Medical Terminology

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CULELE Stuely. Ova Fick decd A. Sista Most medical words are composed of two o¢ moce tems To defines medical wor ‘vide the word it ts terme 1 analyze the terms + define the word Examples Pericarditis eri = around: card hearts {nflammation around the heart Oncology ‘omco = tor, mass; ly = stay of Study of tomars inflammation Terms Term + Term (>...) = medical word Thee are five categories of terms 1. Prefix -bepinning ofa word (ex, pre past) Designated by a" afer the term. 2. Suffe- ending ofa word (ex. samy, fs) Designated by a” “before the term 3 Root foundaton/ase of a word (ex. epat gastr) 4 Combining Vowel - vowel (usually 0") added to. root (x, east) use a combining vowel when joining ‘Roo! osnother oot (ex. gastrhepatits) 1, Root 08 six ginning with consonant (ex cardigmezaly) 5. Combining form hepati: gastro) Designated by 4" between the roo nd the vowel, Examples Hypertenkoryosis Inper (peti) excessive leuko (combining form) = white ‘op (root) ~ cel xs (ufc) ~ condition of Definition: Condition af excessive white blood cells cukocytes) Hemarouoe ‘hema (combining for) ~ blood ‘tax (ot = poison fe (sss) = pring 0 {inion Pertaining wo blood poisoning. root + vowel (ex. 1. Some \erms have more than oe denition, To ‘determine the comect definiion na particular medical word, analyze the other terms in the ‘word. lle = gay (wer) imyel ~ spinal cor, bone marrow fie ~ inflation Definition. Inflammation ofthe gray mater ofthe pil cord, The bone marrow doesnot have gray mate. 7 Some temas may function asa rootcombining form in one Word ands sux in another word CCasiicaton depends upon the specific medi- cal word Examples Grologs cto (combining form) ~ cel logy (aut) = say of Definition: Study of el erythrocyte ‘erythro (combining form) = ed fe (sulle) ~ eal Definition: Red blood cl WORLD'S) ACADEMIC OUTLINE oo eu ‘A. Development Cll tissue = organs - systems - organism 1. Cells: Major Components ‘Cell membrane '. Gyoplasm| &. Necleur 2, Tissues: Primary Types a. Connective Epthelum © Muscle 4. Nervous 3. Organs “Composed of to or more diffrent tses Have specific functions 44 Systems: Related organs with common functions & Organism: A living person B. Caves |X spice containing orgs, 1 Dorsal 2. Cranial by, Vertebral (spinal) Ventral "Absominal by Pelvic . Thonice ©. Phanes ‘Am mapinary fa surace 1. Frontal ~ anterior posterior 2 Saghtal—righvlet 3. Transverse upperower D. Positions A reference point for location or direction. 1. AnteriorVentral front ofthe body 23. Inferior sa Superior — stated ubove 44 Lateral ~ pertaining to the side 'S Medial peraiing tothe midale & Prone —Wving fece down Supine — lying fce up DEFINITIONS _| WORDS MEDICAE TERMINOLOGY THE BODY thee speci ape fa Tiopressne Imaliorm production, formation neogenesis aged, olf age naked emo cond leacheda [specialist stoic lindo |irogenic tine nucleus tum fos gow [aryorrhers etn unstable, perishable prigolabie [specialist — aera newrologist study of — cardio ighcodmiting radiolucent luminescence ophic medal [medial mesoderm |dolichomorphic nomoxopic homenlanre nucleus nosology nourish Thine Joncoeners nal Wises thogene ‘args [pharmacology ysiolgit nsodle : [pain regular oration, growth neoplasm formation [protein etapoierie sit sand, sande eral [prams man, burn Being ft piewe a aarace empancare ire, ever, het fever [prrogen weight pressure | i, iving sith har scirrhome. body somatcacopy early embryonic ody [chromosome image, specran | ectacolr nce an, kl echnolagy esiabiotic feudal chemosuryers ebemicl ebemisty ime, the temples tempaseable = god [heat hectheras erapewtics ermometer hronobiolngy hime, ming [deep sleep Isweling dass represen | ive frm [deonesconce roman belly front oF he body onroateral irae itera quality, equal ie sceromepa union, junction lrgewensis sway from reward nae around. on both vides thousand (10) around. on both sides upward, backward ition (10%) Dillion 10), tore, forward ont faint away, partion down, dowaward sud against opposite ght |tirough part apart to sepa fone quadritionts 1) outside, out sie, within ‘one quititionth (10) — |ano- 1D. SURGICAL PROCEDURES above. over upon surgical pancre ofa cv sith surgical sation, fusion out away from surgical removal outside of, ouward Fixation fotside surpcal somreston repair before, in ont ot above, excessive beyond to cut lundr, deficient, below suipcal opening sagica incision fio crush, break sider Insceeria bery-shaped bacterim ee through, tronghoul around, ur Join backward lea fon st above, beyond ~Jabove terond astm, end Formation ~osieation ‘Types longshorv Mavireguar Tissues ~compaetspongy (cancellous) Markings ~ depressions openings projections Axial skeleton Skul Verbal column Thoracic cage 6. Appendicalar skeleton Upper enemies , Lower extemitcs Pectoral girdle 4. Peli pide B, Joints/Articulations 1D” Straturalelasifiation ‘4. Fibrous . Cariaginows &. Synovial 2. Funetinal clasitiation a Synarhroses by. Amphiarthroses Pee aed A. Cells 1, Neuron - denies, cll body, axon 2. Neuroglia (pial) B. Central Nervous System (CNS) 1. Bain cerebrum, corebellam, bran sem, ‘iencephalon Sima cor ~ ascending descending acts Membranes (meninges) ~ dura mater, aruch- noid, pia mater Crsbtospinal Fluid (CSF) . Peripheral Nervous System (PNS) Cranial nerves (12 pais) Spinal nerves (31 pits) 5 Afferent semen) divisions Sensory replies Effeene (mote) division 1 Somatic nervous system (voluutary) ». Auonamic nervous sysem (involuntary) 1. Sympathetic ervous stem i, Parasympathetie nervous system DEFINITIONS _|woRDS pain sensiiviry ar, wer shaped incomplete, imperfect [analgesia Jtciomyetia cercelim eorebeu, rin (good or bad), temperament ning bin these, |senston, Fling enalion [aus nesroghia ater drogen sleep yposhalanns| Paspnagente Hspoatamo- cal righning et, stealing Tralee Fauedrpleie ray (mater) [potiompeis opening. passageay ection, activi rind cold [split division tephrompelis hanatomenis eurothects agolsis ‘Sac containing the testes B, Testes, 1, Seminiferous tubules - spermatozoa 2, Imerstiial cells - testosterone C. Ducts 1. Epididymis 2, Vas deferensuctus deferens 3. Ejaculaory duct 4. Urethra D. Penis Erectile tissue E. Glands 1. Seminal vesicles 2 Prostate gland 3. Bulbourethral (Cowper's) gland F. Secretion Semen 1 Sperm 2, Glandular secretions DEFINITIONS WORDS. eoafning membrane slans pens | balanobiemorha hernia, swelling [hydrocele speech word] word speech ought madness, obec sive pooctaptin medulla, mazow Ipermicide |eppirction | epididsmectomy meningss, meningocele membranes Jgonocite Jgonadogensis ind domo ligospermio memory Jecnnesia bone marrow, —|mpelocele spinal cord orchidopery ascheoplany numbness, spor |rarcoanesthesia cre fneworrpsy phallodynia phasis to cause ham, mur o pan mind, wil rani Jnociceptor pata paraysie—[hemparexi visible apparent phaneromoni cminserous spermatozoa | spermatogenesis esis eseciomy few. version [phobophobia sas deterens vessel ind Gaphragm iter presure rachpirena sexual seminal vesicle snl enorelogist rasoverewis PRIN A. Organs 1, Kidneys - cortex. medulla, nephron, col lecting duct, renal pelvis 2. Ureters- tubes 3. Bladder trigone 4 Urethra - tbe B. Urine 1. Formation - tration, reabsorption, secretion albumin album inmate closure, exclusion rethrairsie closed, locking ln opening lnivoges, wea [acon fess lari fealyx |pvelocaectasi estogram neprectsia kidney night eprom bums pocalic Tovelophtais Penne curses eter retirarrhagia [ova winalis rescochs Eee and i. Qoeye development 2 Ovulation B. Fallopian Tubes/Uterine Tubes Fertilization ©. Uterus i. Wall Peseta , Myometrium . Endometriam 2, Pans Findus Body © Cerin D. Vagina ison E. Extemal Genitalia/Vulva 1. Labia majora/minora 2 Clitoris 3, Bartholin’splands F, Breasts 1. Mammary glands 2 Nipple 3. Areola 4, Lactation G, Menstrual Cycle 1. Phases 2 Hormonal interaction 3. Cesition “TOEFINITIONS jwoRDs amoseopy — neck, een chorion break, breaking [choridenume Jramioctass eoiporriapky —| culdene exldoscop pregnancy embryo ~Jovarioeyest lembrvapahy vulva ewe sy milk [gelactacrasla ravidecardiae pregnant woman nigraide Pulmonary 2. Systemic D. Blood Pressure 1. Systole(cotteton) 2. Diastole (relaxation) E, Pulse ‘Riythmical expansion and comacton of an atery 5 rsul ofthe heart contaction F. Electrical/Conduetion System 1. Components- SA nade - AV node - bundle ‘of His - bundle branches» Purkinje fibers 2. Messirement = EKGIECG DEFINITIONS worps woman, female [znecograhy Jangioblae setecaion [avchecia Hnedcomenia faoriomalacia gat ie [cholangiosiom Payments arterolth nhac arterioloscleroxie Jecenmoa ble lever hotedochot- ease Nacorrkea lcentrofeciihal ay substan, plague atheroma menos sanmosraphy — |masaigia Imenorrhagia imran conatology neonatal midwile Imlipainy Joogenene obstetrician navel lomphalocele ovary Joaphoroisce= lice — stow eae itn wang | hear embolus | suppress retain eolrgerent es, smal sr, tobi fete [hviopoiee eslon tocol ecm oot [dena ise em vomiting nestines salt intestines) [esophagus stomach earth oi uns toague —Jatucas, sugar ces, ovum to box, ring fh Iemipara aging eldely Vaepaospieno- mega eld, labor sparen perineum Jolpaperin in deformed named ic 938 hssomera fecarogela= Pa atop be nipple child Tabor ube agin life, alive i. Four chambers 4 Two upper (atria) Two lower (wentriles) Wall 4 Endocardium >. Myocardium © Periardiumn Two partons 4 Incr sept >. interentrculie septam Four valves Aurioventcula i Trump Hi, Bleuspd (ira ». Semuluner 1 Pulmonary ‘i Aone B. Blood Vessels iL Amerie -anrioles 2 eine venules 3. Capillanes C. Circulation ow. current, indivi, itn, unknown idioglossia involuntary eins sun rr pulse pulse slam abdominal wall Veparoscope narod eomsccted eralngual ridge odo ast, end, dant sreched, ined abs eescl vas terns asolypotonic asc senograph rentrienlogram tooth lanodonia —|mouh lnrworal appetie straight, normal Vieperoresia Jrehadontst DEFINITIONS | WORDS. liom [abdominocnea bw procera | chin t aenagra lomiobe Ss Jnorectocoons sree arseniophagy : iacompice, ——Jatlginsia EB impertect ie tiger e eieok cel eseum esl Jndomen——fertomoss 2 ip teas E Tatopegia sigesion ldvpepsia loner eating ingestion Jphagodamom- deaking te rs ‘A. Oral Cavity ear Bo Tongue teh ars pale, gums salivary glands B. Pharynx C. Esophagus D. Stomach 1. Sphincter 2. Part = fandus, body, pylorus E, Small Intestine Pans ~ duodenur, jejunum, eum F. Liver Right alt odes G. Pancreas Endocrine xoctne tse H. Large Intestine Pari = cecum, colon, rectum, anus meal nda |ptralvgene empha lpvioroplse ew, Gv, fever saliva sigmoid colon [food _ Juvula, grapeline cites csc, bindnese press recive safoih — szmoidoscope itphobia spanchnoptois rivals saphyirrhaphy | tomatomalacia Jproctoesta palate ranoschiie enzyme, ferment mois Sanaa Teco Jrory tees Pero b, posterior "A.(. | A. Composition Bera me are 7 1 Fame (35%) pale, yellow aid 3 Pantrid = pa $d 2 Fomea cement ces) - 49% Aeron a as 2 2 Enthroytes medal &. conex fonyehio oat lowchomcore B "Etats (coins, basophil ae 5. Perens packy= fk opis. hn & Teses papa [pspue. pimple fi Aganlectes (monocytes, bmphocyss) 7. Ovanes perspire [breathe thru «"Thvombeeytes(plateles) & Pineal piyve plane Joon B. Blood Groups 9 Thymus So mais i."ABO Group air ‘2. Types- AB/ABO TERMS | DEFINITIONS | WORDS __Bt srurivo [itching —rttogenic | &, Determined by antigens) on entrees aris enemies —_[crogeria on 2. Ris Group ‘dew [gland Roe Rb oo al 1 Procecorsbacace of kangen ca ey gate! gn an ree erinfs Joerete, separate fee C. Blood Clotting (coagulation) == a ormonfa [hormone 3 Clot retuction medulla, marrow enus | DEFINITIONS | WoRDS ay sgt comping stile [unequal antononncens parathyroid [paired tase, bao fou, foundation [Baxi [pie | dinky conga feugiton, ously peo [piel nd sirine pitta [pty land =a separate ivomboewoert rms [marsha emia ood cation — — ‘A. Upper Respiratory Tract oie [red oy, dawn i. Nove = nal cavity, pra snes a : 2 Plan ane, pa, a ee ooo B. Lower Respiratory Tract sli wriobin— 2 Tres Cope ing of ange granulo es 5. Bron a [aenwcrcooon a. Skin f Righe bronchus ematio — ® Broncos ave ati 1 Epidermis 4. Langs _ Wiicakie [sie locpotcin 3 Geer a Labes ight) 2) i coo bone marrow, |mpelocyiosir 3. Subeutancous/hypodermis & en anal spinal cond ait , Pulmonary Ventilation [sive qf estrio—|sodium ee i Tnspntonexpration tite Y seutr a 2 Diaphragm Fina) oro Root terms | DEFINITIONS | WoRDS wpe ¢ Bb alveoo lalveoliis typo phi phi 2. Gyle- powthresting sake —| spate ear ote . Glands jseprate | erat pore [heuer,procenor 1 Stomatol - stm iene lennothoras Hep P-phoresis— foearing. Jelecrophorss fy Scbacemuil- at eee ——— em a 2 ipocrine broneho |r phoxphavio [poopie 4 cine rene Vronchiokecass | | D. Nails = Vipercapnia top, oece conve | 2 Nalbody epiglotio—[epipiotis Janos mani 3 Natnot ial, tia —|aposh, babble aa Terms _| DEFINITIONS | WORDS i — ie as ‘men acamive [ory spiny lacanthoma Were” | ase ins Nephote actino [ray sation ct mead trom/s [bromine conn bromodrma Baie abe | ng empound imediastino | mediastinum sel 2 inogi- |e , Lt bur, burning | csalio mas pose msc! cj thrombi elt tombs — ohrombocasio= es tie armen, tee = coloration lor mp ctenta [Beod sake [normowcloni coke chromonvcasisfoxphresdo, face of sel, fompireiometor nid Jerse “expires kn fox, xin 5 ined wins orecopeges =| i A; Characteristics a pe ——— (aeeieaeat TC tine aaeascina ihe [erythemio — | use, ronan pha, -pasa |specch Lirsphasia poo Node ne fecharie scab eno sop 3, Hormones ffet_gromthidevclonment, I graphia [wring re en cee alge ae oc eave [en fie |e pica |B. Endocrine Glands ehthyio Tih leer’ [leurs jest. Piuiary iodo odie prea [oath [trache’o—_[iachex A. Characteristics 2 Involunarynenstrited 2, Associated Structures 1 Eyebrows Eyehis © Lacrimal apparans ony labyrinth-semicitoular canals/vestibae ‘raumatio | trauma, injury, | raumatopnea wound A. Lymphatic System a are Neyo nin ity a clea, watery id bs formed rom interial Quid 2. Lymphatic Vessels valves 4X. Lymphatic Organs Tonle i tain i eo team, tou alie 3. Elasticity B. Ear ‘pharyngeal 4 Extensibility i ieee li ea ae B. Types arte oh Nodes - common ee eee aes a i i Ei paved i heme 2. igi hse © Naming 2 Aaitoryestacian be oe eee asian t Rese nica natcthags 2. Smooth ee 3. Inner i nis B. Immune System i. Non-specie response - skin, inflammation, &, Locmed i walls flow organs coches phages 3. Cal rained TERMS DEFINITIONS _|WoRDS a '. Found in the boar couse hearing facousia ‘aural (ative passive) j scone [hesring, od eran ii antici (actve passive ee — lene eee b amody-medated fmmuhy | permmons_{woros en © colaetand imemy | ler Jaurcuioremporal [f remms DEFINITIONS |WoRDS ae 77 sdenodlo——[sdensids adenoids odertion eocties jean all oer, difirem—Jalotanin ese conjunc [oogenesis isonet —etotacin [wer — pee vera si mel etl faci ee Jorneosclers fede swing ie, [bearing ———[pretpesis_— I -Smpranis | oppuge, penny a etary oly, feeldiatss soeracon idea, mental jeirewler___| _limmanio protection, immunogenic fear mune ages Tinesve, ny |soubie | inguinto |proin {inguin Kies Aine oie Yingrdiopharic fen ples liromaiacia ile ooh ins [rdemia Iymphie yeh [imphangiophic. —_——— ers, amy ertomalana ta ae | eae oo ot nar ct ail dct acrinrom I penia | dtciney —ompocopot esc whites ofthe ys ogadectomy pert ead ye, myo [muss exxinm | =: [eae — rl pao si mar alla, pall- —recuronoe, eo esh |teuptosarcaes — rpeiion puteicion —fowtgpas pow ates ion len ‘abo Irod soa few eunophc teabdomy | criedeaad sr oo aa eye — — rota eiavo tum, evo ese “Tri ple |iponecpy Bais sanding sl, en i score Es ul ia ‘vaccine [vaccine Jvaccinogencus ry 3 ssawss:srsaszasar ogra omc i | | | | A | sess Eel

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