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by churning.

by which operation the milk-globules are caused

of 22 deg. from the direction of a light wind by means of aerial

Aluminium nitride (AlN) is obtained as small yellow crystals

had been sent to Pope Clement VI. at Avignon to negotiate

gravestones of Melos, three lines are required for a single

Busnach, two Algerine Jews who had supplied corn to the

Instead of pressing Washington further, Howe then returned to

sect as a religious body. The fact that, after the Munster

Luther for his part did not stop at the suggestion, but in

the third republic. In 1873 General G. A. A. Gailifet entered El

and Ichthyopsida for the Sauroids and Ichthyoids respectively.

Latins (perhaps, as we have it, altered by a later writer) is

being no MSS. and no trace of the poem before the publication

then to England. On the death of Ferdinand he returned to

gold and silver amalgam in gilding and silvering, cadmium and

lines. The Roman archbishop and the Orthodox metropolitans

investigations of Luciano Cordeiro, who found a tradition

Levant. Kilij Arslan had a palace there. The army of Louis

stay of three months. On the 23rd of January 1874 the marriage

to nystagmus, with a peculiar roughness of the skin, making it

soon brought about a nominal restoration of the archbishop's

Leptis Magna, passing Theveste (Tebessa), Thenae and Tacape

and his prophecy of the disastrous battle of Plataea. But

appease the Adiaphoristic controversy (see ADIAPHORISTS.)

than formerly, as are also the walrus, the sea otter and

examples of words of more than one syllable are nearly all

AMIENS, a city of northern France, capital of the

the original centre of the association. How and when Delphi

When, however, cheese is made from skimmed milk and the

nitrogenous animal and vegetable matter; ammonium salts are

fertilization in Hallidrys. Probably the act of fertilization

high temperatures often break up into two materials as they

coasts zones are observable in passing from high to low water

applied. They have further shown how dominant is the influence of

Neglecting the comparatively poor and thinly inhabited regions

the feudal polity of the Empire and of the Low Countries than

the earliest American play was Thomas Godfrey's (1736-1763)

the disposal of the English. Thus the fight dragged on, and

valley of the Cyrus (Kur) and the land lying between it and the

(1503). D'Amboise received in compensation the title of

to break up on impact, even against earthworks, before the

The subject of acclimatization is very little understood,

K. Infirmary. Q. Cell of St Bernard. Z. Undercroft of dormitory.

his original form, as a god of fertility, before whom the king

Relative, to terms which do not imply the existence of some

possession of certain assignable characteristics by means of

minute as compared with the great surface of material, but

Ramsay. Already in The Church in the Roman Empire ( 1893

Amazon through a labyrinth of eanos (natural canals),

considerable extent based on the blood in the veins of the

balloon left Woolwich at 2h. 8m. P.M., and descended at

have pledged himself, under De tallagio non concedendo,

Liebenow, Zeits. fur Elektrochem., 1897, iv. 61),

communicates with a vacuum pump. By this means the filtration

English Red Cross societies have acted side by side with,

the place and circumstances of the performance, and the added

ANACONDA, a city and the county-seat of Deer Lodge county,

161), but not over crimes committed on board foreign vessels

the Mahommedans considered it desecrated, and it has never

no such complications there arise; it must be regarded as a

in the carbide lowers its gas-yielding power. Many

aromatic amines, and the mixed secondary amines, which contain an

the extreme difficulty of his position must be taken into

to Wulfgeat of Ylmandun6; an introduction to the study of the

upon the people to succour me; I will die at the foot of

Standard butter is butter containing not less than 82.5% of


During the administration of Mr Childers,2 first lord

leader of the Walidsidi-Sheikh, an ally of France, indignant

ANABASIS (anabasis, a march up country), the

are placed in a cylindrical case of sheet iron, with iron

Field, Esek Hopkins, Commander-in-chief of the Continental

long-continued struggle took place in 1860, when France obtained

lives normally in the pig, but is not uncommon in man in

by the princes of Sind and by the rulers of Afghanistan and

called the Historic Period. Lucretius divided man's history

human sufferings; a Techne or instruction-book in the art

spermaria. Great numbers of antheridia are usually crowded

of great ability and an eloquent preacher, but is best known

In America the internal revenue tax on denaturized alcohol

1887 32 6 25 4 16 3

Chiriqui. The polished stone work is superb, finding its

apparently suspended whenever her confessor was absent. She

negus of Shoa (1703-1718), Amada Yesus of Shoa, who extended

in some palaces has been held to indicate the seclusion of

sorghum, of maize, Phaseolus Mungo, tobacco, beet,

a Life of St Columba, which, though abounding in fabulous

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