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Stock Analysis: (To be submitted on or before Session 10)

Assignment Title: Integrating Behavioral Finance and Technical Analysis in Stock
Objective: The objective of this assignment is to analyze a specific stock using a
combination of
behavioral finance and technical analysis to make informed investment decisions. You
will explore
how investor behavior and market psychology influence stock prices and how technical
can be used to identify potential trading opportunities.
Part 1: Behavioral Analysis
Choose a publicly-traded company and provide a brief overview of its business,
industry, and recent stock performance. Explain why you have selected this company
for analysis.
Conduct a review of literature on behavioral finance concepts such as herding behavior,
overreaction, underreaction, and market sentiment. Explore how these concepts impact
stock prices and the decision-making process of investors.
Analyze the behavioral factors that have influenced the stock price of the selected
company. Use real-world examples and case studies to support your analysis. Discuss
how investor sentiment and
psychological biases have played a role.
Evaluate the implications of investor behavior on the stock's valuation and future
Part 2: Technical Analysis
Introduce the fundamentals of technical analysis, including key concepts such as
moving averages,
support and resistance levels, MACD, RSI, and trendlines.
Apply technical analysis to the stock of the selected company. Create charts and graphs
illustrate price trends, support and resistance levels, and key technical indicators.
Analyze the
historical price movements and patterns.
Identify potential entry and exit points for trading or investing in the stock based on
your technical
Part 3: Integration and Investment Strategy
Integrate the findings from the behavioral analysis and technical analysis to form a
investment strategy for the selected stock. Explain how understanding investor behavior
complement technical analysis and vice versa.
Provide specific recommendations on whether to buy, hold, or sell the stock based on
analysis. Justify your recommendations with reference to the behavioral and technical
factors you
have discussed.
Submission Requirements:
Prepare a well-structured report that includes an introduction, behavioral analysis,
analysis, integration, investment strategy, and a conclusion.
Use proper citations and references to acknowledge your sources, both for behavioral
finance and
technical analysis components.
The report should be approximately 4000-4500 words.
Include charts, graphs, and visual aids to support your technical analysis.
Submit your assignment in a word format
Grading Criteria:
Your assignment will be evaluated based on the following criteria:
Depth and quality of the behavioral analysis, including the incorporation of real-world
and case studies.
Accuracy and effectiveness of the technical analysis, with clear charts and explanations.
Integration of behavioral and technical analysis to form a coherent investment strategy.
Clarity of writing and overall presentation.
The rationale behind investment recommendations.

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