戏剧DvT用于创伤治疗单页 1:创伤中心的DvT大纲 北京

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CDMT疗育®线上课| 戏剧DvT用于创伤治疗

(4 次 20:00-21:30,瞩目)

Trauma Centered Developmental Transformations

David Read Johnson 博士

Trauma Centered Developmental Transformations

Introduction to Trauma 创伤介绍

Traumatic event 创伤事件
Traumatic memory 创伤记忆
Traumatic schema 创伤图式

TC-DVT 创伤中心的 DvT

A. Given Circumstances 既定情境

1. The Background Field 背景领域

2. Present Circumstances 当下情境

3. The Adaptive Shield 适应性盔甲

B. Aim of Trauma Treatment 创伤治疗的目标

1. To free self from grip of trauma 将个人从创伤的束缚中解放出来

a. To experience oneself as unique, immutable, and free

CDMT疗育®线上课| 戏剧DvT用于创伤治疗
(4 次 20:00-21:30,瞩目)

C. Assumptions of Trauma Treatment 创伤治疗的假设

1. Trauma schemas arise in order to avoid fear and shame
2. Therapist and client are avoiding all the time 治疗师和来访者一直在回避
3. Trauma narrative is always incomplete 创伤叙事永远是不完整的
4. Trauma schemas are relational 创伤图式是关系性的

D. Principles of Trauma Treatment 创伤治疗的原则

1. Immediacy 及时性
2. Engagement 参与性
3. Emotionality 情绪性

E. Methods of Trauma Treatment 创伤治疗的方法

1. Getting the details 获得细节
2. Decoding current behaviors 解码当下行为
3. Disclosing the perpetrator 揭示施暴者
4. Differentiating past from present 区分过去和现在

TC-DVT Method 创伤中心的 DvT 方法

Initial Desensitization: 原初脱敏

Entering the forest 进入森林
Therapist initiates a challenge 治疗师发起一个挑战
Aggressor-aggressor struggle 侵略者-侵略者战斗
Perpetrator-Victim interaction 施害者-受害者互动
The rounding (rounding 单看是凑整、制圆的意思)这里也许说的是“完成完整的
Victim-Perpetrator interaction 受害者-施害者互动
The Release 解脱
Victim-Comforter Interaction 受害者-安慰者互动

Ongoing Work: 持续的工作

A. Movement 动作 Placing the client into motion 让来访者行动起来

Shaking the tree/varielation 摇晃树/变式

B Entanglement 缠绕 Undoing the separation between

Self and other, subject and object
CDMT疗育®线上课| 戏剧DvT用于创伤治疗
(4 次 20:00-21:30,瞩目)

C. Decentering 去中心 Revealing the exercise of power 揭露权力是如何实施的

D. Clearing the forest 清理森林 Introducing Choice 介绍选择

E. Opening the Canopy 打开树冠 The Moment 动作


Case Examples 案例示范


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