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ELECTRICAL CIRCUITS 3 – Practice problems (

The more problems you practice solving, the easier to solve the next….next problems!
1. A certain load takes 40 KVA at 50 % lagging pf while another load connected to the same source takes 80 KVA at 86. 7 % lagging pf. Find the total KVA
a. 89.36 b. 116.5 c. 120 d. 74.68
2. A 3-phase power supply to a factory has the following voltage and current measurements: Vab = 240 cis 0° V; Vbc = 240 cis 240° V; Vca = 240 cis 120° V; Ia =
120 cis 330° A; Ib = 157 cis 214° A; Ic = 150 cis 80° A. Solve for the total power drawn.
a. 50.5 KW b. 52.7 KW c. 55.3 KW d. 58.8 KW
3. A balanced three-phase wye-connected load of 150 KW takes a leading current of 100 A, when the line is 2400 V, 60 Hz. What is the capacitance per phase?
a. 100microfarad b. 303microfarad c. 150 microfarad d. 205 microfarad
4. A balanced wye-connected resistor is connected across the lines of a balanced 230-V feeder. A wattmeter with its current coil in line 1 and potential coil in lines
1 & 3, registers a reading of 1000 watts. If the line 2 is accidentally open circuited, what will be the wattmeter reading under this condition?
a. 333 W b. 600 W c. 667 W d. 1000 W
5. Three equal star connected circuit components take 8 KW at a power factor of 0.8 lagging when connected across 410 V, 3-phase , 3-wire, 50 Hz. Find the
inductance component per phase of the load.
a. 18 mH b. 32 mH c. 27 mH d. 10 mH
6. A 500 KVA transformer is at full load and 0.60 lagging pf. A capacitor bank is added improving the power factor to 0.90 lagging. After improvement, what
percent of rated KVA is the transformer carrying?
a. 66.7 % b. 57.5 % c. 86.6 % d. 63.6 %
7. Two wattmeters are used to measure the power delivered to a balanced delta connected load. Wattmeter 1 reads 1000 W and wattmeter 2 reads 500 W after
the current coil terminal are reversed. If the line to line voltage is 208 V, solve for the line current drawn by the load.
a. 8.23 A b. 8.08 A c. 7.57 A d. 7.34 A
8. A 3-phase, 5KW induction motor has a power factor of 0.75 lagging. A bank of capacitor is connected in delta across the supply terminals and the p.f. raised to
0.90 lagging. Determine the KVAR rating of the capacitors connected in each phase.
a. 1.99 b. 0.663 c. 0.995 d. 0.866
9. Two three-phase balanced loads are connected in parallel to a three-phase 460-V source. Load A is 900 KVA at a power factor 0.6 lagging and load B is 400
KW at a power factor of 0.8 leading. Calculate the total current in the feeder conductors.
a. 1560 A b. 1670 A c. 1155 A d. 1292 A
10. A three-phase delta connected load consist of 10∠ 45 ° Ω impedances. The load is connected across a 200-V three-phase source. If the power input to the
load is measured by two wattmeters, find the reading of each wattmeter.
a. 6425.6 W ; 2058.4 W b. 6691.2 W ; 1792.8 W c. 5925.2 W ; 2558.8 W d. 6188.6 W ; 2295.4 W
11. In a two wattmeter method of measuring three-phase power, one of the wattmeter readings is 5 KW. If the power factor of the load is known to be 0.918
lagging, determine the expected reading of the second wattmeter.
a. 2 KW b. 3 KW c. 4 KW d. 2.5 KW
12. Three identical star-connected coils are connected across a balanced 3-phase, 3-wire supply. Line voltage is 220 volts. Each coil has a resistance of 6 ohms
and a reactance of 8 ohms. Determine the total power drawn.
a. 2022 W b. 2904 W c. 1045 W d. 3870 W
13. A balanced delta connected load has an impedance of 4 + j3 ohms in each phase. It is connected across a balanced three-phase voltage of 200 V. find the total
power drawn
a. 19.2 KW b. 21.4 KW c. 20.2 KW d. 18.4 KW
14. A three-phase, three-wire system, with a line voltage Vbc = 339.4∠ 0 ° volts, has a balanced Y-connected load of Zy = 15∠ 60 ° ohms. The lines between
the system and the load have impedances 2.24 ∠26.57° ohms. Find the line voltage magnitude at the load.
a. 301.1 V b. 308.5 V c. 310.4 V d. 316.2 V
15. Using the artificial neutral method, if the wattmeter reads 600 watts, then the total power taken is equal to___.
a. 600 b. 1200 c. 1800 d. 900
16. Three impedance loads are connected in wye in lines 1, 2 and 3. Z1 = -j100 ohms, Z2 = (100 +j0) ohms and Z3 = (100 +j100) ohms. The supply voltage are
V12 = 200 ∠ 0 ° V, V23 = 200∠−120 ° V and V31 = 200∠ 120 ° V. Solve the current in line 1.
a. 1.463 A b. 1.224 A c. 1.347 A d. 1.516 A
17. A balanced wye connected source, Van = 200∠ 0 ° volts rms is connected by four perfect conductors to an unbalanced Y-connected load, Zan = 8 +j6 ohms,
Zbn = j20 ohms and Zcn = 10 ohms. Find the neutral current.
a. 2.66 – j10.32 A b. 3.01 – j11.22 A c. 2.42 – j12.20 A d. -1.53 – j5.96 A
18. The load on a three-phase wye-connected 220 V system consist of three 6 ohms resistances connected in wye and in parallel with three 9 ohm resistances
connected in delta. Determine the magnitude of the line current.
a. 62.8 A b. 68.7 A c. 70.2 A d. 63.5 A
19. A 400-V, 60 Hz, 3-phase supply has delta connected load having 100-ohm non inductive resistance between phase A and B, a 318 milihenry pure inductance
between phase B and C and a 31.8 microfarad capacitor between C and A. Calculate the value of the star-connected balanced resistor for the same total power
a. 100 ohms b. 300 ohms c. 173.2 ohms d. 200 ohms
20. Three equal resistances connected in star carry a line current of 10 A. if the same resistances are connected in delta across the same supply, what is the line
a. 30 A b. 10 A c. 3.33 A d. 12 A
21. The T-method is used in measuring the total power taken by a balanced 3-phase load. If the total power is 1200 watts. The wattmeter deflection is___.
a. 1200 b. 400 c. 800 d. 600
22. A 120 V ( rms) three-phase system has a balanced load consisting of three 10 ohms resistances. What power is dissipated if the connection is wye?
a. 4320 W b. 1280 W c. 1440 W d. 3840 W
23. In a balanced, 230-V, three-phase circuit, two wattmeters are connected to indicate the total power. If the readings are 8140 W and -2980 W, calculate the line
a. 50 A b. 40 A c. 45 A d. 55 A
24. Three condensers each having a capacity of 75 microfarad are connected in star to a 400 volts, three-phase, 50 cycle supply. Calculate the capacitance of
each of the three condensers so that when they are connected in delta to the same supply, the line current will remain the same.
a. 25 microfarad b. 150 microfarad c. 100 microfarad d. 225 microfarad
25. A three-phase balanced load draws a line current of 80 A at 0.90 lagging power factor. Solve the minimum size in KVAR of the capacitor bank needed to raise
the power factor to 0.95 leading, if the line to line voltage is 13,200 volts.
a. 1260 b. 1259 c. 1338 d. 1180
26. A balanced delta connected load draws 10 A of line current and 3 KW at 220 V. Determine the value of the reactance of each phase of the load.
a. 30 ohms b. 24.3 ohms c. 23.5 ohms d. 38.1 ohms
27. Three identical capacitances each of 450 microfarad are connected in star. The value of the capacitance in each phase of the equivalent delta-connected load
would be ___.
a. 150 microfarad b. 225 microfarad c. 450 microfarad d. 1350 microfarad
28. A three-phase balanced load takes a total of 6360 watts. If two wattmeters are connected in the circuit to measure this power and one of them registers 2120
watts, what is the load power factor?
a. 0.724 b. 0.866 c. 0.823 d. 0.654
29. Three identical star-connected coils are supplied with 440-V, 50 Hz, 3-phase supply. A single-phase wattmeter whose current coil is connected in line A and the
pressure coils across line A and the neutral reads 6KW. If the ammeter connected in line A, reads 30 A, find the reactance of each coils.
a. 6.66 ohms b. 7.87 ohms c. 5.22 ohms d. 8.47 ohms
30. A three-phase motor draws 20 KVA at 0.707 power factor lagging from a 220 V source. A capacitor bank is connected to make the combined power factor 0.90
lagging. Determine the line current after the capacitors are added.
a. 41.23 A b. 38.82 A c. 40.82 A c. 39.19 A
31. In a balanced, 230-V, three-phase circuit, two wattmeters are connected to indicate the total power. The readings are 8140 W and -2980 W. if a single
wattmeter is used to measure the total power, what will be its reading using the T-method?
a. 5160 W b. 1290 W c. 3870 W d. 2580 W
32. A three-phase motor takes 10 KVA at 0.6 pf lagging from a source of 220 V. it is in parallel with a balanced delta-load having 16 ohms resistance and –j12
reactance in series in each phase. Find the total volt-amperes.
a. 11.81 KVA b. 7.26 KVA c. 3.64 KVA d. 12.36 KVA
33. Three loads are supplied by a generator, load 1 is 15 KVA at 75 % power factor lagging, Load 2 is 10 KW at 90 % power factor and Load 3 is unknown. If the
generator delivers 35.52 KVA at 80 % power factor lagging to these loads, what is the KVA of the unknown load?
a. 9.7 KVA b. 10.3 KVA c. 10.8 KVA d. 9.1 KVA
34. A three-phase, 4-wire, star-connected system with 230-V between each phase and neutral has resistances of 4, 5 and 6 ohms respectively in the three phases.
Estimate the current in the neutral.
a. 16.7 A b. 19.3 A c. 12.5 A d. 10.2 A
35. A 3-phase motor takes 10 KVA a 0.6 pf lagging from a source of 220 V. it is in parallel with a balanced delta connected having 16 ohms resistance and –j12
reactance in series in each phase. Find the line current of the combination.
a. 32.43 A b. 42.11 A c. 36.78 A d. 47.21 A
36. Three similar coils each of resistance of 20 ohms and inductance of 0.1 H are connected in delta across a three-phase, 60 Hz, 230 V source. Determine the
total power absorbed.
a. 1929W b. 1750 W c. 643 W d. 583 W
37. In a 3-phase, 4-wire system, two phases have currents of 10 A and 6 A in lagging power factors of 0.80 and 0.60, while the third phase is open circuited.
Calculate the current in the neutral.
a. 16 A b. 7.02 A c. 8.66 A d. 15.85 A
38. Three similar resistors are connected in star across a 400- V, 3-phase lines. The current is 10 A. to what value should the line voltage be changed to obtain the
same line current with the resistors delta-connected?
a. 133.36 V b. 230.94 V c. 115.22 V d. 76.98 V
39. In a 3-phase system, Vyn = 100∠−120 ° V and Vbn = 100∠ 120 ° V. What is Vyb?
a. 173.2 ∠ 90 ° V b. 173.2 ∠−90 ° V c. 200 ∠ 90 ° V d. 200 ∠−90° V
40. Three impedance of 4 – j3 ohms are connected in Y to a 208 V, three-phase line. Find the complex power.
a. 6.92 – j5.19 , KVA b. 9.26 – j5.91, KVA c. 6.92 + j5.19 , KVA d. 9.26 +j5.91, KVA
41. An unbalanced Y-connected load is supplied from a balanced 3-wire system. The current taken by phase A is (16 - j12) A and by phase B is (-9.48 – j3.19) A.
what is the current in phase C?
a. 16.53 A b. 15 A c. 0 d. 18.53 A
42. Three resistors are connected in wye across a balanced 220 V, 60 Hz system and draws 9680 watts. If one of the resistor is open, find the new power drawn by
the entire circuit.
a. 4.24 KW b. 5.04 KW c. 4.44 KW d. 4.84 KW
43. A three- phase 120 volt circuit has a phase sequence of ABC and delivers power to a group of delta connected impedances whose values are Zab = 10 + j0 ;
Zbc = 5 + j8.66 ; and Zca = 8.66 + j5. Calculate the total power.
a. 3660 W b. 3410 W c. 3880 W d. 3920 W
44. Three impedances of 3 + j4 ohms are connected in delta to a 220 V three-phase line. Find the total complex power drawn.
a. 6.92 + j5.19 ,KVA b. 6.92 + j5.19 ,KVA c. 17.4 + j23.2 , KVA d. 17.4 – j23.2 , KVA
45. A balanced 3-phase load consumes a total power of 100 KW at a power factor of 0.6 lagging, the line voltage being 1000 V. Determine the value of the reactive
component per phase assuming delta connection with resistance and reactance in parallel.
a. 10.8 ohms b. 22.52 ohms c. 14.4 ohms d. 4.44 ohms
46. A balanced set of three-phase voltages is connected to an unbalanced set of Y-connected impedances. The following values are known: Vab = 212 ∠ 90 ° V;
Vbc = 212∠−150 ° ; Vca = 212∠−30 ° V; Zan =10 Ω; Zbn = 10 + j10 Ω; Zcn = -j20 Ω. Find the line current in line a.
a. 14.54 A b. 3.66 A c. 11.96 A d. 5.28 A
47. A distribution system delivers a load of 120 KW, 0.707 pf lagging. What size in KVAR of capacitance is needed so that the power factor is
acceptable to Philippine Distribution Code?
a. 55.23 KVAR b. 50.54 KVAR c. 42.19 KVAR d. 45.67 KVAR
48. Determine the power absorbed when three identical resistances of 10 ohms are connected in wye across a balanced 230 V, 60 Hz, 3-phase
a. 5290 W b. 6230 W c. 5520 W d. 6120 W
49. A three-phase, 60 Hz, 2200 volts induction motor delivers 500 hp, 0.8 lagging pf and efficiency of 94 %. The power factor is raised to 0.90 lagging by
connecting a bank of condensers in delta across the lines. If each of the capacitance unit is built up of four similar 550 V condensers, solve the required
capacitance of each condenser.
a. 56 μF b. 77 μF c. 81 μF d. 60 μF
50. On a 120/208-V four wire Y system, two lamps are connected from phase A to neutral, 5 lamps from phase B to neutral and four lamps from phase C to neutral.
If the lamps have the same rating and each draws 2A, find the current in the neutral wire.
a. 0 A b. 8.66 A c. 6.93 A d. 5.29 A
51. Two different loads A and B are connected across a balanced 230 V, 3-phase lines. Load A is a three-phase load that draws 10 kVA at 70% lagging pf. Load B
is a single-phase load connected across lines a and b drawing 5 KVA at unity pf. Determine line current in line a. Assume a phase sequence of abc.
a. 37 A b. 33 A c. 28 A d. 45 A
52. Two wattmeters are used to measure the total power drawn by a balanced delta connected load. If the wattmeters read 1200 W and 800 W respectively, and
the line to line voltage is 208 V, solve for the impedance per phase of the load.
a. 52.47 + j23.82 ohms b. 56.31 + j23.67 ohms c. 57.94 + j20.07 ohms d. 50.31 + j31.72 ohms
53. A three- phase abc system with Vbc= 294.2∠ 0 ° has the delta-connected load Zab = 5∠ 0 ° Ω Zbc= 4∠ 30 ° Ω and Zca = 6∠−15 ° Ω. Obtain the
current in line a.
a. 127.9∠−43.3 ° A b. 103.2∠ 56.4 ° A c. 77.1 ∠−172.1° A d. 99.7∠ 99.7 ° A
54. A balanced 3-phase load consumes a total power of 100 KW at a power factor of 0.6 lagging, the line voltage being 1000 V. determine the value of the reactive
component per phase assuming wye connection with resistance and reactance in parallel.
a. 7.5 ohms b. 8 ohms c. 10.5 ohms d. 6 ohms
55. Two wattmeters are used to measure the total power drawn by a balanced delta connected load. If the wattmeters read 1200 W and 800 W respectively, and
the line to line voltage is 208 V, solve for the resistance per phase of the load.
a. 51.31 ohms b. 31.72 ohms c. 57.94 ohms d. 20.07 ohms
56. In a 3-phase four wire system the currents in two phases are 10 ∠−36.87 ° A and 6∠−53.13 ° A and the third phase is open circuited. Determine
the current through the neutral.
a. 16.32 A b. 12.45 A c. 15.85 A d. 4 A
57. Three 40 ohms non-inductive resistances are connected in star across a 200 –V, 3-phase lines. Calculate the power taken from the mains.
a. 4000 W b. 2000 W c. 1000 W d. 3000 W
58. Three 30-ohm resistances are connected in delta across a 208 volt, 3-phase circuit. The line current in amperes, is approximately.
a. 6.93 A b. 120 A c. 12 A d. 13.86 A
59. Two balanced three-phase loads are connected across a 230-V, 3-phase feeder. The first load draws 6 KW at 0.8 lagging pf while the second load draws 12
KW at 0.866 leading pf. Determine the current in the feeder conductors.
a. 41.8 A b. 53.2 A c. 25.2 A d. 45.6 A
60. Three similar coils are star connected to a three-phase, 50 Hz supply. The line current taken is 25 A and a single wattmeter connected to measure the input
indicates 5.185 and 10.37 KW respectively. Determine the reactance of the coil.
a. 4.8 ohms b. 8.6 ohms c. 4.5 ohms d. 6.8 ohms
61. The following load impedances are connected delta across a 220 V balanced abc system: Zab = 10∠ 36.87 ° Ω; Zbc = 10∠ 0 ° Ω ; Zca = 10∠ 45 ° Ω .
Find the reading of a KW meter connected with its current coil connected in line b while the potential coil connected across lines b & c.
a. 5.12 KW b. 4.08 KW c. 4.26 KW d. 5.45 KW
62. In a 3-phase system, Vbn = 100∠−120 °V and Van = 100∠ 0 ° V. what is Vbc?
a. 173 ∠ 90 ° V b. 173 ∠−90 ° V c. 200∠ 90 ° V d. 200 ∠−90 ° V
63. A three-phase, 4-wire star-connected system with 230-V between each phase and neutral has resistances of 4, 5 and 6 Ω respectively in the three phases. Find
the total power absorbed.
a. 38.53 KW b. 34.29 KW c. 32.61 KW d. 30.18 KW
64. Three loads are connected in parallel across a 12.47 KV three-phase supply, Load 1: Inductive load 60 KW and 660 KVAR; Load 2: Capacitive load, 240 KW at
0.8 pf; Load 3: Resistive load of 60 KW. Find the supply current.
a. 53.12 A b. 37.08 A c. 42.54 A d. 27.78 A
65. A three-phase, 60 Hz, 2200 volts induction motor develops 500 HP, 0.8 lagging pf and efficiency of 94 %. The power factor is raised to 0.90 lagging by
connecting a bank of condensers in delta across the lines. Determine the required KVAR of the bank.
a. 124.35 b. 105.44 c. 126.53 d. 114.26
66. A balanced delta-connected load with impedance Z= 30∠ 30 ° ohms per phase is connected to a three-phase, three-wire 250 V system by conductors having
an impedance of Z= 0.4 + j0.3 ohm per conductor. Obtain the line to line voltage at the load.
a. 238 V b. 138 V c. 208 V d. 228 V
67. Three parallel three-phase loads are supplied from a 207.85 V rms, 60 Hz three-phase supply. The loads are as follows: Load 1: A 15 hp motor operating full
load , 93.25 % efficiency and 0.6 lagging power factor; Load 2 : A balanced resistive load draws a total of 6 KW; Load 3 : A Y-connected capacitor bank with a
total rating of 16 KVAR . What is the total supply current?
a. 50 A b. 54 A c. 46 A d. 60 A
68. In a balanced three-phase , 208 V circuit , the line current is 100 A. The power is measured by two wattmeter method. If the power factor is unity, which one is a
probable reading on one of the wattmeters?
a. 20 KW b. 18 KW c. 36 KW d. 24 KW
69. A balanced 3-phase star connected load of 150 KW takes a leading current of 100 A with a line voltage of 1,100 V, 50 Hz. Find the capacitance of the load per
a. 108 microfarad b. 506 microfarad c. 125 microfarad d. 813 microfarad
70. A delta connected impedance takes a line current of 100 A when connected across a 230 V, 3-phase source. Determine the impedance?
a. 5 ohms b. 2.5 ohms c. 4 ohms d. 3.33 ohms
71. A three-phase , three-wire system , with an effective line voltage 250 V, supplies two balanced loads, one in delta with Z= 15 ∠ 0 ° ohms and the other in wye
with Z = 10∠ 30 ° ohms. Solve the current in each line.
a. 45 A b. 42 A c. 48 A d. 40 A
72. Determine the operating power factor of a three phase balanced load if the readings of the two wattmeters properly connected to measure power is 3:1.
a. 0.756 b. 0.863 c. 0.671 d. 0.707
73. Three non-inductive resistances connected in star across a 200-V, 60 Hz, 3-phase lines draws 800 W. If one resistor is disconnected, what would be the power
taken by the remaining two resistors from the lines?
a. 1600 W b. 800/3 W c. 1600/3 W d. 400 W
74. A balanced, 3-phase, star-connected load of 150 KW takes a lagging current of 100 A with a line voltage of 1,100 V, 60 Hz. Find the reactance of the load per
a. 5.1 ohms b. 3.9 ohms c. 3.3 ohms d. 2.8 ohms
75. In a balanced three-phase circuit, two loads are connected in parallel. Load 1 draws 80 KW and 60 leading KVAR. Load 2 draws 120 KW and 160 lagging
KVAR. The line voltage of the system is 1000 volts. Find the line current at the generator terminals.
a. 115 A b. 156 A c. 129 A d. 172 A
76. A delta-connected load is connected across a 120-V, 3-phase balanced system: Zab = 15∠ 30 ° Ω; Zbc = 15∠ 0 ° Ω ; Zca = 15∠−30 ° Ω. Determine the
reading of a wattmeter connected with its current coil in line c and potential coil across lines c and b.
a. 828 W b. 960 W c. 890 W d. 928 W
77. An induction motor, when connected to a 230-V supply 3-phase feeder draws 150 A at 70.7 % pf. What capacitor KVAR is needed to improve the feeder power
factor to 0.96 lagging?
a. 42.24 b. 38.23 c. 29.93 d. 34.74
78. The ratio of the readings of two wattmeters connected to measure power in a balanced 3-phase, 3-wire load is 5:3. The load is known to be inductive with a
lagging power factor. What is the load power factor?
a. 0.80 b. 0.866 c. 0.917 d. 0.951
79. A balanced delta connected load of 15 + j18 ohms per phase is connected at the end of a three phase line. The line impedance is 1 + j2 ohms per phase. The
line is supplied from a three-phase source with a line to line voltage of 207.85 V rms. Taking V an as reference, determine the magnitude of the line to line voltage
at the load terminals.
a. 162.32 V b. 166.18 V c. 168.56 V d. 164.75 V
80. Three equal impedances (60 +j30) ohms are connected in delta at the end of a three-phase transmission line which has an impedance of (1 +j2) ohms per
conductor. If the line voltage at the generating station is maintained at 2300 V, find line to line voltage at the load.
a. 2150 V b. 2122 V c. 2142 V d. 2126 V
81. The load connected to a 3-phase supply comprises three similar coils connected in star. The line currents are 25A and the KVA and KW are 20 and 11
respectively. Determine the reactance of the coil.
a. 10.67 ohms b. 9.12 ohms c. 8.91 ohms d. 5.87 ohms
82. Three identical resistance connected in star carry a line current of 12 A. if the same resistances are connected in delta across the same supply, the line current
will be___.
a. 12 A b. 8 A c. 4 A d. 36 A
83. An unbalanced wye connected load is supplied from a balanced 3-wire system. The current taken by phase A is (12 – j4) and by phase B is (-9.5 – j3.2 )A.
What is the current in phase C?
a. 7.62 A b. 8.25 A c. 9.45 A d. 10.25 A
84. A 460-V three-phase 60 Hz source supplies energy to the following three-phase loads; 200 hp induction motor load operating at 94 percent efficiency and 0.88
pf lagging, a 50 KW resistance heating load and a combination of miscellaneous loads totaling 40 KW at a 0.70 lagging pf. Determine the total KVAR supplied.
a. 279.04 b. 248.72 c. 126.49 d. 158.72
85. The voltages along points 1,2 and 3 are V12 = 57 cis 60° and V23 = 90 cis (-30°). What is the voltage V31?
a. 106.53 cis (-177.65)° b. 104.72 cis (-178.76)° c. 106.53 cis 2.347° d. 104.72 cis 1.243°
86. Three delta connected resistors absorb 60 KW when connected to a 3-phase line. If the resistors are connected in star, the power absorbed is ___.
a. 60 KW b. 120 KW c. 20 KW d. 180 KW
87. In a balanced 3-phase system the Y-connected impedances are 10 ∠ 30ohms. If Vbc = 416∠ 90 ° volts, solve for Icn.
a. 12 + j20.78 b. –j24 c. 8.66 + j15 d. 20.8 + j36
88. Three similar coils each having a resistance of 15 ohms and an inductance of 0.04 H are connected in star to a 3-phase, 50 cps, 200 volts between lines.
Calculate the total power absorbed.
a. 1566 W b. 1245 W c. 1787 W d. 1655 W
89. A 230- V, balanced three-phase source is supplying a parallel combination of Y-connected load and a delta-connected load. If the Y and delta loads are
balanced with phase impedances of 8 – j8 ohms and 24 + j24 ohms, respectively, find the total line current.
a. 16.6 A b. 15.8 A c. 17.5 A d. 18 A
90. A wattmeter has its current coil connected in line 1 while its potential coils is connected across lines 2 and 3. If this wattmeter reads 1000 W, the total reactive
power of the load is___.
a. 1000 VAR b. 2000 VAR c. 1732 VAR d. 0 VAR
91. A star-connected load Zan = 10∠ 36.9 ° , Zbn = 10∠−36.9 ° and Zcn = 10∠ 10 ° are connected across a balanced 130-V, 3-phase system. Determine
the current in line a.
a. 6.63 A b. 5.32 A c. 5.56 A d. 6.02 A
92. The power input to a 2000 V, 50 Hz, 3-phase motor running on full load at an efficiency of 90 % is measured by two wattmeters which indicates 300 KW and
100 KW respectively. Calculate the line current of the motor.
a. 137.4 A b. 169..6 A c. 152.7 A d. 115.5 A
93. A three-phase, 3-wire balanced delta connected load yields wattmeter readings of 1154 W and 557 W. Obtain the load resistance per phase if the line voltage is
100 V.
a. 18 ohms b. 12 ohms c. 10 ohms d. 13 ohms
94. Three identical delta-connected load when supplied from a 230 volts, 60 Hz, 3-phase, 3-wire supply draws a line current of 10 A at a pf of 0.8 lagging.
Determine the inductance of the load per phase.
a. 31.8 milihenry b. 23.9 milihenry c. 63.4 milihenry d. 45.2 milihenry
95. A balanced delta connected load with Z = 9∠−30 °Ω and a balanced wye connected load, with Z= 5∠ 45 ° Ω , are supplied by the same ABC system,
with effective line voltage 480 V. Solve line current.
a. 154.3 A b. 162.4 A c. 168.9 A d. 125.6 A
96. A wattmeter is used to measure the power drawn by a 230-V, 3- phase induction motor. The current coil is placed in line 1 while the potential coil is shifted from
lines 1 and 2, then from lines 1 and 3 respectively. If the wattmeter registers 5760 and 3380 watts respectively. what is the line current drawn by the motor.
a. 25.16 A b. 30.24 A c. 22.28 A d. 33.19 A
97. A 3-phase , 40 KW , 440 V, 60 Hz induction motor operates at full load with an efficiency of 90 % at 0.80 lagging pf. It is required to raise the full load power
factor to 0.90 lagging. A three-phase bank of capacitors are connected across the load. What will be the capacitance per phase if the capacitors are delta-
a. 54 microfarad b. 39 microfarad c. 49 microfarad d. 11 microfarad
98. Individual loads on separate feeders of a large power system are often unbalanced. The loads of a Y-connected generator, consisting of electric heaters, draw
150, 100 and 50 A. Find the neutral current.
a. 86.6 A b. 75.2 A c. 300 A d. 92.4 A
99. A balanced delta connected load 4 – j3 ohms per phase is fed by a 380 V, three-phase system. Find the reactive power.
a. 51.98 KVAR b. 59.21 KVAR c. 67.42 KVAR d. 61.62 KVAR
100. Three delta-connected impedances, Z = 15∠ 36.9 ° ohms are connected across a 230-volt 3-phase balanced system through a line impedance of ZL = 1
∠ 60 ° ohms. Determine the line to line voltage at the load terminals.
a. 194 V b. 197 V c. 202 V d. 209 V
101. Three identical impedances are connected in star to a three-phase supply of 400 V. The line current is 35 A and the total power absorbed is 15 KW. Determine
the reactance of the circuit per phase.
a. 4.08 ohms b. 3.63 ohms c. 6.11 ohms d. 5.18 ohms
102. Two balanced three-phase loads are connected in parallel .Load 1 draws 20 KW at a lagging power factor of 0.85 ; Load 2 draws 15 KW at a lagging power
factor of 0.5. The line voltage at the terminals at the load is 440 V. the load terminals are connected to the source terminals by means of cables which have an
impedance of 1 + j3 ohms each. Calculate the line voltage at the terminals of the source.
a. 795 V b. 805 V c. 778 V d. 788 V
103. In an AC circuit Va = 120∠ 45 ° V and Vb = 100∠−15 ° V with respect to a reference node 0. Find the Vba in polar form.
a. 190.78∠ 18 ° b. 190.78∠−162° c. 111.35∠ 96.05 ° d. 111.35∠−83.94 °
104. Three loads are connected in parallel across a 12.47 KV three-phase supply:
Load 1 : inductive load ,60 KW and 660 KVAR
Load 2 : capacitive load, 240 KW at 0.8 pf
Load 3 : Resistive load of 60 KW
A Y-connected capacitor bank is connected in parallel with the loads. What is the capacitance per phase in microfarad to improve the overall pf to 0.8 lagging?
a. 32.24 microfarad b. 10.74 microfarad c. 3.58 microfarad d. 1.19 microfarad

105. Two loads are connected in parallel to a three-phase 460-V source. Load A is 900 KVA at a power factor of 0.6 lagging and load B is 400 KW at a power factor
of 0.8 leading. Determine the overall power factor.
a. 0.912 lag b. 0.951 lag c. 0.929 lag d. 0.902 lag
106. Three identical resistances in delta consume 3 KW. If the resistances are connected in wye across the same supply what is the power consumed?
a. 6 KW b. 1.5 KW c. 3 KW d. 1 KW
107. A three- phase bank serves four customer with the following loads: Costumer A = 80 KW at 65 % pf ; Customer B = 60 KW at 85 % pf ; Customer C = 100 KW
at 90 % pf; Customer D = 120 KW at 70 % pf. Determine the total KVA.
a. 301.56 b. 360 c. 469.62 d. 401.53
108. A three-phase 339.4 V, abc system has a delta connected load with Zab = 10∠ 0 ° Ω , Zbc = 10∠ 30 ° Ω and Zca = 15∠−30 °Ω. Find the current in line a.
a. 49.23 A b. 64.18 A c. 23.83 A d. 54.72 A
109. Three loads are connected in parallel

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