Human Rights Current Events

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Social Justice 12 Name: _____________________________

Ms. Buckley
Human Rights Violations
Current Events Presentation

You are tasked with researching a current event where human rights are being
violated. You will need to give a short presentation (max. 5 min) to the class about this
current human rights violation. Think of it as summarizing the event for the class, like
a news segment. You can choose how you want to present (video, PowerPoint, etc.)

This presentation needs to include the following:

1. What is the current event you have chosen to examine? Give a brief summary of
what is happening.
2. What UN article(s) on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights are broken or
not honoured?
3. How could the situation be resolved? How would this resolution ensure that
human rights are no longer being violated?

A great place to start your research would be the Human Rights Watch website:

Human Rights Current Events Project

5 4 3 2 1

Presentation Presentation Presentation Presentation Presentation Presentation

of the of the of the of the of the current
current current current current human rights
human rights human rights human rights human rights violation is
violation is violation is violation is violation is lacking
clear and well done. adequate. minimal. The information.
impactful. The listener The listener listener is The listener is
The listener understands understands struggling to not able to
fully the event. most of the understand understand
understands event. the event. the event.
the event.

Information Information Information Information Information Information is

included is included is included is minimal minimal.
thorough researched. shows and shows There is no
and well evidence of evidence of evidence of
researched. some little quality
research. research. research.

Total = /10

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