Chapter 2 Review Questions, ECN 210, Sayre-Morris Textbook, 8th Edition.

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Indicate whether the following statements are true or false:

1. (LO 1) T or F The term “demand” means the quantities that people would like to
purchase at various prices.

2. (LO 4) T or F A change in the price of a product has no effect on the demand for the
same product.

3. (LO 1) T or F An increase in the price of a product causes a decrease in the real income
of consumers.

4. (LO 4) T or F An increase in the price of a product leads to an increase in the supply.

5. (LO 4) T or F Equilibrium price implies that everyone who would like to purchase a
product is able to.

6. (LO 4) T or F Surpluses drive prices up; shortages drive prices down.

7. (LO 5) T or F An increase in incomes will lead to a decrease in the demand for an

inferior product.

8. (LO 7) T or F A decrease in the demand for a product will lead to a decrease in both
price and the quantity traded.

9. (LO 6) T or F An increase in business taxes causes the supply curve to shift left.

10. (LO 6) T or F A decrease in supply causes price to fall and quantity traded to increase.
Basic (Questions 11–22)

11. (LO 1) What does the term “demand” refer to?

1. The amounts that consumers are either willing or able to purchase at various

2. The amounts that consumers are both willing and able to purchase at various

3. The quantity purchased at the equilibrium price

4. The price consumers are willing to pay for a certain quantity of a product

12. (LO 6) What will a surplus of a product lead to?

1. A reduction in supply

2. A reduction in price

3. An increase in price

4. An increase in supply

13. (LO 1) What is the effect of a decrease in the price of a product?

1. It will increase consumers' real income while leaving their actual income

2. It will increase consumers' actual income while leaving their real income

3. It will decrease demand.

4. It will have no effect on income.

14. (LO 5) What is the effect of an increase in the price of coffee?

1. It will lead to an increase in the demand for tea.

2. It will lead to a decrease in the demand for tea.

3. It will have no effect on the tea market.

4. It will decrease the demand for coffee.

15. (LO 1) What is the slope of the demand curve?

1. It is downward sloping because when the price of a product falls, consumers are
willing and able to buy more.

2. It is upward sloping because when the price of a product falls, consumers are
willing and able to buy more.

3. It is upward sloping because when the price of a product increases, consumers are
willing and able to buy more.

4. It is downward sloping because higher prices are associated with larger quantities.

16. (LO 6) What is the effect of an increase in the price of a productive resource?

1. It will cause a decrease in the supply of the product.

2. It will cause an increase in the supply of the product.

3. It will cause a decrease in the demand for the product.

4. It will cause an increase in the demand for the product.

17. (LO 5) In what way are Pepsi-Cola and Coca-Cola related?

1. They are substitute products.

2. They are complementary products.

3. They are inferior products.

4. They are unrelated products.

18. (LO 6) Which of the following could cause an increase in the supply of wheat?

1. A decrease in the price of oats

2. An imposition of a sales tax on wheat

3. An increase in the price of fertilizer

4. A decrease in the price of wheat

19. (LO 5) All of the following, except one, would cause an increase in the demand for a
normal product. Which is the exception?

1. An increase in consumers' incomes

2. An increase in the price of a substitute product

3. An increase in the size of the market

4. Consumer expectations of a lower future price for the product

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20. (LO 5) Which of the following pairs of goods are complementary?

1. Coffee and tea

2. Skis and ski boots

3. Bread and crackers

4. Popcorn and pretzels

21. (LO 6) All of the following, except one, would cause a decrease in the supply of product
A. Which is the exception?

1. An increase in the price of resources used to make product A

2. An increase in business taxes

3. An improvement in technology

4. The expectation by suppliers that future prices of product A will be higher

22. (LO 5) Which of the following best describes a normal product?

1. A product that people both need and like

2. A product whose demand increases if incomes increases

3. A product whose demand increases if incomes decreases

4. A staple product that everyone needs

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