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Maleficent movie (resume)

It’s about a dark fairy with strong and big wings call Maleficent that protect and lives in the
Paramo. She lived playing with the creatures of it until one day a peasant boy entered to steal
a gemstone, he returned it to her and they became friends, when they shacked hands, the ring
of Stefan hurt her hand because it was made of iron so he made the decision to throw away
the ring forgetting the hatred between humans and fairies. After this day, he started to go to
the Paramo for play with she, but that friendship little by little become something more, when
Maleficent turned 16 years, Stefan gave her a gift, it was a first kiss as a symbol of true love.
Years passed Stefan’s ambition took him away from Maleficent and she didn’t know about

A day the King of the other kingdom went with all his troops to attack the Paramo, but
Maleficent appears to protect it, the king and his troops were defeated for the dark creatures
and her. The King was hurt and just wait for his death so he said that chose a successor to
protect to his daughter and destroyed the winged creature and he would give the crown, so
that night Stefan went to the Paramo looking for Maleficent to warn her that they were going
to hurt her, she forgave him and trusted him, he gave her something to drink and she fell
asleep, he tried to kill her, but he couldn't so he ripped off her wings causing her great pain
when she woke up. That day everything changed for her, that love turned into hate. After few
days she saved a raven to be kill turned into human, Diaval was her new wings of her.

Stefan was crowned and throne was given to him, she found out that he was going to have a
baby so she decided to visited the Kingdom the Celebration’s Day, everyone went to the castle
even three fairies to give good wishes to the baby Aurora, the first wish was beauty, the
second was that she be happy forever until Maleficent appeared to say the last one was that
when Aura turned sixteen years before the sunset, she pricked her finger with the needle of a
spinning wheel and she will be in an eternal death sleep until she has the kiss of true love.

Maleficent created a wall of thorns in the Paramo so no one can enter there anymore. She
started to visited to Aurora every day near a cabin when the three fairies cared of her,
sometimes Maleficent called her beast and it was funny. Diaval also cared of her being a raven.
When she least expected it, a love and affection for Aurora grew.

Aurora met to the Paramo, Maleficent and Diaval a night, she thought that Maleficent was her
fairy godmother. So much was her love to Aurora that allow her to visit the Paramo to spend
good time with everybody. Therefore, she regretted about spell so she said the following while
Aurora was sleeping “I revoke the spell, it will haunt no more,” but that didn’t work.

When Aurora turned 16 found out the whole truth and to the castle to see her father, shortly
after she pricked her finger with the needle of a spinning and she fell into a death sleeplike
Maleficent said, The prince Phillip was leaved for Maleficent to the castle for give her the kiss
of true love, but she didn’t wake up until Maleficent giver her a kiss on her head and she wake
up with a smile.

They were attacked for the troops inside the castle when they tried to go out of there,
Maleficent turned Diaval into a dragon and Aurora helped her to recover her wings. Finally, the
King Stefan died and the Paramo turned into in a colorful and shine place and Aurora became
to the Paramo’s Queen.

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