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Prior education requirements Master of Business Administration

As an applicant for the Master of Business Administration you need to provide evidence that you
meet the prior education requirements for the program by filling out this document and uploading it
in your online application file together with the course descriptions.

Personal data
First Name:

Last Name:


Prior education:

Title of degree University Total number of

(ECTS) credits

Acquired competences in the required domains

Domain Courses successfully completed by the applicant

 Microeconomics
 Macroeconomics

Quantitative methods
 Math (linear algebra)
 Statistics
 Research Methods

 Marketing
 Consumer Behavior
 Management Accounting
 Strategic Management
 Operational Management
 Corporate Finance
 Personnel and Organization
 Principles of Taxation
 Supply Chain Management
 Financial Statement Analysis
 ICT Management
 Multinationals and European

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