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Department of Education &Training

Ho Chi Minh City Level: ELEMENTARY
Date of Test: Jan 61\ 2013

Time allowed: 90 minutes

SECTION I. Choose the word or phrase that best completes the sentence.

1. This gives you an idea of the things that our company sells.
A. catalogue B. check list C. directory D. dictionary
2. There is a lot of new------------------in their flat.
A. object B. article C. tool D. furniture
3. Your bicycle and mine are...................They look exactly alike.
A. same B. identical C. similar D. indifferent
4. The students gave a(n) performance last night.
A. alive B. lively C. life D. living
5. My uncle retired three years ago, and now lives on his _
A. pension B. banking C. compensation D. salary
6. She's got two children, of whom live nearby.
A. none B all C. both D. each
7. I hope nobody will hurt _
A. himself B. themselves C. herself D. oneself
8. People normally their teeth twice a day.
A. breach B brush C. sweep D. tidy
9. Jean's husband is very .He can swim, play football and tennis.
A. wealthy B. intelligent C. athletic D. professional
10. Mike is very .You can see that he has a lot of friends.
A. rude B. strange C. sociable D. reserved
11. The on the flight were quite satisfied with the service.
A. audiences B. passengers C. spectators D. flight attendants
12. England is famous its exported tea
A. with B. at C.
for D.on

13. Are you happy the result?

A. up B. about C. for D. in

14. They'll be a three-week tour of Africa.

A. during B. for C. to D.on
0 Vi tA - 6/1/2013 0ELE
15. My father won't come home 6 p.m.
A. until B. In C. on
D. after
16. It's too noisy. Would you please turn the radio ?
A. up B. on C. off
D. out
17. A looks after your teeth if there is trouble.
A. doctor B. dentist C. patient D. nursery
18. Mark does not work hard, and _
A. I don't, too B. so do I C. neither I
D. I don't, either
19. She is a kind girl that everybody loves her.
A. such C. very D. too
20. When he was young, he in the army for 10 years.
A. was served B. used to serve C. serving D. has served

SECTION II. Choose the item (A, B, C, or D) that best completes each of the
unfinished statements or best answers the questions about the letter.
Bill Walker works for an Import-export company. Last Wednesday morning Bill
rang his office at nine o'clock. His boss, Mr Thompson, answered the phone. Bill told his
boss that he was ill and asked for a day off.
Mr Thompson likes Bill very much. At 12.30 he got into his car, drove to a shop
and bought some fruit for him. He went to Bill's flat and rang the doorbell. Bill's wife,
Susan answered the door. Mr Thompson did not see BIii because he wanted BIii to have
a good rest. He left and went back to the office.
At three o'clock in the afternoon, Mr Thompson locked his office door, and
switched on his portable television. He wanted to watch an important international
football match. It was England against Brazil. Both teams were playing well, but neither
team could score a goal. The crowd were cheering and booing. It was very exciting.
Then at 3.20, England scored from a penalty. Mr Thompson jumped out of his
chair. He was very excited. He was smiling happily when suddenly the cameraman
focused on the crowd. Mr Thompson's smile disappeared and he looked very angry. Bill
Walker's face was there on the screen. He didn't look ill, and he didn't sound ill. He was
smiling happily and cheering wildly!
21. Last Wednesday morning, Bill phoned his office to _
A. ask for a day off work B. talk about the coming football match
C. ask for his wage D. chat with his boss, Mr Thompson

oi Vi t A - 6/1/2013 2
22. According to the passage, isfond of football.
A. Mr Thompson and not Bill 8. Bill as well as Mr Thompson
C. Neither Bill nor Mr Thompson D. Bill and not Mr Thompson
23. It was match.
A. a boring B. a friendly
C. an exciting D. an English Premier League
24. England scored the first goal from _
A. a free kick B. a header C. a penalty D. an own goal
25. Mr Thompson was angry because
A. he spent too much money on fruit B. he couldn't watch the match with Bill
C. he lost his money in a bet D. Bill had lied to him

SECTION Ill. Read the following letter carefully. Choose the word (A, 8, C or D) that
best fits the blank spaces.
Homer, Marge, Bart, Lisa and Maggie Simpson are America's favorite family.
This program has been on television (26) 1989 and is now shown in 94
(27) countries. Children and adults alike are (28). to this cartoon
Why do people love this family so (29) ? Perhaps, it is because they
them. The Simpsons do things that (31) people do. For example,
at the (32) of each program, they all sit down to watch television.
Several famous people have been on (33). show, from singers and actors
to (34)
famous scientlsts (35) politicians. Professor Stephen Hawking
(36) Cambridge University is an example. He loved being on this show. But a
funny thing (37) atthe party held by the producers of The Simpsons:
the guests invited to the party (39) to dress like people in The
Slmpsons, but he went to the party (40)
0 ViGIJ\ - 6/1/2013

26. A. during B. by
27. A. same B. whole
28. A. attracted B. attract
29. A. more B. most
30. A. think B. dislike
31. A. much B. lot of
32. A. began B. beginning
33. A.a B. the
Stephen Hawking.

C. for D. since
C. strange D. different
C. to attract D. attracting
C. much D. many
C. understand D. scare
C. every D. many
C. beginner D. begin
C. these D. those

--···---··· •-·•-·------------
34. A. international C. global D. world
35. A. and B. with C.who D. but
36. A. from B. to C. for D. away
37. A. ran B.happened C. came D. got
38. A. all B. Whole C. full D.
39. A. might B. had C. must D.
40. A. with B.and C. as D. or


A.Write complete sentences, using the following sets of words and phrases.

41. They / used / play football / when / they / young II

42. The school/ build/ the French/ 90 years ago ti
43.My sister/ work I foreign company I three years II
44. It/ take/ her/ an hour/ cook/ dinner/ yesterday II
45. Tom I not like / rock music/ and neither / Peter II

8. Complete the unfinished sentence in such a way that it means the same as the
sentence printed before it.

46.Learning English is very popular now.

More andmore
47.He is a good pianist.
He plays
48. He was so excellent as a candidate that they offered him the job
immediately. He was such
49.She didn't participate in the competition.
She didn't take
50. Howard likes to play tennis.
Howard is keen
0S Vi t A - 6/1/2013 0ELE 4
Department of Education &Training Level: ELEMENTARY
Ho Chi Minh City Date of Test: April7'h, 2013
Time allowed: 90 minutes

SECTION I. Choose theword or phrase that best completes the sentence.

1. Mark works hard, and _

A. so does Paul B. neither does Paul C. so is Paul D. so Paul does, too
2. She is busy that it's hard to see her.
A. too B. so C. very 0. such
3. The President will make a speech when he to the Town Hall.
A. leaves B. reaches C. gets D. arrives
4. To keep ,you have to do exercise.
A. strong B. fit C. fat D. unhealthy
5. Don't worry about the dog - I can take good care it.
D. of
A. about B. for C. after
6. 'Can you keep it a secret?" •sure. •
A. You can. B. Where is it? C. I won't tell. D. Really?
7. Jerry's grandfather has gone to Paris September.
A by B. in C. on D. since
8. Don't wait for me. I won't come home 6 p.m.
A. until B. for C. at D. since
9. This helps you to look for telephone numbers.
A. directory B. list C. catalogue 0. dictionary
10. They all come the United Kingdom.
A. with B. to C. from D. for
11. They usually go a trip to the mountain in the summer.
A. on B. at C. from 0. into
12. • • •That's all right. I'll carry it.'
A. Your bag is really heavy B. What are youcarrying?
C. Were those your bags? D. This is the right bag.
13. Many people prefer the city because of its _
A. unemployment B. pollution C. entertainment D. rubbish
14. You can g6t a haircut at the _
A. greengrocer's B. barber's C. butcher's D. hairdryer's
15. The acrobats' performances at the were fantastic.
A. concert B. church C. disco D. Circus
16. Mr. Brown usually home late because of his work.
A. is coming B. comes C. has come D. will come

E>! Viit A - 7/4/2013

17. Jean's husband plays football in his time.
A. full B. part C. leisure D. all
18. Mr Taylor is sick now; that's why he smoke or drink.
A. may not B. needn't C. mustn't D. used not to
19. My mother the shopping at weekends.
A. goes B. changes C. does D. makes
20. After she • got a job.
from university she
A. was graduating B. was graduated C. would graduate D. graduated

SECTION II. Choose the item (A, B, C, or DJ that best completes each of the
unfinished statements or best answers the questions about the le'tter.
Mrs. Sand was having a lot of trouble with her skin, so she went to her doctor
about ii. However the doctor could not find anything wrong with her, so he sent her to
the local hospital for some tests. The hospital, of course, sent the results of the tests
direct to Mrs. Sand's doctor, and the next morning he telephoned her to give her a list
of the things that he thought she should not eat, as any of them might be thecause of
her skin trouble.
Mrs. Sand carefully wrote all the things down on a piece of paper, which she
then left beside the telephone while she went out to aladies' meeting.
When she got back home a couple of hours later, she found her husband
waiting for her. He had a big basket full of packages beside him, and when he saw
her, he said, "Hello, sweetheart. I have done all your shopping for you."
"Done all my shopping?" she asked in surprise. "But how did you know what I
'Well, when I got home I found your shopping list beside the telephone," answered
her husband, "so I went down to the shops andbought everything youhad written down."
Of course, Mrs. Sand had to tell him that he had bought all the things the doctor
did not allow her to eat!
21. The story is mainly about .
A. Mrs. Sand's husband's care for her B. her husband's misunderstanding
C. her husband's carelessness D. Mrs. Sand's skin trouble
22. Her doctor sent her to the local hospital because .
At h e medical tests there would tell him exactly what her problem was
8. hers was a very serious case
C. the hospital would take good care of her thanks to the tests
0. she was not his patient
23. The ladies' meeting lasted .
A. more than two hours B. the whole morning
C. less than two hours D. exactly two hours
WVi@t A - 7/4/2013 DtLE 2
24.Perhaps when Mrs. Sand left for the meeting, her husband
Aw a s out at work 8. was somewhere in the
C. was working in the garden D. was in the bathroom
25. Mrs. Sand's husband bought all the things on the listbecause .
A. he himself liked them very much
B. he wanted to help his wife with the shopping
C. he wanted to buy what she was'hot allowed to eat
D. he hadnothing to do when he got home

SECTION Ill. Read the following letter carefully. Choose the word (A, B, C or DJ
that best fits the blank spaces.
My name is Ingrid. When I (26) school at eighteen. I didn't go to university.
(27) I got a job at a zoo as a student keeper. Now, five years (28) _
things have changed - I have passed my exams and I am a (29) animal keeper.
The money is not good. I only get £9,000 a year, (30) is not enough for my
(31) , · You have to be outside in rain and snow, which is hard work, and
(32) very dirty. But this doesn't (33) much to me because animals are

the most important thing in my life!

(34) a hundred of monkeys and fifty deer in my part of the zoo and I give
them their (35) and clean their houses. I also have to watch them (36) to
be sure that they are well. In fact, rhinos are my (37) animals and so last year, I

went to Africa with a colleague for a month to study

The zoo is (38) to visitors every day and I work five different days each
week. I live in a small flat twenty minutes (39) and I get up at ten to seven and
start work at eight The first thing I (40) when I get home at quarter past five is

have a shower.
34. A. Those are 8. There are C. That is D. There is
35. A eaters 8.-----··-·-··--·
feeding C. eating -······-·---------------·---
D. food

™ Vit\t A - 7/4/2013
36. A. withcareful B. careful C. carefully D. incare
37.A. favorite C. pet D. enjoyable
38. A. ,pener C. opening D. opened
39. A. far B. long C. walking D. away
40. A.make C. have D. take


A. Write complete sentences, using the following sets of words and phrases.

41. How long/ you/ wor1< / this company, David? II

42. It was/ nice / him/ help/ the old lady/ cross the street II
43. It/ two months/ Michael/ last I goI football match//
44. The mar1<et /build/ 60years agoII
45. SueI spend/ most I her time/ learn/ English //

B. Complete the unfinished sentence in such a way that it means the same as the
sentence printed before it.
46.Mary is fond of reading comic books.
Mary's interested _
47. 'Youshould stop smoking right away; he said.
Headvised me _
48. She was absent from class this morning.
She did _

49. How do you like my new shirt?


50.He is looking for a job now.

He is trying _

fl!Viii A - 7/4/2013 4


W<1,p-Tt/do- Rtnh pMc


S6 Iba ll/bt i
dogiim tbj ghi L_

9ltM S6tbOIll bli

(bi,,g..! vi cha) Chi!kJ giAm kblo1: dogiimtbj ghi , ..._
BtLE -
ChilkJ giAmkhio 2:
Mj1mJdo uvang NO
ch(m l<i m1l'l gbi
, JI. • ,. -
" -
B C D 11 B C D 21 A C D 31 A B D

2 A JI 12 B C D B C D 32 B C D
3 A B D 13 A B 23 B D
33 A B C

4 A 11 24 III B C D

C D 14 A C D 34 A C D
5 A 1B 15 A B C I., 25 35 A B C


.II 36 A B It D
6 A B D 1111 16 C D 2226 B C D

7 A B C D A B
., ,_ D 27 A B C 37 lfl C D
8 1l B C D 18 A B • D 28 A ,a C D 38 B

9 B C D 19 A B D 29 A ti C D 39 A C
10 A B 11 20 A B C II

D 30 A B C 40 A C D

41.How long have you worked//been working for//in this company, David?
42.It was nice of him tohelp the old lady to cross the street.

43.It isl/has been two months since Michael last went to a football match.
44.The market was bulit 60 years ago.
45.Sue spends most of her time learning English.
46. Mary's interested In reading comic books.
47.He advised me to stop smoking right away.
48.She did not come to class this morning.
49.What doyou think about my new shirt?
50.He is trying to find a job now.
Department of Education & Level:
Training Ho Chi Minh City ELEMENTARY
Date: April 7'h, 2013

Section I. Listen to the recording and decide whether each statement is TRUE or
FALSE. Write TRUE or FALSE in the space givein the answer sheet.

1. The secretary has written the letters.

2. Mr. Jackson arrived at about two o'clock.
3. Mr. Jackson waited for Mr. Smith for half anhour.
4. Mrs. Smith was not home when the secretary phoned her.
5. The secretary reserved a table for two at eight o'clock.

Sectlon II. Listen to the recording and choose the best option (A, B, C or DJ to fill in each


6. The rebels attacked the _

ATown Hall
B. President's Palace C. Houses of Parliament
7. The president
B. gave up C. was shot
A escaped
8. Two climbers were lost in
At h e Himalayas B. the United C. the Highlands
9. It very much
C. stormed
yesterday. A rained B.
10.The police sent out a _
A search party B. research group C. rescue team

Section Ill. Listen to the recording and give short answers to thequestions.

11.Which hotel does Olga have tocheck In?

12.Where is Olga's room?
13.Is Olga allowed to go out of the hotel?
14.What must Olga discover?
15.What is 006 llke?

NgheA _ 7/4/2013
Department of Education & Training Level: ELEMENTARY
Date: April7th• 2013

PASSAGE I. (To be read aloud 3

times) Secretary: Good afternoon, Mr
Mr Smith: Good afternoon, Miss Wild,Did you finish those letters?
, Secretary: Yes, sir. I typed them and signed them for you.
Mr Smith: Did you photocopy them?
Secretary: Yes, sir.I photocopy them and posted them.
Mr Smith: Did Mr Jackson arrive?
Secretary: Yes, sir.
Mr Smith: What time did he arrive?
Secretary: About two o'clock, sir., but he didn't stay. He didn't have time.
Mr Smith: What did he want?
Secretary: Oh ... I didn't ask, sir.
Mr Smith: Did you telephone Mrs Smith?
Secretary: Yes I did. But she wasn't in.
Mr Smith: Hmm... and the table at Mario's for tonight?
Secretary Yes, sir. I reserved a table for two at eight o'clock.

PASSAGE II. (To be read aloud 3 times)

Good evening. And here is the Eight O'clock News.
Last night, there was a revolution in Mandanga. The rebels attacked the
President's Palace, shot the president and burnt the building. The air force bombed
the capital. The United States sent ships to the area this morning. The Soviet
Union protested in the United Nations.
The Scottish police are looking for two climbers in the Highlands. The
climbers left yesterday morning to climb Ben Nevis. II began to snow heavily
yesterday afternoon. The police sent out a search party yesterday evening. They
spent the night on the mountain, but they didn't find the climbers.

PASSAGE Ill. (To be read aloud 3 times)

X: Now, Olga. You must check into the Airport Hotel tonight.
Olga: Must I reserve a room?
X: No, youneedn't. We reserved one for you ... next to the British agent's room.
Olga: Must I stay in my room?
X: No, you needn't stay in your room, but you must stay in thehotel.
Olga: Must I ... be nice to him?
X: No, you needn't ... butyou must discover why he's tiere.
Olga: Must I contact you every day?
X:No, you mustn't! It'stoodangerous for you.
X: Because 006 is a very dangerous man.

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Bai dQC Nghe A _ 7/4/2013
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1S i,1\:
. 14

TRi.NHI>◊ A; NGAY KIEM TRA: 07/412013
9') ('ll

Thi sinh bi\t tham I trong 5 bai dQC sau day, c6 5 phut d! chufut bj vii
sau d6 cAm gidy dQC cho giam khao nghe. Sau khi dQC xong, thi sinh tra loi cac
cau h6i cWI
giam khao p trung vaocacchti di!m c6 lien h den ban thanth! sinh:
1. Ly lich ca nhan(personal identification)
2. Nhacua va gia ifinh (houseand home)
3. Cu9c s6ng u nhii (life athome)
4. Hpc win va ngM nghi?p IIWng lai(education andfiaure career)
5. Giu ranh r6i vagiai tri(free time and entertainment)
Thi sinh duqc tfii da 4 diSm cho phful dQC va 6 diSm cho phdn tra loi cau h6i.
Vi tlnh diem d11a vao cac tieu chudn: n6i tieng Anh luu !oat, dtmg ngll di u,
phat ilm chlnh xac; tra loi cau h6i dung trong tilm vadJt cdu dung ngit phap.

The English naturalist Charles Darwin, is remembered chiefly for his
work, The Origin a/Species, in which he established, after many years of
study and voyages of exploration, that all species havedescended, over time,
from common ancestors. Healso fonned thescientific theory that this
"evolution" was the result of a process of"natural selection" of the
characteristics which would guarantee survival most successfully in specific
environments. He noted this phenomenon particularly in the unique
Galapagos Islands. Thegiraffe is an example of how natural selection helps
evolution. Their ancestors had longer than average necks so that they could
reach more food. The giant tortoise is just oneof animals that Charles Darwin
discovered when hevisited the Galapagos Islands.


A flower is means by which a plant reproduces. It contains male or
female organs or both together. Flowers usually have brightly coloured petals
or sepals. The reason that flowers are so brightly coloured and perfumed is to
attract insects. Insects play a very important part in pollinating them. Some
plants also producea sugary liquid called nectar which attracts the bees.
Asthey fly from flower to flower they transfer the pollen to the stigma of the
flower and fertilize it. Did you know that the bat's long tongue is perfect for
whisking out thenectar from a flower? Pollen is brushed onto the bat's fur as
it moves from flower to flower.

Vandap A_1304
Fish are specially adapted so that they can breathe under the water. They
have special organs called gills. Gills are bars of tissue at each side ofthefish's
head. They carry masses of finger-like projections that contain tiny blood
vessels. The fish gulp in water through their mouths and pass it out through the
gills. The gills are rich in blood, and they extract oxygen from the water and pass
it into the fish's blood. In this way the gills have the same function as the lungs
of air-breathing animals. But these gills would not work without the aid of water.
Most ofa fish's body is composed of powerful mu.scles and its internal organs
are squeezed into a tiny area. The fins are used to propel and stabilize the fish in
the water.


Male birds sing for two reasons: to attract mates in the breeding season and
to warn other males to keep out of their territory. Birds also use other calls to
communicate with one another. When flying together, geese call to make sure
that they stay in touch and adult penguins can recognise the voice of their own
chick from among thousands in a colony. Birds know instinctively how to sing
but some species can learn to add new notes to their songs. Birds that are good at
imitation, like starlings incorporate the sounds of car alarms in their songs and in
Australia some superb lyrebirds have learned to imitate the noise of a chainsaw.
If danger threatens her chicks, a hen will make a quiet noise that warns them to
be still so that they do not attract attention.


Vision is the dominant senseof nearly all birds. In most, the eyes are
placed so far to the side of the bead that they have mainly monocular vision,
meaning that each eye scans a separate area. This feature is shared by all hunted
creatures who depend on vision to warn them of possible danger. Birds of JlfCY
and owls have eyes set more to the front of the head, offeringa wider angle of
binocular vision, which is vitally important for judging distance. Birds also have
a third eyelid which moves sideways across the cornea and keeps it moist without
inte!Tllpting their vision. Accuracy is crucial for hunting birds like eagles which
rely on their keen eyesight, first to spot the prey and then to catch it. Eagles' eyes
are therefore positioned sufficiently far forwards to givethem binocular or three
dimensional visionJ.


Department of Education &Training Level: ELEMENTARY

Ho Chi Minh City Date: July 7th, 2013
Time allotted: 90 minutes

Choose the word or phrase that best completes the sentence.

1. Are you interested in basketball?

A being played 8. playing C. played D. play

2. She is a successful singer songs are very popular among young people now.

A that 8. whom C. her D. whose

3. You should catch the train at 9am so that you can arrive Hue at 5pm.

A to B. in C. on D. by

4. A car is more expensive than a motorcycle, a motorcycle is less comfortable than a car

A and B. so C. but D. does

5. She is listening to something the radio.

A for B. in C. on D. into

6. At last I found the information that I was looking _

A for 8. for that C. for it D. it

7. They have gone to Europe last Christmas.

A from B. since C. in D. for

8. to my car when somebody hit me on the head.

A walked B. was walking C. walk D. am walking

9. There wasn't steak at the butcher's, so I got some hamburgers.

A no 8. little C. any D. some

10. I have a very important mission. I go to Moscow on tonight's plane.

A must B. need C. have D. am going

11. We sat on a bench the river and talked about our summer holiday.

A ln 8 by C. on D. at

12. I have taken a lot of photographs. I've used five of film.

A rolls B. pieces C. dozens D. sheets

ElE VIET A 071712013 otcHAN


13. The astronaut just returned from his journey to the moon. He said he didn't a wash or a
shave for two weeks.

A. do 8. make C. run D. have

14. The boy is still . Don't wake him up yet.

A. sleep B. sleepy C. asleep D. sleepless

15. In big cities, many people have to sleep in parks because there isn't enough _

A. living rooms B. accommodation C. houses

D. transportation
16. We've got a lot of things to do for the reception. The
seems very long.
A. checklist B. menu
C. plan D. project
17. Science-fiction films are the kind of films
A that I like C. which I like it D. who I like
B. what I like

18. The guitarist usually plays badly, but last night he played _
A. beautifully
B. nice C. beautiful D. good

19. Customer: I think my change is wrong!

Cashier: _

A Thank you. B. Are you sure? Let me see. C. No problem. D. That's ok.

20. May I go out for a while?" John asked me.

John _

A. wanted to apologize for going out

B. told me to go out for a while
C. asked for permission to go out
D. suggested going out

Choose the item (A, B, C or D) that best completes the unfinished statement or
answers the question about the passage.
New Year celebration is always an exciting time because people look forward to welcoming a
brighter year ahead. It is also a good time to think back and say goodbye to the old year. New Year's
Day is a national holiday almost everywhere, and there are different customs related to how it is
celebrated around the world.

In England, people go to a New Year's Eve party. The party is usually in someone's home,
and the host invites friends, families and neighbours. The living room becomes a mini disco as
everyone dances to loud music. Everyone then waits until midnight to hear Big Ben ring twelve times.
That's the signal a new year has arrived.

In Australia, many people celebrate New Year's by having picnics and camping on the beach.
Their parties start on December 31. At midnight they start to make noise with whistles, car horns, and
church bells to ring in the New Year.
DE VIET A 07/7/2013 DE CHAN 2

Vietnamese people's celebration of New Year (Tet) takes place from the first day of the first
month of the Lunar calendar until at least the third day. Before Tet, families save money, store food,
buy new clothes, paint and clean their homes, and pay off all debts. During Tet, they visit relatives,
teachers and friends, give children "lucky money" and wish each other a happy new year full of good
health, prosperity and luck.

21. What is the passage about?

A. how the New Year is celebrated in different countries
B. New Year's Eve party
C. New Year's Day in Vietnam
D. New Year's Day in England

22. In England, on New Year's Eve people wait until midnight for the from Big Ben.
A. the speech
B. songs
C. fireworks
D. sign of the start of a new year

23. Australian people like having fun o nN e w Year's Eve.

A. at home B. in a church C. outdoors D. in city's theatre

24. One of the main activities Vietnamese people do during Tet is to

A. sing and dance B. visit relatives and friends C. clean their homes D. travel
25. According to the passage, New Year celebrations are always

A. exciting B. boring C. tiring D. noisy

Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C or DJ that best fits the blank space.
Jessica Parker is the president of a (26) company (27) offices in London,
England and New York City, New York. Because her business is in two places, Jessica
(28) atot and has homes in (29) cities. In London she lives in a big (30) _
with her husband and two children. (31) she flies to New York. ulife in New York is very
." she says. "I go out a lot for work, and I meet (33) of people. I (34) _
spend time with my mother, (35) (36) here to live with my younger sister last
year." What is the secret (37) her success? Jessica says: ul love my job. I never get
(38) _ There is always (39), _ exciting going on". She is also very proud
(40) her husband, who supports her a lot, and her two children, who are good students and
are very independent-minded.

26. A. design B. designing C. designer D. to design

27. B. with C. on D. of
28. A. travelled B. travelling C. travel D. travels

llE VIET A 071712013 llE CHAN 3


29. A. both B. either C. neither D. none

30. A. office B. garage C. apartment D. guest house
31. A. twice a month B. twice one month C. every month twice D. two time a month
32. A. lastly B. fast C. faster D. fastest
33. A. a lot B. a little C. many D. few
34. A. but B. not only C. as well D. also
35. A. who 8. that C. whom D. whose
36. A. moves B. moving C. has moved D. moved
37. A. about B. of C. in D. with
38. A. boring B. bored C. exciting D. excited
39. A. something B. anything C. some things D. any things
40. A. about B. with C. in D. of

Al Make all necessary changes and additions to produce a complete sentence from
each of the following sets of words and phrases.
41. She/ like/ play / chess / her free time//

42. They/ have /dinner/ when / phone/ ring II

43. I / send/ her/ email / last night//

44. Tom/ good/ driver/ and so/ Peter II

45. He/ such /good/ student/ he/ always/ get/ good/ mark/ all /subject//

Bl Complete the unfinished sentence in such a way that it means the same as the
sentence printed before it.
46. Big cities are too noisy.
There is

4 7T h. e y cancelled the flight because it was snowing.

The flight was

48. He drives carelessly.

He isa

4 9T h.e y plan to go away on holiday.

They are

5 0Y o.u r house is bigger than mine.

My house


DE VIET A 07/7/2013 DE CHAN 4

s(I GIAO DVC vA DAO T O c<)NG HOA xA H◊I cHU NGHiA VIET NAM 0111112010 cc)
THANH PHO HO cHi MINH Dl)c 11.ip - T\J' do - H{mh phlic

do giam thi ghi .---

Mma do 6ingtban

- _
Cha.'m ki€m tra ghi
HQc vien tntefng (ho c th1sinh ti,r do) .. .,,........------·-·------,•··-·------------·------"··-·------··---
Kl k.i em tra ngiiy JS"_.91!'._ --------·---MOn_@l VIET
Ci p dQ---,--

Y LtJ /j, .
Ch\J ki G IAM Tm


DIEM SO thU' nt b3.i

• Chu ki khfo 1: ..... ------·----- ..•···--
DE (bing s6 vi chfr) do thj ghi

CHAN Chii' ki gi:im 2:-----·-·-··----··-·-•-•s.•

M,lt mii do truim.g ban
chifm ki€:m tra gin

1 A ) 11 A X C D 21 IX[e C D 31 is C D
2 A B C i')( 12 X B C D 22 A B C X 32 A )( c,o
3 A· )( C D 13 A B c 23 A B )(ID 3 X B c
3 Io'
4 A B X D 14 A B IX D 24 A )/ cio 34 A B C [J(
5 A B X D 15 A .J( c, 25 X B C D 35 IX B C D
6 )( B C D 16 l)'l C D 26 X B C D 36 A B C J(
7 A X C D 17 I:> is C D 27 A X C D 37 A I( C D
8 A ':')I.. C D 18 X BIC D 28 A1B C )( 38 A/ I( C D
9 A B X D 19 A ){ C D 29 )( B c[ 39 l C D
o iB

10 X BjC,D 20 A B X D
30 A' B . X:I 40 A/B C )
D (
DE CHAN 0..1/-_1_/_2:f:l..J3 _


Al Make all necessary changes and additions to produce a complete sentence from
each of the following sets of words and phrases.
41. She/ like/ play/ chess/ her free time II

She likes to play/ playing chess in her free time.

42. They I have /dinner/ when / phone/ ring//

They were having dinner when the phone rang.

43. I / send / her/ email / last night//

I sent her an /the/ that/ this email last night

44. Tom/ good/ driver/ and so/ Peter II

Tom is a good driver, and so is Peter.

45. He/ such / good I student/ he/ always I get I good I mark / all / subject II

He is such a good student that he always gets good marks in all (the) subjects.

B/ Complete the unfinished sentence in such a way that it means the same as the
sentence printed before it.
46. Big cities are too noisy.

There is too much noise in big cities.

47. They cancelled the flight because it was snowing.

The flight was cancelled because it was snowing/ because of the snow/ due to the snow.

48. He drives carelessly.

He is a careless driver.

49. They plan to go away on holiday.

They are going away on holiday.

50. Your house is bigger than mirie.

My house is smaller than yours / your house.

My house is not as big as yours/ your house.

OE VIET A 07/7/2013 DE CHAN


Department of Education &Training Level: ELEMENTARY

Ho Chi Minh City Date: July 7th, 2013
Time allotted: 90 minutes

Choose the word or phrase that best completes the sentence.

1. I have a very important mission. I goto Moscow on tonight's plane.

A. must B. need C. have D. am going

2. You should catch the train at 9am so that you can arrive Hue at 5pm.

A. to B. in C. on D. by

3. At last I found the information that I was looking _

A. for B. for that C. for it D. it

4. They have gone to Europe last Christmas.

A. from 8. since C. in D. for

5. to my car when somebody hit me on the head.

A. walked B. was walking C. walk D. am walking

6. There wasn't steak at the butcher's, so I got some hamburgers.

A no B. little C. any D. some

7. A car is more expensive than a motorcycle, a motorcycle is less comfortable than a car.

A. and B. so C. but D. does

8. "May I go out for a while?" John asked me.

John _
A. wanted to apologize for going out
B. told me to go out for a while
C. asked for permission to go out
D. suggested going out

9. Are you interested in basketball?

A. being played B. playing C. played D. play

10. She is a successful singer songs are very popular among young people now.

A. that B. whom C. her D. whose

11. She is listening to something the radio.

A. for B. in C.on D. into

DE VIET A 07/7/2013 DELE

12. Customer: I think my change is wrong!

Cashier: ---
A Thank you. B. Are you sure? Let me see. C. No problem. D. That's ok.

13. The guitarist usually plays badly, but last night he played _
A. beautifully D. good
B. nice C. beautiful

14. Science-fiction films are the kind of films best.

A that I like
B. what I like C. which I like it D. who I like

15. We've got a lot of things to do for the reception. The seems very long.
A. checklist B. menu C. plan D. project

16. In big cities, many people have to sleep in parks because there isn't enough _
A. living rooms
B. accommodation C. houses D. transportation

17. The boy is still . Don't wake him up yet.

A. sleep B. sleepy C. asleep D. sleepless

18. The astronaut just returned from his journey to the moon. He said he didn't a wash or a
shave for two weeks.

A. do B. make C. run 0. have

19. I have taken a lot of photographs. I've used five of film.

A. rolls B. pieces C. dozens 0. sheets

20. We sat on a bench the river and talked about our summer holiday.

A. in B. by C. on D. at

Choose the item (A, B, C or D) that best completes the unfinished statement or
answers the question about the passage.
New Year celebration is always an exciting time because people look forward to welcoming a
brighter year ahead. It is also a good time to think back and say goodbye to the old year. New Year's
Day is a national holiday almost everywhere, and there are different customs related to how it is
celebrated around the world.

In England, people go to a New Year's Eve party. The party is usually in someone's home,
and the host invites friends, families and neighbours. The living room becomes a mini disco as
everyone dances to loud music. Everyone then waits until midnight to hear Big Ben ring twelve times.
That's the signal a new year has arrived.
llE VIET A 07/7/2013 DELE 2

In Australia, many people celebrate New Year's by having picnics and camping on the beach.
Their parties start on December 31. At midnight they start to make noise with whistles, car horns, and
church bells to ring in the New Year.

Vietnamese people's celebration of New Year (Tet) takes place from the first day of the first
month of the Lunar calendar until at least the third day. Before Tet, families save money, store food,
buy new clothes, paint and clean their homes, and pay off all debts. During Tet, they visit relatives,
teachers and friends, give children glucky money" and wish each other a happy new year full of good
health, prosperity and luck.

21. What is the passage about?

A. New Year's Day in Vietnam
B. New Year's Day in England
C. New Year's Eve party
D. how the New Year is celebrated in different countries
22. In England, on New Year's Eve people wait until midnight for the from Big Ben.
A. sign of the start of a new year B. songs
C. fireworks
D. the speech
23. Australian people like having fun on New Year's Eve.
A. in a church B. outdoors C. at home D. in city's theatre

24. One of the main activities Vietnamese people do during Tet is to

A. clean their homes B. travel C. sing and dance D. visit relatives and friends
25. According to the passage, New Year celebrations are always
A. tiring B. noisy C. exciting D. boring

Choose the word or phrase (A, 8, C or D) that best fits the blank space.
Jessica Parker is the president of a (26) company (27), offices in London,
England and New York City, New York. Because her business is in two places, Jessica
(28), alot and has homes in (29), cities. In London she lives in a big (30), _
with her husband and two children. (31) she flies to New York. Life in New York is very
(32), ." she says. "I go out a lot for work, and I meet (33) of people. I (34), _
spend time with my mother, (35), (36), here to live with my younger sister last
year." What is the secret (37). _ her success? Jessica says: "I love my job. I never get
(38), . There is always (39) exciting going on". She is also very proud
(40) her husband, who supports her a lot, and her two children, who are good students and
are very independent-minded.

26. A. to design B. designer C. designing D. design

27. A in B. of C. on D. with

DE VIET A 07/7/2013 DELE 3


28. A. travels 8. travelling C. travelled D. travel

29. A either 8. neither C. both D. none
30. A. guest house 8. apartment C. garage D. office
31. A. two time a month B. twice one month C. every month twice D. twice a month
32. A fast 8. lastly C. faster D. fastest
33. A. few 8. many C. a little D a lot
34. A. but 8. also C. as well D. not only
35. A. whom 8. that C. who D. whose
36. A. moves B. moved C. has moved D. moving
37. A. of B. in C. about D. with
38. A. boring B. exciting C. excited D. bored
39. A some things 8. anything C. something 0. any things
40. A. of 8. with C. in D. about

A/ Make all necessary changes and additions to produce a complete sentence from
each of the following sets of words and phrases.
41. Tom / good /driver/ and so/ Peter II

42. He/ such /good/ student/ he /always/ get/ good I mark/ all /subject//
43. I /send/ her/ email / last night//

44. They/ have/ dinner/ when / phone / ring II

45. She/ like/ play/ chess / her free time//

Bi Complete the unfinished sentence in such a way that it means the same as the
sentence printed before it.
46. They plan to go away on holiday.
They are

47. He drives carelessly.

He is a

48. Your house is bigger than mine.

My house

49. They cancelled the flight because it was snowing.

The flight was

50. Big cities are too noisy.

There is


DE VIET A 07/7/2013 4
sd GlAo ovc vA oAo T o C◊NG H<'>A xA u◊I cHU NGHiA VIET NAM Ol/ll/2010
THANH PHO HO cHi MINH DQc 14p- Tijdo- H nh phiic

do giam thi ghi l
Mt ma do tru6ng ban r---
Cha'm ki m tra ghi l
m;,c vien truo'ng (ho c thi sinh tl,(do) -------·········-----------·· Chii'ki GIAM n-q 1

Ki kiam tra ngay ···· 1,f:"':":.., )on t1u VIET Cap <lo-················ Chil ki GIAM THj 2 ·-· _

f- jlt;._..LJ:., dliilngciitpluich -- ---------------

DIEM S6thu't1,l'bii
(bing s6 vii. chU)
Chfi' ki gillm khaQ 1 : ··- -------·-···---
do gi<lm th! ghi
DELE Mt ma do trm'mg ban
ChUki giim 2: ----------·-·· -------····· cha"m ki m tra ghi

1 B clo 11 A j B i\fi D 21 AiB Cy 31 A B Ci)(

2 A )( C
12 Al C D 22 I)(' C D 32 ) B C D
3 X DB C D 13 X1e C D B
23 A l( C D 33 { B C
4 Ai) C D 14 )( B C D 24 A B c',V 34 A I)( 'J('
5 A 1) C D 15 )C' B C D 25 A B 'X!D 35 A B )( D
6 A B I D 16 A )( C D 26 A B CI)( 36 A )( C D
7 A B )( D 17 A B )( D 27 A B C l( 37 B C D
8 A B )l D 18 A B C )( 28 B C D X
38 A B C )(
9 A IX C D 19 Y. B C D 29 A B )( D 39 A B D
10 A\B c! 20 A C D X
30 A }l c!o 40 X s!c!o
41 'el
DE-LE ANH_ Aa /1 /"IAB --------------------------------

Al Make all necessary changes and additions to produce a complete sentence from
each of the following sets of words and phrases.
41. Tom / good /driver/ and so / Peter//

Tom is a good driver, and so is Peter.

42. He/ such / good I student/ he / always /get/ good I mark/ all /subject//

He is such a good student that he always gets good marks in all (the) subjects.

43. I / send/ her/ email / last night//

I sent her an /the/ that/ this email last night.

44. They/ have/ dinner/ when / phone / ring //

They were having dinner when the phone rang.

45. She/ like / play/ chess/ her free time II

She likes to play/ playing chess in her free time.

B/ Complete the unfinished sentence in such a way that it means the same as the
sentence printed before it.
46. They plan to go away on holiday.

They are going away on holiday.

47. He drives carelessly.

He is a careless driver.

48. Your house is bigger than mine.

My house is smaller than yours I your house.

My house is not as big as yours / your house.

49. They cancelled the flight because it was snowing.

The flight was cancelled because it was snowing/ because of the snow/ dueto the snow.

50. Big cities are too noisy.

There is too much noise in big cities.

llE VIET A 071712013 DE LE

Department of Education & Training Level: ELEMENTARY
Date: July 7th, 2013

Section I.
Usten to Jill and Shirley talking about a concert and decide whether each statement is
TRUE or FALSE. Write TRUE or FALSE in the space given in the answer sheet
1. Shirley went to a pop concert last night.
2. Robbie and the Rebels is a new group.
3. Last night the band didn't play very well.
4. The guitarist played beautifully last night.
5. Shirley goes to pop concerts quite often.

Section II.
Usten to two short conversations and choose the best option (A, B, or C) to fill in each
6. The woman lost her on number 28 bus.
A. gloves B. handbag C. hat
7. The woman was
B. surprised C. worried
A. unlucky
8. John went to Brighton by _
A. car
B. coach C. train
9. John went there on

A. Thursday morning B. Friday C. Saturday

10. He spent all his money _
A. betting on horses B. coming back home C. gambling

Section Ill.
Listen to the recording. Give short answers to the questions.
11. What has Elmer bought on the tour?
12. How much money does he want his mother to send him?
13. How many rolls of film has he used?
14. Where is the girt he's met from?
15. What have they done together?

oeNgheA 7/7/2013
Department of Education & Training Level: ELEMENTARY
Date: July 7th, 2013

PASSAGE I. (To be read aloud 3 times)

Jill. Good morning, Shirley. Shirley. Hello, Jill.

J. Oh, I'm tired this morning. S. Are you? Why?
J. Well, I went to the concert last night. S. Which concert?
J. The pop concert, the one at the Town Hall. S. Oh, which group did you see?
J. I saw "Robbie and the Rebels" ... they're a new group. S. Are they good?
J. Hmm ... they usually play well, but last night they played badly.
S. Is Robbie a good singer?
J. Oh, he usually sings well. S. Did he sing well last night?
J. No, he didn't ... he sang very badly! S. What about the group?
J. Oh, the guitarist played beautifully, but the drummer was loud.
S. Yes, pop drummers always play loudly.
J. I know! I had a headache after the concert.
S. Hmm ... I never go to pop concerts. I prefer classical music.

PASSAGE II. (To be read aloud 3 times)

E. Excuse me ... I lost my handbag this morning.
F. Where did you lose it?
E. On the bus ... I left it on number 28.
F. Well, you're lucky, the conductor found it.
E. Thank goodness! I was worried.
F. Here it is ... he gave it to me an hour ago.

I. Hello, John! I thought you were in Brighton.

J. Yes, I drove there on Friday.
I. Yes? ·
J.......and I came back on Saturday morning!
I. Oh, why did you come back?
J. Well, I went to a casino, and spent all my money.
I. How did you do that?
J. Well, I won a little at first.....then I lost everything!

PASSAGE Ill. (To be read aloud 3 times)

Mrs Colt. Have you spent much money, Elmer?

Elmer. Yes, Momma, I've bought a lot of souvenirs....and I want to buy some more. Can you
send me a thousand dollars?
MC. All right, Elmer. Elmer, are you listening to me?
E. Yes, Momma.
MC. Have you taken many photographs, Elmer?
E. Yes, Momma, I've taken a lot. I've used three rolls of film.
MC. Have you met any nice girls yet, Elmer?
E. Oh, yes Momma ... there's a girl from Texas on the tour. We've done everything together.
MC. Elmer, Elmer! Are you still there, Elmer?

Bai dQC Nghe A _ 7/7/2013


THANH PH6 H6 CHi flNH DQc lijp - Tl/ do - H.;mh oh1'ic
s6 thU tu
l'fN·lJ A
/ /··
SINH KIEM TRA NGO"'I NGil bili do gi3 m thj
ten ; ong
Ho vil ghi

M t m do tr t10ng ban

07 pc/
cham kiem tra ghi

Ngay sinh -······rf_ ... fl sfh WJ.,- --

Hqc vien tnrOng (ho c thi sinh ti! do) Chu ki GIAM THI 1

cap d◊ A
Ki ki€m tra ngay --- _ --- ., . _ .. ,.., _/ MOn thi Nghe hi.;u Ch\I ki GIAM THI 2_ _

_N_(t\l;,,g,dtphach -- ---------------

, S6thi:ttl,lbili
DIEM ChU ki giim 1: -··········-
do gillm thj ghi

Mt ma do tnrOng ban
Chil' ki giam khiio 2: cha'm ki€m tra ghi


1 6 A

2 7 A

8 C
4 r 9 C

5 10 A B ,

11 (a. lot of I marty) SOLLve.n-
12 $ \1000 IOV1e-thou <u1.d cio\1111
13 3 (roll ) (offilm)
14 T-e'1..CIS
ei, er4lhi
TRiNH D(> A; NGAY KIEM TRA 07/7/2013
""' "'
Thi sinh bit tham l trong 5 bai d9c sau day, c6 5 phut d chuftn bi va sau d6
cdm gidy d9c cho khao nghe. Sau khi d9c xong, thf sinh tni loi cac cau h6i
gillrn khao tJ,p trung vita cac chll di m c6 lien h d n ban than thi sinh:
1. L}' /jch cd nhdn (personal identification)
2. NhQ cUa vG gia tlinh (house and home)
3. Cwjc sdng & nhG (life at home)
4. H9c vein vQ nghi nghifp tmmg lai (education and future career)
5. Gill rGnh r6i vG giCli tri (free time and entertainment)
Thi sinh duqc tdi da 4 di m cho phftn d9c va 6 di m cho ph n tr;i lcri cfru h6i.
Vi?c tinh diSm di,ra vao cac tieu n6i ti ng Anh hru !oat, dllng ngfr di?u,
§.m chinh x3c; tra lcri du h6i dllng tn;mg tam vit d{it ciiu dllng ngfr philp.



Given that water is clear, why does snow appear white? It is to do with its
complex crystal structure. Every snow flake, whether large or small, is
basically hexagonal in structure with complicated facets that reflect and
scatter the light in all directions so that the colours mix to re-form white
light. In glaciers, the red and yellow parts of visible light are more readily
absorbed by the hard-packed ice than violet and blue, so many glaciers
look blue, rather than white, both from above and from tourist tunnels
burrowed through them.


Snow lines are clearly visible on mountains. They mark out the area above
which a mountain is permanently covered in snow. The highest points of a
mountain are much colder than the lower points. The snow which falls on
the higher regions never thaws because it is so cold. In the summer,
however, the warmer weather begins to melt some of the snow. This causes
the snow line to move up the mountain. As the summer months pass by
and the winter months return, the snow line moves further down the
mountain once again. In colder regions, the snow line is close to ground
level, but where the air is warmer, the snow line is closer to the Equator.

VandapA_l307 Page I
Numbers are used to describe the amount of things. We can express
numbers in words, by hand gestures or in writing, using symbols or
numerals. When we talk about a number we use words (five) rather than
the number (5), but when we write we use both words and numerals.
Numbers can describe how many objects there are, or their position
among lots of objects, for example, l" or 5th. Other types of numbers
describe how many units of something there are, for example how many
kilograms (weight) or metres (length). Numbers are just a convenient way
of describing ideas.


The earth has many neighbors out in space. The sun and the moon are
important neighbors of the earth. The sun and the moon affect the earth in
many ways. This picture was taken from the moon. The body in space is
the earth. You can see that only part of it is lighted by the sun. It is day on
the lighted part. It is night on the dark part. In this chapter you will learn
about other bodies in space. Look at the two balls in the first picture. You
can see that they are not the same size. Look at the other picture. Each ball
is in a different place. The two balls now appear to be the same size. Why
is this? The bodies in space appear smaller than they really are.
Sometimes smaller bodies in space look bigger than larger one.


At night, the moon appears larger than any of the stars in the sky. But the
moon is really much smaller than any of the stars. The closer to the earth
a body in space is, the larger it appears to be. The moon is the earth's closest
neighbor in space. The sun is much larger than the moon. But it is much
farther from the earth than the moon is. Large bodies like the sun look
smaller when they are far away. The moon does not give off its own light.
Instead it reflects light from the sun. the sun is the source of light for the
earth and the moon. In some ways the moon and the earth are alike. Both
are covered by rocks and soil. Both have uneven surface. Mountains,
valleys, and large flat areas are found on both the moon and the earth./.

Van dap A_ !307 Page 2


Department of Education Level: ELEMENTARY

&Training Ho thl Minh City Date: September 81112, 013
Time allotted: 90minutes
Cboose the word or phrase that best completes the sentence.
1. He won't tell us his reasons not helping them withIt.
A. with B.why C. for D. at

2. Professor Clari<, I hadn't seenbefore, entered thelecture hall.

A. whom
B.which C.whose D. that
3. Chelsea is playing Manchester UnitedatWembley Stadium tonight.
B. for C. 119alnst
A with
4. Thefood ischeap C.but D. no
A not
5. NeaAnnstrong, an American astronaut, was the first person to land
the moon.
A.In B. over C. on D.

6. I haven't seen that much snow.The weather has been In the last five years.
A. the WO!St B.W01S1 C. WQ/88 0. the worse
7. Oh dear,I have nomoney left. I to thebank sincelast Monday.
A. haven't been B. didn't go C. wasn't been D. hadn't gone

8. The robbery happened when the manager of theshop inhis office.

A. wor1<ed B. is working C.has wor1<ed D. was working
9. "Mom, is there
in the fridge? I'm hungry', Amanda asked when she came home from
A. things B. anything c.nothing D.everything

10. The Conservative Party has lost the election again this
of their supporters were
A.None B. Neither C.AII D.Both

11. l am ona diet, soI eat bread andsit aY day at my desk.

A needn't B. mustn't C.haven't D. oughtn't

12. Last summer we went a trip toParis to visit the famous Eiffel Tower.
A in C. on D. at

13. Wehave some ver,confident students in the dass, but therest of them area bit _
A.hard-working B. cheerful C. active D. shy
14. Sarah: I'vemissed the last bus home. What should I donow?'
Paul: Don't worry. I'll give you a .•
A.ride B. lift D. Both A & B arecorrect.

15. Many young people leave their country villages because they want the of big cities.
A. excitement B. exciting C. excite. D. excitingly
16. Most of the students are to pass theexamination.
A. goodenough B. enough good C. too good D. so good
17.Thetype of TV programs best are gameshows.
A. thatI like B. I like C. which I like D. All A,B,C arecorrect.

18. Now she candance thanshe used to.

A. morebeautifully B. morebeautiful C.beautifully
0. beautiful
19. Customer: I'dlike some potatoes, some peas and a salad,please.
Waiter: _

A. Certalnly, sir. B. Are you sure? C. Hereit is.

D. You're welcome.
20.Paul: I needto see a doctor, but I don1know
anyhere. Tom: Why don't you ask your landlady?
Tom .
A. asked why Pauldidnot ask his
landlady C. suggested that Paul ask his landlady

B. told Paul to ask hislandlady D. ordered Paul to ask his landlady

Choose the Item (A, B, C or DJ that best completes the unfinished statement or
answets the question about the passage.

Bullet Trains
If you visit Japan, you might choose to travel around the,country by shinkansen train.
These higlt-speed trains connect the major cities of Japan. They a:re also called 'bullet trains"
because they go very fast and havepointy noses like a bullet.

Bullet trains are a good way to travel for several reasons other than their speed. They
are always on time. They are also comfortable. Allthe seats face forward, and there is plenty of leg
room. Most importanuy, bullet trains are very safe. In their 35-year history, there have been
only a few accidents and no deatlts.

E>EVIET A 08/9/2013 DECRAN 2


The only problem of bullet trains is that they are expensive. A ticket to travel to another city
can cost alrhost as much as an airline ticket. However, if you fly, you will land at an airport outside
a ctty. Train stations areusually right in the middle of a city. This means that tt is often more
convenient to take a bullet train instead of flying, becauseJOU will arrive exactly where you
want to be.
21. What kind of traindoes the author talk about in this passage?
A.High-speed trains connecting big cities of Japan
B. Ctty trains
C. International trainsbetween Japan andother countries
D. Normal trains connecting big cities of Japan
22. These trains are called•bullet trains• because of their .
A. safety andshape B. safety and liming C. speed and shape D. speed andtiming
23. According lo the author,bullet trains arecomfortable because _
A. allthe seats face forward C. thereis extra space for bags
B. there is plenty of leg room
D. A & B are correct.
24. The author says that one reason to take a bullet train instead of flying Is because the bullet train
is often _
A. much faster B.much cheaper
C.more comfortable D.more convenient
25. This
passage was most likely written for
C. people who areinterested In Japan
A. tourists who travel to Japan
D. people who like to team about trains
B.Japanese business travelers

Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C or DJ that best fits the blank space.
Whales are large, intelligent mammals. They b<eathe air (26) us. They rise (27) the

surface of the water to breathe. They are NOT fish, but mammals that spend their
lives in

the water.
There (29) many different kinds of whales. The largest whale is the blue whale. It can
grow to be a hundred feet (30)
and weigh (31) 15elephants. It is (32) animal on

earth, (33) than any of the dini;$aurs were.

Not like fish, (34) _·_swim by moving their'tails left and right,.;;hales swim by moving th ir
tails (35)
. They also dive togetfood. Some whales (36) dive more than a mile down!
Some whales (37)
in zoos and entertainment parks. These whales live (38) large

glass tanks. They leam things very (39)

. They are trained (40) wtth balls, leap, and dive

deep down for certainobjects.

(Extracted from

08/912013 DECHAN 3

26. A. like B. same C. as D. the same

27. A at B.up C.on D. to
28. A. complete B. whole C. full D.all
29. A. are D.have
30. A. high B. long C. tall D. large
31. A. asmany as B. as C. as much as D. like
32. A. the largest B. larger C. large D. themost large
33. A. the largest B. larger C.large D. the most large
34. A.who B. that C.whom D. which
35. A.left and right B. right and left C. up and down D. up and away
36. A. can B. able to C. could D. were able to
37. A. find B. finding C. are found D. finded
38. A. at B. across C. on D. In
39. A. easy B. easily C. easier D. more easily
40. A. to play B. play C. playing D. for playing

A/ Make all necessary changes and additions to produce a complete sentence from
each of the following sets of words and phrases.
41. How long/ you/ know I each other II

42. I /prefer/ play football/ swimming II

43. I / not cook / well / mymother If

44. Alice/ used I play/ piano/ night /I

45. How long / it I takeI you / do / homework / everyday //

BJ Complete the unfinished sentence in such a way that it means the same as the
sentence printed before it.
46. They speak English in Australia.
English ,

47. I willonly go to bed when l have finished my homework.

!won't .

48..Thelight went out atlhe time we were having dinner.

Wewere •

49. "You have to take him to hospital or he'll die.'

"If you don't .

50. 'I amvery busy, I can't talk to you now."

I am too .


OE VIET A 0819/2013 BtCHA.N 4

Dijc1,p - Ti/do- ll nh phdc

BA( LAM CUA Tu1 Sll\'ll KIEMTRA NCO,U NCO S61h 1 bli i
dogiim1hj gbi L
MjlmldOIIUOnglm i
Cb(m kiEni tta glii L

---- 41'/fngcJtphdch -- ,

Chi?kigiam khao 1: - SG'lhcr IV
BE (bintsivi<h&) bli dogiim tbi
CHAN glii
Chi?lo gi m khfo2:
litml do Jsvong bin
d!.l'm kiim Jr• gbi

1 A B I)( D 11 AjV C D 21 ){ B C D 31 A B D
2 X B C D 12 A B D :x 22 A B D "i. 32 'I. B C 0
3 A·· B )( D 13 A B C 23 A B C Y. .
33 A J( C D
4 A B D 14 A B C 24 A B C 34 A B C
5 A B D 1sl)(B C D 25 B C D 35 A B X D
6 B C D 161)( B C D 26 B C D 36I)( B C 0
7 B C 0 17 A B C )t 27 A B C Y. 37 A B Ill 0
8 A 8 C X 18 B C 0 2"8 A C D 38 A 8 C X
9 A Ile C 0 19 B C 0 29 Xe
C 0 39 A )( C 0
10IX B C 0 20 A B 0 30 A )( C 0 40 X
B C 0

4L Howlonghave you known each Olho(I / How longdid you knoweach cdler'I
42.Iprefer/ preferred/ playing football toswimming.
I.prefer/ preferred/ !Oplay football than swim/toSWIii!. .
43.1don't/didn'tcook a, well asmy mother(does/ did).
44. Aliceused toplay(lhe)pianoat/ allnight/during thenight
Alico"is/ was used to playing(the)piano at/ all night/ during the night
45. How longdoes/did it lake you todohomewott everyday?
46.Englishis spoken inAustralia.
47. I won'tgo to bed until I have finished myhomework.
48. Wewerehavingdinner when the light went out
49. lfyou don't takehim to(the) hospital, he'll die.
50.1 am toobusy totalktoyou now.

Departmi:nt of Education &Training Level: ELEMENTARY

Ho Chi Minh City Date: September 81\ 2013
Time allotted: 90minutes
Choose the word or phrase that best completes the sentence.
1. The type of TV programs best are gameshows.
A. that I llke 8.1 like C. v.flichl like D. All A, B, Carecorrect.
2. Most of the students are topass the examination.
A. goodenough B. enough good C. too good D. sogood
I am on a diet, so I eat bread and sit allday at my desk.
A. needn't 8. mustn't C. haven't D. oughtn1
4. We have some very confident students in theciass, but therest of themare a bit _
A.hard-working 8. cheerful C. active D. shy

5. He won1tell us his reasons

not helping lhem with it.
C. for D. at
Many young people leave their country villages because they want the ofbig cities.
A. excitement B. exciting C. excite D.excitingly
Professor Clark, I hadn't seen before, entered the lecture hall.
A. v.flom 8. which C. whose 0. that
The food is cheap delicious.
A.not C. but D.
9. Neil Armstrong, an American astronaut, was the first person toland B. over C.
on 0. at
10. Chelsea is playing Manchester United at Wembley Stadium tonight.
A. with B. for C. against

11.Paul: I needto see a doctor, but I don't know any

here. Tom: Why don't you ask your landlady?
Tom _
A. asked why Pauldidnot ask his
landlady C. suggested that Paulask his landlady
8. told Paul to ask his landlady D. ordered Paul to ask his landlady

12.I haven't seen that muchsnow. The weather hasbeen E>EVIET A 08/9/2013
A. the worst B. worst C. worse

· ·
in thelastfive years.
D. the worse
13.The robbery happened when the manager of the shop in his office.
A.worked B. is working C. hasworked D. was woriong

14. Oh dear, I haveno money left.I to the bank since last Monday.
A. haven·t been B. didn1go • C. wasn't been D. hadnlgone

15.1.ast summer we went a trip to Parts to visit the famous Eiffel Tower.
A. in C. on D. at
16. 'Mom, is there
In the fridge? I'm hungry', Amanda asked when she came home from
A. things B anyt _ing C. 0. everythlng

17. The Conservative Party has lost the election again this year.
of their supporters were
A. None B. Neither C.AII D.Both

18. Sarah: I've missed the last bushome. What should Ido now?"
Paul: Donlworry. l'D give youa _
A. ride B. Ult C. bike D. Both A & B are correct.

19. Now she candance thanshe used to.

A. morebeautifully B. more beautiful C.beautifully
20. Customer: I'dlike some potatoes, some peas and a salad, please.
Waiter: _

A. Certainly, sir. B. Are you sure? C.Hereit is. D. You're welcome.

Choose the Item (A, B, C or DJ that best completes the unfinished statement or
answers the question about thepassage.

Bullet Trains
lf you visit Japan, you might choose to travel around the country by shlnkansen train. These
high-speed trains connect the m3)01' cities of Japan. "flley are also called'bullet trains· because they
go very fast and havepointy noses like a bullet.
BuUet trains are a good way to travel for several reasons other than their speed. They
are always on time. They are also comfortable. Allthe seats face forward, and there Is plenty of leg
room. Most importantly, bullet trains are very safe. In their 35-year history, there have been
only a few accidents andnodeaths.

O VffiTA 08/9/2013 2
The only problem of bullet trains Is that they are expensive. A ticket to travel to another city
can cost almost as much as an airline ticket. However, if you fly, you will land at an airport outside a
city. Train stations are usuaUy right in the middle of a city. This means that it isoften more
convenient to take abullet train instead of flying, because,you willarrive exactly where you want
to be.
(Extracted from www.englishfot8vel)'O(
21. What kindof train does the author talk abOut inthis passage?
A.City trains
B.Normal trains connecting bigcities of Japan
C.High-speed trains connecting big cities of Japan
D. International trains between Japan andothercountries
22.Thesetrains arecalled "bullet trains• because of their _
A speedand shape B. speed and timing C. safety andshape D. safety andtiming
23. According to the author, bullet
trains arecomfortable because .
A.all the seats face forward C. there isplenty of leg room
B. there is extra space for bags D. A & C arecorrect
24.The author says that one reason to take abullet train instead of flying is because the bullet train
isoften ---·
Amuchcheaper B.more convenient C.much faster D.more comfortable
This passage wasmost likely written for
C. peoplewho areinterestedin Japan
A people wholike tolearn abOut trains D. tourists who travel to Japan
B. Japanese business travelers

Choose the word orphrase (A. B, C or DJ that best fits the blank space.
Whales are large, intelligent mammals. They breathe air (26) us. They rise (27) the

surface of the water to breathe. They are NOT fish, but marrvnals that spend !her (28)
lives in

the water.
There (29) many different kinds of whales. The largest whale is the blue whale. It can
grow to be a.hundred·reet (30) and weigh (31) 15elephants. It is-.(32) animal on

earth,(33) than any of the-dinosaurswere.

Not like fish, (34) swim by moving their tails left and righ whales swim by moving their
tails (35) . They also dive to get food.Some whales (36) dive more than amile down!
Some whales (37) in zoos and entertainment parks. These whales live (38) large

glass tanks. They learn things very (39) . They are trained (40) wilhballs. leap, and dive

deep down for certain objects.

(Extracted from
D VffiT A 08/9/2013 3

26. A as B. same C. like D. the same

27. A ui:,• B. to C.on D. at
28. A whole B. full C. complete D.all
29. A be B. are C. have
30. A high B. large C. tall D.long
3t. A as many as B. as muchas C. as D. like
32. A the most large B. the largest C. larger D. large
33. A the most large B. the largest C. larger D. large
34. A who B. whom C. whiclf D. lhat
35. A. up anddown B.right and left C. left and right D.upandWNay
36. A were able to B. able to C. could D.can
37. A are found B.finded C: finding D.find
38. A. at B. in C. across D.on
39. A.easier B.easy C. easily D. more easily
40. A. playing B. for playing C. to play D. play

Al Make all necessary changes and additions to produce a complete sentence from
each of the following sets of words andphrases.
41. Alice/ used/ play/ piano/ night II

42. How long I It I take I you I doI homework I everyday II

43. 11prefer I play football/ swimming II

44. How long I youI know I each other II
45. I / not cook / well / my motherII
Bl Complete the unfinished sentence in such a way that it means the same as the
sentence printed before it.
46. The light went out at the lime we were having
dinner. Wewere .

47. ·1am very busy, I can't talk to you now."

I amtoo

48. I willoniy go to bed when I have flnlshed my'fiom·ewofk.

I w o n_' t -'

49. "You have to take himto hospltal or he'll die."

"If youdon't _

50. They speak English in Australia.

English _

f) VTITT A 08/9/2013 4
THANH ru6 u6cmMINH
CONC HOA XA H◊l cmi NCl:DA vatr NAM
OOc14p - Tl/ do- Hinh phuc


NGU S6lhul\/bai r-
HQvi len -·-Jhrl-t:1---k SBD rrt9-}'f!lJ,r, dogi!m!hi glli L_
Micma do ci:uimg bao r-
NgAy sinh -t:f-1.Y..1+-A Noi l.rfl.6fJ-J-!dljJ Cha'm kiemIra ghi L_

H9c vien tru og (hli J_'!lnfb Chi? ki GI.AMTH!1

IGkiimtraogay - -..LJ:ienlhi vmI' Cip --- Chff kJ GIA.MTH!2


f d//ql1gc4tphach

CbilkJ giam khao1: S6lb II/ b!i
(bing ,6 vachO) dogi{m tlijghi
DELE MiI ml do crulmg
Cbilki giamkhao 2:
ban cMm lriim Ira

1 A B C fl 11 A B X D 21 A B 'J D 31 A C D
2 ')
B C D 12 B C D 22 B C D 32
C 0

3 -A "- C 0 13 A. B C '}/. 23 A B C V 33 A B ill D'

4 A B C ')( 14 I)( B C 0 24 A )t C 0 34 A B i 0

5 A B Y.. 0 15 A B l) D 25 A B C 'J 35 l)C B C 0

t .
6 l"i B C 0 16 A "- C 0 26 A B "'-. 0 36 A B C l)t
9 A


18 A B C
C 0

27 A
29 A
C 0
37 )(
38 A
39 A

B I•


10 A B YID 20 X B C D 30 A B C Jt 40 A B 0

41.Alice used toplay (the) piano at/ all night/ during the night.
Alice is/ was used to playing (the) piano at/ all night/ during the night
42, Howlong does/ did it take you todo homework everyday?
• 43. I prefer/ preferr_ed / playing football toswimming.
Iprefer/ preferred/ to play football thanswim/ toswim.
44. How long have you knowneach other?/ How long did youknow each other?
45, I don't/ didn't cook as well as my mother(docs/ did).
46. We were having dinner when the light went out
47. I am too busy to talk to you now.
48. I won't go to bed until I havefinished my homework.
49. Jfyou don'ttakehim to(the) hospital, he'll die.
46. h is spoken in Australia.
Department of Education & Level: ELEMENTARY
Training Ho ChiMinh City
Date: September 8th, 2013

Section I. Listen tothe f8COrding and de(;jde whether each statement is TRUE or
FALSE. te TRUE or FALSE inthe space given inthe answer sheet.

1. Brown goes to the beach every Saturday.

2. n he is in town, he often goes to a coffee shop with his friends.
3. t Saturday he didn't go to thepub.
4. often buys food for his wife at the supennarket in town on Saturdays.
5. t Saturday his wife got very angry because he didnot buy food for her.

Section II. Listen to the recording and choose the best option (A, B, or CJ to fill In each

6. e director was interviewed by last

C. a detective
A. a reporter B. a policeman
7. e director was asked questions about .
A. eattack B. the theft
C. theaccident
8. r work the director left his office _
A.early in theafternoon
B. early Intheevening C. late in the evening
9. washn "'"'
A. the way to hiscar B. when he was driving in hiscar
C.When he was locking his car
10.attacker wore _
A. t B. astocking C. an earring

Sectior.Ill. Usten lo ttierecording and give short answers tothefollowing questions.

11. is Jerry talking to about his new job?

12. happy wnh his new job?
13. t age did Jerry's grandfather start work?
14. t was Jerry's grandfathe(s job?
15. many days a week didhis grandfather work?

mNghe A _ 08/9/2013
Department of Education & Level: ELEMENTARY
Date: September 8th, 2013

PASSAGE I. (To be read aloud 3 times)

Every Saturday Mr. Brown goes to town. He went to town last Saturday.
He usually has a drink in the pub with his friends. Last Saturday he had four
or five drinks. After the pub, he usually goes to the supermarket and gets the
food for his wife. He got the food last Saturday. He usually comes home on foot.
Last Saturday he came home by taxi. His wife was very angry.

PASSAGE II. (To be read aloud 3 times)

A policeman interviewed the Director at the hospital last night.

Policeman: Now, Mr. Snow ... What can you remember about the
attack? Mr Snow: Well, I was working late yesterday evening.
Policeman: What time did you leave your office?
Mr Snow: About quarter past nine.
Policeman: Are you sure?
Mr Snow: Oh, yes ... I looked at my watch.
Policeman: What did you do then?
Mr Snow: Well, I locked the door ... And I was walking tomy car when
somebody hit me on the head.
Policeman: Did yousee the attacker?
Mr Snow: No, he was wearing a stocking over his head.

PASSAGE Ill. (To be read aloud 3 times)

Jerry Floyd is talking to his grandfather about his new job. "It's terrible,
granddad. I have to get up at seven o'clock because I have to catch tile bus
to work. Because I'm new I have tc make the tea. I have to work hard. I'm only
happy at weekends. I don't have to work then".
His grandfather isn't very sympathetic.•1had to start work when I was
14. I lived in South Wales, and there wasn't much work. I had to be a coal
miner. We had to work twelve hours a day. We didn't have to work on Sundays
... But we had to work the other six days of the week•.

Bai dQC Nghe A _ 08/9/2013

D c Ifp - Tl/do- 8'nh nMc
■ AI LAM CUA TBi S1NB lllilM TRA NGO"-1 NGt1

DltM CbiHIglimkhio1: S61h11'1\1bli

Mltml do uu&gban
Chi!Idglim khio 2: cb{m m in gbi

,., '

6 A
7 X

10 A

11 (his) grandfather/ granddad/ graodad

12 NoI Not at all
13 14 /fourteen
when he was 14 / fourteen
at theage of 14 / fourteen
14 (a)coal miner
coal mining
15 6 / six (days) (/week/a week/ per week)
TRINHI>() A; NGAY K.IEM TRA: 08/09/2013
S:, (;!j

Thi sinh bAt tham I trong 5 bai dQc sau day, c6 5 phut d chuAn bj va sau
d6 cfun giiy dQc cho giam khao nghe. Sa u khi d9c xong , thi sinh tra Im cac ciu
. .
,cua giam khao p trung vao cac chu diem co lien h den ban thin thi sinh:
1. Ly l;ch ca nhiin (Personal identification)
2. Nha cu-a va gia dinh (House and home)
3. Cupe s6ng o- nha (Life athome)
4. H9c vdnva ngh€ nghijp turmg lai (Education and future career)
5. Gia rtinhrJi vagiai trl (Free time and entertainment)
Thi sinh dugc t6i da 4 diSm cho ph§n dQC va 6 diAm cho ph§n tra loi ciu
hoi. Vi tinh diSm d\fll vao cac tieu chuin: noi ti ng Anh luu !oat, dung ngu
di u, phat am chinh xac; tra Im cau hoi dung trQng tam va d cau dung
ngu phap.



Using wood to heat your home is lot of work if you cut your own wood. First,
you must cut the tree down with a saw. Next, the tree must be cut into lengths that
will tit into your wood burner or fireplace. This length is usually 18 to 24 inches.
After the tree is cut into pieces, the wood must be moved from the woods to your house.
The next step is to split the wood logs into pieces that will dry and burn more easily.
Splitting wood is done by hand with a splitting ax. Once the wood is split, it is put
in piles or in a wood shed to dry. Firewood should dry for at least a year before it is
burned. When it is time to use the wood, it is moved to a wood bin near the wood
burner. From there the wood is placed in the tire when needed. As you can see,
burning wood takes a lot of human labour, but the work is usually fun when you
do it with your family and friends.

It can be said that all living things come from the Mother Earth. So, it would
only seem natural that gardening wo!lld reach into··the soul of an individual.
Such is the nature of the gardener. The gardener uses seeds, soil, water, and the sun
to p oduce the many vegetables and fruits used as food. Some of the foods produced
include: lettuce, tomatoes, pumpkins, onions, watermelon, beans, peppers, peas, and
cucumbers. The gardener will often start seeds inside the safe environment of the
home early in the spring. These seeds will grow into small plants that will be moved
outside in late spring after the last frost. Most seeds will be planted outside as
soon as the ground
Vand"PA_Sep Pog<)/2
warms. Seeds need water and warmth to sprout. Once theseed sprouts, it will grow
roots, a stern, and leaves. The roots provide water and nutrients while the leaves gather
sunlight for ener .

3. THE GARDENER (coot.)

The gardener will nurture the plants throughout the growing season with tender

care by watering when needed, pulling weeds, and protecting theplants from hungry
animals. The harvest season will vary with each vegetable or fruit. Some plants will
produce food within thirty days while others will need sixty to ninety days to produce a
fruit or vegetable. Some vegetables will produce well in the cool weather of spring and
fall, as in peas, while other vegetables need the hot humid days of summer to produce
well. It's the gardener's knowledge of plants that provides each variety of vegetable
and fruit the opportunity to produce a good harvest. At the end of the growing
season, the gardener will understand the connection berween the soul and Mother

Transportation is how people travel. In Chicago, people travel to work in many
ways. Some walk. Some drive cars. Many take a bus to work. And others take train.
The buses and trains are part of public transportation. They are part of a system. A
system is how a lot of parts work together. The parts of public transportation in
Chicago are all part of the Chicago Transit Authority, or CTA. Long ago, people
walked to other places when they lived here. Or they rode on horses. Today, there are
thousands of people who work in public transportation. Public means everyone, and
transportation means travel. Public transportation is a way everyone can travel in
Chicago. If you look at the transportation map, you will see routes. Those are the
ways the buses and trains go. The people who plan the routes look at where people
live and where they want to go. Many of the routes help workers get to their jobs
every day.

There are many transportation workers you don't see but who are part of getting
you places. They work in th.e offices where they oversee the trains and buses. They
keep track of where all the buses and trains are. They watch the traffic. They watch>
symbols on computer screens that tell them h w much traf_ficthere is on different
routes. They plan changes in public transportation, too. Theplanners look at where
people live. They look at the number of people who travel to work in different areas
each day. They figure out if they should add more buses or trains. They figure out if
they should change the route of a bus. They can't change the route of a train, but they
can add more train lines. In fact, Chicago added a new line a few years ago. It is the
Pink line./.


Department ofEducation & Training Level: ELEMENTARY

Ho Chi Minh City Date: November 3r.i, 2013
Time allotted: 90minutes

Choose the word or phrase that best completes the sentence.
1. I am very angry him because heisvery rude me.

A.about ... with B. with... about C. on ... D. with... to

2. The woman with daughter wemet last week is anurse.
A. that B.who C.whom 0. whose
3. Weare tired listening to her complaints.

A.of B.on C. at 0. about

4. The foodischeap delicious.

A. not B. so
C. but
5. Julia is wearing orange shoes and carrying a(n) handbag.
A leather andorange B. BothC&0 arecorrect. leather 0. leather orange
6. I like all the three dresses I've triedon,butI think I'll take the one.
A.less expensive B. least expensive
C. lesser expensive D. less inexpensive
7. Thisisthe most interesting novel _
A.I read B. I've ever read
C. I had read 0. I'venever read
8. My friends and I did the same courses at university, but since graduation we

different careers.
A. havebeen having B. have had C. have D. had
9. Have youseen my cat? I've looked _,butI still can't findher.
A. any
B.somewhere C. nowhere
10. Hehas two beautiful assistants, but of them ishelpful.
a.none C.all 0. both
11.Iam on adiet, so1
eat bread and s allday atmy desk.
A needn1 C. haven't 0. oughln1
12.This morning, the climbers failed toreach the top of Mount Everest A because
B.despile C.due to thebad weather.
0. thanks
13. He died in a car accident last year.
A Both B&C arecorrect. B.nearly C. almost 0. rarely

llt VIET A 03/11/2013 DtCHAN


14.Sarah:I'vemissed thelast bus home. What should I donow?"

Paul: Don't worry.I'll give you a--
A. ride B. lift C. bike 0. Both A& B are

15. Michael Phelps al o t of wond records throughout hiscareer as an athlete.

A. broke B. cut C. completed D. competed

16. hespoke slowly, I couldn1undersland him.

A. Since B. Although C.If D.As

17. She is akind gin that everybody lovesher.

A. so B. such C. very D. too
18. There wasn't steak at the butcher's. soI got some hamburgers.
A. no B. little C. any 0. some
19. Jill: Have a cigarette.
John: . I am trying tostop.

A.Great, thanks. B. No, thanks.

C.Here it is. D. You're welcome.
20. Customer:I think my change is wrong!
Cashier: _

A. Thank you. B. That's ok.

C. No D. You sure? Let me see.


Choose the item (A, 8, C or D) that best completes the unfinished statement or
answers the question about the passage.

A material is what something is made of. There are five basic materials with which most things
aremade, namely metal, glass, wood, doth and plastic. There are some other materials, but they
are not used asmuch as these five materials.
Let's talk about metal first. Metalis very heavy, hard andstrong.It usually feels coolif you touch
it. We use metal to make a lot of things, from small ones likekeys, knives and folks, to big ones like
Next, glass is a smooth material, which feels cool to touch. It is also heavy and hard, but
not strong because it can break easily. Then why do we use it? We use it because it is dear,
which is good for things like windows and glasses.
Now, let's talk about wood. Wood is lighter than metaland glass, not as strong as metal, but it
is much stronger than glass. We use it to make a lot of things, such as chairs and tables. Things
made from wood areusually light, but hardandstrong.

DE VI.ET A 03/1112013 2

Another material is cloth, which is very soft and light. Cloth is also used to make lots
of necessary things like clothes and blankets.
Last, plastic is an interesting material. It is also very light. It canbe soft but also hard. Plastic
can be used to makenot only thin plastic bags but also bicycle helmets. These things seem very
different, but, in fact, are bothmade from plastic. (Adaptedfrom
21.Which of the following sentences best describes the main idea of thepassage?
.A There are not only five
C. Wecan find plastic everywhere.
D. Alot of things aremade from wood.
8. There are fivebasic materials.
22.According to the passage, which of these things is amaterial?
A clothing 8. wood C. glasses D. forlls
23.Thekey reason for using glass to make windows is that _
A it is strong. 8. it iscool. C. it can break. D. we can seethroughit.
24.What are thecharateristics of the things made from wood?
A. strong and heavy 8. soft and strong C. light and soft D.light, hard and strong
25.In this passage theauthor talks about _
C. strong things first, then weak things
A hard things first, then soft things
D. coolthings first, then warm things
8.heavy things first, thenlight things

Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C or D) that best fits the blank space.

Where does Halloween come from?

Wecelebrate Halloween (26) year (27) October 31st. Where does the holiday come

The holiday originally comes from a people called the Celts. The Celts (28) in Europe
more than 2000 years ago. On November 1" they (29) the end of summer. They thought
ghosts visited the liVing on October
. They dressed up like ghosts (31) the spirits

would not harm them.

Today, many countries still remember (32) dead on November 1st• It is (33) All

Saints Day. Another name for it is All Hallow's Day. The day before, October 31''. is called All
Hallow's Eve, or Halloween .
(34) in Ireland and Scotland. In those countries, people dressed up
Halloween is an old (35)
and carried lanterns made of turnips. When people moved from Ireland and Scotland to the United
States, they (36) pumpkins.This is where the jack-o'-lanterncomes from.
They also had a tradition of (37) food to the spirits. Later, they gave the food to poor
people. This is where trick-or-treatingcomes from.

f) VIET A 03/11/2013 DE CHAN 3


Halloween (38) a lot since its origins. New people have brought new traditions and
changed the old (39)
. What do you think Halloween (40) in another two thousand

years? (

26. A.all B. every C. one D. single

27. B. in C. on D.until
28. A.lived B. wasliving C.have lived D.haslived
29. A. continued B. wished C. promised D. celebrated
30. A. 31" B. 31'" C. 31"' D.31"'
31. order C.because D. so
32. A. a C. the D. - (noarticle)
33. A. calls B. called C. name D. names
34. A. short for B.inshort C. for short D. short of
35. A. tradition B.habit C. case D. example
36. A.has started using B. started using C. started use D.has starteduse
37. A give C. giving D. togive
38. A changes B.changed C.haschanged D.had changed
39. B. them C. the one D. ones
40. going to belike B. will be like C.willbe D. Both A& Bare correct.


Al Make all necessary changes and additions to produce a complete sentence from
each of the following sets of words and phrases.
41. He/sell/ his bicycle/ $50 /last week//

42. WeI enjoy/ listen/ p0pmusic//

43. My sister/ inlove I doctor/ now II

44. NylonI invent I year/ 1937 //

45.The dress/ is/ too/ dirty/ her/ wear//

Bl Complete the unfinished sentence in such a way that it means the same as the
sentence printed before it
46. 'When does your school vacation start?' Mom askedme.
Mom asked me
47. Canada is cold,but Greenland iscolder.
Canada .
48.The teacher asked them tolock the door before leaving.
49. They likepopmusic, but they like classical music more.
50. Youshouldn't buy that bicycle.
· ··-········
OE VJ.ET A 03/11/2013 DECHAN 4

SO GIAO Df,IC VA DAO 'f1 0 CONG HOAXA H(H cuu NGHiA v1tr NAM w11no1o(C)
THANH PH6 HO CID ONH DQt lip-1'1/ do- R nhphot


A-- tglir-111'1 D
NGU dogiim !highi

o- vareo_, A:_-n-ft:IS18 Mjt m;do1tuong ban

Ch(m kifmIraghi
Ngaysmh JJ]..lf.] N<JIJ. 'l..iJjJL
Honien111/ og(ho c lhi· ··_- " _, Chuk!GIMITH!1

Klki mira ngay v.l du \'IE'.f• ctJIAN-=. ChuklGIAM TH! 2-·--

f dl/JJ11gcJ1phdth -

D I E•M' Sotbul bli

• Chi!ki giam khfo1:--· _•
dogi!m lhighi
OE (bings6\·i ckui

CHAN CMkl g1arnkhao 2:---·

M lml dolruimg ban
ch{m kiimIra ghi

le 31 X.
o D 32ABl lo
33 A C D


D 36 A )( C D

7 'D 37 A B D
-· ,:.::...J_.
s A tX!_cIo
9 ' '


41. Hesoldhisbicycle for$50I fiftydoUatslast week.

42. Wee11joy listening topopmusic.(Othl!f tenses are acceptable).
43. My sistl!fisinlovewith adoctor now.
44. Nylon wasinvented in(the)year 1937.
45. Thedress isloo dirty forher lowear.
46.Momaslced mewhenmyschool vacalion started.
47_canada isnotas coldasGreenland.
Canada iswarmer I hotter thanGreenland.
canada is cold, butGreenland ismoreso.
48. They were asked(by the teacher) lolockthedoor before leaving(bytheleacher).

49. They prefl!fclassical music loIover popmusic.

50. If Iwereyoo,I wouldn'I buy that bicycle.
Department of Education & Training Level: ELEMENTARY
Ho Chi Minh City Date: November 3"\ 2013
Time allotted: 90 minutes
Choose the word or phrase that best completes the sentence.

1. He has two beautiful assistants, but of themis helpful.

A. neither B. none C. all D. both
2. Michael Ph<>lps a lot of worldrecords throughout his'career as an athlete.
A.broke B. cut C. completed D. competed
3. he spoke slowly, I couldn't understand him.
A Since B.Atthough C. If
4. The woman daughter we met last week is a nurse.

A. that B. who C.whom

D. whose
5. This morning. the climbers failed to reach the top of Mount
to the bad weather.
Everest A.because B. despite
D. thanks
C. due
6. We are tired listening toher complaints.
D. about
A. of B. on C. at
7. She is akind girl that everybody lovesher.
D. too
A. StJ B.such C. very
8. The food is cheap delicious.
A. not B. so C. but
9. Customer: I think my change is
wrong! Cashier:
D. That's ok.
A. Thank you. B. You sure? Let me see. C.No problem.
10. I am ona diet. so I eat bread and sit all day atmy desk.
A. needn't
B. mustn1 C. haven't D. oughtn't
11. Julia is wearing orange shoes andcarrying a(n) handbag.

A. leather andorange B. BothC&D are correct. C. orange leather D. leather orange

12. Jill:Have a cigarette.
John: . I am trying to stop.

A Great, thanks. B.No, thanks. C. Here it is. D. You're welcome.

13 I like allthe three dresses I've triedon, but I think I'll take the one.
A. less expensive B. least expensive C. lesser expensive D. less inexpensive
·· ······-·······-· ·· ·· ·· ····
1)1, VIET A 03/11/2013
14.Thisis themost interesting novel _
A. I read 8.I've ever read C. I hadread 0. I'venever read
15. My friends and I did the same courses at university, but since graduation we very

different careers.
A. have beenhaving C. 0. had
B. have had
16. I am very angry
have him because heis very me.
A.about ... with B.with ... about C. on... 0. with ... to
17. He diedin a car accident last year.

A.BothS&C are correct. B.nea y C. almost

0. rarely
18.There wasn't steak at thebutchefs, soI got some hamburgers. B.little C. any D. some
19.Have youseen my cat? I've looked-- but I still can't find her.
A. anywhere B. somewhere C.nowhere 0. everywhere
20.Sarah:I've missedthelast bus home. What should I don<N/?'
Paul:Don't worry. I'll give youa .
A. bike B. BothC &Dare correct. C. lift D. ride

Choose the item (A, B, C or DJ that best completes the unfinished statement or
answers the question about the passage.

A material is what something is made of. There are five basic materials with which most
things aremade, namely metal, glass, wood, cloth and plastic. There are some other materials, but
they are not used as much as these fivematerials.
Let's talk about metal first. Metal is very heavy, hardandstrong. It usually feels coolif you touch
it. We use metal to make a lot of things, from small ones like keys, knives and folks, to big
oneslike cars.
Next, glass is a smooth material, which feels cool to touch. It is also heavy and hard, but
not strong because It can break easily. Then why do we use it? We use it because it is clear,
which is goodfor things like windows andglasses.
Now, let's talk about wood. Woodis lighter than metal andglass, not as strong asmetal, but ii is
much stronger thanglass. Weuse it tomake alot of things, such as chairs and tables. Things
made from wood areusually light, but hard andstrong.
Another material is cloth, which is very soft and 1ighl. Cloth is also used to make tots of
necessary things like clothes andblankets.
OEVIBT A0J/11/2013 DtLE 2

Last, plastic is an interesting material. It is also very light. It can be soft but alsohard. Plastic can
be used to make not only thin plastic bags but also bicycle helmets. These things seem very
different, but, infact, are bothmade from plastic.
(Adapted from

21.Which of the following sentences best describes the main idea of the passage?
A.There are five basic materials. C. A lot of things are made from wood.
B. There arenot only D. Wecan find plastic everywhere.

22. According to thepassage, whichof these things isa materi I? B. glasses C. forl<s
D. wood
23.Thekey reason for using glass to make windows is that
D. it is strong.
A. we can see through it. B. it is cool. C. tt canbreak.
24.What are the charateristicsof the things made from wood?
A. strong andheavy B.light and soft C. soft and strong D. light, hard and strong
25.In this passage the author talks about
C. heavy things first, then light
A. cool things first. then warm things
things D. hardthings first, then
B. strong things first, then weak things
soft things

Choose the word or phrase (A, 8, C or DJ that best fits the blank space,

Where does Halloween come from?

We celebrate Halloween (26)
year (27) October 31st. Where does the holiday come

The holiday originally comes from a people called the Celts. The Celts (28) in Europe
more than 2000 years ago. On November 1" they (29) the end of summer. They thought
ghosts visited the living on October (30)
. They dressed up like ghosts (31) the spirits
would not harm them.
Today, many countries still remember (32) dead on November 1". II is (33) All

Saints Day. Another name for tt is All Hallow's Day. The day before, October 31", is called All
Hallow's Eve, orHalloween (34)
in Ireland and Scotland. In those countries, people dressed up
Halloween is an old (35)
and carried lanterns made of turnips. When people moved from Ireland and Scotland to the United
States, they (36) pumpkins.This is where the jack-o'-lantern comes from.
They also had a tradition of (37) food to the spirits. Later, they gave the food to poor
people. This is where trick-or-treatingcomes from.

oEv1IiT A 0311tnoI3 DtLE 3


Halloween (38) a lot since its origins. New people have brought new traditions and
changed the old (39)
. What do you think Halloween (40) in another two thousand

years? (Adapted from

26. A. all 8. single C. one D. every
27. A.on 8. in C. at D.until
28. A.have lived B. has lived C.lived D. wasliving
29'. A continued B. celebrated C.promised D. wished
30. A. 31" B.31" C. 31m D. 31"'
31. A. so C. because D. inorder
32. B.a C.- (no article) D. the
33. A. name B. names c.caned D. calls
34. A short for B. for short C. inshort D. short of
35. A.example B.habtt D. tradition
36. A.startedusing B. has started using C. started use D. has started use
37. A. give B. giving C. togive D. gift
38. A. changed B.changes C.had changed D.has changed
39. A.ones 8. the one C. them D.ii
40. A. isgoing to be like B.willbe C. will belike D. BothA & C are

A/ Make all necessa,y changes and additions to produce a complete sentence from
each of the following sets of words and phrases.
41.My sister I inlove / doctor / now //
42. Nylon/ Invent/ year/ 1937 II
43.The dress/ is / too / dirty/ her/ wear II
44. He/ sell/ his bicycle/ $50 / last week II
45. We/ enjoy/ listen/ pop music//

B/ Complete the unfinished sentence In such a way that it means the same as the
sentence printed before it.
46.The teacher asked them tolockthe door before leaving.
47.You shouldn't buy that bicycle.
l f l w e r_e
48. "When does your school vacation start?' Mom asked me.
Mom asl<edme _
49. Canada iscold, but Greenland is colder.
Canada .
50. They like popmusic, but they likeclassical music more.
T h e y p r e f_e r .
ot v1tT A 0311112013 4
C◊NG HOA xA H()lcmiNGHiA VftT 01/11/2010
NAM DOc lfp- TOI do- Hinh J>Mc

Hova ten
*·ttt&;I·srw---1'\i,bnf lh 1. S61hu1y'bii □
dogilm lhighi

Mit ma do trutlng ban

NgAy sinh. -,ll.J1U. t-1,'\oh _v_2.1-u..i.vl Cba'm Jcifm tra gbi

Hocvicn tr ang(ho f!P.l,. _ Chakl GIAM THI1 --·

l m Ila ngay _1Ci-linlhi l'J'h C(JA-., Chukl GIM1TH!2


f- • ,!f/hng ,J1ph4ch

DrEM s6wa'\I 1,.1;

(bing sO vichO) Chtt ki giamkhao1: dogifm thi ghi
DELE Mft ma do truong t,,n
Chu kigi,mkh:lo2:
chl'm kib Ira ghi

1 ' 8 C D 11 A 8 X D 21 8 C D 31 )(!ale D
A I•
2 8 C D 12 C D 22 A B C )( 32 A B C j(_
D 13 A 23 I)(' B C
3 A I-it C D D 33 A B D

C4 •- V IX
A B C 14 C D 24 A 8 C 34 A X C D
5 A B ')( D 15 A C D 25 A B X D 35 A B C
6, B C D ,. 1. A B C X 26 A B C 36 IX B C D
)t 617 )j
7 A C D _ B C D 27 B C D 37 A Ile C D
8 A B V D 18
,- . .. B IX 0 28 A B 0 38 A 8 C )C
,_9,_,_ l)C C 0 A
19 A B C j)j X
29 A X C D 39I'.)( B C D
A ! C D 20 A I C 0 30 A )( C 0 40 A B C ! Jlt

41. Mysister is in lovewitha doctor now.

42.Nyloo wasinventedin(the) year 1937.
43.Thedress is toodirty forher towear.
44. He sold his bicycle for S50I fifty dollars last week.
45. weenjoylistening topopmusic. (Other tenses areacceptable).
Ml.They were asked(by the teacher) tolock the door before leaving (bythe teacher).
47. If I were you, I wouldn't buy that bicycle.
48. Mom askedmewhenmyschool vacation started.
49.Canada Isnot as coldasGreenland.
Canada is wannerI helter thanGreenland.
Canada iscold. but Greenlandis moreso.
so.They prefer classical music toI over pop music.
Department of Education & Training Level: ELEMENTARY
Date: November 3rd, 2013

Section I. Usten to the recording anddecide whether each statement is TRUE or FALSE.
Write TRUE orFALSE in the space given in theanswer sheet.

1. Brutus is younger than Joe Freezer.

2. Brutus has never fought against Joe Freezer.
3. Some people think Joe Freezer is better than Brutus.
4. Brutus thinks he is faster andmore intelligent than Joe Freezer.
5. Brutus thinks he is the best boxer.

Section II. Listen to the recording and choose the best option (A, B, or C) to fill in each

6. Last year, Bill Craig and another survived aplanecrash.

A. pilot 8. passenger
C. sailor
7. They were ina small rubber boat for .
A. four days B. five weeks
C. four weeks
8. The only fruit they had were .
A.some bananas B. some apples C. Both A & B are correct.
9. They didn't have much to eat. so they had to catch .
A. fish B. squid C. shells
10.They were rescued by _
A.a fishing boat B. aship C.a plane

Section Ill.Listen to the recording and give short answers to the following questions.

11.What does Herbert Burke do?

12.What has Herbert Burke bought?
13.Where didMary and Charlie fall inlove?
14. What did Charlie give Mary when they left school?
15. Whendid they get married?

DaNgheA _ 03/11/2013
Department of Education & Level:ELEMENTARY
City Date: November 3rd, 2013

PASSAGE I. (To be read aloud 3 times)

Brutus Cray: I'm the greatest!

Reporter: You were the greatest, Brutus... but you're ten years older than Joe
Cray: Joe Freezer! I'mnot afraid of Joe Freezer!
Reporter: Really?
Cray: Listen! I've beaten him twice, and I'm going to beat him again.
Reporter: Are yousure?
Cray: Sure? Of course I 'msure.
Reporter: Some people say he's better than you.
Cray: Listen! I've beaten all the best boxers, and Joe Freezer's one of the worst!
Reporter: Yes, buthe's better than he was.
Cray: Listen! I'm stronger, faster, fitter and more intelligent than him!
Reporter: Yes, but he KO'ed Len Korten two months ago.
Cray: Len Korten. I've KO'ed him three times!
Reporter: O.K., O.K., Brutus.
PASSAGE II. (To be read aloud 3 times)

Bill Craig and John Fitzgerald are pilots. Last year their plane crashed in the
Pacific Ocean. They were ina rubber dinghy for four weeks.
They didn't have much water, and they didn't have many things toeat. They
had a few bananas and a little brandy fromtheir plane. They caught a lot of
fish. Theyhad only a littlechocolate. They had only a fewbiscuits anda few
After four weeks, they saw a ship and the ship rescued them.

PASSAGE 111. (To be read aloud 3 times)

Herbert Burke became a politician ten years ago. He's very successful. He
bought a country house five years ago, and bought a Jaguar at the same time.
He's been a Member of Parliament for ten years. He's had his house and car
for five years.
Mary Foot and Charlie Phillips fell in love at school. He gave her a ring when
they left school. She wears it everyday, and she's never taken it off. They got
married in 1963 and they are stillin love. They moved to Australia in1968.
BaidQ(NgheA _ 03/11/2013


HQv ten

f\a1smh...!!JL._l 2.o
1 M l chfm
mado1r11dng ban
l<ilm tra ghi

Hoc vien trll ng(ho c tru fl

Klki!m era ngay
bl{!u CapdQ A
Chfl ki Gli\M THj1 -
· ChiJ klGli\M TH! 2

f d1/1/ngcJtp/16c/1 '

DifM Chukigifol khao1; So thOu_tbai

Mijt ma dotrlfdng ban
Chilki giim khao2: -· ch!m kitm tra ghi


2 7

3 8

4 9 X B C

10 A X C

11 J (a) politician
He's (a) politician. I
(an) MP I
(a) Member of Parliament
He's (a/an) MP/ Member of Parliament.
12 (a) (country) house
(a)Jaguar/ car

(Both are required to get full mark}.
13 (at) school
14 (a}ring
15 • (in) 1963
TRINH A; NGAY KIEM TRA: 03/11/2013
ro c;Q

Thi sinh bit tham l trong 5 bai dQCsau day, co 5 phut da chu5n bi va sau do
ck gidy dQC cho giam khilo nghe. Sau khi dQC xong, thi sinh tra I/Ji cac cau hoi
cuagiam khao p trung vao cac chu diam co lien h d n ban than thisinh:
1. Ly /;ch ca nhiin (Personal identification)
2. Nha c1ia va gia ilinh (House and home)
3. C119c s6ng u nha (life athome)
4. H c vdn va ngh€ nghiip tucmg /ai(Education and/uture career)
5. Giuranh rJi va giai trf (Free time and entertainment)
Thi sinh dugc t6i da 4 di m cho ph§n dQC va 6 di m cho ph§n tni I/Ji
cau h6i. Vi c tinh di€m d\la vao cac tieu chu§n: noi tiBng Anh luu loat, dung
ngildi?u, phat am chfnh xac; tni I/Ji cau hoi dung trQng tam va d tcau dung
ngir phap.

It can be said that all living things come from the Mother Earth. So, it would only
seem natural that gardening would reach into the soul of an individual. Such is
the nature of the gardener. The gardener uses seeds, soil, water, and the sun to
produce the many vegetables and fruits used as food. Some of the foods produced
include: lettuce, tomatoes, pumpkins, onions, waterme.lon, beans, peppers, peas, and
cucumbers. The gardener will often stan seeds inside the safe environment of the
home early in the spring. These seeds will grow into small plants that will be moved
outside in late spring after the last frost. Most seeds will be planted outside as
soon as the ground warms. Seeds need water and warmth to sprout.Once the seed
sprouts, it will grow roots, astem, and leaves.The roots provide water and nutrients while
the leaves gather sunlight for energy.

2. THE GARDENER (cont.)

The gardener will nurture the plants throughout thegrowing seascn with tender care
by watering when needed, pulling weeds, and protecting the plants from hungry animals.
The harvest season will vary with each vegetable or fruit. Some plants will produce food
within thirty days while others will need sixty to ninety days to produce a fruit or
vegetable. Some vegetables will produce well in thecool weather of spring and fall, as in
peas,while other vegetables need the hot humid days of summer to produce well. It's the
gardener's knowledge of plants that provides each variety of vegetable and fruit the
opportunity to produce a good harvest. At the end of the growing season, the
gardener will understand the connection between the soul and Mother Earth.

Sr,,,l<ing A-No'201l p'I'1/2

People do many kinds of work each day. Sometimes they use machines when they
work. A machine is some thing that helps people do work. Not all machines are
the same. Some machines, like cars, have many moving partS. They are called
simple machines. A snow shovel is a simple machine. How is it different from a
snowplow? A lever is a simple machine. Levers are often used to Lift or move things.
These children are using a lever to move a heavy rock. To do this work, they must
u.<e force to push down on the tree branch. The object that will be moved, the rock. is
called the load.The force and theload move in opposite directions.

Thomas Edison was born in Milan, Ohio and he was always a very curious boy.
By the time he was IO, he had set up a small chemical laboratory in his house
after his mother had shown him a science book. In 1869, he borrowed a small amount
of money and became a freelance inventor. In thesame summer, there wasa crisis in the
New York financial district called Wall Street when the new telegraphic gold-price
indicator broke down. Edison was called in to repair it, and he did it so well that he
was given a job as supervisor with the Western Union Telegraph Company. They later
hi.redhim to improve the Wall Street stock ticker that was just coming into use. He did
so and produced the Edison Universal Stock Printer, which immediately brought him
a fomme of $40,000. With this money, heset upas a manufacturer in order to produce
electrical machines.

Have you ever heard someonesing, "Happy birthday to you ... happy birthday
to you ... ?" If so, you are hardly alone - millions of people sing that song every year,
and the tune is oneof the most familiar of any song in North America.
Ironically, it is not known who wrote it!The tune was written by twosisters, Patty
and Mildred Hill. who wereschool teachers in the late 19th century. but their song had
different words. Instead of"happy birthday to you", thesong ran "good morning to all".
The twosisters would sing thisJ!i!!Y to their students each morning asschool began.
In 1924, the tune was published in a song book. which added the "happy
birthday" lyric . Today. the song has become one of the best known tunes in the
world - and nobody knows who \\TOie the words!

Speal<UlgA-Nov 2013 P c2rl

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