Quality Performance Indicators and Data For Frontline Processes - Services Only

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Quality-Performance Indicators and Data (For Frontline Processes/Services Only) As of April 2023

Process 1 Issuance of Accountants Advise

(Please identify the core/frontline process that you think needs to have
SERVICE-RELIABILITY PARAMETER some improvement and can be addressed in this project. This can be a
(*The term “Standard” can include desired or targeted level of performance.) frontline process that is most complained, receiving the lowest satisfaction
rating, etc. from you clients/customers)
Actual Standard*
1. Ave. Queuing Time
(i.e. from the time your client/customer entered your office or send their
request, if online, up to the start of processing or it was addressed by your
service provider)
2. No. of Steps to complete process
3. Process Time (time to complete a process or fulfill a request)

4. % On-Time Delivery
5. Transaction Costs (AO 25 requirement)
6. Compliance Costs (AO 25 requirement)

7. Other Data:
a. Transaction volume per day; (number of clients served per day)
b. Rework data; (average monthly)
c. Delays and stoppages
(average monthly)
d. Number of signatories

e. Number of information/ documents required from transacting

f. Latest Customer/Client Satisfaction Rating (Rating for the entire
agency and/or for the process, if available)

7. Quality-Improvement Imperatives. Quality Issue/Concern Improvement Target

What are the Agency’s high-priority quality From:
issues/concerns to be addressed and the 1.
corresponding quality-improvement targets it
aims to achieve?
(Examples: Minimize wastes, improve From:
efficiency, reduce operating costs, improve 2.
customer satisfaction, improve employee To:
morale, improve working conditions, reduce From:
defect/error rate, etc.)

3. To:
You may identify only 1 quality issue or
concern but better if up to 3.

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