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Asia Land and its People Caucasus Mountains and the

Asia is the largest continent in the Caspian and Black seas,

world by both land area and population. separating it from Europe.
It covers an area of more than 44 million  China and India alternated in
square kilometers, about 30% of Earth's being the largest economies in the
total land area and 8% of Earth's total world from 1 to 1800 CE.
surface area.  China was a major economic
The continent, which has long been power and attracted many to the
home to the majority of the human east, and for many the legendary
population, was the site of many of the wealth and prosperity of the
first civilizations. Its 4.7 billion people ancient culture of India personified
constitute roughly 60% of the world's Asia, attracting European
population. commerce, exploration and
Features of Asia  The accidental discovery of a
 Asia shares the landmass of trans-Atlantic route from Europe to
Eurasia with Europe, and of Afro- America by Columbus while in
Eurasia with both Europe and search for a route to India
Africa. demonstrates this deep
 In general terms, it is bounded on fascination.
the east by the Pacific Ocean, on  The Silk Road became the main
the south by the Indian Ocean, east–west trading route in the
and on the north by the Arctic Asian hinterlands while the Straits
Ocean. of Malacca stood as a major sea
 The border of Asia with Europe is route.
a historical and cultural construct,  Asia has exhibited economic
as there is no clear physical and dynamism as well as robust
geographical separation between population growth during the 20th
them. century, but overall population
 It is somewhat arbitrary and has growth has since fallen.
moved since its first conception in  Asia was the birthplace of most of
classical antiquity. the world's mainstream religions
 The division of Eurasia into two including Hinduism,
continents reflects East–West Zoroastrianism, Judaism, Jainism,
cultural, linguistic, and ethnic Buddhism, Confucianism, Taoism,
differences, some of which vary on Christianity, Islam, Sikhism, as
a spectrum rather than with a well as many other religions.
sharp dividing line.  Asia varies greatly across and
 A commonly accepted division within its regions with regard to
places Asia to the east of the Suez ethnic groups, cultures,
Canal separating it from Africa; environments, economics,
and to the east of the Turkish historical ties and government
Straits, the Ural Mountains and systems.
Ural River, and to the south of the
 It also has a mix of many different  Yet it was not among the region's
climates ranging from the top performers in improving school
equatorial south via the hot desert enrollment and life expectancy.
in the Middle East, temperate  Nepal, a South Asian country,
areas in the east and the emerges as one of the world's
continental centre to vast subarctic fastest movers since 1970 mainly
and polar areas in Siberia. due to health and education
Languages of Asia achievements.
 Asia is home to several language  Its present life expectancy is 25
families and many language years longer than in the 1970s.
isolates. More than four of every five
 Most Asian countries have more children of school age in Nepal
than one language that is natively now attend primary school,
spoken. compared to just one in five 40
 For instance, according to years ago.
Ethnologue, more than 700  Hong Kong ranked highest among
languages are spoken in the countries grouped on the HDI
Indonesia, more than 400 (number 7 in the world, which is in
languages spoken in India, and the "very high human
more than 100 are spoken in the development" category), followed
Philippines. by Singapore (9), Japan (19) and
 China has many languages and South Korea (22).
dialects in different provinces.  Afghanistan (155) ranked lowest
amongst Asian countries out of the
Demography of Asia 169 countries assessed.
 East Asia had by far the strongest
overall Human Development Index Culture of Asia
(HDI) improvement of any region  The culture of Asia is a diverse
in the world, nearly doubling blend of customs and traditions
average HDI attainment over the that have been practiced by the
past 40 years, according to the various ethnic groups of the
report's analysis of health, continent for centuries.
education and income data.  The continent is divided into six
 China, the second highest geographic sub-regions:
achiever in the world in terms of 1. Central Asia
HDI improvement since 1970, is 2. East Asia
the only country on the "Top 10 3. North Asia
Movers" list due to income rather 4. South Asia
than health or education 5. Southeast Asia
achievements. 6. West Asia
 Its per capita income increased a  These regions are defined by their
stunning 21-fold over the last four cultural similarities, including
decades, also lifting hundreds of common religions, languages, and
millions out of income poverty. ethnicities.
 West Asia, also known as form of a fish who warned Manu of
Southwest Asia or the Middle a terrible flood.
East, has cultural roots in the  Ancient Chinese mythology also
ancient civilizations of the Fertile tells of a Great Flood spanning
Crescent and Mesopotamia, which generations, one that required the
gave rise to the Persian, Arab, combined efforts of emperors and
Ottoman empires, as well as the divinities to control.
Abrahamic religions of Judaism,  Almost all Asian religions have
Christianity and Islam. philosophical character and Asian
 These civilizations, which are philosophical traditions cover a
located in the Hilly flanks, are large spectrum of philosophical
among the oldest in the world, with thoughts and writings.
evidence of farming dating back to  Indian philosophy includes Hindu
around 9000 BCE. philosophy and Buddhist
 Despite the challenges posed by philosophy.
the vast size of the continent and  They include elements of
the presence of natural barriers nonmaterial pursuits, whereas
such as deserts and mountain another school of thought from
ranges, trade and commerce have India, Cārvāka, preached the
helped to create a Pan-Asian enjoyment of the material world.
culture that is shared across the  The religions of Hinduism,
region. Buddhism, Jainism and Sikhism
Religion of Asia originated in India, South Asia.
 Many of the world's major religions  In East Asia, particularly in China
have their origins in Asia, including and Japan, Confucianism, Taoism
the five most practiced in the and Zen Buddhism took shape.
world, which are Christianity,  As of 2012, Hinduism has around
Islam, Hinduism, Chinese folk 1.1 billion adherents.
religion (classified as  The faith represents around 25%
Confucianism and Taoism), and of Asia's population and is the
Buddhism respectively. largest religion in Asia.
 Asian mythology is complex and  However, it is mostly concentrated
diverse. in South Asia.
 The story of the Great Flood for  Over 80% of the populations of
example, as presented to Jews in both India and Nepal adhere to
the Hebrew Bible in the narrative Hinduism, alongside significant
of Noah and later to Christians in communities in Bangladesh,
the Old Testament, and to Pakistan, Bhutan, Sri Lanka and
Muslims in the Quran is earliest Bali, Indonesia.
found in Mesopotamian  Many overseas Indians in
mythology, in the Enûma Eliš and countries such as Burma,
Epic of Gilgamesh. Singapore and Malaysia also
 Hindu mythology similarly tells adhere to Hinduism.
about an avatar of Vishnu in the

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