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Chair Report Season(s) 2019-2021

It has been 2 years since my last report to the Club. It has been a strange time for us all but hopefully
we are moving to a return to full Club Badminton.


December 2019- Club Christmas Quiz. Supported by the majority of the Club.

March 2020- All England trip to Birmingham. Front row seats to see some great badminton at a very
quiet Indoor Arena. Lockdown happened shortly after. A big thank you to Frankie for organising.

Teams, Tournaments and Winners

Season 2019/20 was almost complete when we were put into Lockdown. Members supported
Teams in 3 leagues.

West Dorset Badminton League (mixed 3 men, 3 women)- 3rd place in Div.2 and League Cup Finalists.

South East Somerset Badminton League – Men's Doubles, Dorchester 1, 3rd place Div 2. Dorchester
2, Winners, Div 3. Dorchester 3, 3rd place, Div 4. Dorchester 4, 1st place, Div 4.

Bournemouth Men’s 4’s -Mid table Div 5

Miller Tournament (SES) Mixed Doubles winners, Matt Barrett and Jonathan Cox. Mixed Doubles
winners, Matt Barrett and Debbie Hilton.

Yeovil Tournament, Boys Singles U17 winner Matt Barrett, U19 winner Peter Archer. Boys Doubles
U19 runners up Matt Barrett and Peter Archer

Club Tournaments- New Season Tournament winners Matt Barrett and Megan Milliner, R-up Peter
Lappin and Ben Milliner. New Year Tournament winners Steve Cole and Jeff Joy, R-up Matt Barrett
and Sheila Lewis.

I have been fortunate to receive many positive comments from opposing teams praising our teams
whilst on court. A massive thank you to all the captains and players representing our club.


Even though we have not played much badminton over the last 2 years the Committee has
continued to meet, virtually, and have helped prepare our safe return to play. I would like to thank
them all especially those returning to the Committee for the new season for their continued support.

Special thanks to the team at St Osmund’s for aiding our safe return and our Clubs Covid Officers,
Richard, Ian and Matt B, for doing that bit extra so you can get back on court.

A big thank you goes to Simon Potter. Monthly invoicing and the decision to make the club ‘cashless’
has made life so much easier. He does a lot of extra work behind the scenes.
Richard Bassett has taken on the secretary role and helped massively to get this AGM prepared.
Thank you.

Thank you to all club members for your patience and understanding in a very difficult period for the
club. It has been a great boost to see so many wanting to return to play last October and again this

The Future

Hopefully, we will be able to start the new season in September as close to how we ‘knew it’ as we
can. We will continue to open our doors to new members as we have done recently. A recent
comment from someone who had not played for a while-’ I had forgotten how much I enjoyed it
(badminton). Everyone has made me welcome, Thank you’. And from a few seasons ago-’ It’s fun
and friendly’. Let’s continue like this.

Stay Safe, Stay Healthy.


Chair DBC July 2021

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