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anyone else (including the judges) can.

Jay Cutler won multiple Olympias with very differently

shaped…. everything,
everything, so it’s unlikely you have to be perfectly balanced to have a great physique.
Objectively, if your legs or arms are less than ½ inch different in size, it’s probably not worth
pursuing until maybe you’re close to your career peak, if at all.

5.) Brining Up Lagging Bodyparts Guide

If you do decide to bring up a lagging bodypart, be it to improve balance or just get a weaker part
stronger relative to others, there has to be a 3-step process to doing so. It’s NOT as simple as
“train the lagging bodypart more.” If you do that, you might be doing TOO MUCH and making
things WORSE!

1.) The first thing you have to figure out is what your volume landmarks are for that bodypart.
Find your MEV and your MRV (minimum effective volume and maximum recoverable volume).

2.) Take your “bigger” or stronger bodyparts that you want to deemphasize and bring their
training DOWN to either MEV or MV (maintenance volume).

3.) Train the bodyparts you want to bring up by cycling slowly from their MEV to their MRV,
deloading, and repeating until they are brought up to your liking, and then go back to training all
other bodyparts like that as well.

6.) Informed Practice vs. Hypochondria

When thinking about imbalances

imbalances (like everything else),
else), make sure to approach
approach the issue logically,
define your terms, define your desired outcomes, figure out if your outcomes are a favorable
combination of worthy and realistic, and then execute the plan. Don’t mistake hypochondriac
tendencies (we all have them) for a sport-related plan.

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