3 (C) 57 Repealed Chapters

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1. Cap. 20 Court Brokers Act
2. Cap. 28 Chattels Transfer Act
3. Cap. 58 Vagrancy Act
4. Cap. 70 Chang’aa Prohibition Act
5. Cap. 91 Detention Camps Act
6. Cap. 104 Outlying Districts Act
7. Cap. 113 Exchange Control Act
8. Cap. 119 Industrial Alcohol (Possession) Act
9. Cap. 143 Adoption Act
10. Cap. 144 Guardianship of Infants Act
11. Cap. 153 Subordinate Courts (Separation and Maintenance) Act
12. Cap. 155 Mohammedan Marriage and Divorce Registration Act
13. Cap. 156 Mohammedan Marriage, Divorce and Succession Act
14. Cap. 157 Hindu Marriage and Divorce Act
15. Cap. 172 Immigration Act
16. Cap. 191 Provident Fund Act
17. Cap. 193 Asian Widows’ and Orphans’ Pensions Act
18. Cap. 210B Universities Act
19. Cap. 210C Kenyatta University Act
20. Cap. 225A Kenya National Examination Council Act
21. Cap. 229 Regulation of Wages and Conditions of Employment Act
22. Cap. 231 Shop Hours Act
23. Cap. 232 Mombasa Shop Hours Act
24. Cap. 250 Science and Technology Act
25. Cap. 272 Local Authorities Provident Fund Act
26. Cap. 282 Land Titles Act
27. Cap. 288 Trust Land Act
28. Cap. 292 Wayleaves Act
29. Cap. 295 Land Acquisition Act
30. Cap. 309 Trading in Unwrought Precious Metals
31. Cap. 310 Diamond Industry Protection Act
32. Cap. 315 Electric Supply Lines
33. Cap. 321 Crop Production and Livestock Act
34. Cap. 325 Suppression of Noxious Weeds Act
35. Cap. 327 Grass Fires Act
36. Cap. 328 Canning Crops Act
37. Cap. 329 Cereals and Sugar Finance Corporation Act
38. Cap. 331 Coconut Industry Act
39. Cap. 332 Coconut Preservation Act
40. Cap. 333 Coffee Act
41. Cap. 335 Cotton Act
42. Cap. 341 Sisal Industry Act
43. Cap. 382 Kenya Tourism Development Corporation Act
44. Cap. 386 Timber Act
45. Cap. 409 Lakes and Rivers Act
46. Cap. 413 Paymaster-General Act
47. Cap. 418 Tax Reserve Certificates Act
48. Cap. 420 Internal Loans Act
49. Cap. 422 External Loans and Credits Act
50. Cap. 425 Civil Contingencies Fund
51. Cap. 478 Hotel Accommodation Tax
52. Cap. 497 Trade Licensing Act
53. Cap. 498 Stock Traders Licensing Act
54. Cap. 502 Imports, Exports and Essential Supplies Act
55. Cap. 514 Factories Act
56. Cap. 521 Unit Trusts Act
57. Cap. 529 Pawnbrokers Act

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