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2/22/23, 9:38 AM Advantages and Disadvantages of Oral Communication

Advantages and Disadvantages of Oral

Oral Communication / 4 Comments / 6 minutes of reading


Oral communication is most popular and

common in personal communication as well as in

business communication. Undoubtedly it is

essential for communication but it has some

disadvantages. There are some advantages and

War Thunder
War Thunder
disadvantages of oral communication when we

use such kind of communication for business


Table of Contents
1. Advantages and Disadvantages of Oral Communication
2. Advantages of Oral Communication
2.1. Time-saving
2.2. Reduction of cost
2.3. Easiness
2.4. Effective for illiterate persons
2.5. Quick feedback
2.6. Maintaining secrecy
2.7. Reliability
2.8. Coordination 1/15
2/22/23, 9:38 AM Advantages and Disadvantages of Oral Communication

2.9. Motivation
2.10. Avoidance of slowcoach
2.11. Flexibility
2.12. Special application
3. Disadvantages of Oral Communication
3.1. No record
3.2. Misunderstanding
3.3. Distorted meaning
3.4. Lack of accuracy
3.5. Limited use
3.6. Confused speech
3.7. No legal validity
3.8. Leakage of secret information
3.9. More importance is given to presenting the speech
3.10. Emotion
3.11. Less effective
3.12. Expensive
3.13. Late decision
3.14. Not easy to fix responsibility
3.15. Possibility of conspiracy

Advantages and Disadvantages of Oral Communication

Advantages of Oral Communication

Organizations are using oral communication for their own interests and advantages.

For this reason, oral communication can serve the purpose of communication in the

best way Oral communication enjoys many merits or advantages. Some important

merits are presented below to create a meaningful idea:

Organizations use oral communication or its interest and advantages for this reason

oral communication can serve the purpose of communication in the best way. 2/15
2/22/23, 9:38 AM Advantages and Disadvantages of Oral Communication

Advantages and disadvantages of Oral



Where rapid action is necessary, in that case, it is the best way to send a message

orally. On the other handwritten communication takes a long time to reach the

sender. But oral communication through telephone calls or conversations with

subordinates makes savings time which is so important in the business world. 3/15
2/22/23, 9:38 AM Advantages and Disadvantages of Oral Communication

Reduction of cost

Oral communication doesn’t require any expenditure on the collection and

maintenance of pens, papers, typewriters, or computers or any other materials as are

needed for written communication. So, it is time and money savings.


It is an easy means of communication because it needs little preparation for

transmitting a message. Like written communication, it does not require any pen,

pencil, and other writing equipment.

Effective for illiterate persons

Illiterate people cannot read but they can hear and understand any information or

message. So, this is the most appropriate means of communication for illiterate


Quick feedback

Another primary advantage is that it provides quick feedback in the form of oral

messages or information. Thus sender or speaker can take further decisions. Let’s see

the advantages of feedback.

Maintaining secrecy

In oral communication, the speaker and listener can maintain secrecy because there

may not be any additional person involved. It is the willingness of the speaker and

listener to keep their communication out of reach from others.

Reliability 4/15
2/22/23, 9:38 AM Advantages and Disadvantages of Oral Communication

It is true that employees feel more secure when they communicate through oral

communication. Oral communication can provide immediate feedback and



An Organization to attain its goal requires full coordination of all departments or

divisions. Such coordination is possible through oral communication because it can

quickly instruct advice or motivate the employees as required by the situation.


In oral communication, superiors and subordinates can sit face to face and exchange

their views directly; such an arrangement motivates and inspires the employees to

work with great care.

Avoidance of slowcoach

The speaker should not be formal when he sends a message in oral communication.

So, he can talk to anybody at any time without any formalities required for written



Oral communication enjoys the benefits of flexibility. Any communication if written

cannot be changed quickly and if the message is already sent then it is out of the

control of the sender. 5/15
2/22/23, 9:38 AM Advantages and Disadvantages of Oral Communication

Special application

In the case of the seminar, conversation, meeting, group discussion, assemblies, and

telephonic conversation, the apple of these kinds of communication bears significant


Besides the above merits, oral communication is also found to be helpful in

developing human relations, creating understanding, settlement of disputes,

correcting information, and others.

Disadvantages of Oral Communication

As we said before there are lots of advantages and disadvantages of oral

communication. Though we mention lots of advantages of oral communication in

many situations people do not prefer oral communication for its limitations. Oral

communication suffers from various drawbacks or limitations which are listed below: 6/15
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2/22/23, 9:38 AM Advantages and Disadvantages of Oral Communication

Advantages and Disadvantages of Oral


In any situation, people do not prefer oral communication for their limitations. Here

are the disadvantages of oral communication.

No record

Most of the time oral communication uses for informal communication. In oral

communication, messages are not preserved and hence they are not found in the

record book. These messages cannot be retrieved in the future.


Due to the limitations of human memory, oral messages cannot be kept in mind in full

context. Because of inattentiveness in hearing oral messages, communication will be


Distorted meaning

As oral messages are not filed, their meanings may easily be distorted. Such distortion

may lead to a rumor which will move faster than wind.

Lack of accuracy

There is every possibility of an inaccurate message to reach the destination. It may be

because of noise or the receiver forgetting part or whole message.

Limited use 8/15
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If oral messages are lengthy then they are not suitable for transmission because of

the probability of missing some important; messages.

Confused speech

If a receiver of the message has a hearing problem, then the purpose of oral

communication becomes difficult to be achieved. The partial hearing will obviously

produce partial communication. As a result, there will be confusion among all parties

involved in the communication.

No legal validity

Do oral messages have any legal validity? As oral messages are not kept in record, so

it can be denied easily by the speaker if the situation goes against him.

Leakage of secret information

When a speaker speaks he may not be careful about the speech. So, secret

information can be leaked out.

More importance is given to presenting the speech

In oral communication, a speaker always tries to be a good speaker. So, naturally, the

communicator gives more importance to presenting the messages with style. As a

result, important messages can be ignored.

Emotion 9/15
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While delivering any speech, the speaker may become emotional. This may make the

message difficult and complex for the receiver of communication.

Less effective

Usually, an oral message carries less weight than written messages. In certain cases

like programs, policies, and instructions, oral communication is less effective.


To transmit oral messages to a distant place, we need to use the telephone, radio,

television, etc. Such things are costly mechanical devices. So, the receiver needs to

spend money on such devices for participating in oral communication.

Late decision

Here, Speaker requires spending much time on discussion and explanation. As a

result, decision-making is delayed.

Not easy to fix responsibility

In oral communication, if any mistake occurs, then it is very difficult to make someone

responsible for the mistake as there is no evidence for such communication.

Possibility of conspiracy 10/15
2/22/23, 9:38 AM Advantages and Disadvantages of Oral Communication

Oral communication has no evidence, so there may be interested persons to take the

advantage of such a thing to fulfill their ill motive. Therefore, oral communication may

lead to conspiracy sometimes.

Hope you find all advantages and disadvantages of oral communication otherwise,

leave a comment below.

Related Content of Oral Communication:

Characteristics of Oral Communication

12 Principles of Effective Oral Communication

Causes of Failure of Oral Communication

When the Use of Oral Communication Becomes More Effective

Difference between Oral and Written Communication

Which One is More Acceptable between Oral and Written Communication?

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6 Importance of Internal
Internal Communication / 3 Comments / 2 minutes of reading 11/15
2/22/23, 9:38 AM Advantages and Disadvantages of Oral Communication


Every organization has its own objectives and to

obtain such objectives communication is required

at each and every moment. Both internal and

external communication is equally important to

run the business properly. Internal

communication is especially important because it

links the day-to-day operation of a business. The

following points highlight the importance of internal communication.

Importance of Internal Communication

Importance of Internal Communication 12/15
2/22/23, 9:38 AM Advantages and Disadvantages of Oral Communication

1. Control: Control means keeping something within the limit. Lack of control causes

the misuse of resources. Such control can be possible if there is effective internal


2. Coordination: Coordination among activities of different departments is highly

essential to active the predetermined goals. Lack of coordination causes

mismanagement. Through internal communication, a strong chain is possible to

enhance coordination.

3. Motivation: Because of internal communication, all levels in an organization work

properly to achieve the organizational goal. Nobody is ignored and therefore such

communication acts as a motivating factor.

4. Development of Managerial Efficiency: Management is getting things done by

others. Communication is the only tool in this regard. To influence the workers,

managers must have proper knowledge regarding the workers. Such knowledge can

only be developed through internal communication.

5. Job Satisfaction: Employee dissatisfaction has a negative effect on job performance

and therefore causes of dissatisfaction are to be identified and removed. Sound

internal communication can help here and as a result, the employee will be inspired. 13/15
2/22/23, 9:38 AM Advantages and Disadvantages of Oral Communication

6. Others: Moreover, the followings are also possible because of internal


Preparation of plan and therefore execution of the plan

Exchange of news and views

Development of employee efficiency

Maintenance of links between various levels

Increasing morality.

The image is given above about the internal communication cycle. This image also

showed the importance of internal communication. Click on the image to see it large.

Related Content of Internal Communication:

Difference Between Formal and Informal Communication

Internal Communication Definition

The network of Small Group Communication 14/15
2/22/23, 9:38 AM Advantages and Disadvantages of Oral Communication
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