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Professional Online Digital Learning Plan

1. Consider your online professional learning needs for the coming academic year. What is an
overriding technology, student learning, and/or assessment goal that you can work on online
(digitally) to assist your professional success? (NOTE: You should have at least 1 online
teaching/learning goal that both directs and aligns with your webinar choices):
Holistic Digital Professional Learning Goal:
My goal involves learning more about 1) Inclusion in Technology and 2) How to Break
Down Barriers in Technology.

2. Now that you have identified your professional online learning goal, identify 5 previous,
current, and/or fall edWeb** webinars and one edWeb community that you plan to view or
participate in across the timeline of this course. Use the example below to guide your

Digital Professional Learning Webinars

Webinar 1

Title: Leveraging Digital Communications to Ensure Students and Families Are First-Day

Presented by Charles Field, CEO, School Family Media; and Dr. Kara Stern, Head of
Content, SchoolStatus
Webinar Goal: The goal of this webinar was to provide knowledge on reducing the stress
and confusion related to returning to school by implementing a digital communication
Alignment with my professional learning goal: Though I am a parent, this webinar
helped me to understand the stress some parents may face when getting prepared to start
school. After viewing this webinar, from an educator position, I would decrease the lines
of communications to my student’s family. On the other hand, I would create one line of
communication that includes myself, parents, and the principal (ex. ClassDojo). That one
line of communication would include classroom, school, and county

Webinar 2
Title: How to Use Technology to Empower Student-Led Learning in Elementary School

Presented by Nancy Penchev, Instructional Technology Coach, Scheck Hillel Community

School (FL); and Marisa Labadini, Growth Marketing Specialist, Unruly Studios
Webinar Goal: The goal of this webinar included sharing edtech tools with educators that
help promote and support self-reliant learning with students.
Alignment with my professional learning goal: This webinar helped me to understand
that despite a student’s age/grade, discovering a student’s passion will positively affect
their academics. In today’s world, it is obvious that children enjoy using electronics.
Although too much screentime is not encouraged, technology in the classroom can be
pushed by student-led learning. As an educator, I would use gamified activities to reinforce
reading, math, and phonetic skills.

Webinar 3

Title: Supporting English Language Learners with Free Digital Tools

Presented by Will Lewis, Principal PM Architect, Microsoft Translator; Sara Beebe,

Educator and Professional Learning Specialist; and Mike Tholfsen, Principal Product
Manager, Microsoft Education
Webinar Goal: This webinar’s goal included providing educators free tech tools that can
assist with breaking the language barriers for students and their parents.
Alignment with my professional learning goal: From this webinar, I was able to learn
about an easily accessible and free tool that we are all familiar with—Microsoft. As an
educator, I would use Microsoft Teams, Immersive Reader, and Translator for my teacher
to guardian communication, teacher to student communication, and student to student
communication. I personally feel diversity in the classroom has several pros! Students will
get a chance to learn different languages right from their peers!

Webinar 4

Title: Inclusive Technology: Breaking Barriers and Empowering Learners

Presented by Luis Perez, Ph.D., Disability & Digital Inclusion Lead, CAST; Sharon Smith,
Ed.D., Director of Special Education, Hampton Township School District (PA); and
Christine Fox, CITES Project Director, CAST
Webinar Goal: This webinar’s goal was to provide educators with insight on the power of
inclusive technology systems.
Alignment with my professional learning goal: This webinar helped me to understand
the importance of incorporating assistive technologies while using accessible educational
materials in lessons. There was also information regarding the CITES framework that
includes components like 1) Leadership, 2) Infrastructure, 3) Teaching, 4) Learning, 5)
Assessment, and 6) Family Engagement. As an educator, I would use the CITES
framework as a step-by-step process to identify systematic barriers when implementing
technology in my online classroom.

Webinar 5

Title: Simplify Digital Access in K-12: Learn How District Leaders Eliminate Barriers

Presented by Barbara Nesbitt, Ph.D., Executive Director of Technology, School District of

Pickens County, SC; Jan Mills, VP of Sales, ClassLink; Kimber Nelson, Instructional
Technology Coach of Secondary Schools, School District of Pickens County, SC; and
Betsy Masters, Instructional Technology Coach of Elementary Schools, School District of
Pickens County, SC
Webinar Goal: This webinar goal was to give educators tips and strategies on selecting
the best solution to breaking barriers.
Alignment with my professional learning goal: This webinar helped me to understand
the importance of eliminating barriers in education so that students can be successful. As
an educator, I would choose easy communication platforms like Microsoft Teams or
Gmail, minimize technical issues with high-level trainings, and create easy-to-follow
schedules for online students.

edWeb Professional Community

Technology in Schools


3. To what extent did the webinars meet your professional online teaching and/or learning

As the membership chairman of an employee resource group, I am invited to several webinars.

Webinars can feel like lectures. However, the five webinars above exceeded my goal. The
webinars were interactive, engaging, and extremely knowledge. Not only did the presenters share
strategies, but the presenters also provided examples for better clarity.

4. How does one or more of your selected webinars assist you to meet at least one ISTE or
Alabama (ACTs) content or skill standard?

Selected Standard: ISTE Standards: For Educators 2.2 Leader.

As a current team lead & tutor, the selected webinars provided valuable information to help me
grow in advocating for equitable access to educational technology and learning opportunities that
meet the diverse needs of everyone involved.

Explain how the standards is either fully or partially met by the selected webinar:
The presenters met the standards by acknowledging the issue involving technology and barriers
associated with technology. In addition, the presenters provided strategies and steps to support
and overcome those two issues.
5. Screen capture your edWeb transcript showing your name and your completed viewing
dates. Save as a *.jpg file and insert that image here to document your efforts this term.

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