Day 03 The Workplace Power Leverage Sessions July 2023

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Day 07

today, we're gonna be focusing on the power leverage of money control. Yes.
The power that you have with money control.
uh, money control in simple terms is your the the power it's primarily the power that you have to be
able to leverage money to your highest values.
I repeat, the power the money power the money control power leverage is the power that you have to
be able to use your finances to according to your highest values.
Now one of the things you probably would have noticed is in terms of all the power leverage that
we've been dealing with, we've dealt with too so far.
And this is the third one. You find out that most of them actually address different issues.
For example, the first power leverage I've addressed the issue of identity.
And what we leveraged on there was the power of your values as a way of you creating a brand
identity for yourself as a way of you distinguishing yourself at work and in life.
And then the second power leverage that we worked on dealt dealt with your, uh, not I would dealt
with isolation which most people feel not only just in their career, but also in life.
And what we're able to do was leverage the power of your relationships to be able to bring a clear
sense of support for yourself.
If you remember, clearly, weren't you 3 different levels of support that you need to have And one of
the things which we achieved by the end of our conversation was help you to be able to create a
support system made up of some of the people that share some of the greatest hires, some of your
common highest values that you believe very much in.
And so really at the today, what we're going to be facing is we're gonna be facing the challenge that
people have with regards to money.
some of the money pressures. And that money pressure is addressed primarily by using your money
yes, your money control is actually the power that you have to be able to control whatever pressures
that you have with regards to money.
And you see, the beauty about all these power leverages that I've given that you have up until this
particular point in time is that, look, they deal with a lot of things that happen on your insight and
primarily around you, uh, your sense of identity, your sense of isolation, the money pressures, this is
what this this leverages help you address.
And getting this right at the beginning actually puts you in a good position for you
to be able to deliver high productivity for you
to be able to deliver high results in the workplace. So let's step. Let's go into today's, uh,
So I've already given you a broad definition in Sandler. what money control is.
Money control gives you the power to be able to live, uh, use your money to your, uh, in line with
your highest values.
Now there are basically 3 stages in money control.
I'm gonna share my screen because it's gonna give him give us the opportunity for me to actually
walk you a couple of
things that I want us to talk to. So here, I
have I hope you guys can all see my screen. So now in terms of money control.
Like I said, money control has 3 stages. Good. Thank you very much.
Money control has 3 stages, and I'm gonna just
build them up here. Good.
Now the 1st stage on the money control focuses on protection, The next stage focuses on expansion.
And the final stage for serve the focus is on posterity.
Now let me explain basically everything here.
Is this On that protection, the focus for the individual is still working on the protection stages.
You're basically trying to make sure that you use your money in a
way that you protect the the current lifestyle that you
are living. So the focus of everything is more on your present
life. What you're trying to do is you're trying to protect whatever current lifestyle that you're living in
And the tools that
you focus on to do that is tools like budgets, like, uh, education, financial education,
Like, uh, investments?
Now in terms of invest the core investments that people focus here are basically low and medium risk
Now there's one additional tool that people use here is the tool of insurance.
Now let me explain everything here.
So on that protection, like I said, the goal here is primarily to protect your present life.
The current lifestyle that you are living, the goal is primarily to protect there.
And I said the tools that you use here is number 1, budgets.
So, uh, the person working in this particular living in his, uh, number 1 tries to define the budgets that
ensures that, look, he or she's not put on that pressure in terms of how he manages his finances, how
he keeps his finances, how he works his finance work.
And one of the thing the other thing that the person tries to build on is build a good education, a good
education in terms of, oh, Uh, I'm either trying to educate myself better in the issue of finance, or I'm
trying to educate myself better in terms of how I can be more effective and productive in the
because what you have to realize is that one of the first investments that one of the first tools that you
actually have for protection is actually your career.
It's the work that you do on a daily basis.
And so one of the things the person focuses on on the education is not only trying to educate him or
herself with regards to financial education, but also try to educate him or herself in terms of being able
to, uh, to be more productive at work, being able to deliver more at work.
And with regards to investments, the focus of the investments for the person is low and medium risk
Why is low and medium risk investment uh, the focus of for the person because the person is trying
to protect the current lifestyle.
Uh, at this point in time, the person is not open to taking significant risk because it feels that you're
taking too much risk is going to impact on the current lifestyle that he or she lives.
And so, for example, you find the person uh, has maybe a smaller location in time on on his budget
towards making consistent investments in, uh, particular assets because he cannot afford to expand the
scope of how he basically chooses money here and thereabouts.
Now one other thing which is very, very important for the person is insurance.
So for example, if the person has a car, you have to take insurance.
And at this stage, also, you also find the person thinking even in terms of uh, taking taking it thinking
in terms of even life insurance.
Now a couple of people have asked, look, at what stage do I really, really need a life insurance?
Well, I'll tell you the simple thing. You need a life insurance.
Once you have people who depend on you for their financial sustenance. I repeat, you need a life
Once you have people that depend on you for your for their financial sustaining.
And so for example, uh, let's say you have experience who basically rely on you on the month or
month, uh, my recommendation, consider taking a life insurance because If anything happens to you,
at least from that life insurance, you're able to pay out something to them that at least will continue to
sustain them.
If you have a family, you have kids, You have people. I mean, you have a family you've got kids.
You need to consider life insurance because, uh, it gets that as a protection for your family whilst you
are not around.
Now another insurance you need to consider.
So for example, let's imagine you have a property, you have your own house Of course, it goes
without saying you need to consider having insurance for your property.
The bay like I said, the basic philosophy on that protection is that, look, you are trying to protect your
present life.
The goal here is to make sure that, look, if anything happens to you, uh, within the short term, then
I'll I mean, you are not only protected in terms of you being able to, uh, manage yourself.
You're also protected in terms of the people that look to you for every day of what they have
something which they can fall back on.
So, I mean, for example, I would when you are doing when the person is when the person here, if you
are doing your budget, you know, that is You should have things like emergency fund because you
should be able to protect yourself in the event that something happens, uh, whilst you are not able to
make ecom or someone unforeseen emergencies come into play you're able to actually protect
yourself by having an emergency fund.
And that's what basically, uh, which the person deals with on that expand on that protection. Now on
that expansion,
the focus here changes a bit. And the focus here is more on your dream life.
And so what has happened here is this. The person on on on
the face of expansion has already been able to address all the protection needs that he or she, uh,
needs to focus on.
Now the tools quits the person works with under expansion.
He still works with exactly the same tools that you have on that protection.
The only difference here is that we now add a couple of more tools here.
Now what are the other two scoots the person focuses on in terms of investments?
His investments are now more in are now on low, medium.
and high risk. The person has a
bit more flexibility in being willing to take a bit more risk.
So he's willing to take a bit more risk in terms of, uh, the sort of investments that the person is willing
to go.
It's in situations like this that, uh, the person I decide, oh, I want to invest in startup companies Uh, I
want to be an angel investor, ETC, and things like that.
Those are a lot more risky.
And so at this expansion stage, the person has more freedom and more flexibility to focus on, uh, to
take a bit more risk.
Uh, in terms of education, in addition to all the education that he has in under the protection phase,
you're not start adding education in terms of tax efficiencies.
So for example, in terms of uh, doing investment, the person begins to think in terms of, oh, what are
the tax investments?
Tax efficient structures that I can adopt in terms of how I want to do the investments that I want to
Now one thing which I'm going to point out here is is you remember uh, on that protection, I told you
that, uh, at this stage, the person has
to think that on the insurance, one of the
things I talked about was talked about, uh, taking life insurance. Now life insurance is
a bit of a tricky one. Uh, let me explain what I
mean by life insurance is a bit of a tricky one.
Uh, the reason why it's a bit of a tricky tricky one here is that within the within life insurance, they're
actually they're actually 2 life insurances.
You can talk about your whole life or your term uh, insurance. Now what is a whole life insurance?
Whole life insurance is basically the type of insurance whereby you take with the insurance from that
depending on the structure, there are some whole life insurance whereby if you make payments over a
particular period of time, at the end of that period, you are covered for life.
for example, they may tell you that you pay particular amount for 5 years.
And after paying that amount for 5 years, you are covered for the rest of your life.
So whatever what effectively happens is that whatever you decide on in terms of, uh, the cover, the
the cover that you are taking, uh, by the end of after that 5 years, the insurance company in the event
that something happens to you, death, or whatever it is, they're gonna pay it to your beneficiaries.
That's how your whole life works. Now on that term, term insurance is a bit different.
Term insurance, I think the best way to to understand your term insurance is just look at it like you're
taking a an insurance for a vehicle.
But in this case, the vehicle is actually your life.
So for example, the way term insurance works is that if you don't pay, you don't get a cover.
So you pay annually for you to get a cover.
And so I'm sure for most people, they'll be like, oh, why do I have to?
I mean, based on that, that means if I don't pay on that term insurance, I don't get a cover.
Whereas for whole life, if I pay for a fixed a fixed period, I effectively get covered for the rest of my
Well, It depends on how you want
to look at it. And if you've let's let's let's use some numbers.
So for example, let's say today you decide you want
to take your whole life insurance, your whole life insurance, and you're basically agreeing that you
want to take, uh, 20,000,000 Naira as your cover that you want to work with.
uh, the insurance company tells you that you have to pay for 5 years.
And after 5 years, you get covered for the rest of your life.
So let's assume you leave for 20 years.
what do you think is going to be the value of that 20,000,000 in 20 years? Yes.
That's the problem with whole life because, especially in the con in if you're in a country whereby
inflation and, uh, money value begins to a root, you have a problem with using a whole life insurance.
because by the time in which your family is going to qualify for it, you'll be finding that that money
is next to nothing and which is where term insurance more or less plays, the better cover for you.
Because number 1, you are able to you are able to assess in terms of how you feel the stage of life is
what sort of cover that you really, really want.
And the fear of saying that if at the
end of this period, whatever it is, uh, if you don't pay, you're not covered. Look.
if you are walk if you are working with your plan of wanting to move yourself from protection to
expansion, What I can tell you is that, look, it probably would have minimal impact with you because
by the time you get to the expansion phase, expansion phase at that point in time, you are already
you are focusing on building assets assets that actually generates income.
And so if you do this if you do this thing very, very well on this stage, you find yourself that, look,
you're actually providing cover for yourself by the type of investments that you're making for
And let me explain it to you.
So let's imagine you've entered the expansion stage whereby you're investing you are doing a lot
more investing.
If you do your investments, right, For example, if you have a good diversified investment portfolio of
having things like rental, real estate income, uh, you have stocks, you have equity, be finding that it's
actually possible for you when you enter your retirement fees to actually be able to live off whatever
income is coming from rental properties.
And you just you just have to have a big perspective in terms of how you want to go about this.
And these are some of the considerations you should have while you are trying to develop your
money plan.
everything actually focuses around your money plan in terms of how you develop your money plan.
And by the
time we get to to day 2 and day 3, We're actually going to
go into a bit of drilling, a little bit of drill for that in terms of us to understand how we go about this.
Now why did I go into all that long story in terms of talking about insurance because I just believe
that look for especially for those of us who are here, whereby, uh, we are currently in a career, uh, and
we more or less have people that look us in terms of how we allocate our finances, whether it is our
direct family, uh, whether it is our old, our age parents, it's I I think it's important we start thinking
along the lines of how are we going to protect, uh, the lifestyle, which they are currently navigating
the events that something happens to us.
And that's the reason
why I went into that. So let's go back
to this conversation. We've dealt with protection. We've dealt with expansion.
I've said on that expansion, In addition to everything that you already focus on on that protection, you
now start focus on, uh, expansion.
Your your investment options are now a bit more expansive You've included high risk investments.
You are looking at you are focusing on more tax efficient, uh, opportunities.
In addition, You are now considering things like side hustles.
You're now considering things like side hustles uh, looking at businesses that you can start while you
still remain in your active practice.
The whole idea on the expansion is that, look, you are trying to maximize your ability to generate
income outside of your daily as outside of your regular work schedule.
Okay. And that's the whole idea of what you're trying to do under the
expansion stage. Yep. That completes everything on
the expansion state. Then we move to the next stage. Prosperity. Yes. posterity still takes all
the learnings that you have from, uh, protection, expansion, all the tools that you have there.
But on that posterity, At this particular point in time, you are no longer focused on just your dream
You've more or less come into your dream life. And what you are focused on now is the after life.
you're now considering, oh, what's going to happen when I'm not here?
It's at this point in time that you start getting education on things like estate planning.
You start adding things like estate planning in terms of, uh, what's going to happen in terms of the,
uh, the assets that are built over time How is it going to be allocated?
Uh, how is it going to, uh, benefit, uh, not only just me, but also benefit the generations that come
after me.
It's in situations like this that you actually have people start investing, uh, for their grandkids.
I actually had, uh, was when are work in asset management.
I actually had a we actually had a client who bought who who made investments for her grandkids.
Didn't make investments for our kids. she actually make made investments for her grandkids, all her
grandkids, they had investments.
And we used to joke that, oh, man, it wouldn't be a great idea.
have this woman as my grandma who's already made investments for all, uh, her grandkid, but that's
what you start thinking about.
Even beyond making investments
for your grandkids, uh, you start thinking of, uh, setting up things like foundations that are going to
outlive you.
You start setting up things like charities that will be able to serve interests that you believe very much
in outside of you.
Now that is the 3 stages that you have. within the money control. But
in defining, it clear your ability to leverage your money control power.
One thing is very, very cool and very, very important.
You wanna know what it is. It is your philosophy about opportunities.
Because let me tell you, if, for example, let's say you are under the
pro you are you are you are currently on that are in the protection fees.
There is a possibility that you start having agitation in terms of, oh, this is where I am uh, oh, how am
I going to get your expansion?
How am I going to get your posterity? Or even whilst you are in protection,
you are beginning to consider, oh, uh, this is a problem. the problem. These are pressures. These are
pressure points.
The most the biggest thing that helps you to solve the pressures that you may be facing is your your
understanding of opportunities.
And what I mean by understanding of opportunities is that where in which you believe opportunities
will come to you and the way in which you believe you are going to leverage your opportunities.
And I will tell you this, your biggest your biggest ability and the biggest power that you have to be
able to leverage opportunity is your power to ask.
I repeat. I repeat.
The biggest power that you have, the biggest ability that you have to be able to leverage your
because of this, I'm not able to leverage the power to ask.
What is going to happen here is that, look. You're going to you're going
to have a situation whereby no matter where you are on the skill, no matter where you are in terms of
what where you are on this ladder, what you're going to
have is you're going to find yourself on that extreme pressure. Now let me explain what
I mean by your power to ask. Opportunities will always come. Opportunities will always show up for
everyone of us.
The problem for most of us is our ability to ask people for the for the app for us to take advantage of
those opportunities.
And let me explain what I mean here. So for example,
uh, there are investment opportunities that are showing up, and you're like, oh,
you believe that, oh, you might not be able to qualified to take advantage of those investment
The only way you would know that you don't qualify
to take those advantage of those investments opportunities If I go into the people who are involved in
it and asking them, it's pretty simple as that.
Let's imagine, uh, you would there's there's a job offer that is going on within company.
And the job offer is going to offer you more opportunities, more, uh, pay and ETC.
And you're asking yourself, is this something that you can take advantage of?
I will tell you The only way you can know you can take advantage of it is by asking.
Or there could be people in which you are within your circle that you believe they would give you
better access to things that you probably might need in life, things that you might probably be able to
work with.
The only way you can leverage those is by asking.
And that's why our assignments today, which are going to find that the workbook is actually for you
to ask.
And I'm going to ask. I'm not what I'm going to tell you to do is I'm gonna tell you to do something
which, uh, I would tell you actually helped me to open my self taking advantage of opportunities that
comes with ask.
And what I'm gonna tell you to use, I'm gonna tell you to ask people for money. Yes.
I'm gonna tell you to ask people for money.
Now when this I remember the first I I I this was actually something that, uh, the my coach that I was
working with a couple of years back actually had me do.
What he told me what he
had me do was he told me that, okay.
Uh, Tola, I need you to send out a message to, uh, people within your circle and just tell them to give
you money.
And I was like, ask people to give me money. I mean, that sounds funny.
Do you know it's funny?
By the time he told me to do that, it was when I realized that I had never asked anybody in my life for
for whatever, I mean, I just I'm this kind of person that I have this philosophy that look, uh, if there's
anything I need, I'm gonna find a way
of making it work for me. I'm gonna find a way making things happen, making things. I'm gonna find
way of using resources that I have. However, it is to make it work for me.
And I realized that because I've been doing that, I have never actually asked people for money.
And I I had to follow what my coach told me for doing that exercise, and I actually went ahead and
asked And it's interesting.
Everybody that I asked actually gave me money. Yeah. That's true. Everybody that I asked gave me
And there are a couple of things that I learned from that exercise.
Number 1, you have more power within the existing relationship that you have.
that you have than you actually know.
I repeat, you have more power within the existing relationships that that you have than you know.
I would never have known that some of these, I mean, the people within my relationship within my
relationship, Nicole, will actually give me money just because I asked simply because they believe in
the type of person that I am.
It wasn't that I took. Um, let me tell you, I didn't ask them that
I needed the money because I wanted to do something. Do you understand?
And I'm gonna I'm gonna share with you description, which I used to ask them for money.
I'm gonna share with you
a bit of it. The second thing which, uh, I also realized then is that by asking people for money, it freed
my mind to be able to ask people literally for anything.
And this is something that has really, really benefited me in the workplace.
So for example, let's imagine we're trying to do something uh, we're trying to get a task, a deliverable
They're they're trying to get it delivered.
If I ask a particular, uh, person oh, I need this and this and the person is not an what I'm talking about,
uh, asking somebody, I'm talking about asking external parties who are able to support us
who are able to get us what we want.
If I ask the person if I ask this particular institution or this person, if I ask them, oh, please, we want
this ETC and things like that.
And the person says, no. My mind is already thinking. Who is the next person I'm going to ask?
If I ask that person, it doesn't work. The next thing I must and my mind is already thinking.
who is
the next person I should ask.
And it builds a mechanism in my mind whereby I just realized that all I needed to do was just to be
asking that I just needed to be finding people that I needed to be asked at this point in time.
And what I tell myself is that, look, uh, I may not ask the right person the first time.
But if I keep asking, eventually, I'm going to get to the right person.
Now the third thing I'm going to tell you that I realized was very important is having a right way to
You need to ask in such a way that people feel a sense of investments in your success.
I repeat, you need to ask in a way that makes people feel a sense of investment in your success.
Now let me tell you how it is that, uh, I asked based on what my coach, uh, told me to do then.
So what I did was I composed the WhatsApp message with a bit of input for my coach.
And what I just simply did, uh, I'm currently working on something. I'm I'm a currently part of
Uh, and one of the assignments which I'll
be giving today is I've been asked to I I need to ask for money.
Uh, please I need you to give me some money. It could be any amount.
I really need to make it.
I I really need to pass. Uh, so I think I I said I think I
would I really need to succeed in this assignment that I've been given. Please give me some money.
Can I have it? Now it was it was a bit playful, but at the same time, I made it look like it would
be while investing in my success in this particular thing.
And literally, everybody that I sent that message to, every one of them gave it to me, and they matter
the amounts.
The important thing here is this 1, I built my ability to ask correctly from that, uh, message number 2,
It's also I I also built my ability to actually connect with people on a deeper level by asking And that's
actually going to be our assignment for today.
Because one of the things I believe from what I've the experience I've had is that, look, when you can
ask people for money, and you can ask it anyway because money is one of the
things that people try to keep personal to themselves. So they don't want
to give and things like that.
But if you can ask for money, in a way that people feel an obligation to give to you, then it's likely
you'll be able to ask for anything when it comes to taking advantage of opportunities whether it's in
work whether it's at the workplace or in life.
So today's assignment is basically this. Number 1, I need you to write your money ask scripts.
So what I want you to do is I want you to think in terms of
how you are going to compose the message. You want to ask the people.
The message you want to, uh, present to the people in terms of what you want, how you want to ask
And then the next thing I need you to write out the names of people, uh, in this, I just want you to just
do it with five people, the name of the people, and just the amount given It doesn't matter the amount.
The important thing here is you're building your muscles to
be able to ask, uh, correctly.
You're building your muscles to be able to compose messages in a way that people feel an obligation
to invest in your success.
That's really it. doesn't matter the amount. The amount is really not what it's concerned.
What I just want to do is I want to build your ask muscles literally. That's it.
And with that, we come to the end of today's conversation. Yeah. Thank you very much for joining
This is the end of today's conversation. We've introduced your next power leverage, which is your
money control.
This deals with the pressures that you would have with money.
And if you can deal with all the pressures that we've been able to highlight, uh, over the last, uh, 7
Look. I'll tell you, you're ready bring yourself to be a well rounded person. And you know, one of
the things one of the reason why it's very important for me to start with this pressure point is that
Work is one of the few places that we bring the whole person into.
At work, you spend at least between give or take between 8 to uh, 10 hours are different depending
on the type of work that you do on a daily basis.
Meaning that your true self, your true person shows up at work because of the length of time that you
bring to work.
And so it's important. The type of person you bring to work should be a person that is not pushed by
So which is one of the reasons why we started with you having the right identity.
From having the right identity, we have we went to you having the right support system We're having
the right relationships.
Now we're dealing with the money pressure. Good.
Day 08
Yesterday, we started our conversation on your 3rd power leverage. Yeah.
We started on the conversation with 3rd power leverage, and I hope that you guys have been able to
do your assignment for yesterday.
Your assignment for yesterday was pretty simple. ask five people for money. It doesn't matter the
The whole idea is that, look, you are building your muscles and your ability to take advantage of
opportunities as they show up for you in life.
Yesterday, we went over the money control ladder, the 3 stages in the money control ladder, and I
hope you guys have been able to look at where you are on the ladder and, basically, decide how you
want to move on the next step or, basically, how you want to maximize.
If you are going to get any particular state, decide how you want to maximize that stage to prepare
you for the next stage that you're going to be going into.
So today, you know what? We're gonna be going into we're gonna be going into another what money
control helps you to do.
Money control helps you to create experiences, experiences for the most important areas of your life.
You see, having money or having a certain amount of money really means very little.
if you cannot transform the resources that you have into creating meaningful experiences, meaningful
experiences, not only for yourself, for for the people that matter to you.
Now I'm gonna share something with you.
and this basically summarizes what I would call my own definition and essence in terms of the most
important areas of your life.
So let me just share this in a moment. Good. Yeah.
So Yeah. I've got another triangle. I'm sure for some of you who we are. Yeah.
another triangle. Yes. Another triangle. I have another triangle I'm sharing with you.
I call this the full life triangle. This was something that I developed for myself a couple of years back.
And what did I use this to do?
I basically used it to be able to bring out more are the most important aspects of my life, not only the
most important aspects of my life, also in terms of how the stuck up in terms of hierarchy.
Which one is import the level of importance that each one of them has.
So for example, on the top most, I have relationships that define me well, as I defined you, it doesn't
really matter.
And the first one is god, my spiritual relationship with god, my physical relationship in terms of how
I take care of my body, personally, that shift in terms of what I focus on in terms of how I try to grow
myself mentally, emotionally, and, intellectually.
relationships that refine me, I have my accountability circle.
Within my accountability circle, I have, account I have my accountability friends. I have mastermind.
I have coaches and mentors that, was speaking to my life.
And then we I have my marital relationship, and I have my parenting relationship Now you're
probably wondering why would parenting be this high up in the ladder.
Now the reason why I put parenting high up in the ladder is because I asked myself who are the
people who are most likely to be impacted by the decisions I make in my everyday life?
And I realize something most people who are gonna be most impacted are my immediate family.
And that's my wife, which is covered by my marital relationship, and my parents and my kids, which
is covered by my parents in And the fact that my kids have this high level of a high high level of high
position in the hierarchy I'm not oblivious in terms of how I define how they, come into the decisions
that I have to make.
And basically, for me, my kids coming to I've factored into my decisions whether and the way the
comment is, they either have a vote, a voice, or an opinion.
a voice sorry. I know sorry. A vote a voice or a view. A vote a voice or a view.
Very, very important. And it's very important depending on type of decision for me to be able to
decide what it is that my kids can actually bring in.
Whether it is their vote, whether it's just their voice, whether it is their view that I want.
Now the next, group of relationships that I have is the relationships that experience you.
in this case, you have I have my social network.
I have financial in terms of how I manage money. I have my church.
I have my work, and I have my community.
Now this is the way these are the most important relationships for me, and this is the way in which
I've been able to put them in a way that I anytime I see them, I know where each person is.
this is actually more of a this is actually on a brief summary of a detailed framework because within
the context of this, full life triangle, I'm actually able to guide my decision making.
That actually helps in terms of my decision making process in terms of my goal setting.
It actually helps me to be able to define that, but that's not the purpose of today's conversation.
So for today, for me, I'm sharing with you what I what are the core relationships that I would like to
create experiences.
But before I go into experiences that I want to create for these relationships, the next thing I need to
ask myself here is this.
What are the what what do I have in terms of vision and goals that I have for each one of this
And so that forms the basis of what I call my vision charts.
So for every one of these areas of life, I have a overall life vision.
I want to live a life that celebrates how I value god and people that god has given me opportunities to
experience different seasons of life with.
And on the basis of which, I've now defined what is the vision that I want for each particular area of
for example, for my marital relationship, I said, I want my wife to be secure in the knowledge that I
love her, and she's the most important priority and partner.
For example, for my kids, My vision is pretty simple.
I want my children to be confident that the occupy a priority position in my life, second to their
mother, and grow up equipped mentally, emotionally, and spiritual the challenges they may face in
Work, I've said, I want to use so much value at work to my employers and colleagues that work
becomes a connection, a a platform to connect with people and bring god into the relationships.
for example, for my social circle, I said I want to maintain relationships with people that shows I
want to bring out the best in them.
and not just extract value from them for my benefits alone. Example within my community, my
vision is risk.
I want to serve the people in my external circle in a way that lets them appreciate how god values
them and brings them closer to knowing him.
For example, in terms of, my finances, the vision that I have for it is want to use my finances in a
way that provides security for my family, opportunity for mutual enjoyment, and support causes that I
believe in.
for example, within my accountability circle, I want to have relationships in my life with people who
can hold me accountable for key decisions and who are sure that the advice and time in my value in
my life are valid.
Look, this helps me frame in terms of how I want to frame what sort of experiences that I want to
create for the relationships that are important to me.
So for example, let's imagine for my marital relationship.
based on the vision that I've established of, I want my wife to be secure in the knowledge that I love
her, and she's the most important priority and and partner.
question I now ask myself, how do I create the kind of experience that reflects this sort of goal, that
this sort of vision that I've established So for example, it could be times of, taking my wife to lovely
restaurants, whereby we can sample different cuisines, it could be in terms of us being able to go on,
holiday places to locations that she has always wanted.
You know, it's the most important thing is this by being able to establish a vision, I'm able to know in
terms of what it is, what are the experiences I want to create, and how those experiences feed into the
money control in terms of how I'm basically allocating resources, how I'm basically aligning my
resources to the most important thing per time.
And so that's the that's the way in which I want you to frame the experiences you want to create in the
relationships that, are important to you.
You don't necessarily have to go with the way in which I've gone in terms of the way the different
relationships that, I mean, you may not have as much as this level of relationship.
And one of the things I'm always very careful about, especially when when I teach about the full life
triangle is that, look, depending on each stage of life, you probably might have different important
So there are some aspects within the full life triangle that may not be important to you at the
particular season of life, and it's very much okay.
You just have to know that, look, at this season of life, this is not important to you.
And if this is not important to you, look, focus on what is important to you and let that be the focus of
the direction which you are walking towards.
So it's pretty simple. Today is really, really much of a short session because, today is more just a
buildup of what it is that we've done yesterday.
today, what I need you to do is, basically, so let me pull up today's assignment sheet so that we,
together, where is this?
Yes, sir. k. Yeah. Good. Gotcha. Okay. Good.
So Today, you need you have 2 course.
I mentioned you need to do within the doc the workbook that you have.
Number 1, you need to define your financial vision statement.
So for example, I've given you my own financial vision statement.
I said, I want to use my finances in a way that provides security for my family, opportunity for
mutual enjoyment, and support causes that I believe in.
So I want you to do exactly that same thing. I want you to write your own financial vision statement.
Whatever it is, however it is, you want to frame it, sit down, Unfortunately, today is a Saturday, so it
probably gives you a bit of thinking time, to be able to do some of these things.
So sit down, ask you the find what you call your financial vision statement.
Once you've been able to define that the next thing you now have to do is look at the key life areas
that are important to you and look at the ask yourself what are the experiences you want to create in
those life areas, whether it is in your health.
So for example, you might tell yourself, so, let me for example, for me, one of the vision that I have
for my, for my bodies, I want to keep my body in shape and rhythm that allows me to serve god and
relationships that that he has given me.
So that means in terms of, how it is, what it is I do for my body, it's very important that I keep in a
top tip top by a performance that allows me to be able to serve the people that I currently have the
opportunity of spending life with.
So that means in terms of what it is that I the experiences, I want to keep creating time to weather,
how I want to eat, how I want to, show up whether I want to join a gym, whether I want to
opportunities, I want to have for relaxation and the rest, all those sort of things.
Day 09
Today is day 9 and today we're gonna be putting a pin and capping it up on your 3rd power leverage,
which is your money power.
Now today is gonna be slightly different in terms of the work approach of how
we're going to be going with today. Today's focus is going to be purely practical.
Today is when the rubber actually hits the road in which you actually do a bit of actions that you
actually take a bit of some of some actions, uh, that are related to your present life and your dream
today, uh, focus or the focus of our conversation is gonna
be basically us working through the assignments that you have in the workbook because the
assignments that you have in the workbook is actually a very powerful tool for you to be able to guide
and, uh, make some of your quality decisions in terms of where you're currently and where you need
to be.
So what you have on your workbook in terms of the activity for today is, uh, you need to there are 3
stages of life that you'd need to be able to highlight.
Now depending on how old you are
and where you currently are, this stages of life should on a minimum capture your present life and
your dream life.
I repeat, this this this this duration or these numbers of years should capture at least your present life
your dream life. Yeah. Depending on your stage of life, it might not be able to capture your plans for
the afterlife, uh, really.
And the reason why I've more or less captured within 10 years is that, look, even 10 years begins to
enter in the realm of, uh, speculation.
but I still believe that, look, it's a wonderful tool for us to be able to build certain tools, build certain
muscles for you in terms of how you want to go regarding your future.
So, uh, 1st and foremost,
in fact, there are about there are 5 core questions that you need to be able to address.
So I'm gonna walk us through what the core questions that you need to address are.
So first, What's the monthly minimum amount you need to live comfortably?
So you need to highlight that based on your current life.
You need to highlight that based on the next 5 years.
and you need to highlight that based on the next 10 years.
And what are the drivers or what helps you to make this sort of decision?
Well, you need to start considering things like uh, what stage of life you're going to be, who are the
people that you're going to have responsibility for?
So for example, let's imagine, uh, your you're you're you're married. You have kids. Maybe at that
in time, the kids will
be entering the university or whatever. You know, these are these are these are responsibilities that
you would have
to face in the future. and start
to you have to start making a plan in terms of how you want to get there comfortably, how you want
to get there with minimized stress.
how you
wanna get there without feeling a sense of, oh, where did all the time go?
And I didn't get myself ready for this. So those are some of the drivers of the way which you
need to think. So for example, let's imagine you expect, uh, by that period to have moved to a
particular location, you need to start considering the cost of living in location, the cost of making that
transition in that location.
The next thing, what are the assets that you that will generate this type of income?
That is the type of income to be able to cover the monthly amounts that you have aligned, uh, uh, had
identified what are the assets
you need. Now in this place, you
have to realize one of the first assets that you have is actually your current employment.
So you need to look up.
You need to ask yourself, okay. Uh, if all things goes well, uh, is this by client deployments?
The the client employment that I expect to still be able to generate that sort of income that I want.
You need to start thinking along those lines.
And you also have to start thinking in terms of, uh, income building assets that do not in
involve your direct uh, yeah, direct, uh, engagement of country or contribution to be able to generate
some of the income that you're looking for.
So for example, you might decide you you might start thinking, oh, uh, I think by year 5, I need
to have invested in a business, a business that begins to generate some sort of monthly income, or
you probably think that, oh, by month 5, you need to have generated, uh, a rental assets that gives you
a particular type of income mean, you'd have to start thinking along the lines of look, what are the
assets you're going to
need to be able to generate that kind of income that is going to sustain the monthly minimum that you
have already identified The next thing is
you need to ask yourself, what if there is a gap?
How long will it take you to build these assets?
So for example, where you currently are now, and this this actually focuses more on how you're
going to move from your current to the next 5 years and the next 10 years.
So for example, based on where you currently are, you know, the assets that you currently have.
And you are now talking about, oh, these are the assets that you need to build by year 5.
So there are, of course, there's obviously a gap between where you currently are and the year 5 uh,
where your current position that you expect to be in year
In terms of the in as assets and income
that you need to be able to capture that. So you
need to start asking yourself, How,
I mean, how long is
it going to take you to build assets that would be able to give you the sort of income that you need
from year 5 So this evolves a bit of thinking into and this, it basically derives itself from whatever
assets that you've identified in the first place, You don't need to start asking yourself, okay.
What's the gap that you have between those assets and where you currently are? I would expect that
you don't have a gap within your present life because I would expect that you have a budget, which is
one of the first tools that you use in your present life, which more or less keeps everything within the
realm and control of what you what you are working within what it is that you actually earn.
And so the real focus is really the next 5 years, the next 10 years. Now the next thing
you I mean, the next thing you now need to ask yourself, what can you do to accelerate the process to
creating these assets?
So this is actually having you to do a bit of a little bit of additional thinking.
So in the first place, you've done a
bit of thinking. You've come up
with an initial plan that, oh, uh, it's gonna take, let's say, 3 years to
be able to build the assets that is going to help me cover the income that I need for the next 5 by the
next 5 years.
Now the
next question I want to you that quit this worksheet is asking you that what can you do to accelerate
the process?
Because you have to start thinking in terms of, look, Uh, if you don't start because if you have start
thinking in terms of being able to compress time, because if you don't think in terms of compressing
in time, what you may end up finding that if you tell yourself that You want to do it in 3 years.
Uh, if you don't think about compressing time, because what compressing time helps you to do is that
compressing times helps when you think about compressing time, it helps you to start thinking along
the lines of the challenges that you may face on the process.
So achieving maybe your 3 year target of creating new sort of assets.
Compressing time may not necessarily compress the time of 3 years, but what it helps you to do is It
helps you to identify the possible challenges, the possible issues that you may have along the way.
So for example, let's imagine you expect that, uh, a business that you want to start that would be able
to generate the sort of income that would that you need to make a part
of the gap that you have uh, will take about 3 years. So the next question I'm asking
is that, look, what can you
do to compress that time of 3 years? You decide how you want to compress it.
If you decide you want to compress it to 2 years, good. Because there's there's this law.
I'm I'm sure you probably saw you guys or
some of you might have heard that everything that the the mafia, I think it's Murphy's law.
that everything that go that can go wrong will always go wrong. And so which is the reason why
we are thinking in terms of compressing time because for example, let's say you think you're going to
achieve it in 3 years, if you can decide, oh, I want to compress time to 2 years.
anything that can go wrong within that 2 years might probably happen and still keep you within the
line of you being able to achieve your 3 year target.
The bottom line here is this.
I want you to look at your your first target of the the number of years as your worst case and your
compressed time as your best case.
And the next question now actually helps you.
In terms of being able to capture, it says, what can you work with Sorry.
Who can you work with to help you accelerate the process?
Now it's at this point in time that what you're really doing is you are taking risk mitigation actions.
You are beginning to find you are beginning to think along the lines of who who are the people who
can help me, uh, in terms of being able to close out these assets who are the I wanna mean by people
who are not I'm not limited to just people within your circle.
It might actually have to mean you are going to sign up for certain trainings uh, be parts of certain
groups, uh, that might be able to get you.
So for example, there's nothing that sells that there's nothing that says you cannot decide, oh, because
in in order to be able to accelerate my, uh, acquisition and I decide I want to join a cooperative.
A cooperative might be able to reduce the time in which uh, I need to be able to, uh, achieve some of
the goals that I want because the co the cooperating offers me the, uh, comfort of being part
of a group that is aligned within
a particular goal and is able to leverage on more opportunities than I would have
been able to leverage on as an individual. You just have to start thinking along those lines.
Look, By the time you finish this activity, what you more
or less have is you have a financial game plan that you want to work yourself with.
You have a financial game plan that prepares you for not only the present, prepares you for the next 5
years, prepares you for the next 10 years, really.
And, look, this tool is a very, very powerful tool in terms of managing whatever pressures you may
probably have along the lines in terms of, uh, being able to manage your financial been been able to
manage the money that comes your way.
And one of the things I I would recommend with regards to using this tool, especially this particular
exercises that try and most try as much as possible to do it on an annual basis.
Why do I recommend an annual basis?
Because on an annual basis, It makes it easier for you to be able to review where it is that you are, uh,
what are the adjustments you need to make.
So for example, uh, the first time you did it You identified certain who's that you wanted to network
you wanted to connect with.
You may find that at the end of the year or whether it's 6 months later, Uh, those who's are not the
who's that you need to connect with.
You may find out that some of your plans, some of your goals have changed, and that's the reason
why you need to keep on reviewing it.
You need to keep on updating it.
because the the beauty about your plan is that, look, a plan gives you a sense of comfort that things
are going to work out for your good.
I repeat, a plan gives you a sense of comfort that things are going to work out for your good.
Why especially a plan that has taken into account the various risk that you were anticipate along the
And that's the reason why the who and the acceleration is very, very important because they help you
to think along the lines of, what are the risks that may happen along the way?
And you're already taking the time to to to mitigate against those risks.
And another reason why I need you to keep on looking at this plan very on a frequent basis, maybe
every 6 months, or annually is because a plan is only as good as its execution.
So for example, you got a beautiful plan, wonderful plan. It states out this is what it is.
uh, that you want to do.
By looking at it on a continuous and consistent basis, what you'll be succeeding in doing is you'll be
consolidating and reminding yourself that, look, you need to take action.
You need to take action. Because if you come to it every 6 months, every 6 months, you are more,
let's bring yourself to the point of, oh, I'm basically trying to score myself in terms of where I
currently am in on this particular plan.
And if you find yourself still far away from what you expect to be doing there, it's you're already
telling yourself that, look.
You are not executing your plan.
And what you're just reading is just nice lovely words that are not finding their expression in reality.
And what I want you to do is I want you to be able to bring those sort of things into everyday reality.
And that's the reason why I recommend, uh, if not a biannual review, at least an annual review.
so that you don't wake up on the 5th year and wonder that where did all the time do or go into your
10th year and wonder where all the time went.
And that's the reason why I built up this whole conversation up onto this point.
You remember day 1, I was able to help you under understand your present life, your dream life, and
your afterlife, what are the various characteristics in this particular area?
Like I said, what you have in this document, depending on the stage of life that you are would do
primarily with what you have in your current life and, sorry, in your current, in
your present life and in your dream life. depending on
the stage of life, it might actually cover you after life.
But most times, these are the 2 stages that you find on it.
Those stages, if you're addressing those stages, very, very will.
It is very likely that, look, by the time you get into planning for your after life, you are in a very
comfortable position.
With that, We come to the end of today's conversation. Yeah. It's been a great conversation.
In terms of us expressing what your money power is and really For me, my greatest expression of,
uh, gratitude that I would really, really want would be you guys actually putting to work the power
that exists within your money power.

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