African American and Latino
2005, 2008) and cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT; Cohen, young children are more likely to be placed out of home,
Mannarino, & Deblinger, 2006; Scheeringa et al., 2007). stay longer in foster care, have more placement changes,
These treatment approaches are at the forefront of efforts to and are less likely to be reunified with their parents (Hill,
implement the AACAP practice parameter in clinical settings. 2007). It is likely that environmental factors such as poverty
The contextual framework for the findings of early child and homelessness interacts with minority group status to mo-
maltreatment and traumatization provides strong support for bilize heightened attention from mandated reporters and state
an ecological–transactional model of development and psycho- authorities, disproportionately increasing the number of cases
pathology (Bronfenbrenner, 1979; Cicchetti & Lynch, 1993; reported among marginalized ethnic groups. Once a report is
Sameroff & Fiese, 2000). Poor and minority children are made, unconscious bias toward marginalized minority groups
more likely to report that they experienced or witnessed vio- may interact with lack of resources in the child’s family,
lence at home (Finkelhor, Ormrod, Turner, & Hamby, 2005), neighborhood, and community to perpetuate differential re-
and children from families in poverty have greater lifetime ex- unification and permanency planning outcomes for children
posure to physical abuse, sexual abuse, and witnessing family in these minority groups. The overlap of poverty, minority
violence (Turner, Finkelhor, & Ormrod, 2006). Young children status, and child victimization has far-reaching public policy
living in poor and dangerous neighborhoods are also frequently implications because of the enduring gap between need and
Trauma in early childhood 399

access to care repeatedly identified in federal reports about the ture review of 35 published studies found that child maltreat-
state of mental health in the country (USDHHS, 2003). De- ment and exposure to domestic violence ranged from 30% to
spite these findings, there is a pervasive failure to include ser- 60% (Edleson, 1999). Another review showed that 45% to
vices for infants, toddlers and preschoolers among the sys- 70% of children exposed to domestic violence were also vic-
tems of care charged with addressing the needs of children tims of physical abuse, and about 40% of physically abused
at risk (Osofsky & Lieberman, in press). children were also exposed to domestic violence (Margolin,
1998). The growing evidence for the pervasiveness of cumu-
lative exposure to violence as contrasted to exposure to a sin-
Cumulative versus single traumatic stressors
gle discrete episode of maltreatment or family violence led
Assessment for traumatic exposure is often restricted to single Finkelhor et al. (2007a) to postulate that victimization is a
sources of trauma that are determined by the assessor’s exper- “condition” rather than an “event.”
tise or focus of inquiry (Finkelhor, Ormrod, & Turner, 2007a). These findings have important implications for the prac-
This research preference for focusing on single trauma persists tice of infant mental health. Young children tend to be re-
despite long-standing scientific evidence documenting the im- ferred for treatment either because of behavior problems or
portance of cumulative risk factors in predicting long-term out- because of known exposure to a discrete pathogenic event,
comes that can be traced back to the classic Isle of Wight Study but exposure to previously unreported stressful and traumatic
(Rutter, 1979) and the Rochester Longitudinal Study (Samer- events often emerges only when the initial assessment incor-
off, Seifer, Zax, & Barocas, 1987). The Adverse Childhood porates a structured questionnaire probing for this possibility.
Experiences study found that individuals who reported child- In our clinical sample of young children referred for treatment
hood exposure to four or more of nine risk factors related to due to trauma exposure, the referral information identified ex-
child maltreatment and severely impaired household environ- posure to a single traumatic event in 53% of the children re-
ments had a 12-fold increase in risk for alcoholism, drug abuse, ferred; only 6% were identified by the referral source as being
depression, and suicide, and were more likely to suffer from is- exposed to four or more traumatic events. However, after the
chemic heart disease, cancer, stroke, and diabetes (Dube, Fe- administration of a standardized screening instrument during
litti, Dong, Giles, & Anda, 2003; Felitti et al., 1998). The Na- the initial assessment, it emerged that the majority of the chil-
tional Comorbidity Replication Study found a similar pattern in dren (70.3%) had experienced four or more traumatic events
a large, nationally representative sample that showed an asso- by mother’s report, and only 3% had a single traumatic expo-
ciation between cumulative risk score of childhood adversities sure (Ghosh Ippen, Harris, Van Horn, Guendelman, & Lie-
and a greater number of adult psychiatric diagnoses, with four berman, 2009). This stark difference supports the AACAP
or more adversities associated with an average of more than (2010) Practice Parameter’s recommendation of systematic
six psychiatric diagnoses (Putnam, Perry, Putnam, & Harris, screening for traumatic exposure as well as the crucial role
2008). A literature review of adult outcomes shows that re- of the parent as a source of information about the child.
peated childhood victimization is associated with more severe
symptoms and negative outcomes than one such episode or
Quality of attachment and children’s response to trauma
no victimization (Marx, Heidt, & Gold, 2005). Moreover, re-
peated exposure seems to be the norm rather than the excep- Young children’s sense of safety and wellbeing is organized
tion. In a sample of 2,000 children, aged 2–17, selected for a around the availability and responsiveness of the attachment
telephone survey through random digit dialing, 70% of the re- figure, whom they approach for protection and reassurance
spondents (either the child or the parent in the case of younger when frightened or in need (Bowlby, 1969). Traumatic ex-
children) reported at least one episode of exposure, with 64% periences may damage the child’s trust in the reliability of
of these children reporting at least one additional, different the attachment figure as a protector. The overpowering sen-
source of victimization during the same time period and a sory stimulation associated with traumatic exposure may
mean of 2.8 for number of victimizations. In addition, four take the forms of pain and/or frightening visual, auditory, ol-
or more episodes of violence significantly predicted trauma factory, and tactile sensations and is associated with a col-
symptoms in structured interviews conducted 1 year later, con- lapse of coping mechanisms when the attachment figure is
trolling for prior victimization and prior mental health status absent, unable to help, or is the perpetrator of the trauma.
(Finkelhor, Ormrod, & Turner, 2007b). These findings suggest Traumatic expectations become the norm when the child en-
that a pattern of repeated trauma exposure is significantly rep- counters chronic and multiple traumas, leading to generalized
resented in the general population and is not limited to poor and traumatic responses such as hypervigilance; constriction of
underserved children. Although socioeconomic adversity con- play, exploration, and motivation to learn; reexperiencing of
tributes significantly to cumulative traumatization and abuse, the trauma in the form of traumatic play, nightmares, and dis-
repeated victimization is not limited to single, discrete demo- tress at trauma reminders; and new symptoms (Zero to Three,
graphic or psychological patterns (Cicchetti & Aber, 1980). 2005). Long after the child has apparently recovered from the
The pattern of co-occurrence of traumatic events is also re- event, reminders of the trauma can trigger a more attenuated
flected in the literature on the comorbid overlap between child version of the strong negative emotions evoked by the origi-
maltreatment and witnessing domestic violence. One litera- nal event (Pynoos, Steinberg, & Piacentini, 1999).
400 A. F. Lieberman et al.

Quality of attachment influences the child’s response and bate the symptoms of the other. This condition may be man-
subsequent recovery from a stressful event. Securely attached ifested through several mechanisms. Traumatized adults may
infants are better able to modulate their physiological stress re- experience posttraumatic stress symptoms such as avoidance,
sponse when compared to infants in insecure attachment rela- withdrawal, and hyperarousal, which limit their availability
tionships, and disorganized attachment is associated with and/or distort their responsiveness to the child. Simultane-
even greater physiological dysregulation (Gunnar & Cheatham, ously, the child’s trauma exposure generates symptoms that
2003; Gunnar & Quevedo, 2007). Maltreated children are much are exacerbated by the indirect effect of the caregiver’s com-
more likely to have insecure attachments (Crittenden, 1992; promised responsiveness. Children’s symptoms of traumatic
Lyons-Ruth & Block, 1996), as much as 5.3 times more than stress may further burden an already overtaxed caregiver
comparison children (Carlson, Cicchetti, Barnett, & Braun- and aggravate the adult’s posttraumatic responses. Another
wald, 1989; Main & Goldwyn, 1984). Traumatic stress reac- possibility is that parents may become anxiously restrictive
tions are found more often among traumatized children with in- and overprotective in their parenting, also intensifying the
secure attachments, suggesting that they may have difficulty child’s maladaptive stress responses. Finally, an imitative ef-
eliciting supportive exchanges from the parent that could buffer fect is seen if a young child becomes increasingly sympto-
the impact of the trauma (Lynch & Cichetti, 1998). matic from observing, being affected by, and imitating a par-
Threat to the mother has been identified as a traumatic stres- ent who shows reexperiencing symptoms and is emotionally
sor in young children, suggesting that in infancy danger to the dysregulated or preoccupied with the trauma.
mother is equated with danger to the self. Among young chil- Research findings that traumatized young children often have
dren exposed to a severe trauma prior to 48 months of age, traumatized parents (for a review, see Chu & Lieberman, 2010)
PTSD was diagnosed more often and children had more symp- suggest that the assessment and treatment of young children
toms of aggression, fear, and hyperarousal when they witnessed with mental health problems should incorporate attention to
threat to the mother as compared to children exposed to other the interface between traumatic experiences and the quality of
traumas (Scheeringa & Zeanah, 1995). In a subsequent replica- the parent–child relationship as an integral component of the
tion study with children aged birth to 18 years admitted to an clinical process. It is now well established that the quality of
inpatient unit in a Level 1 trauma center for physical injuries, the child–parent relationship affects young children’s capacity
the authors found that witnessing a threat to the caregiver was to process and resolve traumatic experiences. Traumatic events
the only predictor of PTSD symptoms out of seven different may introduce unmanageable stress in the parent–child relation-
risk factors that included younger age, female gender, minority ship and damage the quality of existing attachments, particularly
group membership, prior traumatization, pretrauma externaliz- when the parent’s functioning is also negatively affected by past
ing behaviors, and pretrauma internalizing behaviors (Scheer- or concurrent trauma. Assessing the etiology of infant mental
inga, Wright, Hunt, & Zeanah, 2006). These findings suggest health disorders should include an assessment of exposure to
that the safety of the mother figure may have long-term reper- traumatic events in the child and the parents, and traumatic stress
cussions across childhood. in the first years of life should be treated in the context of the
Given the centrality of the parent figures in young chil- child’s primary attachments.
dren’s emotional lives, traumatic events may simultaneously
affect both the child and the caregiver, creating complex
Intergenerational transmission of psychopathology:
changes and adaptations in the parent–child relationship, a
Clinical and research perspectives
situation we refer to as a “bimorbid condition” (W. W. Harris,
private communication, January 3, 2011). After reviewing The processes linking maladaptive functioning in the parents
the empirical evidence showing the co-occurrence of trau- with maladaptive functioning in the child have been the focus
matic stress in mothers and their young children, Scheeringa of intense scrutiny both in clinical practice and in research,
and Zeanah (2001) proposed a relational PTSD model with leading to fruitful cross-pollination between both methods
four different types of association between the traumatic of inquiry. Perhaps the most compelling metaphor describing
stress symptoms experienced by the child and by the parent. the phenomenon of transmission is Selma Fraiberg’s “ghosts
The moderating effect postulates that the quality of the child– in the nursery” (Fraiberg, Adelson, & Shapiro, 1975), cred-
caregiver relationship may affect the intensity of the associa- ited with marking the birth of infant mental health by Daniel
tion between the traumatic event and the child’s response. Stern (1995). In clinical work with infants and their care-
The caregiver’s accuracy and sensitivity in reading and re- givers, Fraiberg and her colleagues noted that many mothers
sponding to the child’s signals of need may exacerbate or al- who experienced multiple chronic risks repeated with their
leviate the adverse effect of the traumatic event on the child’s infants the patterns of rejection and maltreatment that had
functioning. The vicarious traumatization effect describes sit- shaped their lives, whereas other mothers with similar back-
uations where the caregiver’s responsiveness to the child is af- grounds did not relate to their infants through a perceptual
fected by a traumatic event experienced by the caregiver but lens shaped by these experiences. What is it, they asked,
not directly by the child. The compound effect is postulated “that determines whether the conflicted past of the parent
when both caregiver and child were exposed to the traumatic will be repeated with this child?” (Fraiberg et al., 1975,
event, and the symptoms of one member of the dyad exacer- p. 388). In their seminal effort to find answers, they hypoth-
Trauma in early childhood 401

esized that the mother’s ability to access, process, and resolve maternal dissociation, and disorganized attachment are inter-
painful affect associated with past experiences influences her generationally connected. This premise is supported by find-
current functioning, perceptions of the child, and quality of ings from the Minnesota Parent–Child Project showing that
the parent–child relationship. This conceptual framework high maternal dissociation scores differentiated between
had profound generative repercussions for clinical practice, mothers with a history of childhood abuse who went on to
leading to the creation of infant–parent psychotherapy as a abuse their own children and mothers with a similar child
treatment focused on the mother’s reenactment with her abuse history who were able to break the cycle of abuse.
baby of negative attributions and damaging interactions origi- The abused mothers who did not abuse their children had
nating in disowned, unprocessed, and unresolved past experi- lower dissociation scores, suggesting that they were able to
ences, with the goal of guiding the mother to a new under- integrate their childhood abuse experiences into their adult
standing of herself and her baby and restoring the positive sense of self (Egeland & Susman-Stillman, 1996).
developmental momentum of the mother–child relationship Efforts to measure the scope and prevalence of the inter-
(Fraiberg, 1980). generational transmission of maltreatment and maladaptive
Key elements of this framework were adapted and opera- patterns of functioning have a long history fraught with con-
tionalized by researchers working within the paradigm of at- ceptual and methodological problems. Criteria for the “per-
tachment theory, who emphasized the intergenerational trans- fect” study of intergenerational transmission were proposed
mission of the mother’s unresolved childhood fears through by Ertem, Leventhal, and Dobbs (2000), who acknowledged
frightened/frightening behaviors vis-à-vis the baby (Lyons- that the basic criterion of random group assignment could not
Ruth, Bronfman, & Atwood, 1999; Main & Hesse, 1990). be met on ethical, as well practical, grounds but singled out a
The relationship diathesis model proposes three factors in study from the Minnesota Parent–Child Project sample (out
vulnerability to stress-related dysfunction: the characteristics of 200 studies reviewed) as fulfilling or approximating their
of the stressor, the individual’s genetic vulnerability to stress, criteria. The study found that first-time mothers of lower so-
and the capacity of the attachment system to modulate the cioeconomic status who met clearly defined criteria for severe
high levels of arousal that accompany stress. Children be- childhood physical abuse were 12.6 times more likely to
come symptomatic either when the stressor is too overwhelm- abuse their children by the time the child was 24 months
ing or when the attachment relationship is unable to modulate old when compared with mothers from similar demographic
the child’s intensely negative affective response. Parents backgrounds who had emotionally supportive parents (Ege-
whose unresolved fear dates back to their childhood may land, 1979; Egeland, Jacobvitz, & Sroufe, 1988). More recent
have difficulty helping their children modulate fear and other studies provide confirmation that childhood abuse victims
strong emotions because they curtail their conscious attention tend to abuse their own offspring at higher rates than the na-
to the child’s signals of need in an effort to protect themselves tional average (DiLillo, Termblay, & Peterson, 2000; Dixon,
from reexperiencing their early traumatic responses (Lyons- Hamilton-Giachritsis, & Browne, 2005).
Ruth et al., 1999). Building on Fraiberg’s hypothesis of dis- Findings supporting the concept of intergenerational trans-
owned and unprocessed maternal affect related to childhood mission are not restricted to maltreatment. Extensive empirical
maltreatment, Fonagy and colleagues (1995) suggested that evidence links the child’s stress response to a variety of trau-
victims of unresolved childhood trauma may protect them- matic conditions or events with the quality of the child–parent
selves from its associated painful affects by failing to develop relationship. Maternal distress mediated the relationship be-
mentalization as a reflective self-function that enables them to tween child exposure to community violence and problem
attribute mental states to themselves and others. Empirical behaviors in a study of preschoolers living in high-crime neigh-
findings link maternal state of mind in relation to attachment borhoods (Linares et al., 2001). Maternal psychological func-
to their infants’ quality of attachment and suggest that infants tioning predicted concurrent and longer term child behavioral
develop disorganized attachment when they cannot rely on problems in a longitudinal study of Israeli preschoolers whose
the parent to modulate their fear (Lyons-Ruth, Yellin, Mel- homes were damaged by SCUD missiles during the first Gulf
nick, & Atwood, 2005; Schechter et al., 2001). The role of War (Laor, Wolmer, & Cohen, 2001). The association between
maternal dissociation, which can also be conceptualized as maternal functioning and child outcome has also been demon-
a failure of mentalization, has been raised as an explanatory strated with clinical samples. Lieberman, Van Horn, and Ozer
mechanism by several studies, including findings that mater- (2005) showed that among preschoolers referred for treatment
nal dissociation scores predict infant disorganized behavior after witnessing their mothers’ battering by their father figure,
(Main & Hesse, 1996) and findings from the Minnesota Par- there was a significant association between maternal life stress
ent–Child Project longitudinal study that attachment disorga- and child behavior problems, and the association was mediated
nization in infancy predicts increased dissociation in adoles- both by maternal functioning and by the quality of the mother–
cence, mediated by maternal unavailability and quality of child relationship.
caregiving (Carlson, 1998; Ogawa, Sroufe, Weinfield, Car- Intergenerational transmission processes unfold within a
son, & Egeland, 1997), suggesting a link between maternal larger ecological context characterized by complex transac-
dissociation and later dissociative behavior in the child. Put- tions between proximal and distal influences, risk and protec-
nam et al. (2008) propose that maltreatment, high levels of tive factors, and transient versus enduring stresses, all of
402 A. F. Lieberman et al.

which influence children’s development and the quality of chetti (2004) found that preschool aged children who had ex-
the parent–child relationship (Bronfenbrenner, 1979, 1986; perienced maltreatment prior to age 2 exhibited language de-
Cicchetti & Lynch, 1993). Prevailing economic conditions lays in vocabulary and language complexity. The mothers of
strongly influence the rates of maltreatment, including phys- these maltreated children directed fewer utterances to their
ical abuse and neglect (Berger, 2005; Paxson & Waldfogel, children and produced a smaller number of overall utterances
2002; Waldfogel, 2005). The epidemiological findings from compared to mothers of nonmaltreated children, with a signif-
the Smoky Mountain longitudinal study provide compelling icant association between maternal utterances and child lan-
evidence of the transformations in individual and family guage variables. There are indications that young children’s
functioning that take place with improvements in social and cognitive deficits are linked to exposure to violence and to
economic conditions (Costello, Compton, Keeler, & Angold, the quality of children’s caregiving relationships. Domestic
2003; Costello, Erkanli, Copeland, & Angold, 2010) and violence exposure was uniquely associated with IQ suppres-
serve as a powerful reminder that infant mental health practice sion among 5-year-old monozygotic and dizygotic twin pairs
at its best incorporates efforts to help the family with the con- in England, with a dose–response relationship so that children
crete problems of living posed by poverty and marginaliza- exposed to high levels of domestic violence had IQs that were
tion (Fraiberg, 1980). eight points lower on average than nonexposed children
The extensive literature linking trauma exposure and pov- (Koenen, Moffitt, Caspi, Taylor, & Purcell, 2003). Domestic
erty, community violence, and belonging to a marginalized violence exposure is also negatively correlated with pre-
ethnic or racial group is beyond the scope of this paper, but school children’s performance on explicit memory tasks,
it is now evident that Winnicott’s (1964) much-quoted dictum with children exposed to higher levels of violence performing
that “There is no such thing as a baby . . . A baby cannot exist more poorly and with this association moderated by the
alone, but is essentially part of a relationship” (p. 88) needs to mothers’ positive parenting practices (Jouriles et al., 2008).
be embedded within a broader ecological framework. We can The role of maternal functioning as an influential factor in
now say on the basis of decades of research that “There is no the association between child trauma exposure and cognitive
such thing as a family . . . A family cannot exist alone, but is performance was also found in a clinical sample of preschool-
essentially part of a social, economic, and cultural system.” ers referred for treatment after witnessing domestic violence
where children had lower IQ scores when their mothers
were rated as unclassifiable, unresolved/insecure, or had
Preschooler Socioemotional, Cognitive, and
lower coherence scores on the Adult Attachment Interview
Behavioral Outcomes
after controlling for maternal education (Busch & Lieberman,
The few studies specifically targeting preschool children show 2010). These findings point to the intricate interconnections
significant associations between trauma exposure and malad- linking children’s emotional, social, and cognitive function-
aptive socioemotional and behavioral outcomes at this age. ing to maternal functioning and to the quality of caregiving
Preschoolers exposed to domestic violence showed signifi- they receive, and highlight the importance of targeting malad-
cantly more negative affect, more peer aggression, less appro- aptive caregiving patterns in the treatment of infant mental
priate responses to situational challenges, and more ambivalent health problems.
relationships with their caregivers than their peers when ob- The biological substrate of the behavioral outcomes iden-
served in group play and in interaction with their preschool tified in traumatized children is the focus of extensive re-
teachers (Graham-Bermann & Levendosky, 1998). Trauma- search, but studies to date have included school-aged children
tized preschoolers also have frequent co-occurrence of differ- and adolescents rather than infants, toddlers, and preschool-
ent psychiatric diagnoses, with children diagnosed with ers, so that an extrapolation of the findings to this age range
PTSD having significantly higher rates of separation anxiety would be speculative. Brain areas and systems consistently
disorder, oppositional defiant disorder, more separation anxi- implicated in traumatized older children and adults include
ety disorder and oppositional defiant disorder symptoms, and the amygdala, medial prefrontal cortex, dopamine system,
higher scores on the Child Behavior Checklist (Achenbach norepinephrine/epinephrine (adrenergic) system, hypothala-
& Rescorla, 2001) internalizing and total subscales when com- mic–pituitary–adrenal axis, hippocampus, and corpus collo-
pared to healthy controls and to preschoolers who had been ex- sum, serotonin system, and the endogenous opiate system,
posed to traumatic events but showed no evidence of PTSD all of which show dysregulations in patients with PTSD. Al-
(Scheeringa, Zeanah, Myers, & Putnam, 2003). though the specific findings vary across studies and different
The effects of traumatic exposure in the first 5 years may patterns have been found for children and adults, physiolog-
continue to be evident at later ages. A community sample ical and anatomical irregularities are consistently associated
of children, followed prospectively for 9 years from the with earlier age of maltreatment, longer duration of maltreat-
time they entered kindergarten, showed that children who ex- ment, and greater severity of PTSD (DeBellis, Hooper & Sa-
perienced physical abuse before age 5 were at greater risk for pia, 2005). The plasticity of the brain makes it difficult to in-
developing internalizing and externalizing behavior problems terpret the findings with any certainty because children’s
than children who experienced physical abuse after age 5 neural systems are under development, areas of the brain
(Keiley, Howe, Dodge, Bates, & Pettit, 2001). Eigsti and Cic- may reach their peak volume in late childhood or adoles-
Trauma in early childhood 403

cence, and ongoing adversity and traumatization may contrib- There is widespread consensus that the DSM-IV-R list of
ute to heterogeneous outcomes (Gunnar & Quevedo, 2007; symptoms for PTSD does not include behavioral manifesta-
for a review, see Giedd, 2009). In addition, quality of parental tions that are developmentally appropriate for infants, toddlers,
care may be a powerful moderator of psychobiological child and preschoolers, and empirical findings have provided evi-
measures in young children. For example, Scheeringa, Zea- dence that alternative PTSD criteria are needed for children
nah, Myers, and Putnam (2004) found that in a sample of aged birth to 5 years. In a study comparing traumatized and
traumatized children aged 20 months to 6 years, those with nontraumatized children aged 20 months to 6 years using pa-
the most severe PTSD symptoms had decreased respiratory rental interviews and behavioral checklists, Scheeringa et al.
sinus arrhythmia during a trauma stimulus when their care- (2003) found that none of the traumatized children met the
givers showed less positive discipline during a clean-up task. DSM-IV criteria for PTSD, but 26% of these traumatized chil-
The study of GeneEnvironment interaction is a growing dren met diagnostic criteria when alternative, developmentally
area of research with potentially far-reaching implications for appropriate criteria and a revised algorithm were used, consist-
understanding the biological substrate of trauma responses. ing of one symptom from cluster B (reexperiencing) symptom,
Two recent meta-analyses reported small to medium effect one symptom from cluster C (avoidance/numbing) symptom,
sizes (0.17 and 0.18) for the monoamine oxidase A genotype two symptoms from cluster D (arousal), and four novel symp-
and maltreatment interaction for antisocial behavior (Kim- toms. The children diagnosed with PTSD using the revised cri-
Cohen et al., 2006; Taylor & Kim-Cohen, 2007). In another teria had significantly more comorbid symptoms (separation
recent study with children who had been removed from their anxiety disorder; oppositional defiant disorder; major depres-
parents due to abuse and a comparison group with no history sive disorder; attention-deficity/hyperactivity disorder; Child
of trauma this gene–environment interaction for child aggres- Behavior Checklist internalizing, externalizing, and total prob-
sion was found in low to moderate levels of trauma exposure lems) when compared to children in the trauma/no PTSD group
only, although children with exposure to extreme levels of or the no trauma group. During a follow-up study of the same
trauma had high aggression scores regardless of genotype children conducted 1 and 2 years after the initial assessment,
(Weder et al., 2009). A twin study also supports a gene–envi- the researchers found that the children originally diagnosed
ronment interaction for conduct disorder among physically with PTSD showed significantly more PTSD symptoms and
abused 5-year-olds, who showed an increase of 2% in the functional impairment in more domains over the course of 2
probability of a conduct disorder diagnosis in children with years than children not diagnosed with PTSD during the initial
lowest genetic risk, compared to an increase of 24% in chil- study (Scheeringa, Zeanah, Myers, & Putnam, 2005). Subse-
dren at highest genetic risk (Jaffee et al., 2005). Although quent studies also support the importance of developmentally
most of the existing studies involve older children and adults, appropriate symptoms and an altered algorithm for diagnosing
the momentum for research in this area is likely to result in PTSD in young children (Meiser-Stedman, Smith, Glucksman,
the examination of proximal and distal effects of the interac- Yule, & Dalgleish, 2008; Scheeringa et al., 2006).
tion between nature and nurture in very young children in the These research efforts and the developmental of the alter-
future. native criteria and algorithm received impetus from a multi-
disciplinary Diagnostic Classification Task Force established
in 1987 by Zero to Three: National Center for Infants, Tod-
Diagnosing PTSD in early childhood
dlers and Families and cochaired by Stanley Greenspan and
According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Men- Serena Wieder in response to the need for a developmentally
tal Disorders, Fourth Edition (DSM-IV; American Psychiat- appropriate instrument to diagnose mental health problems in
ric Association, 2000), PTSD is characterized by the onset of infancy and early childhood. This effort led to the publication
clusters of characteristic symptoms following exposure to an of the Diagnostic Classification of Mental Health and Devel-
event that threatens the life or physical integrity of the self or opmental Disorders of Infancy and Early Childhood (DC:0–
others (Criterion A). The clusters of symptoms involve reex- 3; Zero to Three, 1994), which included a diagnostic category
periencing of the traumatic event (Criterion B); avoidance of for traumatic stress disorder that followed the criteria of the
stimuli associated with the trauma and numbing of general re- DSM-IV but included developmentally appropriate behav-
sponsiveness (Criterion C); and increased arousal (Criterion ioral symptoms within each criteria. The manual was revised
D). Each of these criteria contains specific symptoms, and a under the leadership of Robert Emde and published as the re-
logarithm is provided to determine whether the person meets vised version of DC:0–3 (DC:0–3R; Zero to Three, 2005).
sufficient criteria for a clinical diagnosis: at least one symp- The mutual influences between infant mental health research-
tom from Criterion B (reexperiencing), at least three symp- ers and clinicians resulted in modifications in the DC:0–3R
toms from Criterion C (avoidance), and at least two symptoms that changed the nomenclature of the original diagnostic cat-
from Criterion D (arousal). The full symptom picture must be egory of traumatic stress disorder to align it with the DSM-IV
present for longer than 1 month (Criterion E), and the distur- usage of PTSD and the adoption in the DC:0–3 R of the algo-
bance must cause clinically significant distress or impairment rithm developed by Scheeringa and colleagues: at least one
in important areas of functioning such as work or social rela- reexperiencing symptom (posttraumatic play, recurrent and
tions (Criterion F). intrusive recollections of the traumatic event outside play,
404 A. F. Lieberman et al.

repeated nightmares, physiological distress, and episodes of for early trauma identification, developing effective treat-
flashbacks or dissociation), at least two hyperarousal symp- ments that include both the child and the parent, and deploy-
toms (sleep problems, concentration problems, hypervigi- ing the public health resources needed for these treatments to
lance, exaggerated startle response, irritability/anger), and at be administered in a timely and effective manner.
least one numbing of responsiveness/interference with devel-
opmental progress symptom (increased social withdrawal,
Cumulative protective factors and resilience
restricted range of affect, markedly diminished interest or
participation in significant activities, and efforts to avoid Resilience in the face of childhood adversity has been defined
trauma reminders). The diagnostic criteria also include asso- as a multifaceted amalgamation of genetic predispositions
ciated symptoms (regression of developmental skills, new ag- and personal, familial, and environmental risk and protective
gression, new fears, and inappropriate sexual behaviors). This factors (Rutter, 1999). There is an extensive literature uphold-
pattern of symptoms should last for at least 1 month. ing the importance of protective psychological factors in the
The DC:0–3R change of nomenclature from the original prevention of negative outcomes (Taylor, Kemeny, Reed,
traumatic stress disorder to PTSD is worth noting. The diag- Bower, & Gruenewald, 2000), and children exposed to differ-
nosis of PTSD is predicated on the notion that trauma contin- ent kinds of adversity frequently show resilience in the form
ues to have psychological sequelae after the traumatic event is of protective characteristics that follow multiple pathways to
no longer present. This assumption does not reflect the every- foster their positive development (Bonanno, 2004; Garmezy,
day reality of millions of children exposed to ongoing mal- 1991; Luthar, Cicchetti, & Becker, 2000; Luthar & Goldstein,
treatment and community violence, as well as recurrent expo- 2004; Masten, 2001). Resilient maltreated children have been
sure to other traumatic stressors. Although there is much value characterized as showing positive self-esteem, ego flexibility,
in adopting a single nomenclature for mental health disorders, and ego overcontrol (Cicchetti & Rogosch, 1997).
researchers and clinicians should incorporate an awareness of pre- Quality of attachment seems to operate in conjunction with
sent trauma in their research designs and clinical interventions, ecological factors such as personal and contextual risk to in-
and monitor for the ever-present possibility of new traumas in fluence child resilience. A prospective study with a commu-
the lives of the children and families they study or treat. nity sample of adolescent mothers recruited during their first
Diagnosing young children exposed to trauma remains a pregnancy and followed up during the first 3 years of their
challenge, complicated by the rapid developmental changes child’s life found that most children showed a normative tra-
in the first 5 years of life, the influence of observational con- jectory of decline in problem behaviors over the preschool
text on the young child’s behavior, the lack of verbal self-re- years, but securely attached children whose mothers engaged
port capacities in preverbal children, the limitations of parents in positive parenting behaviors were significantly less likely
and caregivers as accurate observers and reporters, and the to develop a problem behavior trajectory when compared to
time and expense involved in observing young children in a their anxiously attached peers (Keller, Spieker, & Gilchrist,
variety of settings and for appropriately long periods of 2005). A small proportion of children evidenced high initial
time to gain a detailed understanding of their functioning in levels of disruptive behaviors that escalated over time. Specif-
the relevant developmental domains. Current research relies ically, insecurely attached children with high levels of infant
on parent reports of children’s posttraumatic symptoms using negativity had a significantly greater likelihood of having a
semistructured interviews or behavior checklists, which can high behavioral problem trajectory compared to securely at-
be biased, subjective, or insufficiently detailed. There re- tached children with similarly high levels of infant negativity.
mains a need to have standardized instruments that improve Children with avoidant attachment had a significantly higher
reliability and validity, with objective and precise reports of risk of a problem trajectory than children with any other at-
symptoms. Progress in this area is under way. The Preschool tachment classification, and three times the rate of securely at-
Aged Psychiatric Assessment is a structured psychiatric as- tached children (Keller et al., 2005).
sessment interview showing sound psychometric properties Mothers who were maltreated as children but are able to
(Egger et al., 2006; Sterba, Egger, & Angold, 2007). The break the cycle of abuse when raising their own children con-
widely used Child Behavior Checklist (Achenbach & Rescorla, stitute an important group in understanding resilience, and
2001) has been modified to assess PTSD in young children, their experiences are particularly relevant to the practice of in-
with promising results showing significantly higher scores in fant mental health. The Minnesota Child–Parent Project study
children who had the full diagnosis of PTSD based on a semi- provides some illuminating findings in this regard. The origi-
structured diagnostic interview (Dehon & Scheeringa, 2006). nal study recruited 267 primiparous women living in poverty
In summary, although knowledge in the area of the impact and with a history of childhood physical abuse, and followed
of trauma on young children’s biological makeup and devel- them prospectively from the third trimester of pregnancy until
opmental course is still in its early stages, there is robust evi- their children were 24 months old. Sixty-two percent were sin-
dence that children’s development is negatively affected by gle mothers and over 85% of the pregnancies were unplanned.
traumatic exposure and that the brain structure and physiol- Forty-four of the women in the sample had maltreated their chil-
ogy are implicated in these outcomes. These findings high- dren by the time the child was 2 years old. A subsample of the
light the urgency of preventing child victimization, screening mothers was interviewed about their childhood history by
Trauma in early childhood 405

coders who did not know whether the mothers had abused a narrative of their lives that includes the traumatic event with
their children. The mothers who had continued the abuse the goal of breaking the taboo of silence about the trauma,
cycle described their childhoods in fragmented, disjointed, helping to modulate unmanageable traumatic stress, and re-
inconsistent, and often highly idealized ways that were not storing trust in the attachment relationship. The efficacy of
congruent with the factual events. In contrast, mothers who CPP is supported by several randomized clinical trials with
had discontinued the abuse cycle provided coherent narra- samples varying in child age, referring problems, and ethnic
tives of their lives and were forthright in discussing their and socioeconomic backgrounds in two separate university
childhood abuse with the interviewer, acknowledging what settings. The samples include maltreated infants in the child
had happened as an integral part of their identity but also protection system (Cicchetti, Rogosch, & Toth, 2006), anx-
adopting a future-oriented stance toward their lives (Egeland iously attached toddlers of low-income, recently immigrated
& Sussman-Stillman, 1996). and often undocumented Latina mothers (Lieberman, Wes-
ton, & Pawl, 1991), toddlers of middle-class depressed moth-
ers (Cichetti, Toth, & Rogosch, 2000; Toth, Rogosch, Manly,
Clinical implications and empirically supported treatment
& Cichetti, 2006), maltreated preschoolers in the child wel-
The findings about the predictors of resilience and interrup- fare system (Toth, Maughan, Manly, Spagnola, & Cicchetti,
tion of the intergenerational transmission of trauma are con- 2002), and preschoolers who witnessed domestic violence
sistent with current clinical best practice in trauma treatment, against the mother in addition to other violence-related trau-
which consistently encourages the development of a trauma matic stressors (Lieberman, Van Horn, & Ghosh Ippen,
narrative as a core component of the therapeutic process, 2005). Outcome findings include reductions in child and ma-
along with building a therapeutic working alliance, affect ternal psychiatric symptoms; more positive child attributions
modulation, trust in bodily sensations, realistic appraisal of of parents, themselves, and relationships; improvement in
danger, ability to differentiate between reliving and remem- quality of child–mother relationship and measures of security
ber, clinical stabilization, capacity for safe intimate relation- of attachment; and improvements in child cognitive function-
ships, and placing the traumatic experience in the context ing. In a randomized trial with preschoolers who witnessed
of creating positive engagement with developmentally appro- domestic violence, the children in the CPP treatment group
priate goals (AACAP, 2010; Marmar, Foy, Kagan, & Pynoos, not only maintained their therapeutic gains, but their mothers
1993). The AACAP Preschool Psychopharmacology Work- continued to improve in their global psychiatric symptoms
ing Group reviewed existing literature to develop treatment when compared with mothers in the comparison group,
recommendations for preschool children with a range of psy- who received monthly case management as well as individual
chiatric diagnoses, and its recommendations for the assess- treatment in the community (Lieberman, Ghosh Ippen, & Van
ment and treatment of PTSD include made recommendations Horn, 2006).
for the assessment and treatment of PTSD in preschool chil- These findings are important because they indicate that re-
dren (Gleason et al., 2007), including the adoption of devel- lationship-based, trauma-focused treatment can lead to last-
opmentally sensitive use of the DSM-IV criteria in assessing ing improvements in the mother’s individual functioning
PTSD in preschoolers, regular monitoring for baseline symp- and buttress her emotional capacity to provide appropriate
toms with a structured measure, and the use of CPP and pre- care for the child.
school-specific CBT as first-line therapeutic interventions for Trauma-focused CBT (Cohen & Mannarino, 2008) is a
preschoolers exposed to traumatic events (Gleason et al., multicomponent model that can be summarized by the acro-
2007). In light of the empirically documented treatment ef- nym PRACTICE, which stands for the following compo-
fects of psychotherapeutic interventions for preschoolers nents: parental treatment, including parental skills; psychoed-
with PTSD, the Preschool Psychopharmacology Working ucation; relaxation and stress management skills; affective
Group did not recommend the use of psychopharmacological expression and modulation skills; cognitive coping skills;
treatment for PTSD in preschoolers. These recommendations trauma narrative and cognitive processing of the child’s trau-
are consistent with those included in the 2010 AACAP Prac- matic experiences; in vivo desensitization to trauma remind-
tice Parameter for the assessment and treatment of PTSD. ers; conjoint child–parent sessions; and enhancing safety
CPP is a relationship-based intervention grounded in psy- and future development. The parental treatment components
choanalytic, attachment, and trauma theory that also includes parallel the child components, with the parent and the child
social learning and cognitive behavioral intervention strate- learning their respective skills in separate sessions. Toward
gies as vehicles for change (Lieberman & Van Horn, 2005, the end of treatment, child and parent meet in joint sessions
2008). CPP is guided by the core premise that young children to enable the child to share the trauma narrative with the par-
rely on their parent(s) or primary attachment figures for pro- ents and to engage in tasks that build communication, en-
tection and safety, and that trauma shatters the child’s percep- hance safety, and communicate and address remaining ques-
tion of the parent as a competent and reliable protector. In the tions and concerns. Trauma-focused CBT for preschoolers is
context of joint child–mother sessions, the CPP therapist sup- supported by a randomized trial with sexually abused chil-
ports the dyad in using play, words, and other forms of inter- dren, who showed significant improvements in PTSD, inter-
action to express and respond to emotional needs, cocreating nalizing, and sexual behavior symptoms when compared with
406 A. F. Lieberman et al.

a control group receiving nondirective supportive therapy should continue their efforts to develop and refine comprehen-
(Cohen & Mannarino, 1996, 1997, 1998). A second, recently sive, standardized screening assessment instruments for early
published randomized study with preschoolers exposed to childhood. The ethical challenges involved in these efforts
events ranging from single-blow trauma to exposure to do- need to find a forum for debate and consensus in the field be-
mestic violence and victimization by Hurricane Katrina cause there are legal repercussions among mandated reporters
showed that children in the trauma-focused CBT condition who know about child abuse but do not report it. Researchers
showed significant improvement on symptoms of PTSD but may choose to not inquire about trauma exposure in order to
not on depression, separation anxiety, oppositional–defiant, bypass the obligation to report abuse, an understandable self-
or attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorders (Scheeringa et al., protective response that may have the unintended effect of im-
2010). peding scientific progress. The problem of false-positive
screens that misidentify a child as being abused is a related con-
cern that can be minimized through the use of multiple evalua-
Conclusions and Future Directions
tions that increase the specificity of the screen (Harris, Putnam,
Children in the birth to 5 age range are disproportionately vul- & Fairbank, 2006).
nerable to traumatic events in the forms of inflicted and acci- Appropriate clinical responses to trauma exposure for young
dental injury, and there is substantial overlap among different children are undermined by a “don’t ask, don’t tell” approach
forms of traumatization, with high percentages of traumatized where clinicians fail to probe systematically for the child’s pos-
children exposed to more than one traumatic event and more sible exposure to traumatic events. The AACAP Practice Pa-
than one type of trauma and with interpersonal violence com- rameter (2010) recommendation of routinely asking for trauma
prising the most frequent form of trauma exposure. Review- exposure and PTSD symptoms whenever a child is referred for
ing the incidence and developmental and social sequelae of mental health services is in urgent need to widespread imple-
children’s exposure to interpersonal violence, Steve Sharf- mentation. Although there is progress in developing and imple-
stein (2006) concluded that this form of trauma is “the largest menting empirically supported forms of treatment for trauma-
single preventable cause of mental illness” and made the tized young children, there are important limitations related to
analogy that “What cigarette smoking is to the rest of medi- attrition rates, length of follow-up, fidelity, treatment effect
cine, early childhood violence is to psychiatry.” Research, size, efficacy versus effectiveness when research-based treat-
clinical intervention, and public policy need to respond to ment is disseminated to heterogeneous community-based clin-
this challenge within their own domains and through system- ical settings, and the unanswered question of “what works for
atic collaboration across areas of specialization. The special whom?” (Roth & Fonagy, 2005). The problem of access to
needs of children in the birth to 5 age range should be system- mental health care for poor and minority children and their fam-
atically incorporated in each of these efforts. ilies is serious and protracted (President’s New Freedom Com-
Research efforts should move away from focusing on single mission on Mental Health, 2003). There is a significant lag time
sources of trauma and adopt methodologies that incorporate between initial identification of children’s mental health or de-
structured assessments for the range of traumatic stressors velopmental impairment and the beginning of appropriate inter-
that are common in infancy and early childhood, from acci- ventions, a situation that may lastingly derail the child’s healthy
dents such as dog bites, severe burns, cuts and falls, car acci- developmental trajectory because early dysfunction can trigger
dents, and near drownings to witnessing domestic and commu- a cascade of maladaptive consequences that become progres-
nity violence, enduring physical and/or sexual abuse, and death sively more entrenched and resistant to intervention (Duncan,
of a primary caregiver, sibling, or another person with whom Tildesley, Duncan, & Hops, 1995; Pynoos et al., 1999). The
the child had close emotional ties. Although the long-term re- lag between initial referral and treatment is particularly glaring
percussions of cumulative adversities and traumatic exposures for children in the child welfare system, with 75% of diagnosed
has been studied among adults and older children, there is at children not having received treatment 12 months after initial
present no systematic assessment of the differential impact of diagnosis (National Research Council and Institute of Medi-
cumulative trauma exposure on young children. Epidemiolog- cine, 2006). A powerful obstacle to mobilizing trauma re-
ical surveys and longitudinal studies that investigate the impact sources for young children is the erroneous but persistent as-
of different forms of trauma should include the birth to 5 age sumption among practitioners and the public at large that
range as a separate category to better understand the role of young children are not affected by trauma and adversity (Na-
the early years in children’s long-term developmental trajec- tional Research Council and Institute of Medicine, 2000).
tory. Clinical and research priorities converge in pointing to The problem of access to timely and effective treatment is
the need for more accurate and developmentally sensitive compounded by the scarcity of mental health providers skilled
screening and assessment measures for trauma histories, symp- in treating children in the birth to 5 age range. The core cur-
tomatology, and general functioning for children in the birth to riculum for graduate studies in psychology, psychiatry, social
5 age range. Closer research attention is needed to the cultural work, and other mental health disciplines do not systematically
dimensions of exposure to trauma and adversity, traumatic incorporate developmental psychopathology of infancy and
stress, and coping mechanisms that promote resilience in differ- early childhood, and child mental health providers are gener-
ent ethnic, racial, and socioeconomic groups. Researchers ally trained in individual treatment approaches that do include
Trauma in early childhood 407

parents and are therefore not well suited for young children. system, and the law enforcement and the courts, as well as fam-
The shortage of infant mental health providers from minority ily resource programs, domestic violence shelters, and other
groups has a particularly negative impact on immigrant and community-based services. Each of these systems represents a
minority children and families, who need interventions that significant entry point for intervention, and their effectiveness
are provided in their native language by practitioners who un- can be significantly enhanced by adapting the principles of
derstand their cultural values and childrearing practices. The trauma-focused infant mental health for use by the providers in
current economic downturn aggravates this situation because these systems (Osofsky & Lieberman, in press). The SAMHSA-
drastic staff layoffs in community programs and the child wel- funded National Child Traumatic Stress Network represents
fare system create higher case loads, lower morale, and increase a comprehensive federal effort to increase access to service
staff vicarious traumatization. Specialized training and tech- and raise the standard of care for children and their families
nical assistance are needed to create the workforce capacity across the United States (see As a cen-
to close these service gaps (President’s New Freedom Com- ter within this initiative, the Early Trauma Treatment Network
mission on Mental Health, 2003). is a collaborative of four university-based infant and early
Public policy is an essential instrument to implement bene- childhood trauma programs at the University of California,
ficial change. The mental health service gaps deficits and efforts San Francisco, Boston Medical Center, Louisiana State Uni-
to remedy them must engage a partnership between profession- versity Medical Center, and Tulane University that has the
als working with young children, elected representatives, and goal of creating, evaluating, and disseminating effective
public interest advocates (Harris et al., 2007, 2006). A focus forms of intervention with traumatized young children and
on reducing significant stress and adversity in early childhood their families across systems of care. Large randomized stud-
has been proposed as an alternative to the traditional reliance ies are the gold standard in research and must be promoted
on pharmacological interventions to prevent disease and pro- with the goal of making empirically supported treatment
mote health (Shonkoff, Boyce, & McEwen, 2009). Public pol- available for young traumatized children. Simultaneously,
icy must systematically address the deficits in access to services there is an urgent need to bring up to scale public policy ef-
for traumatized young children and their families. Most trauma- forts to translate effective treatment to community settings
tized young children and families are not found in mental health in order to bridge the long-standing gap in services for trau-
clinics but are users of pediatric care, childcare, the child welfare matized and underserved young children and their families.

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