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Answer the questions in text form, in around 220-260 words.

1. Why do you think other cultures and speakers of other languages have a different
hierachy of senses?

2. What do you think we can learn today by studying ancient civilisations?

3. If you could change just one thing about the place where you live at the moment, what
would it be?

4. Some people say that our clothes are an expression of our personality. Do you agree?

5. Do you think it's important to be aware of current events?

6. Write a story beginning with: “When I saw that advertisement on the webpage, I thought I
had found my dream holiday... but I couldn't have imagined that was just the beginning.”

7. Write a review of a film, book or TV series you've seen or read recently.

8. How can your friends influence your level of fitness?

9. Does technology have a positive or negative impact on the youth?

10. If you were to set up your own business, what kind of business would you set up and

11. What factors make an area 'vibrant'?

12. What advantages do you think people gain from being able to speak different

1. The diversity in the hierarchy of senses across cultures and languages can be
attributed to a complex interplay of linguistic, cognitive, and cultural factors.
Language acts as a lens through which individuals perceive and categorize sensory
experiences. Different languages have distinct ways of expressing and prioritizing
sensations, influencing the overall hierarchy of senses within a cultural context.
Cultural perspectives significantly shape sensory priorities. For instance, cultures
with a strong emphasis on communal living or manual labor may prioritize tactile
sensations. In contrast, societies with a rich tradition in visual arts may elevate vision
in their sensory hierarchy. Environmental factors, such as climate and geography,
also contribute; cultures in challenging climates may prioritize senses crucial for
survival, like touch or spatial awareness.
Cognitive styles, both individual and collective, further contribute to variations in
sensory hierarchy. Some languages inherently lend themselves to nuanced
descriptions of specific senses, shaping how speakers perceive and prioritize those
sensations. Additionally, collective cognitive styles within a culture can influence
shared perceptions of sensory importance.
The hierarchy of senses across cultures is a dynamic interplay of linguistic
expression, cultural values, and cognitive tendencies. This diversity highlights the
richness of human experience and the intricate relationship between language,
culture, and cognition in shaping how individuals perceive and interpret the world
around them.

Studying ancient civilizations provides valuable insights into the complexities of

human development, offering a lens through which we can examine the roots of
contemporary societies. By delving into the triumphs and challenges of past cultures,
we gain a deeper understanding of the factors that shape human progress.

2. Studying ancient civilizations offers us heaps of insights into how societies back in
the day developed, helping us understand the building blocks of today's world. We
can learn a bunch about how politics, social structures, cool inventions, and culture
all shaped up.

One big lesson is that history tends to repeat itself - we see these cycles of societies
going up and then sometimes crashing. It's like a roadmap that can give us ideas on
how to shape our own societies today. Also, checking out ancient cultures teaches us
to appreciate how diverse human ways of life are, showing that each group had its
own unique journey.

Moreover, we can pick up useful tips from how old civilizations dealt with their
money, set up their governments, and took care of the environment. Their
experiences with stuff like climate change and using resources smartly can give us
some pretty good advice for today.

In a nutshell, poking around in the stories of ancient civilizations makes us smarter

about our shared history. It's like a guidebook, helping us figure out what worked,
what didn't, and how we can use that info to handle the challenges we're facing now
and down the road.

Diving into the tales of ancient civilizations serves as a treasure trove of knowledge,
unraveling the roots of contemporary societies and shedding light on their formation.
Through the exploration of the past, we gain insights into the intricate interplay of
political structures, social dynamics, technological advancements, and cultural

3. If given the opportunity to change one aspect of my current living space, I would
undoubtedly opt for a comprehensive renovation of the kitchen. The kitchen, often
regarded as the heart of the home, plays a multifaceted role in daily life, serving not
only as a culinary workspace but also as a hub for social interactions and creative
My primary focus would be on reconfiguring the kitchen's layout to optimize both
functionality and efficiency. I envision a well-organized space that streamlines daily
activities, making meal preparation more enjoyable and less time-consuming. This
would involve strategic placement of appliances, utensils, and cookware, coupled
with the integration of innovative storage solutions for easy accessibility.

A crucial aspect of this transformation would be the introduction of state-of-the-art

kitchen appliances. Upgrading to energy-efficient and technologically advanced
models aligns with contemporary sustainability goals while simultaneously enhancing
the overall efficiency of the kitchen. Imagine the convenience of smart appliances
that can be controlled remotely or cooking devices that ensure precise and consistent

Aesthetically, I aspire to create a kitchen space that reflects my personal style and
complements the overall design of my home. This would involve selecting a cohesive
color scheme, modern finishes, and thoughtful details that contribute to a visually
appealing and harmonious environment.

The envisioned kitchen renovation is a holistic endeavor, aiming to elevate not only
the functionality of the space but also its aesthetic appeal.

4. Absolutely, I firmly believe that our choice of clothing serves as a powerful form of
self-expression, offering a visual representation of our personality, preferences, and
even our mood. Clothing is a medium through which individuals can communicate
aspects of their identity without uttering a word.

First and foremost, the style of clothing we choose reflects our personality traits.
Whether it's a preference for classic, timeless pieces or bold, avant-garde fashion,
our clothing choices often mirror our attitudes, values, and level of comfort with self-
expression. Someone inclined towards vibrant and eclectic outfits might be signaling
an outgoing and adventurous nature, while those gravitating towards simplicity could
be conveying a preference for understated elegance.

Moreover, clothing serves as a canvas for creativity and individuality. The colors,
patterns, and textures we incorporate into our attire can convey a range of emotions
and personal tastes. A person donning vibrant, lively colors may be projecting
positivity and optimism, while someone favoring muted tones might be expressing a
more reserved or introspective disposition.

Additionally, our clothing choices can adapt to different social contexts, allowing us to
navigate various aspects of our lives. Whether it's dressing professionally for work,
embracing casual attire for leisure, or expressing cultural identity through traditional
garments, our clothing becomes a dynamic tool for adapting to diverse situations.
So, clothing transcends its functional role as a means of covering our bodies; it
transforms into a mode of self-expression, revealing layers of our personality and
providing glimpses into our inner selves.
5. Undoubtedly, staying aware of current events is crucial in today's interconnected
world. It serves as a window into the ever-changing dynamics of our global society,
offering insights that are essential for informed decision-making and active civic

Being aware of current events fosters a sense of responsibility and engagement with
the world. It enables individuals to understand the challenges and opportunities that
impact not only their immediate surroundings but also communities and nations on a
broader scale. Informed citizens are better equipped to contribute meaningfully to
discussions on societal issues, advocate for change, and participate in democratic

Also, awareness of current events provides context for understanding the

complexities of geopolitical, economic, and social landscapes. It encourages critical
thinking and the development of a well-rounded perspective, helping individuals
navigate the information age with discernment. In a world saturated with news and
information, the ability to distinguish between reliable sources and misinformation
becomes a crucial skill.

Beyond personal development, being informed about current events cultivates a

sense of empathy and interconnectedness. Global challenges, such as climate
change, political unrest, or public health crises, require collective awareness and
action. In this context, staying informed allows individuals to contribute to discussions
on solutions, support relevant initiatives, and foster a sense of shared responsibility
for the well-being of humanity.

Then, awareness of current events is not just a personal choice but a civic
responsibility. It empowers individuals to actively participate in shaping the world
around them, fostering a more informed, engaged, and interconnected global

6. When I saw that advertisement on the webpage, I thought I had found my dream
holiday a secluded tropical paradise, with pristine beaches and lush greenery that
seemed like a haven for relaxation. Little did I know that this was just the beginning of
a journey that would redefine my concept of adventure.

I booked the trip impulsively, enticed by the alluring images and promises of an
exclusive, off-the-beaten-path experience. As I arrived at the remote island, reality
began to unfold. The accommodations were far from the luxurious retreat depicted
online; instead, I found myself in a rustic bungalow surrounded by the sounds of the
untamed jungle.

Despite the initial shock, I decided to embrace the unexpected turn of events. The
island, though not the paradise I envisioned, had a raw, unfiltered beauty. I navigated
through dense forests, discovering hidden waterfalls and stumbling upon vibrant
wildlife. Engaging with the local community, I learned about their customs and
traditions, gaining insights into a culture untouched by mainstream tourism.
As I ventured beyond the confines of my initial expectations, I realized that true
adventure lies in the unpredictability of the journey. The misadventure that started
with a misleading advertisement transformed into an authentic exploration, teaching
me that sometimes, the most memorable experiences emerge from the disparity
between expectation and reality. In the end, what began as a quest for a dream
holiday turned into an adventure of self-discovery and unexpected enchantment.

7. "The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air" is an iconic TV series that has left an indelible mark on
the landscape of sitcoms. Originally airing from 1990 to 1996, the show remains a
timeless classic, celebrated for its humor, relatable characters, and cultural

At its core, the show revolves around Will Smith, a teenager from a modest
background sent to live with his wealthy relatives in Bel-Air. The fish-out-of-water
premise provides ample comedic fodder, and Will Smith's charismatic performance
adds a dynamic energy to the series. His chemistry with the rest of the cast,
particularly with Uncle Phil (James Avery) and Carlton (Alfonso Ribeiro), creates
memorable and heartfelt moments.

One of the show's strengths lies in its ability to seamlessly blend humor with social
commentary. It addressed issues of race, class, and identity in a way that was both
entertaining and thought-provoking. The clever writing and witty dialogue, coupled
with occasional breaking of the fourth wall, contributed to the show's unique style.

The memorable theme song, written and performed by Will Smith himself, became
an anthem for fans and is instantly recognizable even today. The show's influence
extends beyond its initial run, as it continues to resonate with new generations
through reruns and streaming platforms.

"The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air" stands as a quintessential sitcom that not only provided
countless laughs but also tackled important societal issues.

8. The influence of friends on one's level of fitness can be significant, impacting both
motivation and lifestyle choices. Firstly, the power of peer encouragement plays a
crucial role. When friends share a common interest in fitness, they can serve as a
source of inspiration, pushing each other to achieve goals and maintain consistent
workout routines. The camaraderie and shared commitment create a positive and
supportive environment, fostering a sense of accountability that can be a powerful

Social activities centered around fitness also contribute to a healthier lifestyle.

Engaging in physical activities with friends, such as group workouts, sports, or
outdoor adventures, not only makes exercising more enjoyable but also strengthens
social bonds. This integration of fitness into social interactions promotes a holistic
approach to well-being.

Conversely, friends who lead sedentary lifestyles or make unhealthy choices can
potentially hinder one's fitness journey. Peer influence extends beyond direct
encouragement, as habits like shared meals, leisure activities, and lifestyle choices
can impact an individual's overall health. In such cases, the challenge lies in
maintaining a balance between social connections and personal health goals.

Ultimately, the impact of friends on fitness is a two-way street. Choosing to surround

oneself with friends who prioritize and encourage a healthy lifestyle can significantly
contribute to maintaining or improving fitness levels. Conversely, being mindful of the
influence of less healthy habits within social circles allows individuals to make
informed choices that align with their personal wellness objectives.

9. Technology benefits youth with learning tools and global connections but poses
challenges like excessive screen time affecting sleep and mental health. Social
media's idealized image can impact self-esteem. Issues like cyberbullying and
privacy concerns also arise. Finding a balance, using tech wisely, and seeking
support for online pressures are vital for young people.

Technology has both good and not-so-good effects on young people. On the positive
side, it helps a lot in learning through apps and online resources. It makes studying
more interesting. Also, technology lets young people connect with others worldwide,
share their thoughts, and be creative.

But there are downsides too. Spending too much time on screens, especially on
social media and games, can lead to problems like not sleeping well, less exercise,
and feeling sad or stressed. Seeing only the good things on social media can make
some young people feel bad about themselves.

As mentioned above, there are also new issues like cyberbullying, where people are
mean to each other online, and worries about privacy. Some young people might feel
pressure to do things because they see others doing them online.

In short, technology can be good for learning and connecting with others, but it can
also bring some problems. It's important for young people to find a balance, use
technology wisely, and talk to someone if they ever feel upset or pressured by what
they see online.

10. If I were to establish my own business, it would be a specialized laboratory focused

on developing medications to enhance concentration and cognitive performance,
particularly targeted at individuals facing challenges in studying. This venture stems
from a sincere desire to contribute to the well-being of students and provide a
solution to a common struggle many face during their academic journey.

The pharmaceutical industry has made significant strides in various health-related

areas, but there remains a gap in addressing the specific needs of students who
experience difficulty in concentration and focus. My business would aim to fill this
void by researching and creating medications that not only boost cognitive functions
but also ensure the safety and well-being of the users.
The rationale behind this choice is rooted in the recognition of the increasing
demands on students, coupled with the prevalence of distractions in the modern
world. The objective would be to develop medications that improve concentration
without the adverse side effects associated with some existing solutions.

Otherwise, this venture aligns with the broader goal of contributing positively to
education and mental well-being, addressing a societal need. By providing an
effective and safe solution to concentration challenges, the business would not only
serve as a commercial endeavor but also make a meaningful impact on the lives of
students striving to excel academically.

11. A vibrant area is characterized by a combination of factors that collectively create a

lively, energetic, and engaging atmosphere. One key element is cultural diversity, as
areas enriched with a variety of cultural influences often become hubs of creativity
and dynamism. The presence of diverse cuisines, languages, and traditions fosters a
sense of inclusivity and contributes to a vibrant tapestry of experiences.

Economic activity plays a pivotal role in the vibrancy of an area. Thriving businesses,
bustling markets, and a mix of commercial and recreational spaces generate a
constant flow of people, creating a lively and dynamic environment. A healthy local
economy not only sustains the community but also attracts visitors, enhancing the
overall vibrancy.

The availability of recreational and social spaces is another critical factor. Parks,
public squares, and cultural venues provide spaces for people to gather, interact, and
engage in various activities. Events, festivals, and community gatherings further
contribute to the vibrancy by fostering a sense of community and shared

Artistic expression and creativity are fundamental aspects of vibrant areas. Street art,
performances, galleries, and cultural events infuse a unique energy, sparking
inspiration and fostering a sense of identity. The presence of educational institutions
and intellectual hubs also contributes by stimulating innovation and a constant
exchange of ideas.

Finally, accessibility and connectivity are vital. Well-designed public transportation,

pedestrian-friendly streets, and a mix of residential and commercial spaces
encourage movement and interaction. A vibrant area is, therefore, characterized by a
harmonious blend of cultural richness, economic vitality, communal spaces, artistic
expression, and accessibility.

12. The ability to speak multiple languages brings a myriad of advantages to individuals,
both personally and professionally. Firstly, linguistic versatility enhances
communication skills, allowing people to connect with a broader and more diverse
range of individuals. This fosters cultural understanding and promotes meaningful
relationships across language barriers.
Professionally, being multilingual is a valuable asset in an increasingly globalized
world. It opens doors to a wider array of job opportunities, especially in multinational
companies and industries with international reach. Many employers highly value
language proficiency, considering it an essential skill that contributes to effective
communication in a global business environment.

Moreover, multilingual individuals often demonstrate improved cognitive abilities.

Learning and switching between languages engage the brain in complex cognitive
processes, enhancing memory, problem-solving skills, and multitasking capabilities.
Research suggests that bilingualism may even contribute to delaying cognitive
decline in later years.

Cultural enrichment is another significant advantage. Learning different languages

exposes individuals to diverse worldviews, traditions, and perspectives. This cultural
awareness fosters tolerance, empathy, and a broader understanding of the world.

Speaking multiple languages facilitates travel and exploration. It enables individuals

to navigate new environments more confidently, connect with locals, and immerse
themselves in different cultures, enriching their travel experiences.

The ability to speak different languages is a valuable skill with far-reaching benefits.
From improved communication and career prospects to cognitive advantages and
cultural enrichment, multilingualism enhances the overall quality of life for individuals
in an interconnected global society.

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