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Training Letter

Dear Ms. Prachi Tawade,

In reference to your application we would like to congratulate you on being selected as Trainee –
Inflight with IndiGo Aviation Services Private Limited (referred hereafter as “IndiGo Aviation”
or “Company”) subject to following terms and conditions:

1. Your date of joining shall be February 1, 2023.

2. In consideration of your services, you will be entitled to be paid a monthly stipend of

Rs. 35,000/- per month, by IndiGo Aviation during the training.
3. The terms and conditions of training shall at all times be govern ed by the policies,
rules, regulations and guidelines issued by IndiGo Aviation as applicable and as may
be amended by IndiGoS Aviation from time to time.

4. Your job description and general responsibilities shall be advised to you according to
operational m nd responsibilities
requirents and
shall also include
such further duties

as may be necessary or incidental to your training or as may be delegated by IndiGo

Aviation to you from time to time.

5. You will not be other than those

eligible for any
other allowances
/ benefits,
specified herein.

6. Your place of work will be initially at Delhi and may be transferred to any division or
base of this company or any of our group companies, if required.
7. Training Period: n itially you will be on training for 3 Months fro the dat
joining with the Company. Company in its sole discretion at any point curtail or extend
this period of training.

That in case the company requires your services further on contractual/ permanent basis,
in that event you shall be informed one month before the expiry of your training with the
Company, and otherwise your training shall stand automatically terminated on the expiry
of the period of training. Subsequent to your performance review IndiGo Aviation shall
have the right, but not the obligation, to confirm your employment.

8. Notice Period: During the training period, the Company can terminate your training
with a 7 day notice. If you desire to terminate your training, a minim um notice period of
30 days will have to be served and for failure to do so, IndiGo Aviation reserves theright
to deduct payment up to 30 days.

9. Termination: If you are found to be guilty of misconduct, IndiGo Aviation may

terminate your training forthwith and you shall not be entitled to any nn otice or pay in
of notice or any other payment except for such sums as shall have accrued due at the
date of termination of the training.

10. Confidentiality and Non-disclosure:

During the course of your training with the Company, you will have access to important
information, data or trade secrets and will become familiar with Em ployer’s Proprietary
Information, technicalities of agreements and contracts, financial, business marketing
models and plans (“Confidential Information”).

You shall not at any time, either during the continuance of or after the termination of
your training with the Company, use, disclose or communicate to any person
whatsoever any Confidential Information which you have or of which you may have
become possessed during your training with the Company nor shall you supply the
names or addresses of any clients, customers, vendors or agents of the Company or any
company/subsidiaries of the Company to any person except as authorized by the
Company or as ordered by a Court of competent jurisdiction.

11. Intellectual Property:

Any work or output generated by you while performing the services during the term of
your agreement, i ncluding all electronic data, papers, workshe ets, logs, records,

reports, documents, training material and other materials developed or prepared by

you, shall be the sole and exclusive property of the company.

12. Return of
Material: lation with the Company, you shall immediately
Upon cessation of ereturn to the n

Company all Comp any owned equipment or property, including, but ot limited to,

automobiles, credit cards, cellular telephone equipment, business cards, laptops, hard
drives, pen drives, computers and books & manuals by no later t han the separation
date. You shall also return all keys, passwords, tangible proprietary information,
documents, books, records, reports, contracts, customer and contact lists, computer
files and data (and any copies thereof), which exist in any medi um, which may be
prepared or obtained by you in the course of or incident to your employment.
We take this opportunity to c ongratulate you on your selection and look forward to long mutually
beneficial professional association.
Kindly return the attached c o condition set out.
py of this letter, duly signed by you, in
Sincerely, acceptance of terms and

IndiGo Aviation Services Private Limited

Gate No. 6, Indira Gandhi International

Airport, Delhi Cargo Terminal, New Delhi,
Delhi 110037

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