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Project Profile
Project Background
Outline of Five-Year Plan indicates that we shall accelerate the development of new energy,
promote cleaning and efficient use of traditional energy, adjust energy consumption structure and
increase the ratio of non-fossil energy. The Ministry of Agriculture vigorously promotes the
development of bio-natural gas production and application to improve environmental quality in the
meeting for “Highlighting Ten Key Jobs and Promoting Top Ten Practical Technologies

1.1.2 Project Construction Address

Project construction site is north wollo Mersa city 04 Keble
Project Composition
Table 1 List of Project Composition and Project Contents
No. Project Contents
1 Main project 2 gas filling awnings (1 for LNG and CNG respectively)
2 Station building, process unit area, etc.
Water supply: The water for project is supplied by the water supply
Water drainage: The washing wastewater of staff and workers is drained
into settling pond, used for greening, splashing and dust suppression in
3 Public works the gas station area . Set up an anti-seepage dry latrine which shall be
cleared out regularly,
Power supply:. Set up power distribution room in the station.
Heat supply and refrigeration: Staff and workers adopt independent air
conditioner for heating in winter and refrigeration in summer.
5 l protection Basic vibration reduction measures, exhaust gas recovery unit

Environmental standards
2.1.1 Ambient Air
The project is located in urban area with good regional ambient air. The functional zone of its
regional ambient air belongs to Category II, and meets the Level II standard of Ambient Air Quality
2.1.2 Groundwater Environment
Regional groundwater with good water quality gives priority to domestic drinking water and
industrial & agricultural water, and meets the Category III Standard of Quality Standard for Ground
2.1.3 Noise
There are no industrial activities in the village where the project is located. The Category II
acoustic environment functional zone meets the Category II standard of Environmental Quality
Standard for Noise (GB3096-2008), and south boundary meets the Category 4a functional zone
standard of Environmental Quality Standard for Noise (GB3096-2008).
2.3.4 Solid Waste
Disposal of solid waste implements Standard for Pollution Control on the Storage and Disposal
Site for General Industrial Solid Wastes (GB18599-2001) and its modification list.

Environmental Sensitive Points and Environmental Protection Goals

3.1 Environmental Sensitive Points and Protection Goals

The project site is --------------- County and By means of the project’s site survey and relevant
technical data analysis, there is no environmental sensitive goals needing special attention. See the
following table about the project’s environmental protection goals:

Environmental Pollution Factor

Main Pollution Process during Construction Period:
 Noise: Construction machinery, equipment noise and traffic noise during
construction .
 Construction dust: Material storage, loading/unloading of building materials and
exit/entry of transportation vehicles during construction period will cause flowing
dust pollution and will be emitted in the form of unorganized
 Waste water: Waste water of cleaning transportation vehicles and domestic
wastewater of constructors.
 Solid wastes: Solid wastes from the construction of the project are mainly the
building wastes from structural construction and decoration, and domestic garbage
from life of constructors.

Main Pollution Process during Operation Period:

1. Exhaust gas: The project’s exhaust gas is mainly unorganized exhaust dissipated from gas
filling station. During normal operation of gas filling station, a little CNG and LNG are emitted in
the form of in organization. The project is calculated based on non-methane hydrocarbon and
hydrogen sulfide. Its emission way is accidental instantaneous cold discharge. The emission source
is from gas dispenser, gas filling column and bleeder.
2. Waste water: After completion of the project, waste water is mainly washing wastewater of
staff and workers.
3. Noise: After completion of the project, noise source is mechanical noise from equipment and
traffic noise from vehicle entering and exiting the station.
4. Solid wastes: After completion of the project, solid wastes are mainly domestic garbage of

staff and workers.
Generation of Main Pollutants of Project and Expected Emission

Concentration Emission
Contents Emission Name of
before Treatment Concentration and
Type Source (No.) Pollutant
and Yield (unit) Emission Load
Each transfer H2S Unorganized ≤0.06mg/m3
process of gas
pollutant Non-methane
filling area In organization ≤4.0mg/m3
s hydrocarbon

Volume of
Washing COD 200mg/L,0.023t/a
wastewater of BOD5 180mg/L,0.021/a 0t/a
staff and workers SS 150mg/L,0.017t/a
Solid Life of staff and Domestic
0/a 0t/a
wastes workers garbage
After completion of the project, noise is mainly mechanical noise from
compressor and gas dispenser and traffic noise from vehicle entering and exiting
Noise the station. Sound level value is 60-70dB(A). After taking basic vibration
reduction measures and range attenuation, the noise contribution value in factory
is not more than 50dB(A).

Others None

Mitigation Measures of Project’s Environmental Impact

Table 10 Planned Controlling Measures of the Construction Project and Expected
Governance Effect
Emission Name of Controlling Expected Governance
Source (No.) Pollutant Measures Effect
Atmospheric pollutant

Meet the requirements of

Level II expansion and
H2S reconstruction standards of
Emission Standards for Odor
Unorganized Pollutants (GB14554-93)
Gas filling area
emission Meet the limiting value
Non- standard of table 2 of
methane Integrated Emission
hydrocarbon Standard of Air Pollutants
Water Pollutants Solid wastes

Discharged into the

settling pond, its
Life office of supernate is used for
Ammonia Not discharged
employees greening, splashing
and dust suppression
in the gas station
Cleaned and
transported by local
Life office of Domestic sanitation
Reasonable disposal
employees garbage department, and
dumped into
domestic waste
sanitary landfill site

After completion of the project, the noise is manly mechanical noise from
compressor and gas dispenser and traffic noise from vehicles. Strong noise source is
60 ~ 70dB(A). Set up noise governance such as basic vibration reduction, and go
through range attenuation.


Ecological Protection Measures and Expected Effect
The project belongs to new project. There are no environmental sensitive areas such as rare
species and natural reserves in the site. So, the biodiversity is not influenced. After the project is
completed and used, greening of local conditions of surrounding factories, two sides of road and
factory boundary may play a certain role in compensating surrounding ecological environment of
the factory. For the whole evaluation area, there is less ecological environmental impact arising
from construction and operation of the project.

Mitigation Measures
Environmental Safety Risk Identification
According to the Identification of Major Hazard Installations , it can be seen that the main
dangerous substances in this project are car oil , natural gas fuel gas, all of which are flammable
substances. Their main components are methane, basically non-toxic to humans; but when the
concentration is too high, the oxygen content in the air will reduce significantly and make people
suffocate. When the methane concentration reaches 25%~30% in the air, it may cause headache,
fatigue, accelerated respiration and rapid heartbeat. If people do not escape from the environment
immediately, people may suffocate and die. The natural gas is flammable and may form explosive
mixture with air, and has the danger of combustion explosion when contacting with heat and open
fire. After the natural gas leaks, it diffuses into the air and mixes with the air to form an air mass.
When the concentration of the air mass reaches the explosion limit, a steam cloud explosion occurs
in the open flame. The heavier gas than the air easily stays in the low-lying areas such as the earth's
surface and the ditch, and causes fire or explosion at unexpected areas in case of open fire.

Identify major hazards according to the Identification of Major Hazard Installations for
Dangerous Chemicals (GB18218-2009) and see Table 11 for the identification results.

Table 11 Major hazard identification table

Judgment criteria that there is
Item SN. Remarks
constitute a major hazard major
The total gas storage
capacity of the plant in this
project is 126 m3, and the
Flammabl Critical quantity of flammable
1 No maximum reserves of
e Gas gas storage ≥10T
biomass natural gas is about
50T, which constitutes a
major hazard source
Three kinds of pressure
vessels with medium toxicity
1 No No such pressure vessels
Pressure degree of extreme, high or
vessel moderate hazard
Flammable medium, Pressure vessels (group) with
2 No
maximum working pressure PV<100MPa/m³ and does

Judgment criteria that there is
Item SN. Remarks
constitute a major hazard major
of ≥0.1MPa and pressure
vessels (group) with not constitute a major hazard
According to the analysis in Table 13, it can be seen that the gas storage units in this project
constitute a major hazard source.

5.2 Risk Source Analysis

Under normal working conditions of the natural gas station, there is no exhaust emission; if the
valve or switch of the gas storage tank is not well controlled, it may cause leakage accident. Due to
the high pressure state in the tank, the gas may leak quickly and may cause fire or explosion
accidents in case of open fire. The probability of such fire and explosion accidents is less than 1×10 -
and belongs to the type of risk accident rarely happens; the gas in the compressor piping is high-
pressure gas. If the switch of the compressor is not well controlled, it may easily cause leakage
accident or even explosion accidents in case of open fire; however, if the switch is well controlled,
small amount of gas leaked may not cause explosion accident. Also, the gas may leaks in the
process of pipeline transportation due to pipeline breaking; but the pipeline pressure is small, it may
not easily cause explosion and other accidents if found and controlled in time and if the amount is
small. Based on a comprehensive analysis, it is determined that the maximum credible accident of
environmental risks in the project is a fire and explosion accident of compressed gas.

5.3 Environmental Impact Analysis of Risk Accident

Deflagration (that is, burning and explosion) is the most important accident in the natural gas
station, and gas leakage is the main reason of explosion and combustion of the natural gas station.
The main hazards of fire explosion of gas leakage are mainly the shock wave and other
consequences caused by the heat radiation and explosion caused by the fireball. During the fire
hazards, it affects the surrounding environment through radiation; if the radiation is large enough, it
may lead to combustion of other flammable objects. The sudden release of energy during the
explosion causes a destructive shock wave to the atmosphere, which had a great impact on the

The gas leakage accident may cause the following impacts:

① In case of gas leakage of the project, when the methane content in the air reaches
25%~30%, it may cause discomfort of human or even death from hypoxia and asphyxia.
② When the gas concentration reaches the explosion limit, it may explore in case of heat
source or open fire and the heat radiation of jet flame may cause burns or death. Fire and explosion
may cause buildings and equipment to collapse and scatter, causing further expansion of the fire.
Flames spread very fast and the fire is more difficult to control.
③ The immediate impact of the accident is to cause casualties, property damage and, in

addition, a more serious impact on the regional environment. For leakage of natural gas, the
hydrogen sulfide gas enters directly into the atmosphere, resulting in atmospheric pollution. In the
event of an explosion or a fire, the combustion of dust and particulates will adversely affect the
atmospheric environment in the area, resulting in a decrease in the ambient air quality in the area
and difficult recovery in a short period of time. After the accident, the destruction of natural gas
station will obviously damage the environment of the area. After the fire accident, the waste water
from fire extinguishing will have an impact on surface water and groundwater.

Environmental Risk Precautionary Measures and Contingency Plan

Although there is a risk of gas leakage and fire and explosion accidents, the project is designed
and constructed in strict accordance with the relevant design specifications, and risk prevention and
control are strengthened. It has established emergency response measures and plans for accident
risks, so as to minimize the risk occurrence probability and its damage. After taking various safety
measures, the risk of fire and explosion in storage tanks and gas filling areas will be reduced to a
lesser extent. In order to prevent and reduce the risk of accidents, this EIA proposes accident
prevention measures from all aspects. The content mainly refers to the main countermeasures,
suggestions and conclusions of the safety evaluation report.

Table 12 List of Risk Prevention Measures

Period Type of Risk Prevention and Mitigation Measures n
1. Reasonable arrangement of equipment
facilities in gas filling station makes the gas
filling operation area and subarea of auxiliary
service area meet the requirements of standard.
2. Fail to define the position of centralized
bleeder in planned plane layout. During
preliminary design, confirm its position, and Design
Design ensure that the safety distance between bleeder organization,
Plane layout
stage and facilities in station and building facilities out building
station meets the requirements of standard. organization
3. Set up explosion-proof stopping at the side of
inlet/outlet of trailer storage tank or at the
facilities out station or building facilities in
station. The explosion-proof stopping can be
built with enclosure, but shall meet the
provisions of standard.
Constructio Construction 1. Implement the work safety policies of “Safety Construction
n period accident First, Prevention First and Comprehensive organization
2. Constructors shall abide by three disciplines
strictly: wear safety helmet into site, wear safety
belt for high-altitude operation, and prohibit the
objects falling from high altitude.
3. Choose qualified construction machinery
(tools) during construction.

4. Due to large transportation volume and busy

traffic of surrounding roads during construction,
the construction organization shall give full
consideration to the transportation’s impact on
construction progress and safety, set up the safety
signs and arrange working hours and working
task reasonably.
5. Install lighting facilities for night construction
or in the place with bad light on the construction
6. Inspect kinds of mechanical equipment
regularly, discover problems and solve them in
time. Obey the operation regulations during use
of mechanical equipment, reduce misoperation to

Period Type of Risk Prevention and Mitigation Measures n
prevent mechanical injury. In addition, the safety
protection equipment of kinds of mechanical
equipment shall be flexible and effective.
7. Do a good job in firefighting on site, and equip
with necessary fire fighting equipment.
8. Strengthen safety education of constructors,
and especially enhance training of new workers
and rural migrant workers who never participate
in construction. If there are different construction
organizations on the construction site, emphasize
mutual cooperation and communication so as to
do well in construction safety work in step.
9. Strengthen construction supervision and
qualification control of construction organization.
10. Strengthen the preparation and examination
management of construction organization design,
and safety management of test run stage.
11. Reduce three-dimensional crossover
operation during construction.
12. During construction of the project, the
building organization, reconnaissance
organization, design organization, construction
organization, project supervision organization
and other organizations relating to safety
production of the construction project must abide
by the provisions of safety production laws and
regulations, guarantee safety production of the
construction project, and undertake their own
safety production responsibilities for the
construction project.
Construction 1. Strictly control the procurement of raw Construction
quality materials and do not allow the incoming of organization
unqualified products.
2. Select units with rich experience for
construction and excellent third-party for
powerful supervision of the construction quality
to reduce the mis operation of construction;
3. Construct in strict accordance with the
construction specification to forbid rough and
rude construction.
4. Strengthen the quality detection of pipeline.
Conduct water pressure test to exclude more

Period Type of Risk Prevention and Mitigation Measures n
defects existing in the interface and base metals,
thereby increasing the safety of the pipeline;
5. Establish the construction quality assurance
system, improve the level of construction
inspection personnel, and enhance the inspection
6. Formulate strict rules and regulations to
correct defects and make records when finding
Operation natural gas 1. Strictly abide by the relevant rules and Owner and
period regulations in the process of project operation, so design
as to better ensure the safety of project operation; organization
2. Strengthen the operation and maintenance
management; continuously improve operational
staff's operational quality and sense of
responsibility, so as to timely and accurately
handle accidents to prevent the accident from
3. Provide safety valve, emergency relief pipe,
pressure gauge and over-pressure alarm on the
intake manifold of gas storage cylinder unit.
Each gas storage cylinder export shall be
provided with globe valve.
The trailer cylinder unit shall be equipped with
safety protection measures on matching the in-
station process safety facilities;
4. It is suggested that lightning protection
facilities should be set in strict accordance with
the lightning protection design specifications in
the station area and lightning protection and anti-
static grounding facilities should be set in the
factory buildings.
5. Equipment and pipeline within the natural gas
station shall be provided with pressure measuring
points where pressurization, transportation and
storage are to be carried out. Safety vents shall be
provided to relieve the pressure of high pressure
gas when the pressure gauges are disassembled.
The pressure gauge range shall be 2 times of the
working pressure and the accuracy of pressure
gauge shall be no less than level 1.5;
6. Pressure gauges, safety valves, automatic fire

Period Type of Risk Prevention and Mitigation Measures n
alarm devices and flammable gas detection alarm
instrument belongs to the strong instrumentation.
Ensure that such instruments are tested on
schedule to ensure their sensitive and reliability
and establish complete records and inspection
7. The buffer tank, compressor outlet and gas
cylinders should be provided with safety valve
inside the natural gas station.
The setting of safety valve shall meet the
relevant regulations of Supervision Regulation on
Safety Technology for Stationary Pressure Vessel
(TSG R0004-2008);
8. Strengthen the whole process of management
for transformer equipment from the selection,
ordering, acceptance and commissioning and
clarify the full-time staff and their responsibilities
of transformer;
9. Keep clean of transformer case.
Maintain the conditions of various electrical
components and wires within the transformer, to
avoid short circuit and ignition of insulation
damage caused;
10. Ensure reliable grounding of neutral point of
transformer, to prevent the occurrence of over-
voltage breakdown of transformer;
11. Collision post (column) shall be set near the
natural gas dispenser;
12. Relief protection devices should be equipped
for gas pipelines and gas cylinders inside the
natural gas station, and pressure relief devices
should be fitted with anti-blocking and anti-
freezing measures;
13. The gas cylinder shall be fixed on the
independent bracket and stored horizontally;
14. The natural gas bleeder of natural gas station
shall be set according to different pressure levels.
The bleeder outlet shall be 2 m or higher above
the equipment platform and 5 m or higher above
the ground;
15. Formulate emergency measures and provide
emergency training for personnel.

Period Type of Risk Prevention and Mitigation Measures n
1. Strictly control the quality of the equipment
and its installation to prevent the running and
leakage of flammable and explosive materials,
strengthen management and processes and ensure
complete protection of safety facilities;
2. Prevent traffic crash hit the pipeline, gas
cylinder unit, filling device or other equipment;
3. Take appropriate measures after leakage:
Identify leakage points, cut off the relevant
valves, eliminate sources of leakage, and report
timely; in case of leakage, evacuate the relevant
personnel to the safety place;
4. Regularly carry out overhaul and maintenance
to maintain intact equipment conditions; during
overhaul, thoroughly clean and test toxic and
harmful substances concentration and oxygen
content, and operate only after passing detection;
during operation, wear articles for labor
Poisoning protection, specify guardian and implement
and emergency backup measures;
suffocation 5. There should be contingency plans and be sure
to properly wear anti-virus filters, oxygen
respirators and other labor protection supplies
during rescue;
6. Strengthen inspection and detection to check
whether the toxic and hazardous substances leak,
drip and overflow; educate and train employees
to master the toxicity of toxic substances,
methods of preventing poisoning and suffocation
and of first aid; and require employees to strictly
abide by various rules and regulations as well as
operation procedures;
7. Set up dangerous, toxic, suffocating signs; set
up emergency points, equipped with the
corresponding emergency medicine and
equipment; and train medical staff on poisoning,
suffocation, burning and other emergency
treatment capacity.

Pipeline 1. Regularly clean the piping to drain the water Owner

leakage and and dirt inside the piping;
explosion 2. Regularly conduct pressure test to the pipeline;

Period Type of Risk Prevention and Mitigation Measures n
if fails, timely find out the causes and provide
maintenance, to avoid methane leakage;
3. Check the pipeline safety protection system
every half year so that the pipeline can be safely
handled under over-pressure or under-pressure,
so as to minimize the harmful impact range;
4. Increase the frequency of line patrol and
improve the effectiveness of line patrol; check
the pipeline construction belt every day, check
the ground surface conditions, and pay attention
to the personnel activities in this area. If any
behavior affecting the pipeline safety is found,
corresponding measures will be taken
immediately and reported to the superior;
5. Define the scope of pipeline protection and
prohibit construction within the scope of pipeline
Leakage and 1、A physical enclosure is erected outside the air Design
explosion of storage tank; organization,
air storage 2、The fire extinguishers and fire hydrants shall construction
tank be provided in the factory, whose quantity shall organization
meet the fire control requirements;
The air storage tank is equipped with the
automatic fire alarm device and combustible gas
detection alarm instrument; make sure that they
are detected on schedule, sensitive and reliable
and establish complete archival records and
inspection records;
3 、 All pressure protectors shall be safe and
reliable, regularly inspected according to the
relevant provisions and the safety valve and
pressure gauge shall be regularly calibrated;
4、The production area and office area must be
separated and the fire separation must meet the
5 、 No smoking or kindling; people wearing
leather shoes with nail or vehicles without back-
fire relief valve are prohibited to enter the
flammable and explosive area;
6 、 Strictly implement the ignition certificate
system and strengthen the preventive actions; the
anti-explosive electrical equipment shall be used

Period Type of Risk Prevention and Mitigation Measures n
in the flammable and explosive places; knocking
and throwing the rigid tools are strictly
prohibited and do not use the sparkling tools;
erect the lightning protectors according to the
standard and regularly inspect them; strictly
implement the static measures;
7、Ensure the pump, valve, machine and pipeline
quality; the pressure vessel, pipeline and their
instruments shall be regularly inspected, detected
and maintained and their pressure shall be
regularly tested; the equipment and electrical
devices shall be installed according to the
standards and codes and regularly detected to
ensure that they are intact;
8、The thermal insulation and closing measures
shall be taken for the flammable, explosive and
volatile high temperature parts which are
scattered in the place;
9 、 Prohibit the operation and command against
rules and labor disciplines, strictly comply with
the process provisions, prevent change in the
process parameters, adhere to the inspection,
timely solve the problems if any, check whether
the breather valve, pressure gage, nitrogen seal,
safety valve, pipeline anti-corrosion, fire and
rescue facilities are intact; check whether the
tower, instrument, pipe and inlet valve have
leakage and the fire fighting access is unblocked;
during overhaul, carry out isolation, emptying
and ventilation and start the fire work under
10 、 Strengthen training, education and
assessment, frequently check whether there are
phenomena against rules or disciplines; prevent
escape, spill, drop or leakage of the flammable
and explosive materials;
11 、 Ensure that the fire facilities are complete
and intact;
12、Prepare an emergency plan;
Tank truck 1 、 Formulate the strict tank truck safety Owner, design
transportatio management guide workflow; organization,
n 2、Formulate the safety operating instructions of tank truck

Period Type of Risk Prevention and Mitigation Measures n
tank truck and definitely require the driver and
supercargo to work with certificate after training;
3、Conduct off-site inspection, inspection before
and after filling, midway inspection and
inspection after parking in the station for the tank
truck to ensure that it is safe any time and
remove the possible potential hazards;
driver and
4、The driver and supercargo are responsible for
the safety inspection of the transport cart and
daily safety inspection of the gas storage
cylinder, filling in the inspection handover sheet
and signing for confirmation;
5 、 The driver and supercargo shall be familiar
with the emergency handling measures for the
tank truck after emergencies occur.
Auxiliary 1、The selection of the power supply transformer Design
engineering of the project shall meet its electrical load organization,
requirements and the installation location of the construction
power supply transformer shall comply with the unit
standard provisions.
2、The information system of the gas station shall
use the wire threaded the steel tube wiring and
both ends of the protective steel tube shall be
3 、 The overvoltage (surge) protectors shall be
provided at the joints of the first and tail ends of
the system wiring of the gas station and the
electrical device;
4 、 The power supply and distribution system
employs the TN-S system; both ends of the cable
metal protective tube of the power system are
grounded and an overvoltage (surge) protector is
installed at the power supply terminal of the
power supply and distribution system.
5 、 The setting position and quantity of the
combustible gas alarm probe shall ensure that it
can cover the range to be protected. The set
height shall be no lower than 2m. The set value
of the combustible gas detector alarm (upper
limit) shall be less than or equal to 25% of the
lower explosion concentration limit of the
combustible gas (V%).

Period Type of Risk Prevention and Mitigation Measures n
(1) The main principals and production safety
management personnel of the project
organization shall receive safety training and get
the safety management certificate.
(2) The project organization shall provide the
operators with safety education and production
skill training to make them be familiar with the
relevant production safety rules and regulations
and safety operating instructions and confirm that
their capacities meet the post requirements.
(3) Before work, the newly employed workers
must receive factory-level, workshop-level and
shift-level safety training. Before new process,
technology, material, equipment and facility are
put into use, the relevant operators shall receive
special safety education and training. If the
operators restart work after post transfer or
leaving, they shall receive workshop-level and Construction
Staff training
shift-level safety education and training. After organization
passing the assessment, they can start to work.
(4) The operation management personnel must
be familiar with the methane process and
equipment, operation requirements and technical
indexes of the equipment. The operator must be
familiar with the operation requirements and
technical indexes of the facilities and equipment
of the post and understand the technological
process of the methane works.
( (5) Personnel who are engaged in the special
(equipment) operation shall get the special
(equipment) operation certificate before starting
to work.
(6) The construction organization shall pay
attention to developing the safety culture and
formulate the enterprise safety cultural
development planning outline.
Because the environmental risks are sudden and destructive, the practically effective measures
must be taken to prevent them. To strengthen the control and management is the most effective
method to eliminate, reduce and avoid them. The specific emergency plan is shown in Table below:
Table Emergency Plan for Emergency Accidents
SN Items Contents and requirements
Overview of hazard
1 There are leakage, fire and explosion risks on the site.
2 Emergency plan area Storage tank area and gas filling area
Gas filling station: Build an emergency accident rescue
3 command leading team to take charge of the accident control,
rescue and sequential management.
Emergency state
classification and According to the accident severity, define the accident level and
emergency response corresponding emergency classification response procedure
Emergency facility, equipment and material preventing the fire
Emergency facility, and explosion accidents, mainly including the fire equipment,
equipment and material anti-static clothing, self-contained positive pressure respirator,
protective goggles, etc.
Define the communication mode, notice mode and traffic
6 communication, notice
guarantee and control under emergencies
and traffic
Emergency The professional team is responsible for monitoring the
environmental accident site and evaluating the accident nature, parameters and
monitoring and after- consequences to provide the command department with
accident evaluation decision-making bases.
Accident site: Control the accident to prevent its expansion,
8 Emergency measures
spread and chain reaction
Evacuation Accident site: Evaluation organization plan and rescue of
organization plan, personnel on the accident site and nearby the device.
medical rescue and Area close to the accident: Evaluation organization plan and
public health rescue of personnel in the area affected by the accident
Define the emergency state termination procedure: Sequential
Emergency state
management of the accident site, recovery measures; removal
10 termination and
of the accident alarm and sequential recovery measures in the
recovery measures
close area
Personnel training and Usually arrange the personnel to have emergency rescue
drill training and drill
Public education and Provide public education and training and issue the relevant
information information in the area close to the station
Establish the special records of the emergency accidents,
13 Records and reporting establish the archives and special reporting system and set up a
particular department for taking charge of the management
Prepare and form various attachment material related to the
14 Attachments
emergency accident

Suggestions on Measures for Major Technologies, Process and Devices, Equipment and

 Where equipment and piping in gas filling station are pressurized, transported and stored,
pressure measuring points shall be set and pressure relief vents shall be set for the relief
of high-pressure gas when the pressure gauges are disassembled. The range of pressure
gauge should be 2 times the working pressure, and the accuracy of pressure gauge should
not be less than 1.5.
 Bumping posts (columns) should be set near the gas dispenser.
Safety valves, emergency bleeder, pressure gauge and over-pressure alarm should be set on
the intake manifold of gas cylinder group. Stop valves should be set at the outlet of each gas tank.
The trailer gas cylinder group should be equipped with safety measures matching with the in-
process safety facilities in the station.
 Safety valves should be set for the buffer tank, compressor outlet and gas cylinder group
in the gas filling station in accordance with relevant provisions
 The natural gas pipes and gas cylinder group in the gas filling station should be set with
pressure relief devices by adopting anti-blocking and anti-freezing measures.
 in the gas filling station of the project belong to special equipment (pressure vessels),
and require relevant qualifications in the design, manufacturing, installation and use.
Thus, when selecting equipment, relevant personnel must check whether the
manufacturer has the qualification of manufacturing pressure vessels; when selecting
construction units, relevant personnel must check whether such construction units have
the qualification of installing pressure vessels and pipelines;
 The special equipment must go through the inspection of competent authority, and may
be used only after an inspection certificate is issued.
 Many safety valves, pressure gauges, etc. are used in the project. As the safety valves,
pressure gauges, etc. belong to mandatory testing devices according to national
regulations, they must go through the inspection of competent authority and may be
used only after an inspection certificate is issu
Suggestions on Measures for Supporting and Auxiliary Works
(1) The power supply transformer of the project should meet the load requirements, and should
be installed at proper locations according to the standards.
(2) The information system of the gas filling station should be equipped with wiring for steel

pipe. The wiring protects the two ends of steel pipe by grounding.
(3) Over-voltage (surge) protectors should be set at the head and end of wiring of information
system as well as the connection of electronic devices.
(4) TN-S system is adopted as the power supply and distribution system. The two ends of metal
protection tubes of cables of power supply system are grounded, and over-voltage (surge) protectors
are arranged at the power supply end of the power distribution system.
(5) The locations and quantity of probes of combustible gas alarms should be set at the height
of no less than 2m to cover the scope of protection. The alarm value (high limit) of combustible gas
detector should be set to be less than or equal to 25% of the lower limit of concentration of
combustible gas for explosion.

Environmental Management Plan

Environmental protection management of the construction project means that the project
implements and obeys national, provincial and municipal laws, regulations, policies and standards
relating to environmental protection during operation period, accepts environmental supervision of
environmental protection competent department, adjusts and formulates environmental protection
planning and goals, reduces adverse effect to the minimum extent, strengthens environmental
management of the project, timely regulates the project’s operation mode and environmental
protection measures so as to finally reach the purpose of protecting environment and obtain better
comprehensive benefits.
According to the requirements of national and Ethiopian Provincial laws and regulations relating
to environmental protection, set up full-time management organization and personnel, and
formulate the management system to be responsible for environmental management and
environmental protection during operation period. The project’s environmental management
organization is established in the project’s management department, in the charge of deputy to the
chief of technology of management department.
See table about environmental motioning plan.
Table 14 Environmental Monitoring Plan During Operation Period

Environmenta Monitoring Monitoring

Time Monitoring Point Monitoring Items
l Elements Frequency Organization
Operatio Exhaust gas Boundary of gas Non-methane Once half a Entrust the

station with
n Period filling station hydrocarbon, H2S year qualification

Public Consultation and Information Release

Public Consultation
This project’s public consultation adopts two modes, namely the mode of symposium and the
mode of door-to-door household survey and questionnaire. It is divided into two stages according to
the project’s requirements, namely the project preparation stage before final draft of outline of
environmental impact assessment, and after completion of draft of environmental impact
assessment report.


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