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Argument 3 : inequality of chances at birth (The House)

First of all, since Greco-Roman antiquity, the role of destiny in

human life has been highlighted through significant symbolism: Moira,
the daughter of chaos and night, represented for the Hellenes the destiny
established before every being by unshakable laws.
Among the Romans, fate- fatum -was represented by a blind or
blindfolded old man. He had written the destiny of all people on a copper
plate. The decrees of fate were distributed to every man from birth. All
religions, spiritual currents, stories of peoples describe the existence of
this implacable destiny, which man cannot change. If we analyse
mankind from ancient times until today, we can say that the individual or
collective success of peoples are determined randomly and do not follow
a program or rules and cannot be influenced by personal actions.
Example: the poverty, inequality and education crisis in rural Africa
Rural areas in Africa: poor or non-existent infrastructure and little or no
provisions for other critical social services.
This impacts the quality of education for rural-area children: getting to school
is a difficult challenge and illness of a pupil or a family member may force the
pupil to drop out of school entirely.
Rural schools: fewer qualified teachers and not enough teachers for the number
of children enrolled in school. The reasons for these low numbers in rural
Africa: poverty and other inequalities–urban areas offer greater opportunities
and higher incomes.
QUOTE (statistics): One fifth of people living in Africa are considered
malnourished. This gives the continent the highest rate of malnourished people
worldwide. More than 30 percent of African children suffer from growth
disorders such as stunting due to their chronic malnutrition. This disease causes
a physical and mental underdevelopment in children.
THEIR DREAMS (THIS IS CAUSED BY POVERTY). not able to get a proper
However, if this child achieves success, it is the hand of fate because it
means that he was the actor of wonderful events that lifted him out of
poverty. For example, even in non-optimal environments, William
Kamkwamba, a Malawian engineer, managed to create, as he was only
14 yrs old, an irrigation system and some improvised wind turbines for
his village. He only had a few resources, but he was lucky to even have
those, like a very old book and some materials, meaning that his fate
interfered with a big part of his success. Although his personal actions
helped him succeed, big part of it was played by random factors, like
luck, fate and natural talent.
Counter-Argument 3: luck doesn’t mean success (Opposition)
Success and failure are seen as a result of random factors rather
than personal actions, the house argues. The opposition does not agree
with this motion for the following reasons: First, the opposition believes
that the idea of luck related to success is actually supported by any
failure as Wilson Airlie says and I quote "success is always a matter of
luck, anyone who failed in life will tell you so!" I ended the quote. In
everyday life there is a black stripe of bad luck, but also a white stripe of
success, but man is empowered to choose the Path he wants and
considers useful for him because there is free will. In other words, both
success and failure are the result of personal actions. Winning the
Lottery or marrying a prince are matters unrelated to success or failure.
It would be good for each of us to differentiate between the notion
of success and that of luck. Luck is just the opportunity to become a
successful person, which, in the end, may not come true. Success
comes gradually, through maximum concentration on the objectives to be
achieved and through some concrete actions to achieve them. The
elements that bring success or failure:
a) each person with his thoughts, words and actions forms his own
life, social circle, goals, past, present and future;
b) each person is responsible for his destiny and actions.;
c) events in life are not accidental, the decisive role is played by
the personal attitude in relation to everything that happens around. -
success/failure is determined by good health, positive thinking, happy
family, financial well-being, self-realization and all these depend on free
I can exemplify Lara and Roger Gripphits: They have won a 2-
million-dollar jackpot. However, Roger has bought with that money luxury
cars, houses, clothes and so on, and Lara invested in a salon that was
left with less than 10$. This example proves that being lucky doesn't
always mean being successful. If, through random factors, you get an
opportunity, that opportunity needs to be carried to success.

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