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) Change Recommendations Based on Observations

If you try some cardio before your strength work and it doesn’t make you much or any less
strong, you may very well be able to put cardio before strength training. This is especially true if
that cardio is like a 20-30min incline walk on the treadmill; unlikely to reduce performance and
might even enhance it.

On the other hand, if your cardio smashes you so hard that you can’t generate the kinds of
volumes you need to for your hypertrophy training or if you’re
you’re using like half of your usual
weights, perhaps
perhaps you might have to put
put cardio after lifting. Obviously,
Obviously, the best solution
solution here is to
put the cardio in its own window some time far away from training, so don’t lose sight of that goal
if and when your schedule allows. But insofar as you have to put them together, observe your
responses and use the recommendations in point #2 above just as general guides, not as dogma
for every circumstance.

4.) Glycogen and Fat Burning

You might have heard

heard before that it’s good toto burn your glycogen off first by lifting to
to then burn
more fat when you do cardio right after. And thus, the implication is that you should do cardio
right after weight training for best fat loss results.

In reality, the overwhelming majority of research has yet to find a “better” time to do cardio, be it
after weights, on an empty stomach, or after a balanced meal. As long as you get the calories
burned that you planned and performed
performed cardio at the volumes
volumes and intensities that
that you wanted,
the results for fat loss and weight loss seem not to matter much.

These research findings make plenty of sense, because repleting glycogen takes carbs away from
later meals and doesn’t let them store as fat. This means that if you burn the glycogen first to rely
on fat burning in post-weights cardio or use the eaten carbs later for replenishing glycogen lost to
anytime cardio, it matters little. You still lose very close to the same amount of daily calories and
fat stores.

As long as you don’t drain your workout

workout of energy by doing too much cardio rightright before or drain
the anabolic signaling by doing too much cardio after training, just do your cardio when it’s
convenient for you and you’ll get great results without having to do it right after training

5.) Different Cardio Types

What’s the best

best kind of cardio? It depends on your goals and limitations!

If you’re doing cardio for max weight loss and general health and you’ve got the time, MISS is a
top choice. Moderate Intensity Steady State cardio, akin to running 5 miles at a time at a roughly
even pace has the advantage of burning the most total calories of all the modalities and thus
powering the most weight and fat loss. Yeah, it risks muscle loss to a good degree in the highly
trained especially and it does take quite some time to do, but for those who have the time and
want the most health
health and weight loss results;
results; it’s the likely
likely best choice.

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