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Jimma University

College of Social sciences and Humanities

Department Of Social Anthropology

Worksheet for Freshman semester 2nd students

Social Anthropology [ANTH1012]

PART I: If the statement is correct, TRUE, if the statement is incorrect, FALSE.

1. The role of exogamy by which man is allowed to marry someone from his own social
2. Bride wealth is the compensation given upon marriage by the family of the groom to
the family of the bride.
3. Kinship refers to the social recognition of the biological relationship that exists
between the individuals.
4. Patrilineal descent is traced solely through the female line.
5. Gender is biological or natural different between men and women.
PART II: choose the best answer
6. Which rules of marriage is practiced in one form or another in most of the major regions
of the world? A exogamy B endogamy C preferential cousin marriage D all E None
7. ________is refers to the social recognition of the biological relationship that exists between
the individuals. A) descent B) kinship C )Family D) none
8. The kinship relationship based on blood ties is______________ A final kin B
consanguineous kinship C family procreation D none
9. Which one of the following is wrong about objectivist aspects of ethnic identity?
A) observable behaviour both cultural and social
B) participation in ethnic personal networks
C) Ethnic identity refers to images, ideas and feelings
D) Its aspects of cognitive ,moral and affective E) C and D F) A and B
10. The theories of ethnicity in primordial model which one is wrong about this theory?
A) ethnicity is fixed at birth B) ethnicity as a natural phenomenon
C) Ethnicity based on people’s historical and symbolic memory something created
and used D) all

11. All of the followings are indigenous system of governance except

A) Oromo Gadaa B) Gedeo baalle C) Dere woga of the Gamo

D) Women peace-making sticks Sidama and Oromo E) A and D F) None

12. Which one is a dominant form of family in today’s modern society consists of house
band, wife and their dependent children’s? A) extended family B) Nuclear family
C) kinship and descent D) none

13. Amore common form marriage which is classified among the so-called harmful
traditional practice in Ethiopia? A) Young girl marriage B) child marriage C) Female genital
mutilation (FGM) D) Abortion E) All

14. The theories of ethnicity which one is true about constructivist theories of ethnicity?

A its subjectivist ethnic identity as all individualistic strategy

B ethnicity is something that is being negotiated and constructed in everyday living

C its objectivist theories ancient and perennial D) none

15.______________ is the custom whereby a widow is expected to marry the brother (or
some close male relative) of her dead husband. A) Sororate B) Levirate C) Preferential
Cousin Marriage D) Endogamy and exogamy

16._______ involves a transfer of goods or money from the bride's family to the groom‘s
family. A) Bride Wealth B) Bride Service C) Dowry D) None

17._________ is a kind of relationship in which two individuals create a kind of parent-child

relationship without any blood or marriage ties. A) Fictitious kinship B) consanguineous
kinship C) A final kinship D) None
PART III: matching


1. Monogamy A) treatment of person or insignificant

2. Polygamy B) Descent traced solely male line

3. Polyandry C) Descent traced solely female line

4. Exogamy D) Affinity

5. Endogamy E) consanguinity kinship

6. Post-marital residence F) house band, wife and their children

7. Nuclear family G) One-to one marriage

8. Kinship through blood H) newly married couple

9. Kinship through marriage I) One to many marriage

10. Patrilineal descent J) One women married more than one male

11. Matrilineal descent K) many outside or one’s own close relatives

12. Marginalization L) marry within their own social group

PART IV: fill the blank space

1.____________ consists of two or more families that are linked by blood ties.

2.____________ is an ethnic ascription when it classifies a person in terms of his basic, most
general identity, presumptively determined by his origin and background.

3___________ the diacritical features that people look for and exhibit to show identity, often
such features as dress, language, house-form, or general style of life.

PART V: writing

1. What forms of marriage are practiced in your area?

2. How is kinship different from other forms of social relationships?

3. Write the mechanism of conflict resolution in your area?

4. What are self-ascriptions in the concepts of ethnic identity?

5. Discuss indigenous system of governance in your area?

6. If men marry in your areas more than one woman explain the reason behind? Is such
practice declining or increasing? Why?

7. explain different between ethnicity, ethnic identity and ethnic origin?

8. What is indigenous knowledge system and write it’s important of IKS?

9 .list and explains example of the role women in conflict resolution and peace-making in

10. What is marginalization? And who are mostly marginalized people?

11. Write and explain major components of customary/indigenous/ justice institutions?

GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!GALATOOMAA!!!!!

From Lema Tefera

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