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l llilll ffill lllil flil lllll lilil ilil lilil ilffiilil iltil ilfl Iilil fiilr ilil ilil

ilil ilil flt ltil 4001/5048/601 6t7016

I Semester 3 Year LL.B./lll Semester 5 Year B.A. LL.B. (Mai.-Min. System/

B.B.A. LL.B./B"Com. kt.B. Examination, Oetober/November 2021

Duration : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 80

lnstructions : 1. Answer any five questions from group (a) each

question carries 10 marks.
2. Answer any five questions from group (b) each
question carries 6 marks.
3. Answer should be written either in English or
Kannada completely"

Q. No. 1. a) Explain the salient features of lndian Constitution. Marks : 10

qDdd ioaqadd ddr$ c{earlddl Ddo&o.
Q. No. 1. b) Preamble. Marks : 6

Q. No. 2. a\ Critically examine the federal characters of the Indian

Constitution. Marks: 10
spdd iooqadd ioolrldoJr od;oddd1 a$mr{daan

Q. No. 2. b) Kinds of Constitution. Marks : 6

doaqndd eod $aaddsb.

Q. No. 3. a) Does Article 14 permit classification ? lf so, discuss the

basis of classification. Marks : 10
etd:$d 14 dflr'eddead* udmd dJadddoS:e ? 6anq0_
otad updrld ubeeJ aou:dd1 z3zSrt o.

Q. No. 3. b) Write a note on 'Doctrine of Severability'. Marks : 6

'zJedrad:d :rmod'd url o.3dE6 udog:o.

4001/5048/6016/701 6 .2.
llllil lllll lilll lllll lllll lill lllil lllll lilll llil lllll lfill illil lllil lilll llill llfl llll

Q. No. 4. a) Examine the scope of "Other authorities" under Article 12

of the Constitution. Marks : 10
io.)padd eldlaffd 12dOJJ ""add aDQradrldc" olouldd
-r*dQ doaiol.
Q. No. 4. b) ls University a "State" under Article 12 ? Marks : 6
ud:zffd 12d e:e adoaoare.:ob ooarde ?

Q. No. S. a) "Article 15(4) providesfor the advancement of socially and

educationally backward classes of citizens." Discuss with
cases. Marks . 10
"erd)Z3(d 15(4) mdnxd $4
d,dgddaan boCqd uiod
ddrri# e?pdofiDn edrad *ina?tar{d." eednr&d
{ddmrido oa"ri'er deedo$d1 tizl rl.
Q. No. 5. b) A non-resident of Karnataka complains that he has to pay
a greater capitation fee for admission to medical college in
Karnataka. ls this complain justified ? Marks : 6
doart^ld ee&a"&ojf,) doare^ldd {drteosl aoeJeddO- $ded
ddo$s: d*J aradedo" $e.r* Cedziedod: dod:Qm;S er
dra& oa-ol:u{de ?

Q. No. 6. a) Discuss the right to freedom of profession, occupation, trade

or business under Article 19(1Xg) of lndian Constitution. Marks : 10
qDddd doDqndd erd:afgd 19(1)(g)o$ d-d 49, en:dlored,
edaa drdaaddf iouoqx,d xaodo$ dd dEdd uri ado:.,o'
Q. No. 6. b) Write a note on untouchabilitY. Marks : 6
eridrd u{ t l-u1ee udo}:o.

Q. No. 7. a) Explain the safeguards available against the arbitrary

arrest and detention. Marks : 10
d{no d:d; z^:ot'dd a&d 'ad:d dtdrldd,
-r-l s s. n

Q. No. 7. b) Authorities have refused to issue passport to 'A', a citizen

of lndia to go abroad. Can the authorities be compelled to
issue ? Marks: 6
EgQuadd 'a' Dou qndseo$ nnriodpri ?f*P, d-n
d-gdq dodw &oado;rd. EgQuadd dr dgddl
CedejeeJedoC: z^,q oudad':de ?
. O. No. B. a) Briefly explain the right to freedom of religion under lndian
Constitution. Marks: 10
pddd ioaqnddO-'ad:d qa&:rd ar-1do$rd dd-q
dot$mn Ddotu.

e. No. 8. b) An accused was compelled by police authorities to accept

that he committed an offence under a law. Does it amount
to violation of his fundamental right ? Decide. Marks : 6
erdoe&o$dl rodopd erao$o- eldoafr #a&ddQ
r".{*oOorl dBeoeh elpraorl*b t.$d ded:qd. 'adl eedd
d:oeqiDd dt*d erue.:-odidobe ? odroao.
e. No. 9. a) State the nature and scope of rights of minorities to
establish and administer educational institutions. Marks : 10

ue.:;ioan dori eqlde$d ad*ea no#d m*dd aado

odrd#oo dtd {dod aarlo mr*sQ deeo.

Q. No. 9. b) Write a note on writ of Mandamus. Marks : 6

dqod$x" orr $o$ ti{d udos:o.

e. No. 10. a) Discuss the importance of Directive Principles of State
policy. Explain its relation to Fundamental Rights. Marks : 10

m% &e,go$ Odredoa{d d*rld *dddddl dzsrr,o' d:oeqlod

dd:*ddooari q&d 'adlrld douot'ddl edotu.

Q. No. 10. b) The Govemment of Karnataka acquired the land of 'B' by

law. 'B'wants to challenge the acquisition of property by
way of writ under Article 32 ol the lndian Constitution. Can
'B'succeed ? Marks:6
dmrnld dduaddl -Aog adoOd *oeld'B'o$ ?.1'otuodJq
qioa=oQed dDGdo$brgd. 'B'oJD qDddd doeoadd eldlr.ffd
sz do-onr dmetd qio,^r-ooQeddq dgio q?^tped. 'B'oJD
riegJde ?

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