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Leong Liew Geok- Forever Singlish

1. Nature of Singlish in Singaporean society
- Authentic expression of singaporeans from multicultural societies
- Controversies: 1) Study by Yogjakarta students said singlish is the culprit in degrading
standard English in singapore 2) Singlish has made more progress than losses, English
might be business language, but Singlish didnt really impact the economic.
2. Cultural Identity
- can show emotions and the local setting in a way that normal English might not be able
Stanza 2: chau Goondu (easily fooled) = poor decision
- charges words from Hokkien, Malay, and Indian
- Standard English dont have the mix of 2 languages like that

Unique way to describe people in singlish style

Stanza 2: Aiyah; Chau Ah Lian; Chau Ah Beng; Chau Buaya; Chau Ah Kua; Chau Mamak; Chau
kayu; Chau Goondu-
- Derogatory terms/ rude language/ give more expression/ authentity of singaporeans
- Chau Buaya: flirtatious person, Chau Kayu: stupid person

Critics on Standard English (correct one)

Stanza 5: Proper English? So lecheh, So correct, so actsy for what?
- The proper english is unnecessary because it is too complicated. Why not just use
Singlish way? Understandable among the Singaporean community.
Stanza 5: Wah lau, Already got your meaning before you finish!
- In Singlish, it's common to use a mix of English words, Malay, Chinese to show the

Resistance on attempts to downgrade Singlish

Stanza 7: No big shot can have his way, With how people talk, what people say.
- Poem was written in 2000.
- In 1999, Lee Kuan Yew, Singaporean, political leader declared Singlish is “a handicap we
must not wish on Singaporeans.”
- Speak Good English Movement (2000)- encourage Singaporeans to speak grammatically
correct English that is universally understood.
- In 2016, Gwee Li Sui (a singaporean literary writer) said, singaporean political leaders
have started to use this language in public because they know it can't be stopped- the
young think the language is cool and of course the identity of singaporean is there in
Stanza 7: Rules are rules: our bo chap mouth refuse, To listen, follow or to choose.
- bo chap mouth: don’t care/ sense of an unwillingness to follow the standard
- Preserve local identity; Singapore's mixed and diverse society
- Accesible: relatable for a wide range of Singaporeans/ statistic: Chinese (74%), Malays
(13%), and Indians (9%)

Defence of Singlish
Stanza 1: When we end with lor, hor, lah, People say our English kana-sai. Why do they care?
- Kana-sai; just like shit
- lor, hor, lah- not the standard english
- Author’s sense of frustration; why people concerned with how English is spoken in
We don't care: we like to speak it leh;
When we end with lor, hor, lah,
People say our English kana-sai
Why do they care? Hard core kaypoh-
Bo dai chi cho.

It got rhythm- like when you say
Who pass urine in the lift? Chau si!
Aiyah; Chau Ah Lian; Chau Ah Beng; Chau Buaya;
Chau Ah Kua; Chau Mamak; Chau kayu; Chau Goondu-
Who else?

It got reason- like when the secretary say
You hold on arh, he's on another line;
So you wait for him to finish- wah piang, talk
So long, boey tahan, some more I kena
Scolding from boss for wasting time.

We say sorrysorrysorry to make sure we are:
So pai say, we have to repeat two, three times;
Then say excuse! When we overtake or cut in-
Only once. Short cuts must be short and sweet,
If sometimes we cannot cheat, so chia lat

No lubang; so teruk. Kiasu cannot lose,
Kiasi cannot die; machiam machiam words
We also try. Proper English? So lecheh,
So correct, so actsy for what? Wah lau,
Already got your meaning before you finish!
Vegetable Aimal, Mineral, Abstract:
It makes all this rojak, chickenfeed.
Hands all over the place; poke here, touch there,
Growing only like a samseng kia.
People cannot control, also cannot compare.
No class Singlish here to stay,
No big shot can have his way
With how people talk, what people say.
Rules are rules: our bo chap mouth refuse
To listen, follow or to choose.

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