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TOPICS TO BE COVERED @ > Complete Chapter i Dh roger es Hyde = log? @ eae oS oy (Ue ils ) * tis the lightest element and lightest gas in the periodic Table. @ * Its position is not fixed till now it can be placed in 1 as well as 17" group. * Its Nucleus do not contain neutron=d/oy iva ) “ . ) * Ithave three isotope. Namely Protium(H), Deuterium(D), Tritium(T). © Tritium (7) is radioactive and emits particles. i, d (DT wil seb 0 14055, pum, (8B p, Gund (avy eF * Protium (H) is the main Isotope having 99.9! Dihydro Method of se Preparation of Dihydrogen (a) From Acid : @ adil H.SQ,-> 2080+ +4 28736 af 3h at o@ Feral 0, > FeSO, +H,7 (b) From Base : Only amphoteric metal lik Be, Al, Zn, Sn, Pb’ lives H, on reaction with NaOH Zn +2.NaOH > Na,Zn0, +H, A (aq) 2! 2 (Sodium’Zincate) alt NaOH +2H,0-» 2NaAlO, + 3H,? (Sodium meta aluminate) Al+ bo+ reo) 4’ AX ie e Alls J* oo LY al sad ef Zn t Wot aon A TN a ae Dae” yt oW Wat OW cn | Gy) OT Nily [2 (oH \y) Sadj we Zonoh yf itl Ny? iy (30d wa inl ea ule) a wt pail (a) Electrolysis of acidified water : i Electrolysis We Gin 0 Haat) Traces of acid/base ah (eh pe : L Cato Fadl Qudt © ‘Ag. Ba(OH), Electrolysis (Warm) Electrode-Ni ae My Bah), >99.95% pure H, Badal te (b) From Hydrocarbon : 1270K CH, +H,0 a et i (od, Coal-gasificati w Re) : Sem Ginn BEE ag) Pay el a eae ee: 15 Used fo ye, Padactin fy gud lyr HO : catalyst 00, 1) t Properties of Dihydrogen : (B) ®@ (A) Physical properties Colourless, Odourless, Tasteless, Combustible gas. Itis lighter than air and insoluble in water. (B) Chemical properties ® (i) Reaction with halogens ' + y UX (ne, nd, Her.) (ii) Reaction with dioxygen ‘ H+ — 40 (highly Gotham RX) (iii) Reaction with dinitrogen Ng +3ty (iv) Reactions with ekali-metals) ae is Lin, nat) ayy — LM Mh a whew usaf i # rasp at " 2, (ashes process ) Use of Hydrogen : S In the synthesis of ammonia! hinges Vana In the manufacture of vanaspati fat. Varanps 0 Nir” a In manufacture of metal hydrides. il In the reduction of metal oxide. (Metallurgical process) 40 ne Mt hyo In gas welding. (RA) Used as a rocket fuel.“ Better fuel in a a and other fuels because is does not vvvvvvv produce any pollution, Motel [ Nor med hh, Hydrides 8 Topic Cava Tnkensti fs Vidindds Hyde ® Tonic Hydrides aa Forme by S-lolod< Motul: = (Tynicdin nadia UH, Maly Bela, ° VY Covalant in motu ‘o Cod ri cc Hh § cubits Volos shh eh i Liq Nay KA ene ANY Sone’ woh (of ) Covalent iy fa b-block elemonts. yt TOT ee € doficrent € precise cae * th ye iy (S718 real ‘ mee -CMy Ng » Hye | ME hk = Sify tk pr, Hs We z Bis a —Aekohudrod ck : pene C Pan aiceptors ial Lpasiwr spe lewis Aci Acid, is asi in 9 @ ~ Farnad by af bck moles = Hydragen is trapped Lato : Sea space present ble 33 “atin he 8 ose Kars — gh 7, B14 A ot arm Hy, Kan @ Mydride oe — in oh gap tly CH foxmshride and H, gas is formed. It is known as 3} Producer gas Industrial gas Dihydrogen can be prepared on commercial scale by different methods. In its preparation by the action of steam on nese a mixture of CO a Water "A i lr 2] Syngas ® ? The gas used in the hydrogenation of oil in presence of nickel as a catalyst \ is: methane ethane iy ozone ¥ drogen Which of the following statement is not true for 1H,, 1H,, 1H, respectively - i HoT SY ; They are istopes of each other They have similar electronic configure JS OW exist in the nature in the ratio 1:2: 3X Their atomic masses are in the ratio 1: 2:3 af a Nec is move sass Gey [Via ha aA - Do Physical properties Molecular mass “MP. - BP. Density Viscosity oH vaporization Bond strength Dielectric constant v werd medi +o Sepadake vy Ait chunicd. prapottes beter — @ © Autoprtelyts Iho Hi ee ot Hot a Cong nj px A wud B en r crs ee easmeinaeieies) Oop ae af ee 0 + N43 —> Nhy OH a O=n NH ; (Bond pdcoay) ee +s yng tier 0-5-4 Ly | Buy Vireo © Mglralestounation 8 @ Goordinated Wydrates-» 'y0 preset in Farm 4 Cds, 61,0 Cy io), JOla = Bonded Volralas Ke 6 L; plueviid, Cusoy hg 0 o Ts yeBonded Trfershtiel tydralee Aye ts H-Bo Y ial t go pureed Iplin “terstitel. Space Bully M4? CE ata gutci nme © 4 Sdulple dole impunies 4 Ca & My Hades “eng Hains Peanehont Haha dial Cl & at cy gn Co te 6 W by Boiling: afi 2 ad de Meg Hy ts jo ths nm mth 0 (Ks) (2) _Claks Process _ @ 6 Using ColOMJy Ca (He04)2 + CoOM2—9 BEST Ih He) A li ie OWE ular, yt cox OM Su © Peamanat Havers Nowe 8 O by using ashing Sodq (Alyy 10%,0.) — qth NaC] Calle + NegCOs —4 Ory fs i nl = Mt w abe a, : CqSdy+ Naya, Nig + AO" i 4 Nac, ; M us by ing napa lear roi H3P0y PA ire he [ia Rey) ant Meta Pe Dr egeed Gane ny 8 (+=4j14) = os aner Nae P% % —[Na,Pon]} + © (Zeal ratted (pert to [Ton exhronge ran Mod fea aD Wliccks Naf Sn] Type Zeolite. Repent dy ter Net Mh wrati \M=Calt ) i MC, © Septretc Resin vebod @ RM3K RS0gH + Nal — RNa This is used bo Aemve ot + RNa—s Ay + aa et) a, ) pyc sf his Meth Corsbe Used fo Prepade deruinerstged vont @ "tie a — Acidiesi aa ir a yty Bue Rene Busse Ronn Aton, . (step) le! er? aq) 1,0 Et id. Step T) By Using atid Resin ih fae he Mix” +.RH a RMT HX: (aq) a) Resin un) SEE yi wml th 1598 capa ® Rein > : VM tno RA MA t RWI K + woah 7 RIVAAON Nax HYDROGEN PEROXIDE (H,0,) : 9 dihedral @ STRUCTURE OF HYDROGEN Rn Habe did «Ng G4) It has half open book like structure. o_——_ It has Non Planar Structure. Both OH are in different Plane. (a) Gas Phase (b) Solid Phase HO bond length = 95 pm HO bond length =(08.8 pm] 0-0 Bond length = 147.5 pm 0-0 bond length = 145.8 pm —_———— o osm "Ny Hout vo Hog (sai M (Jas) A or) Hea pMyle 2) -p pL Hela) 4 Ms (0 . Method of Preparation : @ (i) Acidifying barium peroxide and removing excess water by evaporation under reduced pressure BaO,. 8H,0 (s) + (aq.)H,SO, > BaSO,(s) + H,0,(aq.) + H,0 \ cee og nf 5 it (ii) eam Process; (alec g soy ) + ante AtCathode. 2H +2e 3,1) Brie ghad ion AtAnode — 2HS0;- ae ae 1540 i yb Kid H8,0,4H,0-> By S0yt Hyg < 0 i = i iG 7 | vghy 0 yy 0 (iii) Industrially it is prepared by the autooxidation of 2- atanteaunes \ ane : aa @ alkulardhrag wanont 2 get . 4 we Physical Properties : @ (i) Colourless, Odourless liquid and impure with bluish layer. Y (ii) Ithas more extent of hydrogen bonding than H,O Ff (ii) Itisa dibasic wid f hy (iv) _ Ithas Oxidising as well as reducing Property. v ee y yn (v) _H,0, easily decomposes in presence of metal surfaces , alkali traces (glass bottesisunight and temperature, so H,0, always kept in dark wax coated plastic bottles and kept at cool places. (vi) 30% Solution of H,0, is called perhydrol. Chemical Properties : @ Oxidising and Reducing behaviour of H,0, : Recdachnr, aA 4 : ms ~2 Ho + oA % Hoy + RAS Kyo (Ra) oA Fe oridyse pinged its Vo C400 Oxidising Behaviour rs Reducing Behaviour 4 y Ds @ Fee /Ht fet igS 8 tg? USES OF HYDROGEN PEROXIDE : ® * It Used as Bleaching agent. * Used as antiseptic * H, 0, +N,H, used as Rocket fuel * Hair Dying Physical Properties : (a) Nearly all the Physical constants are higher than the corresponding values of water.G¢ept dielect vic Constanf (b) More association between molecules of(0,0)s compare to ordinary water 2,0 ( D0 (c) Used as moderator in nuclear reactors. a = Chemical Properties : 0 D,0 is chemically similar to H,0. But D,O reacts more slowly than H,0. Ww i Beatie ainsi c's i 60 yf, O-> Bord

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