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Estimation of Resilient Modulus of Subgrade Soils

for Design of Pavement Structures

Munir D. Nazzal, A.M.ASCE1; and Louay N. Mohammad, M.ASCE2

Abstract: Field and laboratory testing programs were conducted to develop an efficient methodology for estimating resilient modulus
共M r兲 values of subgrade soils for use in the design of pavement structures. The field testing program consisted of obtaining Shelby tube
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samples of subgrade soils from different pavement projects throughout Louisiana. The laboratory program included conducting repeated
load triaxial M r tests as well as physical property tests on the collected samples. The validity of the correlation equations developed by
the long-term pavement performance 共LTPP兲 to predict the M r was examined. In general, the LTPP model underestimated the values of
M r coefficients obtained in this study. A comprehensive regression analysis was conducted to develop models that predict the M r
coefficients of different subgrade soils in Louisiana using different physical properties. A good agreement was observed between the
measured and predicted M r coefficient values. Furthermore, the developed models had a better prediction of measured M r coefficient
values than the LTTP models. Finally, a catalog of resilient modulus of subgrade soils at different moisture content levels was developed.
DOI: 10.1061/共ASCE兲MT.1943-5533.0000073
CE Database subject headings: Resilient modulus; Subgrades; Pavements; Design.
Author keywords: Resilient modulus; Subgrade soils; Pavement design; MEPDG; Regression models.

Introduction of subgrade soils, namely, conducting repeated load triaxial

共RTL兲 laboratory tests, back-calculation from in situ test devices
The resilient modulus 共M r兲 has widely been recognized by the measurements, and estimation using correlations with physical
pavement community as a good property that describes the stress- properties of tested soils. Generally, the RLT test requires well-
dependent elastic modulus of different soil materials under traffic trained personnel and expensive laboratory equipment; it is also
loading. The AASHTO 共1993兲 pavement design procedure and considered relatively time-consuming. Therefore, different state
the Mechanistic Empirical Pavement Design Guide 共MEPGD兲 agencies were hesitant to conduct them and instead used other
共NCHRP 2004兲 have also adopted the resilient modulus of sub- approaches to estimate the M r. Another alternative for estimating
grade soils as a material property in characterizing pavements for the M r of subgrade soils is the use of in situ test devices. Different
their structural analysis and design. Many studies that were con- devices have been proposed and used during the past decades.
ducted to investigate the effect of the material’s M r on the design However, such an alternative requires the development of a reli-
of a pavement structure also showed that the input value of M r able correlation between laboratory and field test measurements,
has a dramatic effect on the designed thickness of the base course which has not been created yet.
and asphalt layers 共Darter et al. 1992兲. The resilient modulus can also be obtained from the correla-
The resilient modulus is defined as the ratio of the maximum tion equations from soil physical properties. For over four de-
cyclic stress 共␴cyc兲 to the recoverable resilient 共elastic兲 strain 共␧r兲 cades, many researchers have studied the characteristics of M r for
in a repeated dynamic loading as shown in Eq. 共1兲. The resilient various soils and attempted to relate it to engineering properties,
modulus can be more simply described as the unloaded phase of so as to reduce costs and time associated with laboratory testing
the stress-strain slope developed during the impulse loading that 共i.e., Malla and Joshi 2007; George 2004; Drumm et al. 1990;
occurs as vehicles pass over the pavement Farrar and Turner 1991; Carmichael III and Stuart 1978; Santha
1994; Von Quintus and Killingsworth 1998兲. A potential benefit
␴cyc of estimating the M r from physical properties is that seasonal
Mr = 共1兲
␧r variations in resilient modulus can be estimated from seasonal
changes in the material’s physical properties. Seasonal variations
Three different approaches have been used to estimate the M r are critical for determining the design M r for a particular project.
The concept being used in development of the new MEPDG
Assistant Professor, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Ohio Univ., Athens, under NCHRP Project 1-37A 共NCHRP 2004兲 is to apply the en-
OH 45701.
hanced integrated climatic model 共EICM兲 to predict changes in
Professor, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Loui- the physical properties of unbound pavement materials and soils
siana Transportation Research Center, Louisiana State Univ., Baton and to estimate the effect those changes have on the resilient
Rouge, LA 70808 共corresponding author兲.
Note. This manuscript was submitted on August 11, 2008; approved
on December 3, 2009; published online on June 15, 2010. Discussion Determining the M r from physical properties of cohesive ma-
period open until December 1, 2010; separate discussions must be sub- terials can capture the effect of the seasonal variations of the M r,
mitted for individual papers. This paper is part of the Journal of Mate- but it does not capture the effect of stress sensitivity. Therefore, to
rials in Civil Engineering, Vol. 22, No. 7, July 1, 2010. ©ASCE, ISSN capture the effects of stress sensitivity on M r, a correct constitu-
0899-1561/2010/7-726–734/$25.00. tive model should be employed first. During the past two decades,


J. Mater. Civ. Eng. 2010.22:726-734.

several constitutive models have been proposed by many re-
searchers for modeling resilient moduli of pavement soils 共Uzan
1985; May and Witczak 1981; Seed et al. 1967兲. The MEPDG
共NCHRP 2004兲 adopted the generalized M r constitutive model
shown in Eq. 共2兲. This model has the ability to capture the effect
of the stress state of the material under traffic loading, in which
the normal and shear stresses change

= k1 冉 冊冉

+1 冊 k3

where M r = resilient modulus; ␪ = bulk stress; ␶oct = octahedral

shear stress; Pa = normalizing stress equals to atmospheric stress
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共Pa = 101.4 kPa兲; and k1, k2, and k3 = coefficients of the tested
Previous studies developed relationships between the soil
properties and the regressed k coefficients of the constitutive
model 共i.e., Archilla et al. 2007; Shongtao and Zollars 2002; Mo- Fig. 1. Location of the pavement projects
hammad et al. 1999; etc.兲. Those relationships that have good
statistics were generally confined to specific soil types. Other
studies that have used a wide range of soil types and conditions
have generally resulted in poor correlations. One of the most well Sampling and Testing Program
known M r coefficient prediction models was developed by the
LTPP-FHWA study program 共Yau and Von Quintus 2002兲, which Field Sampling Program
was based on a wide range of the resilient modulus test data The field sampling program in this study included obtaining sub-
measured on pavement materials and soils recovered from the grade soil samples from different sections in 10 pavement
LTPP test sections. The models were developed for various types projects within the state of Louisiana, namely, LA333, LA347,
of pavement materials. Eqs. 共3兲–共5兲 show the models proposed to U.S.171, LA991, LA22, LA28, LA344, LA182, LA15, and
predict the k coefficients for fine grain clay soils. One problem LA652. The tested sections covered the common subgrade soil
that affects the reliability of these models is that they did not types found in Louisiana 共A-4, A-6, A-7-5, and A-7-6 soil types兲.
incorporate soils from all states and regions; therefore, these mod- Fig. 1 presents the locations of projects considered.
els have to be recalibrated or modified to account for the local Three sets of sampling were conducted at each pavement
soils in the different states project. Each sampling set was approximately 500-ft apart unless
field conditions dictated otherwise. Shelby tube samples were ob-
tained at three points for each set. A total of nine Shelby tube
k1 = 1.3577 + 0.0106共%clay兲 − 0.0437wc 共3兲 samples were obtained at each pavement project. To obtain
Shelby tube samples, a 6-in.-diameter hole was first augered with
a core rig through the asphaltic concrete layer, the base course
layer, and 6 in. into the subgrade. The core rig was then used to
k2 = 0.5193 − 0.0073P4 + 0.0095P40 shove a 3-in.-diameter Shelby tube into the subgrade. Once the
− 0.0027P200 − 0.003LL − 0.0049wopt 共4兲 tube was removed from the ground, the soil specimen was ex-
tracted from the tube using the extrusion device mounted on the
truck. It is noted that the obtained specimens were representative
of the subgrade soil layer within 6–18 in. from the base course
k3 = 1.4258 − 0.0288P4 + 0.0303P40 − 0.0521P200
layer. After extracting the soil specimens, they were wrapped in
+ 0.0251共%silt兲 + 0.0535LL − 0.0672wopt − 0.0026␥opt plastic and aluminum foil and stored in Styrofoam containers, and
then transported to the laboratory. The samples were kept in a
+ 0.0025␥s − 0.6055共wc/wopt兲 共5兲
95% relative humidity-controlled room until they were tested.
where P3 / 8 = percentage passing sieve No. 3/8; P4 = percentage
passing No. 4 sieve; P40= percentage passing No. 40 sieve; Laboratory Testing Program
wc = moisture content of the specimen 共%兲; wopt= optimum mois- The laboratory testing program in this study consisted of conduct-
ture content of the soil 共%兲; ␥s = dry density of the sample ing RLT resilient modulus tests as well as tests to determine the
共kg/ m3兲; and ␥opt= optimum dry density 共kg/ m3兲. physical properties of tested soils such as the standard Proctor
This paper examines the validity of correlation equations de- test, sieve analysis, and Atterberg limits. The RLT M r tests were
veloped by the long-term pavement performance 共LTPP兲 and pro- conducted on the 142 mm in height and 71 mm in diameter speci-
poses an improved model to predict M r coefficients of different mens obtained from Shelby tube samples collected in the field.
subgrade soils in Louisiana. To achieve this, field and laboratory All tests were performed using the Material Testing System
testing programs were conducted. The field sampling program 共MTS兲 810 machine with a closed loop servo hydraulic loading
consisted of obtaining Shelby tube samples of subgrade soils from system. The applied load was measured using a load cell installed
different existing pavement structures throughout Louisiana. The inside the triaxial cell. This type of setup reduces the equipment
laboratory program included conducting 共RLT兲 M r tests as well as compliance errors as well as the alignment errors. The capacity of
physical property tests on the collected samples. A comprehensive the load cell used was ⫾4.45 kN 共⫾1,000 lbf兲. The axial displace-
statistical analysis was conducted on the collected data. ment measurements were made using two linearly variable differ-


J. Mater. Civ. Eng. 2010.22:726-734.

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Fig. 3. Comparison of M r values predicted using the universal con-

Fig. 2. MTS machine used in this study stitutive model to the measured M r for the tested subgrade soils

共OMC兲. Level II is used for soils that have higher moisture con-
ential transducers 共LVDTs兲 placed between the top platen and
tent than in Level I but are still on the dry side of the OMC. Level
base of the cell to reduce the amount of extraneous axial defor-
III represents the soils that are at or close to the OMC. Finally,
mation measured compared to external LVDTs. Air was used as
Level IV is for soils with moisture content that is on the wet side
the confining fluid to the specimens. Fig. 2 depicts a picture of the
of the OMC.
testing setup used in this study.
Fig. 4共a兲 shows that for all tested soil samples, the k1 coeffi-
Resilient modulus tests were performed in accordance with the
cient had positive values. In general, the k1 coefficients had the
AASHTO procedure T307 standard method 共AASHTO 2003兲. In
lowest values at the lower end of the dry side and the wet side of
this test method, the samples are first conditioned by applying
the OMC, i.e., Levels I and IV, while they had the maximum
1,000 load cycles to remove most of the irregularities on the top
value at Level II moisture content, which is on the dry side of the
and bottom surfaces of the test sample and also to suppress most
OMC. Finally, intermediate values of k1 were obtained at the
of the initial stage of permanent deformation. The conditioning of
OMC. This behavior is expected, as the k1 coefficient is propor-
the samples is followed by a series of steps consisting of applying
tional to the stiffness of a material. Therefore, the k1 coefficient
100 cycles with a haversine shaped load pulse at different levels
will increase with the increase in the effective stress. The effec-
of confining and deviatoric stresses, such that the resilient modu-
tive stress of partially saturated soils can be determined using the
lus is measured at varying normal and shear stresses. The load
expression proposed by Bishop 共1959兲 that is shown in Eq. 共6兲. In
pulse used in this study had a 0.2-s load duration and 0.8-s rest
this equation, the effective stress is governed by the matric suc-
tion 共ua − uw兲 and the effective stress parameter 共␹兲. Those vari-
ables have different relations with the increase of moisture
content. ␹ is zero for dry soils and increases to unity for saturated
Results and Analysis soils, which explains the low values of stiffness obtained at the
lower end of the dry side of the optimum. While the matric suc-
Resilient Modulus Test Results tion is extremely high at low water contents, and it decreases to
The average value of the resilient modulus for the last 10 cycles zero for saturated soils, which results in a significant decrease in
of each stress sequence was first calculated; a regression analysis stiffness at the wet side of the optimum. Although the two vari-
was then carried out to fit the data of each test to the generalized ables have opposite trends, there exists a moisture content value
constitutive model given in Eq. 共2兲 and determine the k1–3 coef- at which their combined effect is maximum; consequently, the
ficients for the different tested samples. Fig. 3 compares the M r stiffness peaks. This moisture content differs with the type of
calculated using the regressed k coefficients of the constitutive cohesive soils considered, but it occurs at the dry side of the
model in Eq. 共2兲 to the measured M r for the samples tested in this OMC
study. As shown, the constitutive equation provides an excellent
␴⬘v = ␴v − ua + ␹共ua − uw兲 共6兲
fit to the tested M r data.
Figs. 4共a–c兲 present the k1–3 coefficients for the different soils where ␴v = total stress; ua = pore air pressure; uw = pore-water pres-
considered at the tested in situ moisture conditions, respectively. sure; 共ua − uw兲 = matric suction; and ␹ = effective stress parameter.
It is noted that the tested samples were categorized into four Another reason that explains having the peak values of the k1
moisture content groups 共Levels I–IV兲, which were chosen based coefficient on the dry side of the OMC is the structure of the
on the stiffness behavior that unsaturated soils experience at dif- cohesive soil particles, since at a given compaction effort, cohe-
ferent moisture contents. Level I represents the soils that are on sive soils tend to be more flocculated for compaction on the dry
the lower end of the dry side of the optimum moisture content side of their OMC. However, as the water content increases, the


J. Mater. Civ. Eng. 2010.22:726-734.

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Fig. 4. Resilient modulus coefficients for tested soils: 共a兲 k1; 共b兲 k2;
and 共c兲 k3

soil interparticle repulsions increase; thus, the soil structure be- Fig. 5. LTPP models prediction of M r k1 coefficients of tested sub-
comes more dispersed. The soil particles tend to orient themselves grade soils: 共a兲 k1; 共b兲 k2; and 共c兲 k3
in an edge-to-face configuration in a flocculated structure mainly
because the edges are positively charged and the faces are nega-
tively charged. The resulting electrostatic attractive forces bond
the soil particles together such that it results in a higher stiffness
on the dry side 共Lambe and Whitman 1969兲. stresses is magnified as the moisture content increase, which is
Fig. 4共b兲 shows the k2 coefficient variation for the considered reasonable since the moisture content affects the soil structure
soils at the different tested moisture content levels. The k2 coef- through the destruction of the cementation between soil particles.
ficient describes the stiffening or hardening 共higher modulus兲 of
the material with the increase in the bulk stress. In general, it is
Prediction of Mr from LTPP Equations
noted that the k2 coefficients decreased with the increase in the
moisture content. Furthermore, the values of the k2 coefficients LTPP M r prediction models 关Eqs. 共3兲–共5兲兴 were employed to pre-
were small for A-7-6 soils compared to other soil types. This dict the resilient modulus coefficients of tested subgrade soils.
indicates that the effect of confining stress is less pronounced for Figs. 5共a–c兲 show the predicted and measured resilient modulus
this soil type compared to other subgrade soils types. coefficients k1–3, respectively. It is noted that there is a large dis-
Fig. 4共c兲 shows that all k3 coefficients were negative. This is crepancy between the measured and predicted coefficients. The
expected since this parameter describes the softening of the ma- largest difference was observed in the k3 values. The figures also
terial 共lower modulus兲 with the increase in the shear stress. It is show that the prediction models underestimated the measured k2
noted that, in general, k3 values were high at the dry side of the and k3 values. This result can be explained by the fact that none of
OMC and decreased with the increase in the moisture content; the data used in the development of the LTTP models were col-
however, this decrease was dependent on the soil type. This sug- lected from pavement sections within Louisiana. Therefore, the
gests that the softening cohesive material experience as the shear empirically based LTPP models are only reliable for the soil prop-


J. Mater. Civ. Eng. 2010.22:726-734.

Table 1. Ranges of Variables of Tested Subgrade Materials prediction of the resilient modulus coefficient. This analysis in-
Range Range Range Range cluded the following variables and their interactions: liquid limit,
for A-4 for A-6 for A-7-5 for A-7-6 % passing sieve No. 40, % passing sieve No. 200, % clay, % silt,
Property soils soils soils soils OMC, maximum dry unit weight, in situ moisture content, and in
PI 共%兲 4–6 12–23 27–61 15–43
situ dry unit weight. The stepwise regression analysis combines
␥d 共pcf兲 100–104 96–118 57–113 84–108
the forward and backward stepwise regression methods. It fits all
possible simple linear models and chooses the best one with the
w 共%兲 15–24 8–27 21–60 18–35
largest F-test statistic value. Then, all possible two-variable mod-
LL 共%兲 22–28 27–40 46–98 41–62
els that include the first variable are compared, and so on. The
Sand 共%兲 7–58 11–35 4–28 3–32
significance of each variable included is rechecked at each step
Silt 共%兲 28–72 37–72 9–62 23–58
along the way and removed if it falls below the significance
Clay 共%兲 14–23 8–32 27–86 32–53
threshold. The process is completed when no more variables out-
Passing sieve 42–93 65–89 72–96 68–97
side the model have the significance level to enter.
number 200 共%兲
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Based on the results of the stepwise regression procedure,

multiple regression analysis was conducted to determine the ad-
erties used in developing the model. This suggests that there is a equacy of the best models that predict the M r regressed coeffi-
need for a validation and calibration of these models for local cients based on the physical properties of tested soils; examine
soils in each region. the significance of independent variables of these models; and
detect any multicollinearity 共possible correlations among the in-
dependent variables兲. The adequacy of the model is assessed
Development of Prediction Models for Resilient using the coefficient of determination, R2, and the square root of
Modulus Coefficients the mean-square errors 共RMSE兲. The R2 represents the proportion
A comprehensive statistical analysis was conducted using the of variation in the dependent variable that is accounted for by the
statistical analysis system 共SAS兲 program to develop models that regression model and has values from 0 to 1. If it is equal to 1, the
predict the resilient modulus regressed coefficients of subgrade entire observed points lie on the suggested least-squares line,
soils from the different physical properties. The data used in which means a perfect correlation exists. The RMSE represents
the development of these models included those collected in the standard error of the regression model. The t-test is used to
this study as well as previous studies conducted by the writers examine the significance of each of the independent variables
共Mohammad et al. 1999, 2002兲. The ranges of variables used in used in the model. The probability associated with the t-test is
the regression analyses are presented in Table 1. designated with a p-value. A p-value less than 0.05 indicates that,
A stepwise regression analysis was initially performed to iden- at 95% confidence level, the independent variable is significant in
tify the important variables 共physical properties兲 that affect the explaining the variation of the dependent variable. The multicol-

Table 2. Results of Multiple Regression Analysis

k1 coefficient prediction models
Parameter Standard Variance
Variable DF estimate error t value Pr⬎ 兩t兩 inflation 95% confidence limits
Intercept 1 1.3337 0.4636 2.88 0.0045 0.0000 1.2386 3.3229
P200 1 0.0127 0.0015 8.59 ⬍0.0001 2.5331 0.0075 0.0142
LL 1 0.0160 0.0016 9.97 ⬍0.0001 5.6411 0.0126 0.0200
␥d max 1 0.0362 0.0034 10.69 ⬍0.0001 3.2475 0.0214 0.0365
MCCL 1 ⫺0.0110 0.0038 ⫺11.28 ⬍0.0001 4.5863 ⫺0.0156 ⫺0.0102
MCDD max P 1 0.0010 0.0009 1.09 0.02790 3.2014 0.0003 0.0046

k2 coefficient prediction models

Intercept 1 0.7221 0.0443 16.32 ⬍0.0001 0.0000 0.6347 0.8094
LL 1 0.0057 0.0007 7.73 ⬍0.0001 4.8557 0.0042 0.0071
MCDD max PI 1 ⫺0.0045 0.0010 ⫺4.54 ⬍0.0001 5.6023 ⫺0.0065 ⫺0.0026
MCDDP 1 0.0003 0.0001 5.4 ⬍0.0001 1.4902 0.0002 0.0004
P200 1 ⫺0.0088 0.0006 ⫺14.94 ⬍0.0001 1.5643 ⫺0.0099 ⫺0.0076

k3 coefficient prediction models

Intercept 1 ⫺7.4789 0.6938 ⫺10.78 ⬍0.0001 0.0000 ⫺8.8488 ⫺6.1090
␥d / mc 1 0.2354 0.0321 7.33 ⬍0.0001 5.3815 0.1720 0.2989
LL 1 0.0380 0.0033 11.64 ⬍0.0001 5.0785 0.0316 0.0445
MCPI 1 ⫺0.0008 0.0001 ⫺6.22 ⬍0.0001 5.5210 ⫺0.0011 ⫺0.0005
gd max 1 0.0329 0.0062 5.30 ⬍0.0001 2.5358 0.0207 0.0452
MCDDP 1 ⫺0.0016 0.0004 ⫺4.39 ⬍0.0001 3.2506 ⫺0.0024 ⫺0.0009


J. Mater. Civ. Eng. 2010.22:726-734.

models used moisture content values; however, the stiffness is
more influenced by the deviation of moisture content from the
OMC rather than the absolute value itself, especially that the
OMC value varies from one soil to another. This can also be
noticed in Fig. 4共a兲

ln共k1兲 = 1.334 + 0.0127共P200兲 + 0.016共LL兲 − 0.036共␥d max兲

− 0.011共MCCL兲 + 0.001共MCDD max P兲
共R2 = 0.61, RMSE = 0.23兲 共7兲

k2 = 0.722 + 0.0057共LL兲 − 0.004 54共MCDD max PI兲0.641

+ 0.003 24共MCDDP兲1.28 − 0.875共P200兲
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共R2 = 0.74, RMSE = 0.1兲 共8兲

k3 = − 7.48 + 0.235 冉 冊
+ 0.038共LL兲 − 0.0008共MCPI兲

+ 0.033共␥d max兲 − 0.016共MCDDP兲 共R2 = 0.66, RMSE = 0.49兲


MCCL = 共mc − mcopt兲 · clay%

mc − mcopt ␥d
MCDD max P = P200 · ·
mcopt ␥d max

mc − mcopt ␥d
MCDD max PI = PI · ·
mcopt ␥d max

mc − mcopt ␥d
MCDD max PI = PI · ·
mcopt ␥d max

P200 · ␥d

mc − mcopt
where P200= percentage passing sieve No. 200; clay%
= percentage of clay in the soil 共%兲; LL= liquid limit of the soil
Fig. 6. Prediction of the models developed in the study: 共a兲 k1; 共b兲 k2;
and 共c兲 k3
共%兲; PI= plasticity index of clay in the soil 共%兲; mc= moisture
content of the soils 共%兲; mcopt = optimum moisture content of the
soil 共%兲; ␥d = dry unit weight of the soil 共pcf兲; and ␥d max
= maximum dry unit weight in standard Proctor test 共pcf兲.
linearity is detected using the variance inflation factor 共VIF兲. A Table 2 suggests that the index properties such as the liquid
VIF greater than 10 indicates that weak dependencies may be limit, plasticity index, and percent passing No. 200 were influen-
starting to affect the regression estimates. tial variables in all of the developed models as indicated by the
The multiple regression analysis that was conducted on the t-value. These variables were also included with the LTPP models
data considered in this study yielded the k1, k2, and k3 prediction as well. It is also noted that the most significant variable affecting
models presented in Eqs. 共7兲–共9兲, respectively. The results of this the k1 coefficient prediction was the “MCCL” variable, which
analysis are also presented in Table 2. In general, the models had represents the coupling effect of the moisture content and the
a relatively high coefficient of determination 共R2兲 and low RMSE percentage of clay.
values, especially when considering the wide range of soils con- Figs. 6共a–c兲 compare measured k coefficients to those pre-
sidered in the model development. The k2 model had the highest dicted using the models shown in Eqs. 共7兲–共9兲, respectively. It is
R2 and lowest RMSE, 0.74 and 0.1, respectively, and hence it was noted that there was good agreement between the measured and
the best model. Furthermore, when comparing Eqs. 共7兲–共9兲 and predicted values. Furthermore, the data were much less scattered
the LTPP prediction models 关Eqs. 共3兲–共5兲兴, it is noted that the about the equality line when compared to Figs. 5共a–c兲. This sug-
LTPP prediction models did not account for the dry unit weight gests that the proposed models fit the data better than the LTPP
variation of tested soils. In addition, the LTPP k1 and k2 prediction prediction models.


J. Mater. Civ. Eng. 2010.22:726-734.

Table 3. Catalog of M r Values for Subgrade Soil in Louisiana
Soil content recommended recommended
type level Parameter Mean Range value range
A-4 II k1 1,079.25 1,027.5–1,132.23
k2 0.51 0.40–0.61
k3 ⫺1.44 ⫺1.55 to ⫺1.25
M r 共psi兲 11,073 10,649–11,671 NAa NAa
III k1 824.05 709.44–950.44
k2 0.38 0.11–0.49
k3 ⫺1.62 ⫺3.76 to ⫺1.11
M r 共psi兲 8,495 5,561–10,330 24,000 21,500–29,000
IV k1 584.28 390.61–721.66
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k2 0.22 0.14–0.3
k3 ⫺2.62 ⫺3.08 to ⫺1.23
M r 共psi兲 5,346 3,387–8,074 NAa NAa
A-6 I k1 869.82 837.86–897.74
k2 0.4 0.3–0.54
k3 ⫺2.05 ⫺0.887 to ⫺2.53
M r 共psi兲 8,319 6,396–9,989 NAa NAa
II k1 1,239.28 873.6–1,521.2
k2 0.29 0.24–0.33
k3 ⫺1.84 ⫺1.979 to ⫺1.488
M r 共psi兲 12,614 8,806–16,209 NAa NAa
III k1 906.96 787.94–1,284.68
k2 0.29 0.13–0.43
k3 ⫺2.11 ⫺4.34 to ⫺1.1.71
M r 共psi兲 9,115 5,598–12,870 17,000 13,500–24,000
IV k1 764.14 444.00–885.16
k2 0.20 0.11–0.3
k3 ⫺2.90 ⫺4.66 to ⫺2.69
M r 共psi兲 6,720 3,014–8,392 NAa NAa
A-7-5 II k1 1,310.30 1,011.07–1,964.02
k2 0.41 0.23–0.6
k3 ⫺1.31 ⫺1.977 to ⫺1.13
M r 共psi兲 14,070 10,219–24,276 NAa NAa
A-7-5 III k1 1,104.95 915.05–1,346.53
k2 0.25 0.19–0.34
k3 ⫺1.35 ⫺1.72 to ⫺0.98
M r 共psi兲 12,267 9,735–15,525 12,000 8,000–17,500
IV k1 701.63 264.94–947.00
k2 0.16 0.03–0.29
k3 ⫺2.61 ⫺5.54 to ⫺1.68
M r 共psi兲 6,530 1,595–9,889 NAa NAa
A-7-6 II k1 1,122.22 906.65–1,225.65
k2 0.14 0.09–0.21
k3 ⫺1.94 ⫺5.52 to ⫺1.2
M r 共psi兲 11,667 5,391–14,097 NAa NAa
III k1 1,050.43 873.85–1,284.68
k2 0.15 0.09–0.3
k3 ⫺2.86 ⫺4.06 to ⫺1.74
M r 共psi兲 9,197 6,562–13,250 8,000 6,500–13,500
IV k1 433.47 186.9–668.04
k2 0.12 0.06–0.38
k3 ⫺3.45 ⫺7.18 to ⫺1.32
M r 共psi兲 3,567 885–7,220 NAa NAa
NA= not available; MEPDG does not provide M r values for this moisture content level.


J. Mater. Civ. Eng. 2010.22:726-734.

Limitation of the Developed Models Acknowledgments
The prediction models developed in this study are reliable for the
range of independent variables 共physical properties兲 used in de- This research was funded by the Louisiana Transportation Re-
veloping the models and shown in Table 1. Therefore, the values search Center and the Louisiana Department of Transportation
of physical properties must be checked before these models are and Development. The writers would like to express their thanks
used. Furthermore, these models were developed based on sub- to all who provided assistance to this project.
grade soils in Louisiana; consequently, the models may need local
calibration for soils in other regions.
Catalog of Mr Values of Subgrade Soils in Louisiana
AASHTO. 共1993兲. AASHTO guide for design of pavement structures,
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AASHTO. 共2003兲. “Standard method of test for determining the resilient
grade soils in each state/region can be categorized and a simpli-
modulus of soils and aggregate materials.” AASHTO T307-99, Wash-
Downloaded from by New York University on 05/15/15. Copyright ASCE. For personal use only; all rights reserved.

fied method may be developed to select an appropriate M r value ington, D.C.

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soil types considered. It is noted that there is a large discrepancy gram Study Rep. No. 20-7, TRB, National Research Council, Wash-
between the average M r values reported in this study and those ington, D.C.
recommended by the MEPDG for A-4 and A-6 soils. However, Drumm, E. C., Boateng-Poku, Y., and Pierce, T. J. 共1990兲. “Estimation of
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1. In general, the value of resilient modulus regressed coeffi- predicted by cone penetration test.” Final Rep. No. 355, Louisiana
cients was affected by the deviation of the moisture content Transportation Research Center, Baton Rouge, La.
from the OMC. However, the significance of this effect was Mohammad, L. N., Huang, B., Puppala, A. J., and Allen, A. 共1999兲.
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dependent on the soil type.
tation Research Record. 1687, TRB, National Research Council,
2. A significant difference was observed between the M r co- Washington, D.C.
efficients predicted by the LTTP models and those measured NCHRP. 共2003兲. “Harmonized test methods for laboratory determination
in this study. of resilient modulus for flexible pavement design.” Final Rep. NCHR
3. The LTTP M r prediction models should be calibrated to ac- Project No. 1-28 A, National Cooperative Highway Research Program
count for local subgrade soils available in the different states. 共NCHRP兲, Washington, D.C.
4. A good agreement was observed between the measured M r NCHRP. 共2004兲. “Guide for mechanistic-empirical design of new and
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search Council, Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C.,
5. A catalog of M r values of commonly found subgrade soils in
具典 共Jan. 2, 2008兲.
Louisiana at different moisture content levels was developed. Santha, B. L. 共1994兲. “Resilient modulus of subgrade soils: Comparison
6. A significant difference was observed between the measured of two constitutive equations.” Transportation Research Record.
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Downloaded from by New York University on 05/15/15. Copyright ASCE. For personal use only; all rights reserved.


J. Mater. Civ. Eng. 2010.22:726-734.

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