Geography Class 10

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1 •
Resources and
r;,, ~, ,ces e·e tng me.ans ava:ab!e fOf ecooomic and P()(itica
' &:!~~ wd1 as mm....ora weca-,. labour kl<ce. livestock. etc
, ........, -.,a' oe ;1gs the esseniJal
. corrpon~nts
- of resources
-~,.-:is sew-.ces and L1us contnbute to the economic and
~ cw,eu.m;erit They cooven matena ava able in our
>', ,:ne,.• ct..o , aoo use them.

•· Types of Resources
• rr.: ma ~ o1 oog·il: bio1ic and aototic resources.
, vr. ~ Oa5\S of erl"i.austitu~ rsnewab-'.e and non-renewable
, O' ·e oa;:;.:s of O'Jrie'srrLI, them are four t)'J)es of resources:
•,d iid:.i.a ·s-sct.... rC€s, OJ..'1L1i1.m;ty-owned resources, ~.atonal
- . ·• .. lnstiwtons

-~:;·O;S a!YJ lnt::ma1iona resou·

• 'J' •·e u-asB D! £.ta!cs en development. tnere are four types of resources: Potential resources,
e►-~r: ✓W; ·esoorres stoc, and Res.erves.
2 :e ,e opment of Resources
• --.a·, 0€·--iqs are ~smg the resources unevenly, it nas led to some major problems hke
,-.j • ..
os;f;q>yy •:/ ;~sou·ces for sa~·s 1 "9 me greea of a few individuals· accumulation of resources
.a fq11 "i2' ~s and ':Y.f'j5Qirr "'a·e exploitation of resources which '1as led to global ecological
C:,:Y.:S 9.,0r as g.vbal warming, ozone layer deote~'.on etc.
• 1-, P.r.'... ~ .. ~ dlS1Iibution of ;esoorces is very importart for sustainable existence of all forms
r a•-t; '_;;Olx, p,=-....ace.

• ~-~::,-:, ':/I 11~rnoon endorsed•~ g'oba ~ores: principles and adopted Agenda 21 for achieving
9 ...... .o ,. ~a;~ d~-vE:~pment iJl tre 2 ... st cen~~r,

P~;o\Jrce Planning
• - ·,1; ;..~'~ ~ J.-,a,v-r~nd, Chh.affisgarh and Madhya Pradesh are rich in minerals and coal deposits
/..• ~ ~1";;. ;'.)•c:ce:~.r, rias ab yjaoce of water resources but lacks in infrastructural development.
• ~~ ~w ~ .., l-S vr;rf NeOent4..,owE:d v/IDl solar and vlincf energy but lacks in water resources Ladakh
t:;.-, ~e;·, , 0r1 cu w•al nentage but df::f.aent in water, infrastructure and some vital minerals.
R~sourc~ Planning in India
• PJ:w.1.,".I: µ4~'"H' ;ng ts a comptez process vlh ch involves three steps:
- f'J':rrtifW-/4tion ana r.eeping ree0<d of resources which involves surveying, mapping and
,, J~ rta' ,e and quantitative estimation and measurement of the resources.
_ :;~ i€Y.Jptng a vtannWJ structure with proper technology, skill and institutional set up for
r• ~ ':"'JV.:nttng ,esource det1~!opment plans.

r//< µa'&ng the ,esi:,urce deve1opment pfans with national development plans.
Conservation of Resources
• Resources are vital for any developmental aciJVltY Its conservation at vanous levels 1s 'lllDc\..
to overcome the soc1o-econom1c and environ me
ntal problems.
G dh'1 h1
• Small is Beautiful (1974) wrote by Schu_macher presen:~oe;;of .~"u~ta\~:ieh~
• Brundtland Commission Report (1987) introduced th~10n published in a book oeve10ptne
· -•1q,,
and advocated it as a means for resource conserva ' • ur Co~
Land Resources
• About 43% of the land area of Indra is plain, whi~h • Ptaris
provides facilities for agriculture and induSlry, o1/o • Moun1a
mountains that ensure perennial flow of some nvers, 0 Platea:
provide facilities for tourism and ecological aspe_cts
and 27% plateau region which possesses rich
reserves of minerals, fossil fuels and forests.
Land Utilisation La~d u~er important Rehef features
. forests land not available for cult1vat1on, other uncultivated 1
• Land resources comprise , al'ld
fallow lands and net sown area.
Land Use Pattern in India
• The use of land is determined by physical and human factors .
• Total geographical area of India is 3.28 million sq km. F~rest area in the country is far lowe,
than the desired 33% of geographical area (source : Nation~I ForeS Polle~, 1952)
• There are about 130 million hectares of degraded land in l·nd ia (of w~ich 1/o forest degract~
area, 56% water eroded area and 16% saline and alkaline deposits). ~
Land Degradation and Conservation Measures
• .Human activities such as deforestation overgrazing and mining have contributed significan1~uy
in land degradation.
ng of shel_ter belts of plants
• Measures /Ike afforestation proper management of grazing, pl_anti_
control on overgrazing, etc can help to reduce land degradation in dry regions.

Soil as a Resource
• Soil rs the most important renewable natural resource. It is a medium of plant growth and
supports different types of Irving organrsms on the earth and is an important living system. It
takes millions of years to form soil upto a few cm in depth.
• Factors that help ,n the formation of soH are relief, parent rock or bed rock, climate, vegetation
and other forms of life and time.
• Various natural forces such as change in temperature, actions of running water, etc. also
contribute to the sorl formation.
Classification of Soils
• Soil are classified on the basis of the factors responsible for soil formation, colour, thickness
texture, age, chemical and physical properties. Different types of soil are Alluvial soil, Black
soil, Red and Yellow soils, Laterite soil, Arid soil and Forest soil.
• Alluvial s011s, are deposited by the three important Himalayan river systems - the Indus, the
Ganga and the Brahmaputra. It is found in the deltas of the Mahanadi the Godavari. the
Krishna and the Kaveri rivers. According to their age, alluvial soils can be ~lassified as aangar
(old alluvial) and Khadar (new alluvial).
• Black soil 1s ideal for growing cotton and is also known as black cotton soil.

148 SOCIAL S C I E N C E - X - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
n l c~yst"
fl6 and m~tl\nmrphlc: k
.. \\ \~ , n1.lCe.Ursn n hydratoo form •-ot s, rtd aolla "PPtar rtt1dl1h
-.:t of ntens~ t&ath ng du~ to hea 1
, n n res and htrt it~rs vv "' n It is sultt-.blft for l ultivatlon w11h
~~ cl) m ta,1rn-e and saltne tn nature Due to the dry chmate, high lttmper11tun,,
~ J$t.. n 1d tha soil lacl(s humus and moisture
, "1~m~ and silt) m \~lley sides and coarse grained m the upper slopes. Thase
r- ,, th h.imus content m the snow covered areas of Himalayas.
, d son Conservation
.... ercsfnll a of tor)f" fertile soil cover due f to •various reasons like wind glacier and
' ~ so eros on, The processes a soil formation and erosion go simultaneously

:- ,, t
" ~ ~ c-...0 there ts a balance between the two. But sometimes, this balance ls disturbed
. h 1an 8 ..,..•n•
Q:'~ • hke wind, glacier. and water lead to soil erosion. S011
,l,. t es Natural forces
~ tJ . 8 tsr caused due to defective methods of farmmg.
~ ~ h ng terrace cult,vation I shelter belts are some of the measures that prevent
',. • " ...piOU9
' ~ eJOS:ofi
fl 0 ..

' ,Lo----.

[land ..... ,
♦ l
Forest Land ' not

for uncultivated
Net sown
ava . land

Red & Yellow Laterite Arid Forest

Man-made factors
. i
Deforestation, unn.11•-"'""
construction, mining


■ 149
Ablotla Rosourcos · R ouro thnt eompr1 o of non ovtng thing uch a tocks

• Biotic Rosourcos . f~o ouroo that nr ootninod frorn :!~
ptlero and are living ueh
hvo took
Co humon bolng floro ond r umo oro aocc s1bl e to all the
ftShorl s wh1Ch
• 0
mn1Unlty-ownod Rosourcos: J~esourcc mern~
of 1110 oommun11y
• Contour Ploughing: Ploughing along tho contour lines can slow down the flow Of Wa
down tho slopon nd th lt:ir
• Dovolopod Rnsourcos : Resources which aro surveyed a clf quality and quantity
hovo boon <lctormlnod (or utlllsnllon
• Gross Croppod Aron: Aren sown more than once In an agricultural year Plua

Individual Resources: Tho resources owned privately by
• lntcrnotlonnl Resourcos: Tho resources that do not belong to any indMdual COuntry
• National Resources: The resources that belong to the nation.
• Non-renewable Resources: Tho resources which take millions of years in their
formation and occur over a very long goologlcal time.
• Potontfal Resourcos: Rosourccs which are found in a region, but have not been uUhseci
• Piedmont and plalns: Any region of foothllls of a mountain range.
• Renowablo Resources: The resources which can be used again and again and can be
reproduced by physical, chemical or mechanical processes.
• Stock: Materials present in tho environment which have the potential to satisfy hu
needs but human beings do not have the appropriate t~chnology_ to access these. man
• Reserves: The subsets of the stock, which can be put into use with the help of existi
technology but their use has not been started yet. ng
• Soll Erosion: The removal of top fertile soil cover due to various reasons llke wind
glacier and water. '
• Sheet Erosion: When the top soil is washed away due to heavy flow of water down lhe
• Shelter Belts: Planting lines of trees to create shelter breaks up the force of the Wind
• Wind Erosion: When the top fertile soil blows off due to wind . ·


Write in Brief
Ql . Multiple choice questtons.
(r) Which one of the followmg type of resource is iron ore?
_ (a) Renewable (b)_ Biotic (c) Flow (d) Non-renewable
(u) Under whzch o[thefollowzng type of resource can tidal energy be put?
.. ~a) Replemshable (b) Human-made (c) Abiotic (d) Non-recyclable
(m) Wluch one of the followmg is the main cause of land degradation in Pun· b?
(a) Intensive cultivation (b) Deforestation ya ·
_ (c)_ Over irrigation . (d) Overgrazing
(w) In which o~e of the followzng states is terrace cultivation practised?
(c) H Punjab · of Uttar Pradesh
(b) Plains
ruyana (d) Uttarakhand

150 SOCIAL Sc1eNce-X - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -

oJ tlic fo1low1nq tu,,,s LS /J/(1( k 1
~ 1,1111/J'Cjnintnt.1 nnd Krn~l11r11r
' iJ'nwrJ h11 s1coll,Ji•
I"' (CJ) ·ostlu111 >) Mohu1a htro
!cl RllJ (n) (u) , (ii~ (c) (tl) ,Jhn1kh£111cJ
I • , , ·
~ (cf),
, (1,
~11 5 51 ,,rr
t1ic J'rot ow11u1 c111.est

1n11s ,n u fmut w iurm1s.!ru) (rl)
, I,~ (IJ)
Ql · J\1 ,·c
, _,,,,ur. 111
, stntcs having bind< fioil und t hr: , rop 1 • ·h .
·1 . 1· I . l .
w,u,. lfl m·J1nl Y gr,,wn in
(il 1,, 1 ,111, of soi 1s ounc 111 t H' nwr deltas of th, ., ' 11 •
\ ,,i 1at V • f SOI.1, '· cr1stern c.:oa•,,pr G'IV(! thrt(• Tn"'1n
(rrl rv 1111<•s• of this type O fJ

ft'O t sit ps cnn be tnkcu to control c,01! c·ro~wn in th , h'll

·~ WhB · · I I, · t 1 Y:m~us?
1r11, t arc the b1ot1c am n ,1ot1c rcsourc<·~r' Giw '"Orne cxamp es ' ·
WhLI . • , 1
(rd 111 ,1ck soil 1s fo und m the Deccan trap (Ba•wlt) reg·10 ·
(r) J ' • - n spread over h
J.D'' , cnn plateau a nd 1s mode up of lnvu flows. They cover t h e platea n<Jrt w"st
T)t c h 0
,, huniRhtrn , Saums trn, Malwa, Madhya Prudrsh and Chhatt·1sg,tr , h us
1v1H d" . and ext , d
in the south east u cctton along the Godavan and the Krishna vallt 8 Th.1 ~n.
idcnl for c~tt?n cultiv~tion . . Y· s S<Jtl 1s
-~Alltiviul soil 1s found m the nvcr deltas of the eastern coast · Three mam. ,
(tt, . 1eatures
f this type of sml are:
(a) Mostly th ese s01ls ~ontain adequate proportion of potash. phosphoric acid
and lime which are ideal for the growth of sugarcane, paddy. wheat and other
cereal and pulse crops
(b) Due to its high fertility, regions of alluvial soils are intensively cultivated and
densely populated .
(c) Soils in the drier areas are more alkaline and can be productive after proper
treatment a nd irrigation.
(iiij Jn the hilly a reas soil erosion can b,- controlled by
(a) plou ghing across contour lines
(b) making u se of terrace fanning techniques
(c) using strips of grass to check erosion by wind and water.
(iv) Biotic Resources: Resources that are obtained from biosphere and are living such
as human beings, flora and fauna, fisheries, livestock, etc. are called biotic resources.
Abiotic Resources: Resources that comprise non-living things such as rocks and
metals are called abiotic resources.
Q3. Answer the following questions in about 120 words.
(i) Explain land use pattern in India and why has the land under forest not increased
much since 1960-61?
[ii) How have technical and economic dev~lof!ment led _to_more consumption of resources?
Ana. (i) The total geographical area of India 1s 3.28 million sq km. As per the land use
data onl 93% of the total geographic~ area is available. Of this ~3.4% IS the net
y , t cover 1·s 22 ·6% ' 4.4% 1s culturable waste, 7.03% IS current fallow '
sown area, 1ores •
• d b astures and 11/o 1s covered by tree crops. The land under forests
401,o 1s covere y P
have increased over the years. .
of net sown area vanes greatly from one state to another. Forest area
!he pattern t is far lower than the des1red 33% of the geographical area, as H
m e c~un r:/ th National Forest Policy (1952). The percentage of forest cover IS
was outlined m e d 1'or the maintenance of the ecoloaical balance
b increase ' 1::1· •
need e d to e f est did not increase much since 1960- 61 due to several
The land under or
of the available land
reasons like-
. oper use of land .
which has caused. degradation c
• The 1mpr de conservation of forests difficult.
area and ma
• The ever increasing illegal cutting of trees and forest cover to meet th
of an increasing population . . . . e ~
• Large scale development projt•c ts, inclustnahsat1on and urbanisation
. reduced the forest cover to a great extc~t. . . ~tc
(u) !he process of transformation of things available m our envi~onment invoiv
nd _ms~itutiona. Ii'-~
m~er-dependent relationship between noturc, technology ~
bemgs interact with nature through technology and create mS t itut1ons to a ~
their economic
. dcvelo1)1ncnt. rn this process, they consume resources CCcicrll~
quantity. This causes depletion of resources. •ti

QI. Make a project showing consumption and conservation of resources in YOU.r IOcQ ·
An■. For self-attempt. . ~
Q2 . Have a discussion in the class- hou, to conserve vanous resources used in YOU.r
An■• Conservation methods to conserve various resources: SChoo,_
(1) Make cautious use of all useful commodities .
(i1) Do not waste paper.
(iii) Switch off the fans and lights when not in use.
(iv) Reuse the waste water to water the plants.
(z.1 Nev~r leave the tap open.
(vz) Repair the leaking water taps immediately in order to stop wastage of w
Q3. Imagine if oil supplies get exhausted, how will this affect our lifestyle? ater.
Aaa. If oil supplies get exhausted, it would be catastrophic for the wo~ld economy~
(~ There would be no electricity whkh has b~come a primary necessity. No
electricity, no lights, no computer, and no microwave oven, no fridge, etc.
(iJ) No machines to do the mass production of various food products.
(iii} All transportation would come to a halt.
(ivJ Technology advancement would slow down due to sudden shortage of oil.
(vJ Growth in the agricultural as well as industrial sector would retard which
would be no less than stepping back by at least a century.
(vi) Food supplies would drop.
Q4. Solve the pu2.2le by following your search horizontally and vertically to find the hidden

0 V
D R u J
t H R
r \\ nt fl d
, t' f non d
"thhgl ~
ly 1 1 f the mon oon cl m te
, t uon of tree on a l r e Je to hec-.k ,1 ero ,on
I i fhC ore t Plrun of India are made up of the e 011
(l (r R ource (rij Mmerals (1 i) Black
IJl' (lli [.,otente (~ Afforestation lut) Allu\'m}
3. Complete the follou mg table with
tive Type Quest ions
correct mformation tvtth regard ro Rio
I ObJec t the following items given m
l Mac 11 de Janeiro Earth Sumnut·
· column A with those rn .
co l umn B.
R10 de Also Held in Held
Cltoose the correct answer from the
Janeiro called the year m the
opuorl.S given below: count11·
coiuron A Column B Summit First A- ? 8 -?
1. Subset of stock intema•
A, g,cclusive
economic zone uonal
2. New alluvial soil earth
a. Rio earth summit I
3. Beyond 200
c. Reserves An1. A - 1992, B - Brazil
nautical miles m
4 . Correct the following statement arid
the open sea
o. Khadar 4. 1992 Sometimes water flows as a sheet over
large areas down a slope. In such
Ans, cases the top soil is washed away.
Column A CollllDD B This is known as vertical erosion.
A. Exclusive 3. B e y on d 2 0 0 Ana. Sometimes water flows as a sheet over
economic zone nautical miles in large areas down a slope. In such
cases the top soil is washed away.
the open sea
This is known as sheet erosion.
B. Rio earth summit 4. 1992 5. Arrange the following in the correct
C Reser\'es 1. Subset of stock sequence:
I- (1) Based on the study in the
D. Khadar 2. New alluvial soil institutions, technology is
2. Identify the appropriate reason for the developed.
{it) lnstitu tions study about the
reddish colour of the red soil from the properties and uses of the raw
options given below: materials.
A. Intense leaching (iii) Environment provides the raw
B. Diffusion of iron in crystalline and materials to be converted into
metamorphic rocks resources.
(iv) Technology is applied on to
C. Heavy rainfall the materials to convert into a
osition of the sediments by the
D . Dep resource.
rivers Ans. (iit) Environment provides the raw
'ff sion of iron in crystalline and materials to be converted into
Ans. B . D1 U resources.
metamorphic rocks


(u) Institutions study about the 8.Read the extract and a .,
properties and uses of the rav; questions that follous. ll.s' e, ,.
materials. In June 1992, more than
(r) Based on the study in the of states met m Rio de JOO h~
institutions, technology is Brazil, for the first Inte <ln~:o "
developed. Earth Summit. The Suzn:~t1%.~
(iu) Technology is applied on to convened for addressing •t 'ita1
problems of environmental p Urge:_,
the materials to convert into a . . toter;,_ '
an d soc10econom1c develo ·~~
at the global level. The a<- Plrl,11,
6. In the question given below, there are
leaders signed the Declar<>Senibl~'
two statements marked as Assertion (A} Global Climatic Change and :tion oll
and Reason (R). Read the statements Diversity. The Rio Conv~~
and choose the correct option: °!
endorsed the global Forest Prin 1oll
Assertion (A): Evaporation is faster in and adopted Agenda 21 for achiCtp~
the arid soil region and the soil lacks Sustainable Development in the~
humus and moisture. century. '1st
Reason (R): There is dry climate and Agenda 21 is the declaration .
high temperature in the arid soil by world leaders in 1992 at the ~~
region. Nations Conference on Emiron IlltCd
Options: and Development (UNCEDJ. v.~~t
A Both A and R are true and R is the took place at Rio de Janeiro Brazn. n
correct explanation of A. aims at achieving global s~stainab;
B. Both A and R are true but R is not development. It is an agenda to COtnba
the correct explanation of A. environmental damage, poven
C. A is correct but R is wrong. disease through global co-operaui •
. n
D. A is wrong but R is correct. on common interests, mutual needs
Ans. A. Both A and R are true and R is the and shared responsibilities. One
correct explanation of A. major objective of the Agenda 21 is
7. Technically, all the resources belong that every local government should
draw its own local Agenda 21.
to the nation. The country has legal
8.1 What do you mean by the term
powers to acquire even private property
sustainable development?
for public good. All the minerals, water
8.2 Infer the importance of the first
resources, forests, wildlife, land within
International Earth Summit.
the political boundaries and oceanic
8.3 How does agenda 21 strengthen the
area up to 12 nautical miles (22.2 km) ecology of a country?
from the coast termed as territorial Ans. 8.1 The term sustainable development
water and resources therein belong to means development without
the nation. harming the environment and also
Analyse the information given above, keeping for the future generation.
considering one of the fallowing correct 8.2 The first International Earth
option. Summit was important for
A. Renewable Resources environmental protection and
B. Individual Resources socio-economic development
C. National Resources at the global level. It helped to
D. Potential Resources combat environmental damage
Ana. C. National resources through global co-operation on

154 SOCIAL SCIENCE-X-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

t l f hf' p
r n r t 1d ' ,10~•- f
1d 1 a U ,. d
r d I Y.or d I d "' larau r
f'J In J
mt I N tlon c
ti CJ:12
l r r nmer t and O nt r<"n
fl NCED) whl h too~t-lopm~nt
J pla ~
I<• cl on 1ro, Br •iii It at W>, h 0/ th
1 h1rv1ng global •uita m1t (Jnik t""'· /olfow,ng opt u h
deV lopmt nt It us an inabJc A Ab •uo 9'UJ1h t
agenda t 0 ut 4'3 uf h
0 ,nbot t nv i ronmcntal d plain wha h t ,. land ar,. 1
Provide f t
poverty, d1seo e througha~ag~ 8 11'1CUlt arc and a d h••• ror
co o pc I n t 1 o n O n c g obal B Mountat n ••try
ommon of the Ina a<:rount for about 3~
1ntcre t , mutual need ■
nd facWtiea•;:area whi h provide,
hared reaponaibilitiea One
obJCClJVC of the Aaalda 31
cvtrY 1ocal goverlllllent •bOUW
• ......
plateau l'epm
UI . .

draw 1ta own local Apa1da 21 ...,-;:-• rteh '••011roe• of

. complete the /ollowlr,g ......... DMe1._, ,_.fuelaaad,__.
soil considered •• a reaource -.DAlflftlllae

............ ~_,
becouse _ __
I. ... ,. a.o,o. a........ (IICQI)
An•· soil 1s considered •• a RIOUree
because it 11 uaed to ,au.,, our .,., o,.,
10 p,nd the mconect opdon:
f4 ..... 14' Latertte loll
A. Ladakh baa very ricll Cldtlaad
hentage but it le deldeattllw.._ I. 1PJw _, /aNttf Nlff'ldal1
infrastructure and •oae Yitai Git,_.,,,.~~ balance
minerals. (It ,.,.blMlll lndutllal compl l I

B. The state of Rajutba • - , ~ '4 f o r ~ 11,m_,, NMOD

gifted with water reaourcet, ~
lacks in solar and wind WID•
c. The state• of J~rJd;Jand,
a."""",,,,,.,..,,,,,~ ...
(4 rar Ir 1tllin& Im kndtcepe
, .. . . . . . . . .~pGlldn?

Chhattisgarh and )ladbJa ,__.,

are rich only in mtM ,ta aad ooal
t4 CurNat . . . "'a..----
(14 Wate lands

~ ~ d • ao ~ a , a,etori d?
(at ADuml.. It 9'P IGil
D. Arunachal Pradetb b i t ~
of water reaourcee but ~ til
infrastructural ~
Ana. B. The state of~~yj)b,~
, ,. ._,<•,..,,,.,.not
,.;a (4~10il
141) <)ldift>.1 "4 ••,.
gifted with water ~ 1-il
lacks in solar and •lwf.....~
l4ft gtr, (4bledffltr
11 V ry Short An
Q1 ,

R Ant
abundan if u at r
r: 0 , ut la m mfra tructural
m utut on
d I 1m nt Q2. H u am rec be
{a) Jh rkhnnd ba I o ongm
(b) Modhyn Pradesh An& On th f their 011g1n re
(ct Arunachal Prade h ed mto biotic an
(d) Chhatt1 garh
9. Khadar is found clo c to
(a) nvcrs (bl fore t
(c) coastlines (d) rnountnm AnB. On I of their owner
10. What ts the total gcograpluool ar a of re ourr c n be cln if1ed
inchvidu I, commumty, nat1on ll
Jndw? mtemot1011 I re ourcc
(a) 1.38 million sq km Q4. Cl<i tfy n ourc 011 tlw baSts of
(b) 2.28 million sq. km statu of dru lopm nt.
(cl 3.28 m1lhon sq. km Ans. On the bo I of the1r tatu
(l~ 4.48 milhon sq. km. dcH!lapment re ourccs ca
11. What is Black soil also known as? 1 1fied mto potentml resour
(a) Fertile soil (b) Regur sod d \:elop d, stock nnd reserves.
(c} Barren soil (d) Khadar QS. How can resources be classified o
12. Red soil looks yellow when rt occurs in ba 1s of exhaust1bz?rty?
(a) hydrated form (b) original form Ans. On the basts of exhaust1b1lity, reso
can be classified into renewable
(c) oxidated form (d) degraded form
non-renewable resources.
13. Which type of soil has a good capacity
Q6. What do you mean by sustain
to hold moisture? economic deuelopment?
(a} Alluvial soil (b) Arid soil Ans. Sustainable economic develop
(c) Forest soil (d} Black soil means development should take
14. Where is arid soil found? without damaging the environ
(a) Gujarat (b} Kerala and development in the pre
(c) Rajasthan (d) Odisha should not compromise with
15. Jn which of the following states, needs of the future generations.
over-irrigation is not responsible for Q7. Name the type of resource whic
land degradation? obtained from biosphere and ha
(a) Punjab (b) Haryana Ans. Biotic resource.
QS. What are abiotic resources ma
(c) Uttar Pradesh (cl) MadhvaPradesh
Give two examples.
16. Which one ofthe following is an example
Ans. Abiotic resources are made of
of criltivable waste land? living things. Examples - rocks
ICBSE Sample Paper 2019-20201 metals.

156 SOCIAL Sc E N C E - X - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
u ,R
Ion hll >
111 \It\ mmon in1
• 1 nr d• & 11 d t11
r 1;o11 lhUltl 1 ' ' 'd
Q~O With h fut
HUH\\ ><II a J)(l th '" mtnrrol nnd
An1 kl
j ~ um • ' attl KOrh Rnd Mudhyo
t' h MrC" rl h ln rnlnrrnl1 and coal
r1>e.1 It
th rold dt ert of Ladakh
old de- rrt of l.odakh lacka in
wnt«-t rr oun:ca, lnfrastructurr and
IOU\r vltul minerals
021 · llou cnn resources contribute to
d t't!lopment r'
Ana Nt1oul'Cf't can rontnbutc to devclopmrnt
only whtn thry arc accompanied by
appropriate drvelopment
and matttut,onal changes
Qi3 What, acrording to Mahatma Gandhi,
are the root rouses/or resource depletion
mm' at the global level?
o wmd Alla. Acc-ordtng to Mahatma Gandhi,
,r thrsr the grc~dy and selfish individuals
)('fl\ and explo1tat1vc nature of modern
'('( s ttchnology are the root causes for
, ,1 human resource depletion at the global level.
Qi4. Wnte the physical and human factors
qu ht, of hft that determine the use of land.
<nst·s Ana. • Physical factors - topography,
climate. and soil types.
• Human factors - population density,
d1s•nbut11. n of technological capability and cultun
and tradition, etc.
resources Q2S. How many hectares of ~
ustruned are there in India?
. Aaa. There arc about 130 IIIIIIIN...,..i
of degraded land ~..,._..:.....,
nerro, Qi'. Name the stat-.
1s one o/tlw
\\ $ c-on'i e-ned for
e- t problems of AJ1a.GU
ttoon and soao-
of land degradation Q38. What I m ant by tnn
(227 WI t I thc cau ' 'f-J ~roprn
d Western Uttar Ans Stnp c.roppmg 1 o method 'VJ
rn PLal)ab, Haryana an
Prad h?
\\here m n lorge field, stn of <'rupPi
An•- Cher irngotion is responsible for Ian ore left to grow betw, en~ or gr~

degradauon in these states
28 Mcnt1011 two ways to so lue the
of land degradation m dry regions.
breaks u p the force of ;e trop,'
problem Q39. Give one diffcr<;rt<X! bettucc,
and non renewalJ1,~ resourocsfleu.iab~

Ans, (11 AfforcstaUon .

(ri) Proper managem ent of grazmg. Ans. Renewable resources co.nICJJSE
be 201~
Q29. What is soil? • in a short pe nod of tune Whr~n~l'~
Ans. Soil is the uppermost layer of the earth s ren ewa ble resources can lok 1 c non
crust which is loose and fragmented. of years to form . e lllllhol'l.$
It is nch in both organic (humu~) and
i n o r ganic material s an d fit for IV. Short Answer Type Questions
cultivation . Ql. \Vhat do resources mean? H
Q30 . Wha t is the removal of top f ertile soil resources classified?
iw are
couer known as? ICBSE 2008 · A i'drnpl
Ans. The removal of top fertile soil cover is Ans. Resources nre the means a~aiiab~91
known as soil erosion. economic and political dcveloprne for
Q31. How is soil an important resource fo r such a s mineral wealth, lab~nt,
human beings? force, etc. In other words, cveryth'ur
Ans. (ij It is the medium of plant growth. availahlc in environme nt that can1~
(iij It is a living system that supports used to sotisfy our needs provided
different types of organisms on the it is technolo gically accessible '
earth. economica lly feasible and culturally
Q32. On what basis are soils classified into acceptable can be called resources.
different types? These resources can be dassified in
the following ways:
Ans. Soils are classified on the basis of:
(a) On the basis of origin-bio tic and
{t) colour (iq thickness (ii1) texture
a biotic.
(iu) age ( u) chemical and phys ical
(b) On the basis of exhaustib ility-
properties . renewable and non-renewable
Q33. What type of soil Bangar is?
(tj On the basis of ownership-individual,
Ans. Bangar is the old alluvial soil type
communit y, national and international
which is less fertile than Khadar. (d) On the basis of status of development-
Q34. What is the significance of terrace potential , develope d, stock and
cultivation? reserves.
Ans. Terrace cultivation helps in controlling Q2. Name the different types of soils Jouru1
soil erosion. m India and also mention the regions
Q35. How can soils in the drier areas be they are found. .
productive? Ans. The different types of soils found in
Ans. Soils in the drier areas are more India are:
alkaline and can be productive after (i) Alluvial soil: This is the most ~de~y
proper treatment and irrigation. spread and important soil which_ is
Q36. What are gullies? found in the entire northern plains
Ans. The runnmg water cuts through the
and also extend in Rajasthan and
clayey soils and makes deep channels. Gujarat through a narrow corridor.
These channels are known as gullies. It is also found in the eastern coastal
Q37. What do you mean by bad land or
plains particular ly in th~ deltas ?f
Mahanadi the Godavar1, the l{rlshn
Ana. The land that becomes unfit for
and the K~veri rivers. Such soils are
cultivation is known as bad land or
also common in plains such as ouars,
Chos and Terai.

158 Soc1A1. Sc1eNce-X- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - -

resources: C

Forest aoi~ F
QS. What ar the va fl r. rure
re tha contnbure to the fo of
deq tc
r irtar a What the importance
Qa Dfi a term ero n. What are the Foretg 2009
dlffi r. ru type$ of oil ero n? V Imp Ana. Vanous forces of nature that
IJJ.J· Th d nud lion of the top fertilc scnl contnbute to the formauon of s01l
er nd u b:;equent v.ashmg down are change 1n temperature actions
1 d nbcd a soil ero 10n Natural of runnmg water wind and glacers
act1v1t1e of decomposers etc.
for hkc wmd, glacier and water
I d to 011 ros1on. (u) Soil 1s the most important renewable
D1fi rent ty pe of otl eros1on· natural resource. It 1s the mednun of
plant growth and supports different
Wh n the runmng water cuts through
types of living orgarusms on the earth.
th , laycy 011 and makes deep
Q6. "India is nch m certain types of
hanncl , they are called gullies. Due resources but deficient m some other
to th<' fonnatJon of gullies, the land resources.,. Support your answer wtth
be om unfit for cult1vat1on and 1s examples. (CBSE 2012]
lmown a bad lund or ravmes. Ana. India has enormous diversity in the
(u) Wh en the top soil ts washed away availabihty of resources but deficient
du( to heavy flow of water down the in some other resources, as:
lope it i8 known as sheet erosion. (1) Arunachal Pradesh has abundance
(m' When 'the top ferti1e soii blows
1 . off due
. of water resources but lacks rn
J as wmd erosion.
to wind, 1t JS known _,,.~ :liod infrastructural development.
i t irv> oifresources ~s11 ..... (iij The state of Rajasthan is very well
Q4. De en l1e t, ie Yr- 'bil 'ty
xhaustt t •
on the has1s Oif e !CBSE 20091 endowed with solar and wind energy
but lacks in water resources.
Or (iiij The cold desert of Lad~ has ~ery
fl tion of resources rich cultural heritage but 1t 1s deficient
~xplam the classi c:ustibility.
on th1 basis of exh(CBSE 2009, 10, 111 in water, infrastructure and some
vital minerals.
. ustibility, resources Q7. Examine the three major problems
Ana. On the batns of exhauowmg:
nrc classified as fo • 1bCSC resources that have been created due to the
(i) Renew- reeourc-=
ed in a short period ·n and
of indiscriminate use of resources by
human beings. !HOTS,
cu n br. reneW be used agai
time They can
r Ana n d p eted
th greed

urc hm e got concentrated m n

R ourc pl nnmg i a 0
,~h1ch mvoh:e idl"ntifi~ \
of re ourc evolving a Pl1..n
nu ture fm unplementing r, 90 flt
de, elopment plans and rnat~~
f ev. hand '"h ch has resulted m the
d1v1 on of s0C1et) mto two segments resource development plan,c 11lg
the 'ha\'e and the, 'ha\'enots z e the overall nationoJ de, elopmcnt pia:1th
nch and the poor. Ql 1. What steps have been taken at'
(ml Expl01tation of resouroes has resulted mtemat1onal lcuel to conserve the
m the global ecological crisis such resource? IHo
as global warming, environmental An•. (1) In June 1992, more than 100 ~
pollution of states met m Rio de Janeir a
Q8. Explain the ma1or factors which are Brazil for the First Intemat1ona1 ~
responsible for the formation of soil Summit. The summit was convc
IA I. 2009, 11) for addressing urgent problcrn ncd
Ana. The factors responsible for the environmental protection and 80 or
formation of soil are. economic development at the global leve
(t) Relief, parent rock or bed rock, In 2012, 172 nations participated
chmate, vegetation, and other forms Rio Earth summit which was he~~
of life and time are important factors from 13 to 22 June 2012.
responsible for the formation of soil. (iij Agenda 21 was the declaration signed
(i11 Various forces of nature such as by world leaders in 1992 at the United
change in temperature, action s of Nations Conference on Environrnent
running water, wind and glaciers, and Deve lopment (UNCED), Which
activities of decomposers, etc. aimed at achieving
contnbute to the formation of soil. . global sustainabtC
development. It 1s an agenda to fight
(m) Chemical and organic changes which environmental damage, poverty
take place in the soil a re equally disease through global co-opcratio~
importanL Soi1 also consists of organic on common interests, mutual needs
and inorganic materials. and shared responsibilities.
Q9. Define the following: Ql2. Explain with a diagram how nature
(t) Gross cropped area
(ir) Waste land
technology and institutions a,;
Ana. (1) Groaa cropped area: It is an Ana. (1) Nature is full of resources. Human
area sown more than once in an beings interact with nature through
agricultural year plus net sown area. technology and create institutions
(it) Waate land: It includes rocky, arid to accelerate their economic
and desert areas and land put to other
non-agricultural uses such as roads,
Physical Environment
railways, industries, settlements, etc. (Nature)
QlO. How is resource conservation different
from resource planning? !HOTS,
Ana. (1) Resource conservation is a part
of resource planning. It is vital for Human
the development of the country.
Overuse of resources and irrational
consumption of resources can lead
to socio-economic and environmental
Technology-----------A lnltilulions

problems and thus resource (iz) Human beings themselves are

conservation is important. essential components of resources.

160 SoctAL SctENce-X- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

nn 1ntH.enal , ail blt m our 1gn1hc ntlv an the t ,b,h uon of
'lllt"\ l n nt mto re ources nd use
'ronm and dunes and des~rt
QI6. Why rs u cs~cntial to llauc re ouft'.'t.
thrtn resource planmng a complex
11 planmng? ~,lain anv thmc rea~ons
0 1s n r , (HOTSj
[CBSE 20 l 7J
/J~urce planning 1s a complex Ans. Conservnuon of resources o~ essentml
J.f'i" Rro<""es It m~oh:es: for following reasons:
Pd uficnuon o.nd kecpmg record of (r) Resources nre vitnl for any develop
(ij C::urces whtch mvolves surveying, mentnl nctwitv.
reupping and qual'1tat1ve
. an d quanti- (iil lrrntionnl con::.umpuon and ov<"r-
:tJve est.lIIlation and measurement of utilisation of resources mny lend to
the r<"souroes. socio-economic and
( ~ oe,•elopmg a planning structur e \\<;th problems.
u proper technology, skill and institu- (tiij Resources arc overexp loitt•d by som e
uonnl set up for implementing re- greedy a nd St'lfish indh·idua ls.
source development plans. To overcom e the s e proble ms. 1-esoll1 <:c•
(ui) Comparing the resource development co n serv atio n a t v n nous leve ls 1s
plans with overall national d evelop- im po rtan t .
ment plans. Q 17. Why is s oil consid e red as a resmnct.,?
Ql4, Describe the following method s of Expla in with flue argum e nts.
cultivation that can be adopte d in (CBSE 2 01 5 1
mountainous areas to p revent soil Ans. (i) S o il is con sid e r e d a s a rcsoun·c
erosion. b ecaus e it is u sed to sa tisfy our
Or n eed s.
Describe the following m e thod s of soil (ii i Soil is the mos t important renewable
conseruation. n a tural resource.
(11 Contour p loug h in g (iii) It is a living sy stem.
(iz) Terrace c ultivation (iu) It is the medium of plant growth
Ans, (1) Contour ploughing: Ploughing (v) It supports different types of living
along the contour lines which helps organism on the earth.
m d ecelerating the flow of water down Ql8. What is Agenda 21 ? List its two
the s lopes 1s called contour ploughing. principles. [CBSE 2016 · 1 7]
(iz) Terrace cultivation: When steps are Ans. Agenda 21 was adopted at first
constructed on slopes of hills making International Earth Summit held in
te rraces is called terrace cultivation. I 992 at Rio de Janeno, Brazil.
QlS. Descnbe two other methods that can The objectives or principles of the
be adopted to prevent soil erosion. Agenda 21 are as follows:
Or (i) Achieving global sustainable
Describe two other methods of soil development.
conservation. (ii) Combat environmental damage,
Strip cropping: Large fields can be
poverty, disease through global co-
divided into strips. S trips of grass are
operation on common interests, mutual
left to grow between the crops. This
breaks the force of the wind. needs and shared responsibilities.
Planting of shelter belts: Plan ting (iii) Every local government should draw
lines of trees to create shelter also works its own local Agenda 21.
in a similar way. It breaks the force Ql9. An equitable distribution of resources
of the wind and restricts soil erosion. has became essential today. Explain it.
These shelter belts have contributed Enl1st a few ways to conserve resources
Ans . Resources are vital for human survival


w ll for mrunt mmg th qu hty 4 . Laterite s oil
of hfe But unfortun tely theyh ar~ • h de'\:clop under t
being used md1scnmmatelJ v. ic
tor>,c l 1
subtropical chm r Wtth o.}t
has resulted m t h eir depletion -u:rt and dn senson trr, 4t
Whntever resources are th e re ' they are • These soils useful for &row
accumulated m a few hands. Hence~ coITee nnd cashew nuts n,g lta
nn equitable d1stnbution of 11esou_rce~ S. Arid aoll
has become essential for a sustnme
quality of life and global peace. ~e
resent trend of resource dep eu_on
• And soils vary from red to b
colour. r0\1.11

by a few individuals and countnes

• They are generolly sandy Ul t
and saline in nature and cotllJne~ti:,
continues, the future of our pla~et
will be in danger. Resour~e pl~nmg 1s obtained from it by evaporn~~
is essential to avert this s1tuatton. water. g~
We can conserve resources. by 6 . Forest soil
reducing waste, reusing matenals, • The soil texture varies neoord
recvcling a variety of non-hazardous the mountain .
• env1roninent Ing
W l to
materials. they are formed. lcr,
v. Long Answer Type Questions • They are lonmy and silty in VaJI
sides and coarse grained in the u cy
Q1. Des c r i be a n y t w o imp o rt a ,1 _t slopes. PPtr
characteristics of eacli typt> of s01/
available in India. IV. Imp.I Q2. Define latcnte soils. Where are they
Ana. India has varied relief features, lund- found? !Hors,
fonns climatic realms and vegetation Ana. Latente soil is formed by intens
types,' which have contributed in ~he leaching d ue t o h eavy rainfall. ~
development of various types of s01ls, forms in hot and tropical regions
such as where t he climate is humid.
1. Alluvial soil H u m us content of this soil is lov.
• Mostly these soils contain adequate becau se most of the micro-organisma,
proportion of potash, phosphoric particularly the d ecomposers, like
acid and lime which are ideal for the
bac teria get des troyed due to htgh
growth of su garcane, pa ddy, wheat
t e mpe r a ture. Th es e soils are nch
and other cereals a nd pulse crops.
• These soils are highly fertile. Therefore, in iron oxides, and are suitable for
regions of this soil are intensively cultiva tion with adequate doses of
cultivated and thickly populated . manures and fertilisers. In the regions
2. Black soil where there is sufficient humus, we
• These soils are black in colour and find evergreen forests.
are also known as regur or black
cotton soils . These are ideal for
growing cotton.
• It is made up of extremely fine, i.e.
clayey material which has good
moisture-holding capacity.
3. Red and Yellow soils
• They become red due to diffusion of
iron in crystalline and metamorphic
• It looks yellow when it occurs in a Laterite soils
hydrated form. In India laterite soils are basically
found in' southern states, Wes tern

162 SoctAL ScJENCE-X - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

f Maharnshtrn, Odisha , so, 11 ,.
50 the h<'lp of , xistlng t<·chn()l"gy but
c;1111t gions of Wc':it Br.ngal nnd
tne re . T their use· hns not tw<m st,1rtc•d yet.
0f stern regions ea and coffer
Probably they cnn bi• u•w<l for me~tmg
11 orth~ea vn in the latcntc sells of
future r<'quin·m<·nt'J l<or example,
9 rc gro:a, Kerala and Tamil Nndu.
river wntc•r can be used for genr.rnting
~arri~tt; soils of Tamil Nadu, Andhra
hydroe lectric power but pre<Jcntly,
L,Eltefl h and Kerala arc more suitable
pradeS it 1s being utilised only to a limited
cashew crops. extent. Thus, the water m the dams,
for ' be the type of re sou rce.s
esert forests, etc are a reserve which can
Q3· D ified on the basis . ,r
01 status of
5 be used m the future.
cla ~',nment [AJ. 2009]
deve Or Or Q4. Explain the diffrre nt method s of
controlling soil nosion rn different
lain the classification of resources
ttfJ he basis of the state of develop
areas. IV. Imp.]
Ana. In hilly areas:
on t [ CBSE 2008]
,nent. (i) Ploughing along the contou r lines can
Or slow down the flow of water down
[)istinguish between stock resources the slopes. This 1s called contour
reserve resources. [CBSE 201 0] plough mg.
the basis of status of develop ment (ii) Steps can be cut out on the slopes
AD•· Onources are classifi ed as below:
res making terraces . Terrace cultiva tion
potential Reso urces: Resour ces restrict s erosion. Wester n and central
wtuch are found in a region, but have Himalayas have well developed terrace
not been utilised . For exampl e, the farming.
western parts of India (Rajas than and In agricultural regions : Large fields
GuJarat) have enormo us potenti al for can be divided into stnps. Stnps of
the development of wind and solar grass are left to grow betwee n the
energy, but have not been used yet. crops. This breaks up the force of the
Developed Resou rces: Resour ces wind. This method 1s known as strip
which are surveye d and their quality cropping.
and quantity have been determ ined In dry areas: Plantin g lines of trees to
for utilisation. The develo pment of create shelter also works in a similar
resources depend s on technol ogy and way. Rows of such trees are called
level of their possibility. shelter belts. These shelter belts
Stock: Materials in the environ ment have contrib uted significantly to the
which have the potenti al to satisfy stabilis ation of sand dunes desert in
human needs but human beings do western India.
not have the approp riate technol ogy In indus trial and s ub-ur ban
to access, these are termed as stock. areas: Proper manage ment of waste
For example, water is a compo und of lands, control of mining activiti es,
two inflammable gases, i.e. hydrog en proper discha rge and dispos al of
and oxygen, which can be used as a industr ial effluents and wastes after
nch source of energy. But due to lack treatme nt can reduce land and water
of appropriate technol ogy to access degrada tion.
:em they are still unused . QS. What is resource planning? Why is
eserves: They are the subset of the balance resource planning necessary
~t0<.k Wh1 h
' c can be put into use with in India? Giue examples. IHOTSI
. a widely accepted strategy
Ans. Plann.tng 1s (zr.1 International Re 10
resources that do not b ce,:
for cautious use of resources. In a mdiv1dual country. For clang to lh.,
country 1ike India it 1s very important
oceanic resources bev CXaniplt ~
to follow and execute such planmng.
the Exclusive Econo~i~~ 00 ~~
India has enonnous diversity in the
lO open ocean a nd n _ ne bc1 flf
availability of resources. Some regions ·1· o 1nd·1 01"111,
are rich in certain types of resources country can uti 1se thes . \lid ~,
. f. e With \la1
but deficient in some other resources. .
d eC1s1on o. mternationa1 insti out tk
Some regions are self-sufficient in There are international insti ~ ,
terms of the availability of resources regulate such resources. tlttion1 ~
while others have acute shortage of Q7. Over a period of time la
some vital resources. For example: degraded up .to an ext ent o· hQ &
(ij The states of Jharkhand, Chhattisga.:h examples eXf!lazn how human· !~ng
and Madhya Pradesh are .rich only m are responsible for that. actilV,
minerals and coal deposits. Or · 1rnp l
(irl Arunachal Pradesh has abundan?e Explain any four human .
of water resources but Jacks in . . actrwr1
which are mainly responsible fi0 es
infrastructural development.
degradation in India. IA.I ; lartd
(iir) The state of Rajasthan is very well
gifted with solar and wind energy but Ans. Human activities such as defo~ta~)J
lacks in water resources. overgrazing, construction and . ~.
(i0 The cold desert of Ladakh is relatively etc. have contributed signifi=~
isolated from the rest of the country. land degradation. Ylil
It has very rich cultural heritage but (z) Mining sites are abandoned af
it is deficient in water, infrastructure . . k . ter
mmmg wor 1s comp1ete leaving deep
and some vital minerals. scars and traces of over-burdenin
So considering such cases of diversity,
(iz) In states like Jharkhand, Chhatti~
balanced resource planning at the
nation al, state, regional and local Madhya Pradesh and Odisha defores
ation has occurred due to mining.
levels is required.
Q6. Explain the classification of resources (iiz) In states like Gujarat, Rajasthan
on the basis of ownership. (A.I. 2009] Madhya Pradesh and Maharashtra
Ana. (t) Individual Resources: These are overgrazing is one of the main reasons
aJso owned privately by individuals. for land degradation.
For example, land owned by farmers. (iv) In Punjab, H aryana, western
(ir) Community-owned Resources: There Uttar Pradesh , over- irrigation is
are resources which are accessible to
responsible for land degradation due
all the members of the community.
to waterlogging leading to increase in
For example, grazing grounds, burial
grounds, village ponds, public parks, salinity and alkalinity in the soil.
picnic spots, playgrounds, etc. ( v) The mineral processing like grinding
(ii~ Rational Resources: The resources of limestone for cement industry and
that belong to the nation. For calcite and soapstone for ceramic
example, roads, canals, railways, all industry generate huge quantity of du5l
the minerals, water resources, forests, in the atmosphere which retards the
wildlife , land within the political process of infiltration of water into the
boundaries and oceanic area up to
soil after it settles down on the land,
12 nautical miles (19.2 km) from the
coast termed as territorial waters (vz) Industrial effluents as waste have
and resources therein belong to the become a major source of land and
nation. water pollution.

164 Soc1AL SctENCE-X----- -- - - - - - - - - - - - -

,rec p anmng? M niton ti Qg . Explain
~ ,c h or mvol d m re ouro
c \I ,r\S t.L1' rcsot,,c at ts meant b
(Foreign, 2009, 101 es
f dr Q and lndtlJtd Y nntional
f11ri11 ~ pllll'rung refer to 5. (Long unt resources
Ans . Refer to Q6. (Lo lCDSE 2oio1
~esoilrc 'l\'Pe Quesuons)
f s~er of resource plannmg~ refer Qu estions)- ng Answer lypr
~ ;1%~ori Ans, Type Questions) (tit) Nationa
Resources . l Resources Ii) Individual
to 01 h between renewable and
n1I1S non-renewable res
~ttrt,~ ourct>s ICBSE

. 201O\
1o R newable Re1ourcea IO G• re -...,-
C c eresources can be used agam . and (i) These reso -•w
f {ij 'l'nes and can be reproduced by physica es ca
l, or reproduced nnot be renewed
again'.cal or mechanical processes.
chem1 . ·
~ '{'hey
' take a sho rt tirne for renewal. (11) These resources tak
1n, e ·11·
years to form . m1 ions of
~ ThCS
c are free gifts of nat ure . (iii) On<.:c they get exha t d
I1,,I remade. us e cannot be
They arr pollution-free and, therefore, (i11) The
~ cause pollution and damagt~our
(iii co friend! .
rT~ ~xample: Solar energy an~ wind (v) Example:
I , energy, water, forests and \\1ld Minerals and fossil fuels.
hfe, etc.
. uish between biotic and abiotic reso
~ti• /)!sting urces.
Biotic Resources
!Jl, Abiotlolel1. . .
(ij'fhesc resources are obtained from
(ij They refer to all those things which
are composed of non -living things.
(iq These include flora an? fauna fish
eries, (i1) These include rocks, met
livestock, human bemgs, etc. als, land ,
1 air, mountains, rivers, etc.
I(m) Minerals sue? as ~oal and petroleum (iiij Minerals such
are included m this category because as gold, iron , copper,
silver, etc. come in this category.
\ they were formed from dec aye d
organic matter.
~12. (1) Distinguish between Bangar and Kha

dar soils by gwing four characteristic features of
lit) Same any two nutrients that allu each.
vial soil is rich in.
Ans. (q Bangar
(q It is old alluvial soil.
(1) It is new alluvial soil.
(iq It has high con cen tra tion of (it)
It has less concentration of Kanker
Kanker modules. modules.
(tit) lt is less fertile.
(iiij It is more fertile.
Ji~ There are less fine particles in it. (iv) There are more fine particle
s in it.
Nutnents that alluvial soils are rich in are:
ill. la) P~tash (b) Phosphoric a~i~ and lime. .
Whic h ts the most widely spread and Ans
. Alluvial soil 1s the m? st widely_ spread
?rtant_ soil of India? State any six
ractenstics of this type of soil. and imp ort ant s~1l of Ind1~. For
characteristics of this type of soil :efer
!Foreign 2008, 10] to Q2. (Short Answer Type Questions)


(in) oue to the dry c_lirnat,
- (t) and also refer to Q 1. (Long Answer temperature, evaporation is~. bt1~
Type Questions)-1. the soil lacks humus a n d ~ ~
Ql4. Describe anyfwe distinct charactenstics (zu) In some areas, the salt :ontcnt ~
of arid soils. [CBSE 201 ?l high and common salt 1s obta;~~
Alla. The main characteristics of the and evaporating the ~ater. ~ h;
soils are as follows: (v} The Jower horizons of th
(i) These soils range from red to brown are occupied ~y Kankar be •all
in colour. of the increasing calcium c';'ll1t
(it) They are generally sandy in texture downwards. lltellt
and saline in nature.
VI. Map Skills . ·ven map of India and write their
Q. Identify the major soi! types shown in e g1 !As per the CBSE A l ~
on th e lines marked m the map. . -__,,

'""'l~~-2 .
~ ''\,,.....__ .,,
:·.... -"\, ....
' •



.. .
,. I
Arid/DeMr1 Soll

Forest and ~ Soll

Red and v.llow Soll
J..,, '

.. •


• Socw. Sc,eNce-X ----------- ----------·

1 u
th~e stages of reaource Plannln&? Deecribe lt
Ql 1d decreasing und~r permanent paatutta?
Q1 0 1 wn atta? Which areaa of India. have more net IOlffl area?
03 c µ , al and human factors which determine the uae of land
~~....__....,be"' ma or caut1ea of land degradation in India
t me consc.rvative meaaurea to check land degradation
he main factora reaponaible for .ail formation?
Q c N tlonal Forest Policy of Jncha. According to this po6cy bcM- aaudl ~
QI m s arc.a ahoukl be tmdcr b-eat. and why?
ccs along with the eoil types that are bmd in 1ndie
~ map of hldia. 9hDw tlle faDsM■C eaila:
(,_ Alkmal aoil , . Mountatnaua . .

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