ESP Debate Topic 6 - Media

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Thank u, ladies and gentlemen,

we’re debating the resolution:

We, on the affirmative team, strongly support this resolution
negative team, strongly against
we’ll bring you … reasons: …………, ………….,

Firstly we believe that, đưa opinions thứ nhất theo side của mình, affirmative hoặc
In our opinion,

Because/ As /Since …xong đưa reasons + explainations

For example/ for instance… đưa evidence

Secondly (tương tự như ý 1)

1. Signpost
They talked about…
They mentioned about
2. Rephrase lại ý của team kia
The other team said …
They claimed that…
3. Negation + explain why
This is not true because/ as/since
It’s not always true that…
The statistic they gave is not necessary true…

Their example is not relevant as/because….

Their problem mentioned in their evidence can be easily solved….

Một số điểm có thể khai thác được từ evidence đội bạn cung cấp

Resolution 6: Should governments control the influence on and the

reach of media to the society?
Affirmative Governments should control the influence on and the reach of media to the society

Paraphrase 1 Governments should limit the extent of influence and social impact media has.

Paraphrase 2 The impact of media on society and its reach should be under government control.

Negative Governments should not control the influence on and the reach of media to the society

Paraphrase 1 Governments shouldn't limit how the media affects society or how far it reaches.

Paraphrase 2 Governments shouldn't impose restrictions on the media's social impact and influence.

Argumentation: AFFIRMATIVE
Argument 1A Protecting public interest ( lợi ích cộng đồng)

Explanation One reason why governments should control the influence on Critics of government control over
and the reach of media is that it can prevent the spread of fake
media argue that it can restrcit
news and misinformation.
With the rise of social media and digital platforms, anyone can freedom of expression and lead to
create and share information easily, and this has led to an censorship. ( sự kiểm duyệt dẫn
increase in the spread of false information. Governments can đến cấm phát hành)
intervene to regulate (điều chỉnh) the content that is
disseminated (đc phổ biến) through these channels to ensure if governments have the power to
that it is accurate and truthful regulate the content that is
disseminated through various
Evidence A notable example of this is during the COVID-19 pandemic,
media channels, they may use this
where there was a large number of misinformation and fake news
power to silence dissenting voices
about the virus. (quan điểm bất đồng) or unpopular
Governments had to step in to regulate the dissemination of opinions.
information and ensure that only accurate and reliable sources
were shared with the public. This intervention helped to prevent
the spread of incorrect information, which could have had
potentially harmful consequences for people's health.
Argument 2A Government control over media can protect vulnerable groups
from harmful and inappropriate content.
Critics argue that government
Explanation When media outlets are left completely unregulated, they may control over media can lead to a
expose vulnerable groups such as children to violent or sexually lack of diversity and plurality in the

material. media landscape.

Government intervention can help to ensure that children are not They worry that if governments

exposed to harmful content. have too much power to regulate

the kind of content that is
Evidence Many countries have laws that restrict access to certain kinds of disseminated through various

content, such as pornography, for minors. media channels, they may use this
power to promote their own agenda
These laws help to protect children from the harmful effects of
or interests, which could result in a
exposure to such material.
narrowing of the range of
And the government intervence can help to ensure that
perspectives available to the public.
inappropriate content is not disseminated to the wider
Argument 3A Maintaining National Security

Explanation In countries where national security is a concern, government These laws and regualtions can lead

control over media can help maintain national security interests. to a lack of transparency and

It can prevent the spread of false information or propaganda that accountability, which can lead to

can lead to unrest and violence. human rights violations.

Evidence Countries like China and North Korea have strict control over the
media to maintain national security interests

Argumentation: NEGATIVE
Argument 1B Violation of Free Speech

Explanation Governments controlling media can be seen as an

infringement on the freedom of speech and

expression, which is a basic human right. While freedom of speech is essential, it is not
Everyone has their own right to express their own absolute. Governments have a responsibility to
thoughts and opinions, as long as they don’t do ensure that information being disseminated
harm to others does not cause harm or incite violence. There
Evidence History has shown examples of how censorship by are already laws in place that regulate media
governments led to the suppression of important content such as hate speech, defamation, and
news and information. obscenity.
For example, during the Soviet era, one of the
causes of disbandment is the government
censorship (sự kiểm duyệt), when they controlled
all forms of media, including books, newspapers,
and television, resulting in a lack of information
and knowledge among the people.

Argument 2B Lack of diversity and creativity

2. Not all govenrments in the world have strict
control over the media, just in some country:
Explanation When the government controls media, it can use
China, Turkey, North Korea.
its power to suppress (đàn áp) dissenting (bất
3. Some other developed countries still allow for
đồng) voices or ideas that challenge the
independent media outlets to operate: USA,
govenrment’s current opinions.
Canada, Denmark, Sweden,…This can ensure
This can lead to an environment where only ideas
diversity in reporting and encourage creativity
that align with the government's agenda are
despite government regulations.
allowed to be expressed, resulting in a lack of
diversity and creativity

Evidence China - The Chinese government has strict control

over media outlets, with the Communist Party
(Đảng Cộng sản) controlling what news is
 As a result, the media landscape in China is
heavily censored(kiểm duyệt), and alternative
viewpoints are not allowed. This has resulted in a

lack of diversity in reporting and a media
environment that lacks creativity

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