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Pedagoški fakultet
Razredna nastava sa defektologijom

Course: English language 2

Business Communication Skills in English

Student: Professor:
Almina Mahovkić 015/23-RND prof.dr Valentina Budinčić

1. INTRODUCTION..................................................................................................................3
2. NATURE OF COMMUNICATION......................................................................................4
2.1 What is communication?..........................................................................................4
2.2 What is Business Communication?.................................................................................4
2.3 The importance of communication..............................................................................5
3. COMMUNICATION METHODS USED IN BUSEINESS..................................................6
3.1 Written Communication....................................................................................................7
3.2 Oral Communication.........................................................................................................7
Other communication types....................................................................................................7
3.3 Visual and electronic method............................................................................................7
IN BUSINESS............................................................................................................................8
4.1 FORMAL COMMUNICATION......................................................................................8
4.2 Informal Communication..................................................................................................8
5. Describe the uses of Technology for the Different Types of Communication.......................8
6. Discuss The Principles of Effective Communication and Barriers In It.................................9
6.1 Principles of effective communication.............................................................................9
6.2 The barriers to effective communication........................................................................10
7. CONCLUSION.....................................................................................................................12
8. BIBLIOGRAPHY.................................................................................................................13

Communication skills has been one of the factor of a successful career over the years. Having
a tenacious professional communication skills will benefit your career in various ways. More
than often, effective communication skills is essential in different industries. It will help you
to create and empower your thoughts, share your ideas concisely, and many more.

Business communication skills has immense importance and significant role to play in every
possible way in daily life and well in the business world. There are different term and
terminology and objectives that should be acknowledged about for further usage of the
information and communication enhancement. There are certain communication methods are
widely used for any sort of purpose even for the business purpose, the common source or
methods of communications. The report is based on the communication skills used in the
business world.

2.1 What is communication?

The word communication is of Latin origin. In Latin ‘Communist’ means common. It means
sharing of information or intelligence’. All the acts of listening, speaking, reading, writing,
facial expressions, movements, actions, colors, diagrams, gestures, ideas, facts, opinions,
information and understanding and other means help individuals to communicate thoughts to
other people and to themselves. Communication is a transfer or transmission of some
information and understanding from one person to another. Any effort to produce meaning is
a form of communication. It is the sum of all things a person does when he wants to create
understanding in the mind of others. Communication in fact is an unending process in the
world of human beings, animals and plants. It goes on continuously all the time. It is an
inseparable part of life itself. The need of communication is as basic as, or perhaps even more
important than, the hunger for food and thirst for water.

2.2 What is Business Communication?

Strong Business Communication skills are critical to the success of any organization despite
its size, geographical location, and its mission. Business communication is intertwined with
the internal culture and external image of any organization. It therefore determines what is
communicated, by whom, and at what level in the organization. Ultimately, good business
communication practices assist the organization in achieving its objectives by informing,
persuading and building good will within both the internal environment and, the external
environment. If organizations are to survive and prosper in the rapidly changing global
environment, they must continually change the way communication processes are structured
and delivered. This global environment forces us to think about communication issues against
the backdrop of culture, technology and competition, which continually raise legal and ethical
2.3 The importance of communication

The discovery that language can be a barrier to communication is quickly made by all who
travel, study, govern, or sell. The ability to communicate is essential for all aspects of life,
whether professional or private. Communication is required when hunting a job, keeping one
or advancing in it. When they are badly done, the presentation of our thoughts and especially
the process of selling our knowledge are impaired. Because we do not possess good
communicating skills, we have to make every effort in order to acquire them. This need is
generated by the requirements we have to meet. Hence, when writing reports, essays, memos,
e-mails, giving lectures or making presentations, we wish to convey two messages: the
message itself and another message, a subliminal message of credibility that would assert our
savoir-faire and the importance of our deliverance (if this be the case). This is where English
states its usefulness, providing a leisure word choice, given the large number of words (the
Oxford English Dictionary alone contains more than 500,000 words, to which 1,500 words
are addedannually) and a flexible grammar structure.
The importance of mastering this particular language is consequently crucial. In order to
communicate efficiently, apart from correct spelling, corroborated with a clever choice of
words, we must add some more ingredients of considerable impact.Public speaking, for
instance, is considered effective when it is 50% convincing argument; 20% psychology; 20%
proficient delivery; and 10% personality. A useful and operational model is presented in
Figure 1, denominating the participants involved in the communication process and evidences
that the process of sending and receiving messages is achieved in specific environments,
using specific communication channels, and under specific contexts.
That is why messages can be more or less altered, being perceived in a modified form, as
noises that have to be filtered in order to increase the accuracy of the transmitted information
through the message conveyed. The special merit of the presented model resides in the fact
that it is applicable to other communication possibilities (not necessarily to verbal
communication), too. It represents both branches of the communication process: the direct
one, representing the communication between sender and receiver and the reverse one,
materialised by the receiver‘s reaction when receiving the message (feedback). Feedback
represents a specific message form and fulfils a special function: that of the requested reaction
granted or used. Efficient communication presupposes sending a message, then analysing the
addressee‘s reactions, which are expressed through the feedback that the sender receives. It is
the receiver who can determine whether the message was understood correctly or whether
misunderstanding occurred. Errors need correction and clarification, so a correcting message
has to be conveyed. This message, in turn, requires new feedback, hence a good circulation of
information between those involved in the communication process being provided. Conveying
ideas can still be problematic when basic communicating rules are broken. In order to initiate
the communicating process, it is of utmost importance to catch the addressee‘s attention.
Communication cannot end without receiving at least one feedback reaction, which confirms
the correct decoding of the message (which might be distorted given the environmental
noises, such as: social status, education, religious orientation and so on). Thus, the message
must always be shaped so that its content is clear, and it describes both the addresser‘s and the
addressee‘s universe and that it contains the right information. Most problems arise from
encoding and decoding errors. The most serious problems may occur if the participants in the
communication process communicate in English, and the latter is not their mother tongue, or
they do not have a very good command of it. The sender first encodes the message in his/her
mother tongue and then translates it into English; thus, two encoding errors may occur. The
receiver may decode the message making the same errors: first,s/he translates the message
from English into his/her mother tongue, and secondly, s/he may erroneously interpret the
sender‘s message. To minimise these encoding/decoding errors, the participants in the
communication process should develop their skills of communicating in English to such an
extent as to be able to think in English, and not in their mother tongue.


Communication is the key to a business success. Communication in a business

environmentneeds to be precise and thoughtful so any methods that are used in
communication needs to beefficient. The field of Business communication two main types of
communications is found:Written communication and Oral Communication.
3.1 Written Communication

Written Communication:
it is mainly used for the formal occasion of communication. Email,Document, Prospectus,
Memo, Notice of the office, leave application this are some examples of written
communication. The manually written communications are handwritten (P Mundy,1986).
Though now office doesn't use handwritten document they rather used typed documentssuch
as typed Document file or Email. It is easier to transfer the electronic file than managing
handwritten document. The written communication takes a much longer time in sending

3.2 Oral Communication

Oral Communication:
is mainly used for the informal occasion of communication. Meeting,Conference, in-person
interview is the examples of oral communication in the office. It is a real-time communication
process. Generally, these types of communication are not recorded. Oral communication can
also be not in personal communication. Example an employee can call his superintended over
the phone for the instruction and the permission it is considered oral communication. It is a
very fast procedure.

Other communication types

Also, a business organisation can opt for other types of communication rather than just oral
andwritten communication. Non-verbal Communication is also important for the company.
Also,there are other communication types such as a Visual and electronic method.

3.3 Visual and electronic method

In the visual communication system illustration of theinformation is made to the audience too
for an understanding of the information. The use of electronic communication consists of
making use of the electronic medium in the business. The technological revolution has forced
the company to adopt the uses of the electronic media in the communication model of the
business. The use of the electronic media consists of the use of the email and website and the
other social media platform for the use and transmission of the information.


Formal Communication:
formal communication is the course of action where thecommunication is administrative in
addition to that the communication process is kept an eye onunder a set of the system.
the formal communication pursues the endeavour and purpose of the business.The
documentation is well preserved in such type of communication. In this method, the
procedure goes under a set of rules so it is more trustable and such communication inturns
becomes assets. Well, recorded information can be used for further uses.

4.2 Informal Communication

Informal Communication:
Informal communication is the course of action where thecommunication administrative yet
casual. It is not an official type of communication. Thiscommunication is not set by any rules.
It is also a non-documented program.
the informal communication is very simple to carry out type communication.Such type of
communication can be further forthright so additional information can gethold of. In this type
of communication, it is faster to apprehend information. It also helpsto be cordial and warm
affiliation builder among the business atmosphere.

5. Describe the uses of Technology for the Different Types of


Technology has changed and made the biggest revolution in the communication industry. In
office culture technology brought a huge change in communication.
With the uses of technology,there can be faster communication on business. The
communication that has been used in technology is:
E-conferencing System:
the use of the E-conferencing system is essential for the use of businesscommunication. With
E-conferencing system the group conference is very easy to do and anybody can join the
conference in a global context. Video Conferencing Medium Like MESSENGER, VIBER is
used for the conference.

E-Commerce Website Forum:

The E-commerce website forum works like a social media platform for the business
organisation communication. It’s a one-stop platform for Communication on a professional

6. Discuss The Principles of Effective Communication and Barriers In


The principles of effective communication are:

 Producing Welcoming Environment
 Energetic selection of Communication
 Convinced management
 Positive approach

6.1 Principles of effective communication

Effective communication follows some principles and the principles are provided in below:

The communication processes message that is prepared in a simple way and
propercommunication helps the receiver to understand the message in easy ways (Bisen and

The message processed in communication modes are clear as ambiguous messages arenot
accepted in effective communication.
One principle is planning in where communicator prepares a message for plannedobjects and
selects media to process.

All messages and information should be efficient and accurate. Wrong information processes
message with creating confusion and there all information should be accurate(Gilsdorf, Vik
and Vik, 1999).

Communication’s subject matter contains relevant information. Unnecessary and
relevant things must be eliminated from the communication’s subject matter.

6.2 The barriers to effective communication

Some barriers are provided in below

The languages
this barrier is a great barrier to communication as people cannot understand other’s speaking
easily. The communication problem causes from different rejoins, country and generations.
Professional jargon and slang can hurt communicators.

Psychological barriers
Effective communication processes psychological barriers including pain, hearing difficulties,
poor eyesight, and ill health.

Physical barriers
Effective communication faces physical barriers with outdated or poorequipment during poor
lighting, communications, background noises, and temperatures.

Structure design problems

Organization structures may face difficulty in communication forlack of training or
supervision and bad information systems.
Cultural noise and lack of experience
People or communicator faces cultural noise due tostereotypical assumptions based on
cultural structure and background. Sometimes the sender andreceiver cannot communicate do
not understand the message as they have no communicationexperiences or skills.

Barriers are an essential part of obstruction in communication. There can be numerous

categoryof obstruction in communication.

Written communication Barrier:

in the written communication process erroneous wordselection, use of unsuitable expressions,
syntax error furthermore incorrect condemnationformation can deform the information in
addition to is able to create an obstruction in effectivecommunication. Communication
preserve can be misplacing its meaning in translation.Incorrectly translated information can
lose precious connotation. In written message body signalcannot be perceived so from time to
time it’s tough to recognize the emotion sender isdemanding to express in the information.

Verbal communication Barrier

reluctance in communication is an obstruction as an individualexperience absent or not in the
communication and cannot release themselves. Deficient in of self-assurance makes the
statement seem boring. An individual can obtain incorrect connotationof explanation in
communication. It’s also not recorded so verbal communication cannot be verified.

Successful communication is important for a constant workplace affiliation. Having a

scrawny communication can fracture the business plan. In this report, it is shown that
communication is very important to the business. Also, the skill set needed for a business
enthusiast in having an effective business is also tested here. Communication is the key to a
business success. Communication in a business environment needs to be precise and
thoughtful so any methods that are used in communication needs to be efficient.

Business world has been able to get itself advanced and fast with the help ever growing
technology and communication skills. There are different term and terminology and
objectives that should be acknowledged about for further usage of the information and
communication enhancement.

Professional communication, whether economic, political, diplomatic, industrial, scientific or

otherwise, cannot be conceived without the existence of a global language, namely English.
Development has become prohibitive when the professional‘s communication skills are
lacking. Scientists find access to information more and more restricted and managers have
problems interacting with their English-speaking counterparts when they do not share this
common language.

 Afrodi Aruels, Marks Evans, 2010. Influence of Technology on Modern Business

 Journals of Business Management, 4th(9th), pp. 345-351.

 EM Rogers, F. S., 1971. Communication of Innovations; A Cross-Cultural Approach..

 s.l.:s.n

 Griffin, E., 2006. A first look at communication theory. s.l.:s.n.l.

 Stone, 2011. Business Manufacturer Emphasisng on Technology. 8(23), p. 56.

 N.G. Nair and Latha Nair, 2009. Personnel Management and Industrial Relations.
New Delhi: S.Chand Publications.

 Nixon Shovel, H. A. Hariyona, 2011. Impacts of Operaional Efficiency. 5th ed.

Johansbergh:Sukuroma Publications.

 P Mundy, M. S. J. U., 1986. Defining the social deficits of autism: The contribution of
non‐verbal communication measures.

 R.W Mondy, R.M. Noe and S.R. Premeaux, 1999. Human Resource Management,
New Jersey: Prentice Hall International Editions.

 William H. Macey, 2009. Employee Engagement: Tools for Analysis, Practice, and
Competitive. Fifth ed. New Delhi: Neon.

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