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*Badan e-mail versi 1*

Dear Human Resources Department at PT (nama perusahaan yang

dituju untuk pengiriman e-mail)
My name is Alfadion Rizki Ramadhan, a fresh graduate of Psychology from Universitas
Mercubuana Yogyakarta. Through this email, I expressed my interest in being able to
join (nama perusahaan), as a candidate for (posisi yang mau kamu apply) as written on
(sebutin platform atau media portal lowongan online tempat kamu nemuin lowongan) job
vacancy. As a Psychology graduate, I am passionate about the Human Resources Field
specifically in (sebutin posisi HR yang kamu incer rekrutmen? People development?
Admin HR? atau posisi HR lainnya?). Previously, I have (sebutin pengalaman yang
kamu miliki, termasuk job desc nya apa dan juga achievement yang bsia disebutin ap
ani kira-kira).

I also studied, and attended several pieces of training to find out (sebutin apa aja hard dan
soft skill yang udah kamu dapetin dan kuasai). I have a good academic history which you
can view in my resume. This is my third time in real work experience, but I assure you that I
would prefer keep professionalism and loyalty. I will apply my knowledge so I can use it. I
consider working with experienced professionals and the ability of freshers to be the
mutualistic kind of relationship for your Company.

Alfadion Rizki Ramadhan
Lampirin CV
*Badan e-mail versi 2 (versi Balitowerindo)*
Dear Human Resources Department at PT Bali Towerindo Sentra, Tbk.

My name is Alfadion Rizki Ramadhan a fresh graduate of Psychology from

Universitas Mercubuana Yogyakarta. Through this email, I expressed my interest in
being able to join PT Bali Towerindo Sentra, Tbk. as a candidate for the Human
Resource Intern as written on Whats’app Group “Info Loker & Forum HR 31”. As a
Psychology graduate, I am passionate about Human Resources Field. Previously, I
had volunteered as a recruiter for two days to help my lecturer who asked me for
help to become part of the recruiting team for prospective internship applicants for
the Rumah Consul company Internship program. In addition, I have assisted other
departments in recruiting several other student friends in forming committees for
various events made by other departments of the organization in which I participate.
I am a fast learner, an energetic, team player, adaptable, a hard worker, and willing
to learn new things.

I also studied, and attended several pieces of training to find out other Talent
Acquisition or Recruiting skills (Job Analysis includes making job descriptions and
job specifications, Offer Letters, basic STAR Method Interviews), skills in the field of
Human Resources / human resource management (making PKWT or PKWTT, Basic
Salary, BPJS, PPh21, Compensation, and Benefit), Basic Learning and
Development Skills (TNA (Training Need Analysis) with three approaches
(Organizational, Occupational, and Personal)). I have a good academic history which
you can view in my resume. This is my first time in an internship, but I assure you
that I would prefer professionalism first. I will apply my knowledge so I can use it. I
consider, working with experienced professionals and the ability of fresher is the
mutualism kind of relationship for your Company.


Alfadion Rizki Ramadhan


Lampirin CV
*Badan e-mail versi 3 (versi Indo)*
Yth. Bapak/Ibu Pimpinan, serta HRD
Trans Entertainment

Dengan hormat,
Sehubungan dengan informasi lowongan kerja yang tertera pada akun Instagram, saya melihat Trans Entertainment sedang membuka lowongan magang.
Maka dengan itu, dengan surat ini, saya hendak melamarkan diri untuk posisi tersebut pada
perusahaan yang Bapak/Ibu Pimpin.
Sebagai bagian dari tim sumber daya manusia, saya memiliki pengalaman magang selama 7
hari untuk Gold's Gym (PT Fit and Health Indonesia) dalam tim recruitment, dan berhasil
dalam menyeleksi 72 kandidat karyawan baru, yang terdiri dari 37 kandidat terfokus untuk
Gold's Gym Fitness Club Surabaya, dan 35 kandidat terfokus untuk Gold's Gym Fitness Club
Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, dan Tangerang Selatan. Melakukan psikotes 13 kandidat
baru secara offline, dan 6 kandidat baru secara online. Melakukan psikotes untuk 2 kandidat
manajer operasional dan 1 kandidat brand manager yang terdiri dari psikotes CFIT, DISC,
dan Kraeplin.
Lalu, sebagai bahan pertimbangan, saya lampirkan beberapa dokumen yang diajukan dalam
lowongan tersebut.
1. Soft file PDF CV
Demikian surat lamaran pekerjaan yang sudah saya buat. Besar harapan saya agar dapat
melanjutkan rekrutmen ini. Atas Perhatian dari Bapak/Ibu, saya ucapkan banyak terima kasih.
Alfadion Rizki Ramadhan
E-mail :
Kontak yang bisa dihubungi : 081327629453

Lampirin CV
*Pitching atau deskripsi branding untuk jobstreet*
"Bachelor's degree in Psychology. Good working knowledge of Microsoft Office
(Word, Excel, and PowerPoint). Understanding of recruitment techniques.
Understanding of interview method and psychological testing. Have an internship at
fitness and telecommunication in the field of recruitment and human resource

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