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Florencia Mamani Colque

1. Discuss: Are attractive people happier, healthier, and wealthier?

I think it is possible. Studies affirm that attractive people have more job opportunities and
become happier, as well as being healthy. But, healthy in the sense, physical, mental or
emotional? It has been confirmed that attractive people have more physical health.

1 in 3 people have a mental health problem. Taking this into account, the safest thing is that
even if he is an attractive person, he can have many problems.

2. Discuss: Does your favourite choice of colour reveal your personality?

I think that choosing a favorite color as a reflection of what a person's personality is, is a bit

In a way, I see it as judging the person. For example; Let's say that one person likes the
color black, then suddenly the other person thinks that he is someone negative, but after
talking for a while he realizes that he is wrong.

3. Write a short paragraph about an ancient civilization: talk about how they lived,
what their traditional art was, and mention their most distinctive features.

The Egyptian civilization was formed after the emergence of writing, and it was the most
iconic and powerful civilization in history.

Egyptian art was based on religion and on his ideas about the afterlife, on the divine and
sacred character of the pharaoh, as well as his architecture. Egyptian art tends towards
gigantism, that is, many of its buildings and sculptures are of colossal dimensions. The
painting and sculpture in relief used in temples and tombs, together with the use of abundant
hieroglyphs, has allowed us to know in great detail the history of Ancient Egypt.

4. Why do think many people are interested in aliens?

I think a lot of people are interested in aliens because they are something unknown. What I
mean is that people are interested in something that we do not know what it is, what it is like,
what it does, etc. The thought that there is more life to us makes it fearful, exciting and

5. Write a list of tips to help you age gracefully and healthily.

Take care of your skin.

Stay physically active.

Take care of your diet.

Mental health matters.

Reduce your stress.

Do not smoke and reduce alcohol consumption.

Get enough sleep.

Go to therapy

Reduce stress

Challenge yourself

Strengthen Social Ties.

Stay Out of the Sun.

6. What is stress? What causes it? What do you think is a good way to get rid of
stress or at least relieve it?

Stress is a feeling of physical or emotional tension. It can come from any situation or thought
that makes you feel frustrated, angry, or nervous.

The cause is the continuous stress that stress produces on the body that can contribute to
serious health problems.

The healthiest ways to reduce stress are:

Recognize the things you cannot change.

Avoid stressful situations.

Change your perspective.

Get enough sleep.

Learn to say no.

7. JFKennedy said that "Man is still the most extraordinary computer of all." Do you

Yes, I do agree.
This is because in the following long years, there was no artificial creation that could surpass
human abilities and capacities, and the human being remains an exceptional biological
machine that continues to discover and create new things every time.

8. Do you think using mobile phones is bad for your health? Explain.

Yes and No, it may depend on the upbringing that the person went through. I mean, if the
child's caregivers did not teach him higher priorities, such as school, then the use of mobile
phones can be detrimental to the extent that he can develop an addiction, causing a great
negative effect on his health.

9. Who has been an inspiration to you?

Inspiration is the need to express a feeling, an emotion. It is undoubtedly a form of

expression that regardless of the chosen channel, the message is revealed with a majestic
and supernatural intensity. In my case, my inspiration is my mother for all her efforts.

10. It is harder for women to be successful than men. Do you agree? Explain.

I think it is the truth that women are hardly successful compared to men, the reason for my
opinion is because there are several studies confirming it. Women suffer more discrimination
according to statistics, which generates less work and success.

11. What do you think is the best way to measure how successful someone is?

Inner peace: Success can be valued by the number of hours we rest, although it may
surprise us.

Work for a purpose: The satisfaction of what you do has a positive impact on the lives of

Development of potential: The conviction that we are making the most of the capabilities we

Be learning: The feeling of growing and progressing as a human being is one of the deepest
motivations we have, along with contributing to a purpose.

Good personal relationships.

Ethics: The moral authority to say that lying, stealing, or any other negative conduct is

12. Do you think it is important to study history at school? Explain.

Yes, because the great objective of history is to be able to reconstruct the past and
understand the present thanks to the study of the past. Historians allow us to know the
evolution of societies in time and space and studying that past helps man not to repeat the
same mistakes in the present and to shape his future.

13. Do you think that there is nothing we can do to stop natural disasters?

We cannot prevent natural phenomena from occurring. But we can make them less harmful
if we better understand why they happen and what we can do to prevent or mitigate them.

Taking into account that people are partly responsible for the occurrence of disasters, we
have to change what we are doing wrong in order to avoid or reduce the impact of natural

14. If you could make a documentary, what subject would you choose? Why?

I would make a documentary on mental health, more explicit on insecurities. Because I think
it is a good way to express an aspect of reality, it would also be very informative for people
who are going through difficult times.

15. Do you think you need to be paid a high salary to enjoy your job?

Work can be seen as human activity that contributes towards goods and services within an
economy. With or without ambition, we all want good money, so we all want a good salary to
be financially stable. So having one would make it much better to enjoy.

16. Choose a topic from units 1 to 9 and expand.

My pet is called Paquita and she is 1 and a half years old.

She is a poodle breed dog.

She is medium in size, white in color, with little brown touches, but it is barely noticeable, she
has short hair.

The eyes are dark brown to black, it has a flattened snout and long ears, but it tends to put
them back. It has a medium long tail.

She has quite a character and is very playful. She is very affectionate and sleepy, although
sometimes she growls a lot and is a bit stubborn.

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