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Prompt 1:

The patient mentions having numerous moles, but none of them appear to have changed since
the last examination three months ago. The patient expressly names a huge mole that has been
there since adolescence and points it out on the left arm. The patient disputes any skin redness or
dryness. The patient describes their skin as normal generally and denies any itching or rashes.

Optimal Response:

Skin: patient denies pigment or color change, change in moles, excessive dryness or moisture,
pruritus, excessive bruising, rash, or lesion.

Prompt 2:

The patient says that their vision is OK and denies having issues with seeing. There have been
reports of blurry vision starting around a month ago when reading for longer than an hour or two.
Claims that relaxing the eyes for almost an hour causes the blurriness to go away. Denies
experiencing headaches, ocular pain, double vision, blind spots, edema, or redness in the eyes.
No prior eye injuries or surgeries. Does not wear glasses or contacts. The last vision test was
performed in February of this year. No personal history of cataracts, even though the great
grandmother has a family history of the condition.

Optimal Response:

Eyes: denies diplopia, blind spots, pain, redness, cataracts, injury or surgery, use of contacts or
glasses. Complains of blurred vision at times when reading for an hour or two. Problem began a
month ago. Denies, headache, eye pain, or discharge. States blurriness goes away after resting
her eyes for about an hour. Last eye exam on 2/12/17. Family history: great grandmother had

Prompt 3:

Sidney claims she had sporadic earaches as a child but none as an adult. Denies having much
earwax, discharge, ear injuries, or pain in the ears right now. Sidney describes one case of a
doctor's office earwax extraction. Reports no dizzy episodes, no history of ringing in the ears
(tinnitus), and no trouble understanding noises or having a regular conversation. Your last
hearing check was probably at school when you were a child.

Optimal Response:

Ears: had a few earaches as a child, none as an adult, denies excessive cerumen, but did have
ears “cleaned out” once several years ago. Denies ear pain, injury, discharge, ringing, dizziness,
or hearing problems. Believes last hearing check was as a child in school.

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