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1hls pro[ecL ls prepared Lo Cloballze a company ( 1aco bell ) 1he company ls
golng Lo enLer ln markeL of aklsLan as well as ln forelgn counLrles 1he maln
ob[ecLlve ls Lo lnLroduce a new LasLe of 1aco Lo Lhe markeL of aklsLan

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1aco bell ls a very sLrong chaln of fasL food resLauranLs wlLh more Lhan 10000
resLauranLs all over Lhe world 8elng ln MaLurlLy SLage" lL has hlgh
opporLunlLles of lnLroduclng lLs new producLs and deals ln luLure lL wlll be
expandlng lLs chaln by lnLroduclng more ouLleLs ln aklsLan as well as ln oLher

1aco 8e|| ls an Amerlcan resLauranL chaln based ln lrvlne Callfornla A
subsldlary of ?um! 8rands lnc lL speclallzes ln MexlcansLyle food and qulck
1aco 8ell serves Lacos burrlLos quesadlllas nachos oLher speclalLy lLems and
a varleLy of value Menu lLems
1aco 8ell serves more Lhan 2 bllllon consumers each year ln more Lhan 3800
resLauranLs ln Lhe uS of whlch more Lhan 80 percenL are owned and
operaLed by lndependenL franchlsees

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AparL from fulfllllng Lhe commlLmenL of servlng dellclous fresh and hyglenlc
food and aL Lhe same Llme provldlng Lhe cusLomers wlLh Lhe ulLlmaLe
enLerLalnmenL 1ACC 8LLL also plays parL ln Lhe economlc developmenL of our

1 1ACC 8LLL Should provldes employmenL Lo over 1200 aklsLanls whlch
adds up Lo 6000 lndlvlduals dlrecLly dependenL on 1ACC 8LLL aklsLan
2 1he CovernmenL of aklsLan recelves over 8s3 Lo 8 mllllon per monLh
from 1ACC 8LLL aklsLan as dlrecL Laxes
3 93 of all food and packaglng maLerlal used ln 1ACC 8LLL aklsLan ls
procured locally
4 Annual Lurn over ln aklsLan should be 13 bllllon

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A markeLlng audlL ls a sysLemaLlc examlnaLlon of a buslness markeLlng
envlronmenL ob[ecLlves sLraLegles and acLlvlLles wlLh a vlew Lo ldenLlfylng
key sLraLeglc lssues problem areas and opporLunlLles lL provldes Lhe basls
upon whlch a plan of acLlon Lo lmprove markeLlng performance can be bullL
1he exLernal markeLlng audlL focuses on

O Macro env|ronment
O M|cro env|ronment


411 o||t|ca| Iactors
lollowlng are Lhe facLor lnvolve ln Lhe pollLlcal facLors of Lhe 1ACC 8LLL

a) Government o||c|es
AlLhough 1ACC 8LLL ls a forelgn company buL Lhey have Lo obey Lhe pollcles
of Lhe CovernmenL where he run lLs buslness acLlvlLles 1ACC 8LLL has handle
Lhls slLuaLlon very LacLfully and obey Lhe pollcles of Lhe CovernmenL as
prescrlbe by Lhe governmenL ln order Lo run Lhls klnd of buslness

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b) r|ce o||c|es

rlce pollcles are also an lmporLanL facLor 1ACC 8LLL malnLalns deslgns lLs
prlce pollcles keeplng ln vlew Lhe lncome lncome dlsLrlbuLlon of Lhe people
llvlng ln Lhe counLry 1haL's why all Lhe classes are Lhe LargeL markeL of 1ACC

c) o||t|ca| Stab|||ty

ollLlcal sLablllLy ls very lmporLanL lf 1ACC 8LLL wanL Lo become Lhe leader ln
fasL food buslness ln aklsLan So Lhls ls also an lmporLanL pollLlcal facLor

41 Demograph|ca| Iactors

lollowlng facLors lncluded ln Lhe demographlcal facLors of Lhe pesL analysls of

a) Age
Cenerally Lhere ls no age llmlL whlch ls focus by Lhe 1ACC 8LLL 1hey LargeL
focus on each and every age of Lhe socleLy 8uL for somehow ln our oplnlon
Lhey LargeL heavlly on Lhe youngsLer as compared Lo Lhe mlddle old age

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b) Gender
ln Lhls case Lhey generally focus on Lhe boLh Males lemales of Lhe socleLy
slmllarly LargeL Lhem

c) nouseho|d S|ze
Pousehold slze plays a vlLal role ln Lhe demographlcal facLor of 1ACC 8LLL
Cenerally Lhey LargeL Lhe whole famlly noL a slngle famlly member 1haL's why
he lnLroduced many famlly packages meals

d) opu|at|on
opulaLlon also plays a vlLal role ln Lhe demographlcal facLor of 1ACC 8LLL ln
Lhe llghL of Lhls populaLlon Lhey can make Lhelr sLraLegy

413 Lconom|ca| Iactors

lollowlng facLors are lncluded ln Lhe economlcal facLors of Lhe 1ACC 8LLL

a) Income
lncome ls an lmporLanL economlcal facLor of Lhe 1ACC 8LLL 1hls facLor
decldes whlch class 1ACC 8LLL ls golng Lo LargeL ln Lhe early Llme of 1ACC
8LLL Lhey were focuslng on Lhe upper class buL Lhey lnLroduce some meal
Lhrough whlch we can say LhaL Lhey LargeL Lhe mlddle Lhe upper level as

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b) Consumpt|on 8ehav|or
1ACC 8LLL also esLlmaLed Lhe consumpLlon behavlor of Lhe people Lhelr llklng
and dlsllklng and makes declslon accordlngly

c) ayment Methods
aymenL meLhod ls an lmporLanL facLor ln Lhe economlcal facLor of Lhe 1ACC
8LLL 1hey check Lhe behavlor of Lhe regardlng Lhe paymenL meLhods of Lhe
people 1hey check wheLher Lhe glves money ln Lhe form of cash or plasLlc

414 1echno|og|ca| Iactors
lollowlng are Lhe facLors lncluded ln Lhe Lechnologlcal facLor of Lhe 1ACC

a) ace of Change
ace of change means raLe of change 1ACC 8LLL has sLraLegy Lo lnLroduce
new Lechnology whenever Lhey Lhlnk LhaL lL ls a Llme Lo lnLroduce new

b) kesearch Deve|opment
8esearch uevelopmenL ls also an lmporLanL facLor ln Lhe 1echnologlcal
facLor 1ACC 8LLL always supporLs Lhe work of research developmenL ln
order Lo lnLroduce Lhe new Lechnology

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c) Cap|ta| Iormat|on
CaplLal formaLlon means sLock of machlnery 1ACC 8LLL has a sLock of
machlnery ln order Lo run lLs buslness acLlvlLles ln oLher words 1ACC 8LLL has
a good amounL of CaplLal lormaLlon

41S Lth|ca|]Lega| Iactors
lollowlng are Lhe lmporLanL facLors whlch ls lncluded ln Lhe eLhlcal/legal facLor
of Lhe 1ACC 8LLL

a) 8us|ness Law
!usL llke Lhe CovernmenL ollcles Lhe buslness unlLs whlch ls worklng ln
aklsLan also regulaLe Lhe law regardlng Lhe naLure of buslness 1ACC 8LLL also
fulfllls Lhls facLor

b) Soc|a| kespons|b|||t|es Lth|cs
Soclal 8esponslblllLles LLhlcs are Lhe lmporLanL facLor 1ACC 8LLL Lrles hls
level besL Lo Lhls facLor

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414 Soc|a|]Cu|tura| Iactors
Soclal/CulLural lacLors lncludes Lhe followlng Lhlngs

a) Soc|a| C|ass
As we dlscuss earller LhaL 1ACC 8LLL LargeL all Lhe class lncludlng Lhe upper
class upper mlddle and lower mlddle class eLc

b) Cu|ture
1hough Lhe culLure of 1ACC 8LLL from where Lhey come ls dlfferenL buL Lhey
adopL Lhe aklsLanl culLure also

c) ke||g|on
1ACC 8LLL noL only adopLs Lhe aklsLanl culLure buL also Lhe 8ellglon as well
1hey offer Palal foods Lo Lhe cusLomers whlch ls Lhe symbol LhaL Lhey adopLed
Lhe Musllm rellglon

1hls envlronmenL lnfluences Lhe organlzaLlon dlrecLly lL lncludes suppllers LhaL
deal dlrecLly or lndlrecLly consumers and cusLomers and oLher local
sLakeholders Mlcro Lends Lo suggesL small buL Lhls can be mlsleadlng ln Lhls
conLexL mlcro descrlbes Lhe relaLlonshlp beLween flrms and Lhe drlvlng forces
LhaL conLrol Lhls relaLlonshlp lL ls a more local relaLlonshlp and Lhe flrm may
exerclse a degree of lnfluence

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1ACC 8LLL does noL need aggresslve markeLlng or adverLlslng because 8rand ls
sLrong enough

revlously Lhey were focuslng on slngle segmenL LhaL was Lhrough nlche
MarkeLlng by offerlng "Combo Dea|s" now Lhey are focuslng more on oLher
classes as well 1hey are deallng ln masses by lnLroduclng value deals mosL
recenLly lnLroduced "k|d's mea|"

lnflaLlon hlghly affecLs Lhe purchaslng power of Lhe cusLomers And here Lhe
purchaslng power of many cusLomers ls low 1o cover Lhls ma[or segmenL Lhey
have lnLroduced affordable meals so LhaL lL ls ln reach of Lhe masses

1he people here need a frlendly and famlly resLauranL whlch musL be
affordable for Lhem

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arachl Lahore 8awalplndl lalsalabad MulLan eshawar SlalkoL Pyderabad
and lslamabad
a) Age
1here ls no age llmlL lL focuses on people lylng under every age group
b) Gender
locuses boLh genders
c) Iam||y ||fe cyc|e
lL focuses on Lhe whole famlly
d) Soc|a| C|ass
upper class upper mlddle and lower mlddle classes are focused
a) ersona||ty
AmblLlous selfconfldenL and exLroverL

8enef|ts Des|red
1asLe and value for money
(SaLlsfacLlon LxpecLaLlon)

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CldesL and flnesL ln 8uslness
Plgh Coodwlll
uoes noL have any Core compeLlLor ln chlcken servlng
Large number of CuLleLs aL prlme locaLlons
Serves varleLy of lLems under slngle menu
Loyal cusLomers
laces numerous advanLages of belng a MulLlnaLlonal CrganlzaLlon eg
economles of scale governmenL lncenLlves eLc

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resence of MulLlnaLlonal compeLlLors ln Lhe markeL eg
Mcuonalds(speclallzed noL ln chlcken servlng buL ln burgers)
lmporLed raw maLerlal rlse Lhelr prlme cosL

Cheap and easy avallablllLy of labor
lncrease consumpLlon of fasL food has lncreased Lhe markeL slze

LnLrance of new compeLlLors lnLo Lhe markeL
Plgh pollLlcal lnsLablllLy/uncerLalnLy

7 Market|ng M|x Dec|s|ons
71 kCDUC1
1helr producL ls classlfled as consumer producL as lL has no
1ACC 8LLL offers speclalLy goods
1he sLock Lurnover of 1ACC 8LLL ls hlgh
rlce and quallLy of Lhe producL ls always compared

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1helr producL lncludes
O Coods (8urgers Chlcky Meals eLc)
O Servlces (cleanllness qulck servlce parLles and

lL was launched here as an lnnovaLlve producL 1ACC 8LLL has goL one producL
llne buL laLer Lhey lnLroduced producLs ln Lhe same llne Lo proLecL Lhelr markeL
share new producL ldeas are generaLed from
O CusLomer servlces (commenLs cards)
O Callops survey (mysLery shoppers)

1hey have a CuallLy Assurance deparLmenL LhaL decldes Lhe new producL
lnnovaLlon CA deparLmenL prepares screenlng of new ldeas and producL's
feaslblllLy reporL 1hls deparLmenL does Lhe Lechnlcal evaluaLlon (wheLher lL ls
pracLlcal Lo produce Lhe new producL or noL) 1he producLs are LesLed
exLernally by offerlng Lrlals Lo cusLomers by glvlng Lhem free samples 1ACC
8LLL uses LelemarkeLlng prlnL medla blllboards and mosL recenLly Lelevlsed
markeLlng for promoLlon

1ACC 8LLL adds a new producL ln lLs presenL assorLmenL based on
O 1helr compeLlLors
O roducL's adequaLe demand
O 1he saLlsfacLlon of key flnanclal crlLerla
O lLs compaLlblllLy wlLh envlronmenLal sLandards

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1ACC 8LLL producLs were flrsL offered Lo upper socloeconomlc group
LaLer lnLroduclng dlscounLed and lower prlce deals Lhey are now deallng ln
masses So 1ACC 8LLL has Lraded down ln dolng so 1ACC 8LLL has used Lhe
same brand name and same hlgh quallLy producL

1ACC 8LLL lnLroduced lLself has grown and now lL ls aL maLurlLy sLage
for Lhe lasL Len years ln aklsLan

MarkeL enLry was noL a blg problem for 1ACC 8LLL as lL ls a wellknown
lnLernaLlonal brand ln LhaL sLage Lhey dld promoLed Lhrough Lhelr own brand
1helr promoLlon sLaLemenL was "1ACC 8LLL |n ak|stan" ManagemenL ln Lhe
rlse sLage had Lo make pollcy for headon compeLlLlon wlLh Mcuonald's lL
opened new branches and lmproved producL llne ln maLurlLy LhaL ls Lhe
presenL sLage 1ACC 8LLL makes more promoLlon and focuses on aggresslve
compeLlLlon wlLh Mcuonald's and 1ACC 8LLL

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8rand Name 1ACC8LLL

O 1ACC 8LLL s brand ldenLlLy Lhe logo feaLures
Cne of Lhe besLrecognlzed lcons ln Lhe world

O 1ACC 8LLL ls Lrade marked reglsLered brand
O lL ls dlsLlncLlve adapLable Lo addlLlon Lo producL llne
O lL suggesLs someLhlng abouL producL
O lL ls legally proLecLed and reglsLered

1he brand equlLy ls very hlgh as Lhe value added by brand Lo Lhe
roducL affecLs Lhe producL selllng

1ACC 8LLL ls markeLlng Lhe enLlre ouLpuL under producLs own brand

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epsl nescafe

1ACC 8LLL makes lLs own dlsposable packaglng lf Lhey need promoLlon epsl
conLrlbuLes ln lmprovlng Lhe packaglng quallLy 1ACC 8LLL does famlly
1hey use paper maLerlal for packaglng Lo avold healLh hazards and
envlronmenLal polluLlon

1ACC 8LLL does brand labellng Some of lLs producLs also have lnformaLlonal
labels such as Palal veggl 8urgers and Chlcky Meals

7 kICL

ln lnLroducLlon sLage 1ACC 8LLL enLered Lhe markeL uslng markeLsklmmlng
sLraLegy 1helr producLs were hlgh prlce and LargeLed only upper class
Cradually Lhey Lrlckle down focuslng on Lhe mlddle class Lo peneLraLe Lhe
markeL Also 1ACC 8LLL follows one prlce sLraLegy rlce ls deLermlned
accordlng Lo Lhe raLes of Lhe raw maLerlals and pollcles of Lhe CovL 1he
pollLlcal and legal forces ofLen affecL Lhe pollcles of 1ACC 8LLL and evenLually
resulLs ln change of prlces LhaL ls due Lo lmposlng of Laxes

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1ACC 8LLL has only one channel of dlsLrlbuLlon le dlrecL where Lhe goods are
Lransferred Lo Lhe consumer dlrecLly 1ACC 8LLL has no mlddlemen

1ACC 8LLL does dlsLrlbuLlon of consumer goods dlrecLly Lo Lhe consumer
1ACC 8LLL also does dlsLrlbuLlon of servlces Lo Lhe consumer llke parklng
slLLlng home dellvery eLc
1ACC 8LLL geLs Wheels! 1ACC 8LLL launched lLs flrsL moblle unlL whlch Look
Lhe sLreeLs of arachl by sLorm 1he moblle unlL has been deslgned Lo caLer Lo
Lhe needs of Lhose who are on Lhe go and have llLLle Llme Lo sLop by aL a
resLauranL lL also provldes a unlque convenlence of en[oylng Lhe dellclous
1ACC 8LLL offerlng anyLlme anywhere Lhus maklng fasL food Lruly fasL and
` 1ACC 8LLL lnLends Lo furLher develop lLs moblle neLwork naLlonwlde Lhrough
more such unlLs

1ACC 8LLL does lnLenslve dlsLrlbuLlon on lLs ouLleLs (All and everyLhlng on
every ouLleL)

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1ACC 8LLL has corporaLe verLlcal markeLlng sysLem because lL ls cenLrally
owned by lLs subsldlary ?um 8rands 1ACC 8LLL ls affecLed by Lhe geographlc
dlsLrlbuLlon (Lhey have few ouLleLs Lhen lLs compeLlLor Mcuonald's) 1he unlL
value of Lhe lLems ls comparaLlvely lower Lhen Mcuonald's 1ACC 8LLL has a
wellequlpped slLLlng area for Lhe cusLomers and a Chlcky play area for Lhe


1he logo feaLures Colonel Parland Sanders LhaL ls one of Lhe besL logo ln Lhe
world has creaLed lLs name as a sLandard ln Lhe markeL 1oday Lhe Colonel's
SplrlL and herlLage are reflecLed ln 1ACC 8ell's brand ldenLlLy

1ACC 8LLL by lLs adverLlsemenLs derlves Lhe deslre ln Lhe cusLomer Lo come
and en[oy healLhy food ln Lhelr favorlLe resLauranL 1hey spend 2 of lLs proflLs
on adverLlsemenL 1hey use prlnL medla and mosL recenLly dolng Lelevlsed
markeLlng Lo promoLe lL producLs 1helr adverLlslng medla lnvolve
newspapers amphleLs 8lllboards and 1elevlslon 1ACC 8LLL does boLh Lhe
prlmary demand adverLlslng (8ecome a Chlcken lanaLlc") and Lhe selecLlve
demand adverLlslng ln lLs adverLlslng lL glve lnformaLlve messages llke
laryad eep Lhe clLy Clean" 1ACC 8LLL uoes lnsLlLuLlonal adverLlslng Lo
sLlmulaLe demand When 1ACC 8LLL offers new producLs Lhen lL does producL
adverLlslng lC's ad's acL as counLeracLs whlch means Lo drlve Lhe cusLomer
Lo 1ACC 8LLL le lL uses pull adverLlslng sLraLegy

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1ACC 8LLL Lakes greaL prlde and care Lo provlde Lhe besL food and dlnnlng
experlence ln Lhe qulck servlce resLauranL buslness 1hey belleve eaLlng
senslbly comblned wlLh approprlaLe exerclse ls Lhe besL soluLlon for a healLhy

1 1AkGL1 MAkkL1
1ACC 8LLL LargeLs Lhe young generaLlon as here ln Lhls counLry Lhe young
generaLlon ls more Lowards eaLlng ouL and ls more energeLlc lL LargeLs Lhe
early slngle segmenL LhaL ls Lhe upper class

1ACC 8LLL has a headon compeLlLlon wlLh Mcuonalds and kfc so wherever
Lhey place Lhelr producLs 1ACC 8LLL goes Lhere as well
Locally ln aklsLan lC face a close compeLlLlon wlLh Lhe local brands llke AlC
(Al8alk lrled Chlcken) lrled Chlcks ulxy Chlcks eLc whlch are produclng more
or less Lhe same producL as 1ACC 8LLL

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All resLauranL branches are locaLed ln accordance wlLh cusLomer's
convenlence Llke Culberg uefense 8arkeL MarkeL Cavalry Cround
Shadman 1hokar nlaz 8alg and Mall 8oad

1ACC 8LLL speclallzes ln Chlcken 8ased roducLs
lL has hlgh sales volume as Lhey have greaL Lurnover new ouLleLs are belng
opened because Lhey have greaLer sales volume (as per day worLh 43 mllllon
ls belng consumed)
1here are 33 branches wlLh 6000 employees lncludlng 8esLauranL SupporLlng

Maln emphases are on quallLy and lead Llme (le Lhe Llme Laken Lo recelve Lhe
purchased roducL) CuallLy ls noL compromlsed on prlce

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Taco bell is a very strong chain of fast food

restaurants with more than 10,000 restaurants all
over the world. Being in "Maturity Stage it has
high opportunities of introducing its new products
and deals. n Future it will be expanding its chain
by introducing more outlets in Pakistan as well as
in other countries

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nearly 130 mllllon people see a 1aco 8ell commerclal once a week
more Lhan half of Lhe uS populaLlon

AL Lhe end of 2003 1aco 8ell sysLem sales reached $18 bllllon ln
company and $44 bllllon ln franchlse sales

1he preformed Laco shell was lnvenLed ln 1931 by 1aco 8ells founder
Clen 8ell!

lresco" also refers Lo a sLyle of 8enalssance palnLlng Mlchelangelos
frescos are llke ours wldely consldered Lo be masLerpleces

Cver 2 bllllon Lacos and 1 bllllon burrlLos of all varleLles are served ln
1aco 8ell resLauranLs each year

Cur excluslve MounLaln uew 8A!A 8LAS1 was made speclally Lo go wlLh
greaLLasLlng 1aco 8ell food

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