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Which time of life is most important for friendships?

What comes to mind if you hear the word ‘’friends’’? Can people imagine a world without
them? Good PALS have always been an important part of our lives. They have become as
important as our family. Most people recognize the importance of friendship. However, many
people disagree with the idea of deciding which time of life is most important for friendship.

From my viewpoint, getting along with people even if you are not a social butterfly, is a
positive aspect of your life. Meeting a friend on your first day at school is something you are
going to remember forever. On the one hand, I think childhood friends are going to be those
who will be there for you in any situation. You can turn to them WHENEVER you need TO.
You MAY have similar tastes or not. A friendship is not only based on sharing things in
common. Best friends can also be poles apart. Of course, sharing things in common is
important, but it is not the most essential part. So, childhood is important for friendships
because it is the moment in our lives where we explore who we are and with whom we want

On the other hand, nothing is further from the truth when we say that adult life changes our
friendships. People agree with this idea because they’ve recognized that their interests and
habits have changed the way with whom they socialize. Having children, buying a house, or
even moving to another city or country influences our friendships. I’m of the opinion that we
should make new friends but we also should keep in touch with our OLD friends. We will meet
a WIDE range of people during our lives, but the etiquette of ‘’friend’’ is something special
that not everyone can OBTAIN.

In conclusion, I think it is fair to say that adult life changes our way of socializing and it
definitely diminishes the importance of those friends made in our childhood.

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