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Class: 8 (04-12-2023 to 08-12-2023)

Word Synonymn Meaning Usage
To say formally or clearly that something is true or
1. Affirm Proclaim They neither affirmed nor denied their guilt.
that you support something strongly
Environmentalists are alarmed by the dramatic
2. Alarmed by Shocked Feeling frightened or worried
increase in the pollution.
The assembly adopted a resolution approving the
3. Approving Accept Showing support
To think carefully about something or the possibility He contemplated the meaning of the poem for a long
4. Contemplating Examine
of doing something time.
Deeply He looked sad and was deeply concerned about how
5. Anxiety Worried and feeling concern about something
concerned he would support his family.
To feel sorry that you did something or that you did
6. Regretting Repenting Don’t say anything, you might regret later.
not do something
To state or show that something is especially
7. Emphasizing Stress She emphasized the importance of good nutrition.
important or deserves special attention
Tom is deeply conscious of how other people think of
8. Deeply conscious Aware Responding to one’s surrounding
It is worth bearing in mind that excursions are subject
9. Bearing in mind Remember Keep in mind or remember
to good weather condition.
In the year 1947, India was proclaimed as independent
10. Proclaim Announce To make something known officially or publicly
11. Striking out Delete/remove To remove from the record After two years he was able to strike out on his own.
Taking into The leader will need to take into account the special
12. Consider To give consideration
account needs of his members.
13. Solemnly Formal In a formal way ot dignified way The players walked solemnly off the ground.
14. Seeking Explore To try to find or get something I was seeking for ideas about the MUN.
Noting with We noted with regret that attendance at the event
15. Sorrow To express sorrow or displeasure about something
regret was much lower than anticipated.

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