Benzofuran Analogues of Baclofen - A New Class of Central and Peripheral GABA A-Receptor Antagonists

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European Journal of Pharmacology, 164 (1989) 361-364 361


EJP 20373

Short communication

Benzofuran analogues of baclofen: a new class of central

and peripheral GABA a-receptor antagonists
D a v i d I.B. K e r r 1,., J e n n i f e r O n g 1, G r a h a m A.R. J o h n s t o n 1, Pascal B e r t h e l o t 2
Michel D e b a e r t 2 a n d C l a u d e V a c c h e r 2
1 Department of Pharmacology, The University of Sydney, New South Wales 2006, Australia,
and 2 Laboratoires de Pharmacie Chimique et de Pharmacodynamie, Facultd de Pharmacie, 59045 Lille Cedex, France

Received 12 January 1989, accepted 21 March 1989

Two novel fl-(benzo[b]furan) analogues of baclofen (4-amino-3-benzo[b]furan-2-ylbutanoic acid, 9G, and 4-amino-
3-(5-methoxybenzo[b]furan-2-yl)butanoic acid, 9H) antagonised the baclofen-induced depression of twitch contrac-
tions in the guinea-pig isolated ileum (estimated apparent pA 2 3.9 and 4.1 respectively); both 9G and 9H also
antagonised in a dose-dependent manner the baclofen-induced reduction of repetitive paroxysmal discharges in rat
neo-cortical slice preparations maintained in Mg2+-free Krebs solution. These benzofurans evidently represents a new
class of GABAB-receptor antagonist.

GABA B receptor antagonists; Benzofuran-baclofen analogues; Baclofen; Ileum (guinea-pig); Neocortex (rat)

I. Introduction for distinguishing GABAB-receptor-mediated ac-

tions in the central nervous system (Dutar and
GABA receptors are now subdivided into Nicoll, 1988). In addition, we have recently seen
GABA A- and GABAB-subtypes with differing that alteration of the p-chlorophenyl on the r -
agonist and antagonist profiles. Of these, carbon of baclofen, as in fl-phenyl-GABA, can
GABAA-receptors have been well characterised result in a partial agonist/antagonist activity at
and are known to be involved in bicuculline-sensi- GABAB-receptors (Ong et al., 1987), and here
tive central inhibition, whereas GABAB-receptors report that two novel fl-(benzo[b]furan) analogues
and their functions are less well understood, al- of baclofen (Berthelot et al., 1987) are also
though baclofen is a specific agonist at these bi- antagonists at both central and peripheral
cuculline-insensitive receptors (Bowery et al., GABAB-receptors.
1981). So far, only phaclofen, the phosphono-ana-
logue of baclofen, and 2-OH-saclofen, a sulphonic
analogue, have been shown to be specific GABA ~- 2. Materials and methods
receptor antagonists, where 2-OH-saclofen is more
potent (Kerr et al., 1988) than phaclofen (Kerr et Rat cortical slice preparations were set up for
al., 1987), although the latter has been widely used recording spontaneous paroxysmal depolarisations
in Mg2+-free medium, according to the method
previously described (Kerr et al., 1988). Male
* To whom all correspondenceshould be addressed: Depart- Sprague-Dawley rats, 150-250 g, were decapitated,
ment of Pharmacology, The University of Sydney, New their brains rapidly removed and immersed for at
South Wales 2006, Australia. least 20 min in ice-cold Krebs solution oxygenated
0014-2999/89/$03.50 © 1989 ElsevierSciencePublishers B.V. (BiomedicalDivision)

with 95% Oz-5% C O 2. Coronal sections of cerebral ml organ baths containing modified Krebs-bi-
cortical slices, each approximately 500 /~m thick, carbonate solution gassed with a mixture of 95%
were prepared using a vibraslice microtome, and a O 2 and 5% CO 2 at 37°C, pH 7.4, as previously
radial wedge was cut from each side of the dorsal described (Ong and Kerr, 1983). The tissues were
mid-line to yield slices of cingulate cortex and initially placed under a resting tension of 1 g and
corpus callosum 1.5-2 mm wide. Using a method were allowed to equilibrate for 60 min in the bath.
adapted from H o m e et al. (1986), based on a Isometric contractions of the longitudinal muscle
grease-gap system (Wheatley, 1986), the neocorti- were measured by a Grass polygraph recorder. A
cal slices were placed between layers of absorbent pair of ring electrodes was used to deliver trans-
paper supported on an inclined block at room mural stimulation using pulses at 0.5 ms duration,
temperature, and arranged such that the corpus 0.1-0.2 Hz, and a just maximal voltage in the
callosum side was raised on to a non-polarizable isolated ileal preparations. Drugs were added at
recording wick electrode and surrounded with a 20-30 rain intervals, depending on the recovery of
paraffin grease barrier to provide insulation and the tissue responses to control level, and the
prevent tissue dessication, the reference electrode antagonists added at least 5-10 min before the
and earth being positioned adjacent to the tissue. agonist was challenged. Student's t-test for paired
The cortical slice was initially superfused with and unpaired samples was used to assess the sig-
Mg 2+ (1.3 mM)-containing Krebs medium nificance (P < 0.05) of differences between mean
delivered by a peristaltic pump at 1 ml per min values of the dose-response effects. The number of
and allowed to equilibrate for at least 1 h, after experiments performed was n = 8.
which the solution was switched to MgZ+-free Drugs used were baclofen (Ciba-Geigy), 2-
Krebs medium and left until paroxysmal dis- OH-saclofen (courtesy of Professor R.H. Prager,
charges developed, usually after a period of 30 Flinders University, South Australia), phaclofen
min. Drugs were then added to the Mg2+-free (courtesy of Dr. K. Mewett, University of Sydney),
medium and subsequently superfused over the grey acetylcholine chloride (Sigma), and both 9G and
matter of the slice for 5 min, usually at 30-60 min 9H were prepared as already described (Berthelot
intervals depending on the recovery of the et al., 1987).
responses to control level. Where antagonists were
tested, they were co-superfused with the agonist.
DC potentials between the cingulate cortex and 3. Results
the corpus callosum were monitored by Ag/AgC1
electrodes via agar/saline bridges and a high in- Repetitive cholinergic twitch contractions in
put impedance d.c. amplier, responses being dis- guinea-pig isolated ileal tissues are depressed by
played on a chart recorder. In this recording baclofen in a dose-dependent manner (Ong et al.,
arrangement, depolarising agents such as KC1 (5 1987). As seen in fig. la, the latter effect of
mM) or N-methyl-D-aspartate (10 /~M), when baclofen (5 /~M) was effectively antagonised by
superfused over the cortical slice, caused an up- compounds 9G and 9H (each at 0.5 raM; n = 8).
ward deflection, as did the spontaneous paro- The concentration of 9G and 9H employed in fig.
xysmal depolarisations in MgZ+-free medium. l a was the threshold for blocking the ECs0 of
Each experiment was repeated on six slices from baclofen (5 /~M), and both 9G and 9H at the
six different animals. The composition of the Krebs lower concentration of 0.25 mM only antagonised
medium used was identical with that previously baclofen (5 /~M) by 45%. Phaclofen (0.5 mM)
reported (Kerr et al., 1988). similarly antagonised baclofen (5 /~M) in two of
For the ileal preparations, male guinea-pigs the preparations also used with 9G and 9H,
(200-400 g) were stunned by a blow on the head whereas 2-OH-saclofen was effective at 50 ~tM.
and bled. Segments of distal ileum, 3-4 cm in An approximation of the pA 2 values for the two
length, and taken 2-3 cm from the ileo-caecal benzofurans was obtained using the 'single dose'
valve, were quickly removed and mounted in 20 method of Kosterlitz and Watt (1968), yielding an

OCH3 mediated through GABAB-receptors and sensitive

to 2-OH-saclofen (Kerr et al., 1988). In such pre-
parations, a concentration of baclofen (5/~M) can
be found that just halts the discharges (fig. lb,c),
and co-administration of compound 9G (0.5 mM;
fig lb) or of 9H (0.5 mM; fig. lc) effectively
9G 9H prevented this depressant action of baclofen (n =
6), whereas 2-OH-saclofen was effective at 50 # M
on the same slices (not shown). 9G was some
2.5-fold less potent than 9H in antagonising the
baclofen (5 /~M)-induced depression of the paro-
xysmal discharges, the threshold concentration of
9H being 0.2 m M whilst the threshold concentra-
b I rain 9G 9H , tion for 9G was 0.5 mM. However, neither com-
pound 9G nor 9H was effective at 0.1 m M in
preventing the depressive action of baclofen in
any of the slices tested.

4. Discussion
bac l
Previously, GABA~-antagonists have been de-
veloped by alterations of the acidic function of
baclofen, respectively to phosphonate in phaclo-
fen, and to sulphonate in 2-OH-saclofen. It was
thus not anticipated that compounds 9G and 9H,
50,uV bac [ which retain the carboxylate of the parent baclo-
5rnin fen, would be GABAB-receptor antagonists as
Fig. 1. Reversible antagonism of GABAB-receptor-mediated found here, although the related fl-phenyl-GABA
actions by benzofuran analogues of baclofen, 9G (4-amino-3-
is a partial agonist that exhibits some antagonism
benzo[b]furan-2-ylbutanoic acid) and 9H (4-amino-3-(5-
methoxybenzo[b]furan-2-yl)-butanoicacid). (a) Baclofen (bac; at these receptors (Ong et al., 1987); it is possible,
5 #M) depressed the ileal twitch response to transmural stimu- however, that the antagonism seen here is simi-
lation, antagonised by compounds 9G (0.5 mM) and 9H (0.5 larly due to partial agonist/antagonist actions in
mM) with recovery of the response to baclofen after washout compounds 9G and 9H, imparted by the aromatic
of the benzofuran derivatives (n = 8). (b) Paroxysmal dis-
nature of the benzofuran ring they contain. The
charges in the rat isolated neo-cortical slice mounted in Mg 2+-
free Krebs solution; baclofen (5/~M) inhibited the discharges, apparent pA 2 values, 3.9 and 4.1 obtained for 9G
antagonised by compound 9G (0.5 mM), with recovery of the and 9H, respectively, are close to that of phaclo-
baclofen effect after washout. (c) Similar discharges inhibited fen (apparent pA2 = 4.0), although the IC50 for
by baclofen (5 /LM) and antagonised by compound 9H (0.5 the latter in binding studies under conditions for
mM) showing recovery of the baclofen effect after washout
GABAB-receptor binding is 50 /~M (C.A. Drew,
(n = 6 for each).
personal communication), considerably higher
than for either 9G (18/~M) or 9H (5.6/~M) under
apparent pA z of 3.9 for 9G and 4.1 for 9H. Both similar conditions (Berthelot et al., 1987); we have
9G and 9H (0.5 mM, respectively) did not affect no explanation for this discrepancy. Nevertheless,
contractile responses to exogenous ACh (10 nM). the higher potency of 9H was also reflected in its
Baclofen also inhibits spontaneous paroxysmal lower threshold concentration for antagonising the
depolarisations in rat neo-cortical slices main- baclofen-induced depression of spontaneous
tained in Mg2+-free Krebs medium, an effect paroxysmal discharges in neocortical slice pre-

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Medical Research Council of Australia for financial support. 33, 266.
We also thank Professor R.H. Prager and Dr. K. Mewett for Ong, J. and D.I.B. Kerr, 1983, GABA A- and GABA a-
the gift of 2-hydroxy-saclofen and phaclofen, respectively. receptor-mediated modification of intestinal motility,
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