Value of PET CT in Primary HPB Tumours

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Sacks et al.
PET/CT in Primary Hepatobiliary Tumors CME Value of PET/CT
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Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging

Value of PET/CT in the


Management of Primary
Hepatobiliary Tumors, Part 2
Ari Sacks1 OBJECTIVE. Primary hepatobiliary malignancies consist of hepatocellular carcinoma,
Patrick J. Peller 2 cholangiocarcinoma, and gallbladder cancer. Benign hepatic lesions include hepatic cysts,
Devaki S. Surasi 3 hemagiomas, adenomas, and focal nodular hyperplasias. The utility of PET/CT in imaging
Luke Chatburn1 primary hepatobiliary lesions varies according to the type and location of the lesion.
Gustavo Mercier 3 CONCLUSION. There is a consistent benefit to the use of PET/CT for detection and
staging, and it ultimately helps to establish the best course of treatment and to determine
Rathan M. Subramaniam 3
prognosis. In addition, PET/CT is very useful in local ablative and systemic therapy
Sacks A, Peller PJ, Surasi DS, Chatburn L, Mercier assessment and surveillance for hepatobiliary malignancies.
G, Subramaniam RM

rimary hepatobiliary malignan- [7]. Such state-of-the-art hepatic MRI tech-
cies include liver tumors, cholan- niques may play a role in better characteriza-
giocarcinoma, and gallbladder tion of hepatic lesions in the future.
cancer. Primary hepatic tumors, This article provides an overview of the
malignant or benign, are infrequent [1] and current role of PET and PET/CT in primary
include hepatocellular carcinomas (HCCs), hepatobiliary tumors.
hemagiomas, adenomas, and focal nodular
Keywords: hepatobiliary tumors, PET/CT hyperplasias. There is increased incidence of Hepatocellular Carcinoma
HCC in patients with chronic liver diseases, The liver is the major producer of nondi-
DOI:10.2214/AJR.11.6995 such as hepatitis [2], alcoholic cirrhosis [3], etary glucose, at a rate of 2.0 mg/kg/min,
and systemic immune diseases, especially which helps maintain glucose homeostasis
Received April 1, 2011; accepted without revision
April 7, 2011. HIV [4]. Biliary tree and gallbladder primary [8]. Studies have shown that there are a va-
tumors are rare (< 2% of cancer prevalence) riety of different levels of glucose-6-phos-
Boston University School of Medicine, Boston, MA. and are difficult to diagnose at an operable phatase activity and glucose transporters in
stage. The epidemiology of gallbladder cancer HCC, leading to variable 18F-FDG uptake
Department of Radiology, Boston Medical Center and
Boston University School of Medicine, Boston, MA.
varies globally, correlating strongly with cho- [9–12]. Torizuka et al. [9] showed that FDG
lelithiasis and Salmonella infection rates [5]. uptake of HCC lesions correlates with the de-
Department of Radiology, Boston Medical Center and PET and PET/CT may play a significant role gree of differentiation of the HCC; high-grade
Boston University School of Medicine, 820 Harrison Ave, in the diagnosis, staging, or follow-up of each HCCs have increased FDG uptake (mean [±
FGH Bldg, Level 3, Boston, MA 02118. Address
of these malignancies. SD] standardized uptake value [SUV], 6.89 ±
correspondence to R. M. Subramaniam
( Newer hepatic MRI techniques have vastly 3.39) compared with low-grade HCCs (mean
improved the ability of MRI to differentiate SUV, 3.21 ± 0.58) (p < 0.005).
CME/SAM between benign and malignant focal hepatic Because of this variability, it is likely that
This article is available for CME/SAM credit. lesions. For example, diffusion-weighted im- FDG PET scans have an increased ability to
See for more information.
aging has been shown by Koike et al. [6] to detect higher grade HCCs and, alternatively,
WEB differentiate malignant from benign lesions have a decreased ability to detect low-grade
This is a Web exclusive article. by having a lower apparent diffusion coeffi- HCCs, as a result of decreased FDG uptake.
cient and higher relative contrast ratio when The overall sensitivity of FDG PET/CT in
AJR 2011; 197:W260–W265
compared with surrounding liver parenchy- detecting HCC suffers, with a reported range
0361–803X/11/1972–W260 ma. Furthermore, the development of spe- of 50–65% [12–16]. For this reason, FDG
cific MRI hepatobiliary contrast agents im- PET has been determined [14] to be insuf-
© American Roentgen Ray Society proves lesion detection and characterization ficiently sensitive to diagnose primary HCC.

W260 AJR:197, August 2011

PET/CT in Primary Hepatobiliary Tumors
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A study by Khan et al. [13] found that the achieved via guiding the biopsy of a large ne- In an assessment of dual-tracer (11C-acetate
sensitivity of FDG PET in the diagnosis of crotic tumor (n = 1), identifying distant me- and FDG) PET/CT, Park et al. [25] prospec-
HCC was 55%, compared with 90% for con- tastases (n = 5), monitoring the response to tively evaluated the value of PET/CT using
trast-enhanced CT. Another report, by Wu- treatment with regional therapy (n = 12), and FDG and 11C-acetate tracers for the detection
del et al. [15], involving one of the largest se- detecting recurrence (n = 2). The authors of primary and metastatic HCC. The overall
ries of FDG PET for HCC (n = 91), reported concluded that FDG PET should be consid- sensitivities of FDG, 11C-acetate, and dual-
that the sensitivity of FDG PET for detection ered as part of the staging and management tracer PET/CT in the detection of 110 lesions
of HCC was 64%. of selected patients with HCC. in 90 patients with primary HCC were 60.9%,
Although the sensitivity of FDG PET scans Fusions of FDG PET and CT images have 75.4%, and 82.7%, respectively. The sensitivi-
has been shown to be lower than that of oth- been shown to provide improvement of le- ties according to tumor size (1–2, 2–5, and ≥
er imaging modalities for HCC, it still plays sion detection, localization, and differentia- 5 cm) were 27.2%, 47.8%, and 92.8%, respec-
an important role in prognosis. Because FDG tion between physiologic versus patholog- tively, for FDG and 31.8%, 78.2%, and 95.2%,
uptake acts as a marker of differentiation, ic uptake on both CT and FDG PET images respectively, for 11C-acetate [25]. In that same
SUVs can give insight into the histopatho- alone [21]. The addition of CT images can study, FDG was found to be more sensitive
logic nature of the tumor. Shiomi et al. [17] also be very useful for detecting HCC in cas- than 11C-acetate in detection of extrahepatic
showed that the SUV ratios (SUV ratio of tu- es when the lesion is not FDG avid, because metastases (85.7% vs 77%). The addition of
mor to nontumor in liver) of HCC tumors cor- 70% of HCCs are visible on unenhanced CT 11C-acetate to FDG PET/CT increases the

relate with tumor volume-doubling time (r = as hypodense lesions, and an additional 20% overall sensitivity for the detection of primary
−0.582; p = 0.006). That study also found that are visible as hyperdense lesions [22]. HCC, but not for the detection of extrahepatic
cumulative survival rate can be predicted on FDG PET/CT has been shown to be ben- metastases. This may be the result of in-
the basis of the SUV ratio. The patients were eficial in detecting extrahepatic disease in creased FDG PET sensitivity in the detection
divided into two groups of similar size: group patients with primary HCC (Fig. 1). Kawa- of poorly differentiated HCC tumors, which
A (n = 24) had SUV ratios (as defined as the oka et al. [23] found FDG PET/CT to have are often more likely to be more aggressive,
hepatic tumor-to-nontumor ratio of SUV) of a higher sensitivity for the detection of bone and thus associated with metastases [20].
1.5 or less, and group B (n = 24) had SUV ra- metastases from primary HCC, compared Overall, for identification and staging of HCC
tios greater than 1.5. The authors showed that with MDCT and bone scintigraphy. In that metastasis, Ho et al. [20] found dual-tracer
the cumulative survival rate was significantly study, the mean sensitivity and specificity for PET/CT to have a sensitivity of 98%, a speci-
lower in group B than in group A (p = 0.026). diagnosis of bone metastasis were 41.6% and ficity of 86%, a positive predictive value
Similarly, Kong et al. [18] showed that pa- 94.5% for MDCT, 83.3% and 86.1% for FDG (PPV) of 97%, a negative predictive value
tients with HCC who had mean SUVs of 7 or PET/CT, and 52.7% and 83.3% for bone (NPV) of 90%, and an accuracy of 96%.
higher had a significantly (p = 0.0003) lower scintigraphy, respectively. FDG PET/CT is These values, as expected, are all significantly
median survival time (4 vs 15 months). also very useful for assessing chemoemboli- improved to either imaging modality alone.
Although FDG PET can help to differentiate zation therapy for HCC (Fig. 2). In summary, because of the variable glucose
tumors, it may also be useful in the staging of Because FDG PET has been shown to have metabolism of HCCs, FDG PET has shown
HCC as a complementary modality to CT by limited sensitivity for the detection of some mixed utility in the detection of HCCs, with
detecting unsuspected regional and distant HCC tumors because of their variable FDG up- sensitivities of 55–64% and with larger tumors
metastases [13]. In a study by Yoon et al. [19], take, 11C-acetate-PET has been used to com- visualized better than smaller tumors. FDG
pretreatment FDG PET examinations were plement FDG PET in a dual-tracer PET scan. PET appears to provide insight into the meta-
performed on 87 patients with HCC who un- Ho et al. [20] found that well-differentiated bolic activity of the tumor, with higher FDG
derwent MRI or CT studies, to assess whether HCCs preferentially accumulate 11C-acetate, uptake correlating with higher grade cancers
there were any extrahepatic metastases present whereas poorly differentiated tumors tend to and predicting prognosis. FDG PET has also
in those patients. Extrahepatic metastases were preferentially accumulate FDG. Delbeke et al. been shown to be helpful in the detection of
identified in 24 of 87 patients. All of the extra- [24] suggest that different uptake or tracers by regional and extrahepatic metastases, with a
hepatic metastases were detected by FDG PET. lesions can narrow down a differential diagno- disproportionate number of metastatic HCCs
In addition, FDG PET identified four lymph sis. When a tumor accumulates both tracers, or being FDG avid; FDG PET/CT is the most
node metastases and six bone metastases that only 11C-acetate, HCC is high on the differen- sensitive examination for detecting HCC extra-
had not been found using MRI or CT. TNM tial. Lesions that accumulate only FDG suggest hepatic metastases. Finally, 11C-acetate tracer
stage based on the conventional staging work- a non-HCC malignancy. The remaining le- used in conjunction with FDG was shown in
up was changed in four cases after FDG PET. It sions, which accumulate neither tracer, imply a one study to vastly increase the detection rate
has been proposed by Ho et al. [20] that poorly benign pathologic abnormality. On the basis of of HCC with PET.
differentiated HCCs, which are more likely to tracer avidity to different types of HCC lesions,
metastasize, also tend to be FDG avid; there- dual-tracer PET could lead to increased sensi- Benign Liver Tumors
fore, metastases from HCCs in general are tivity in detecting all HCC. Ho et al. [20] found The most common benign hepatic tumors
more likely to be detected with FDG PET. that none of 23 HCC lesions in their study pop- are hemangiomas, focal nodular hyperpla-
Wudel et al. [15] found that, although only ulation were negative for both tracers (100% sia (FNH), and hepatocellular adenomas.
64% of HCCs accumulated FDG, FDG PET sensitivity using both tracers). HCC tumors All of these benign tumors have been shown
had a clinically significant impact in 26 of 91 with no evident FDG uptake were detected by to take up FDG at a similar rate as normal
patients (28%) with HCC. This impact was 11C-acetate uptake, and vice versa. liver tissue.

AJR:197, August 2011 W261

Sacks et al.
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Kurtaran et al. [26] showed that malignant et al. [33] retrospectively examined the cases tection of lymph node metastasis were 86%,
liver lesions accumulate more FDG than FNH of 20 patients with cholangiocarcinoma and 68%, and 57%; the sensitivities were 43%,
lesions (mean, 10.07 ± 3.79 and 2.12 ± 0.38, found that FDG PET had sensitivity, specific- 43%, and 43%; and the specificities were
respectively). Furthermore, FNH lesions showed ity, and diagnostic accuracy of 92.3%, 92.9% 100%, 76%, and 64%, respectively.
normal or even decreased accumulation of and 92.6%, respectively. A more recent study Several other studies [40–42] have shown
FDG compared with background liver tissue. investigating FDG PET/CT by Jadvar et al. that FDG PET has distinct advantages at de-
Ho et al. [14] found that FNH lesions can [32] found sensitivity and specificity to be 94% tecting occult metastases that were not diag-
show mildly increased levels of 11C-acetate and 100%, respectively. That study included nosed by standard imaging. Thus, FDG PET/
uptake (11C-acetate SUVmax, 3.59, with a lesion- patients with overt metastatic disease that was CT staging has an important impact on the
to-normal liver ratio of 1.25). Hemangiomas easily detectable by other imaging modalities, selection of adequate therapy [31]. FDG PET
showed poor FDG uptake [27], with an SUV which may have exaggerated the values [32]. has been shown to change surgical manage-
ratio of less than 2. In a prospective study, Kim et al. [30] found ment in 17–30% [31, 34, 43] of patients eval-
To further delineate the imaging role of overall values for sensitivity, specificity, PPV, uated for cholangiocarcinoma, primarily as
PET in evaluating liver masses, Delbeke et NPV, and accuracy of FDG PET/CT in prima- a result of detection of unsuspected or un-
al. [28] were able to show the ability of FDG ry tumor detection were 84.0%, 79.3%, 92.9%, known metastases and, thus, upstaging [43].
PET to differentiate between benign and ma- 60.5%, and 82.9%, respectively. In summary, the sensitivity of FDG PET
lignant hepatic lesions in 110 patients who In 36 patients who underwent imaging for and FDG PET/CT in diagnosing cholangio-
were referred for examination of hepatic le- cholangiocarcinoma, Anderson et al. [34] carcinoma appears to be dependent on both
sions greater than 1 cm at largest diameter. found that the sensitivity for detection with the morphologic characteristics and loca-
The authors found that all benign hepatic le- FDG PET was 85% (n = 22) for a nodular tion of the lesion, with nodular forms and pe-
sions (n = 23), including adenoma and FNH, morphology, but only 18% (n = 14) for an in- ripherally located lesions being easier to de-
had poor uptake and an SUVmax less than filtrating morphology. Periductal infiltrating tect than infiltrating and hilar lesions. FDG
3.5, except for one of three abscesses that cholangiocarcinomas rarely form a focal mass PET and FDG PET/CT have been shown to
had definite uptake. All 66 liver metastases [35], and FDG uptake is, therefore, streaky. be very beneficial in detecting regional and
and 16 of 23 HCCs had avid FDG uptake. These data suggest that FDG PET is accurate distal metastases from cholangiocarcinoma,
In summary, benign liver tumors take up in predicting the presence of nodular cholan- which can affect patient management.
FDG at a similar rate to surrounding tissue, giocarcinoma (mass > 1 cm), but is less effec-
differentiating them from HCCs or metasta- tive for the infiltrating type [32, 34]. Gallbladder Cancer
ses or both on PET. Hemangiomas take up The location of the cholangiocarcinoma Gallbladder cancer is a relatively rare ma-
the least FDG of the non-HCC liver tumors. also plays a role in the ability of FDG PET lignancy that has few specific symptoms or
Liver abscesses may be a source of false-pos- to detect the lesion. The sensitivity of FDG signs. The clinical presentations of gallstone
itive findings on FDG PET. PET/CT in detecting primary hilar or ex- disease and gallbladder cancer are often dif-
trahepatic cholangiocarcinoma tumors was ficult to distinguish. Therefore, symptoms of
Cholangiocarcinoma found to be 18–58.8% [32, 34, 36, 37], sig- gallbladder cancer are often mistakenly in-
Cholangiocarcinoma is notoriously dif- nificantly lower than that of peripheral nod- terpreted as biliary colic or chronic chole-
ficult to diagnose early and is usually fatal ular tumors. One study of 22 patients with cystitis, hampering a timely formation of a
because of its late clinical presentation and primary sclerosing cholangitis [38] showed diagnosis [44]. Radical gallbladder resection
the lack of effective nonsurgical therapeutic that FDG PET/CT of the liver that was per- remains the most effective tools in the man-
modalities [29]. Diagnostic imaging of this formed after a delay (about 120 minutes af- agement of patients with gallbladder cancer,
type of tumor is usually performed with ul- ter injection) was able to differentiate benign in the absence of metastatic disease. Surgery
trasound, CT, or MR cholangiography. Stud- strictures from extrahepatic and hilar cho­ does not offer any survival benefit in patients
ies show that, although FDG PET/CT has no langiocarcinomas in all 22 lesions by using with distant metastasis [45].
statistically significant advantage over con- SUVmax greater than 3.6 as a threshold. FDG PET takes advantage of the high glu-
trast-enhanced CT, MRI, or MR cholangiog- Although FDG PET and FDG PET/CT cose utilization of gallbladder cancer (Fig.
raphy in the diagnosis of primary biliary tu- have not been shown to be highly beneficial 4). There are only a handful of studies as-
mors [30, 31], it is very valuable in detecting in diagnosing primary cholangiocarcinoma, sessing the role of FDG PET or FDG PET/
regional and distant metastases not seen by they have benefit in the diagnosis of metasta- CT in gallbladder cancer, making solid con-
conventional imaging. ses and staging. Kim et al. [30] found FDG clusions of its role more difficult to establish.
FDG accumulates in cholangiocarcino- PET to have improved accuracy in the diag- In two small series (n = 16 in each) by Koh
ma, which appears to be primarily the result nosis of regional lymph nodes metastases et al. [46] and Rodríguez-Fernández et al.
of increased glucose transporter expression (75.9% vs 60.9%; p = 0.004) and distant me- [47], FDG PET was shown to have sensitiv-
on tumor cells [32]. This increased uptake tastases (88.3% vs 78.7%; p = 0.004) when ity of 75–80% and specificity of 82–87.5%
is especially prominent in nodular or mass- compared with CT (n = 123). Seo et al. [39] in diagnosing gallbladder cancer. Rodríguez-
forming cholangiocarcinomas, which have also found FDG PET to be a more accurate Fernández et al. found two false-positive re-
intense FDG uptake due to increased expres- and specific detector of lymph node metas- sults because of acute cholecystitis. In anoth-
sion of glucose transporter–1 [11] (Fig. 3). tases in 35 patients when compared with ei- er study (n = 14) [31], the authors found the
In assessing the ability of FDG PET to de- ther CT or MRI. Diagnostic accuracies in sensitivity of PET/CT detecting gallbladder
tect and diagnose cholangiocarcinoma, Kluge that study of FDG PET, CT, and MRI for de- cancer to be 100% (14/14).

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PET/CT in Primary Hepatobiliary Tumors
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Fig. 1—56-year-old patient with hepatitis C and advanced

hepatocellular carcinoma.
A–C, Maximum intensity projection (MIP) PET (A), axial CT (B),
and fused PET/CT (C) images show multiple hepatic lesions
(arrow, B and C), including dominant lesion in segment 5/8 with
maximum standardized uptake value (SUVmax) of 3.6.
D–F, MIP PET (D), axial CT (E), and fused PET/CT (F) images
show large necrotic hypermetabolic peripancreatic lymph
node (arrow, E and F) with SUVmax of 8.5.

W264 AJR:197, August 2011

PET/CT in Primary Hepatobiliary Tumors
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Fig. 2—47-year-old man with hepatitis B and C and elevated

α-fetoprotein levels.
A, Axial T1-weighted MRI scan shows lesion (arrow)
measuring 4.5 × 3.5 cm in segment 2 of liver. Patient underwent
chemoembolization of liver lesion. PET/CT performed 20 days later
showed residual hepatic disease with pulmonary metastases.
B, Axial fused PET/CT shows large necrotic 9.9 × 4.7 × 9.9
cm mass (arrow) in left lobe of liver with hypermetabolic rim,
consistent with patient’s history of chemoembolization of
large hepatocellular carcinoma.
C, PET/CT shows hypermetabolic lesion (arrow) in middle lobe
of right lung with maximum standardized uptake value (SUVmax)
of 2.6, consistent with pulmonary metastasis. Patient received
systemic chemotherapy with Sorafenib (Nexavar, Bayer
HealthCare) for 3 months, and follow-up PET/CT revealed
significant worsening of disease in both liver and lung.
D, Axial fused PET/CT shows interval increase in extent and
degree of hypermetabolic activity, with SUVmax of 6.6, surrounding
large centrally photopenic defect (arrow) within left lobe of liver.
E and F, CT in lung window (E) and fused PET/CT (F) show
multiple hypermetabolic pulmonary nodules consistent with
progression of pulmonary metastases.

Fig. 3—65-year-old man with history of ulcerative colitis

requiring colectomy and primary sclerosing cholangitis.
A, CT scan performed during his hospitalization for
coronary artery bypass graft revealed low-attenuation
mass (arrow) in left lobe of liver.
B and C, PET/CT shows intensely FDG-avid 6 × 5 cm mass
(arrow, B and C) with central area of decreased activity
(necrosis). No distant metastases were identified. Biopsy
revealed cholangiocarcinoma, and mass was successfully

Fig. 4—75-year-old female smoker who presented with

right upper quadrant pain.
A, Contrast-enhanced CT revealed mass (arrow) anterior
to gallbladder, arising from liver or gallbladder. Biopsy
revealed gallbladder cancer.
B and C, PET/CT shows intensely FDG-avid mass (arrow,
B) arising from anterior wall of gallbladder and second
FDG-avid right apical lung mass (arrow, C). With biopsy-
confirmed non-small-cell lung cancer, patient received
palliative therapy for both malignancies.

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