Web Configuration Guide For Video Vehicle Detector - NEW

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Sinowatcher Technology Co.

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Best solutions to guarantee traffic safety

Integrated Video Vehicle Detector System

Web Configuration



Kindly refer to the wiring and installation details in the other

user manual before web configurations.

Sinowatcher Technology Co., Ltd.

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Best solutions to guarantee traffic safety


1. Browser

Recommended browser: IE.

2. Close PC firewall

Before login, make sure all firewall software in your PC be closed off.

3. Security levels setting on Internet Options

Find “Control Panel” in PC and click “Internet Options”:

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Shajing, Bao’an, Shenzhen, 518104, P.R. China.
Sinowatcher Technology Co., Ltd
Best solutions to guarantee traffic safety

“Security” → “Custom level” → Enable 3 options as specified below → Click “OK” at the bottom.

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4. PC Static IP Settings

Before configurations, please set static IP for your management computer.

IP Address: 192.168.1.XXX
(do not be the same as IP address of Video Vehicle Detector and Interface Board!)
Subnet mask:


1. Default IP Address

Video Vehicle Detector:

Interface Board:
User name: admin
Password: admin

2. Interface Board Login

Open the IE browser, input the default IP address: in the url, then press the enter key, after
this input user name and password: admin → click “login”.

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Shajing, Bao’an, Shenzhen, 518104, P.R. China.
Sinowatcher Technology Co., Ltd
Best solutions to guarantee traffic safety

After login, the page below will appear. Basically users do not need to change any data of Interface
Board (Protocol Converter) except for its default IP address.

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Sinowatcher Technology Co., Ltd
Best solutions to guarantee traffic safety

3. Video Vehicle Detector Login

Open the IE browser, input the default IP address: in the url, then press the enter key.
After this, input user name and password: admin → click “login”.
PS: Remember to download and install the “plug-in” as prompt on the bottom before login.

Email. info@sinowatcher.net

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Shajing, Bao’an, Shenzhen, 518104, P.R. China.
Sinowatcher Technology Co., Ltd
Best solutions to guarantee traffic safety


Web software configuration mainly includes 3 parts:

1. “Preview” to see the real-time video from the VD.

2. “Configuration” for system info query and parameters settings, including:

System Information
System Settings
Extension Configuration
System Management

3. “Traffic Inquiries” for tracking and export historical traffic data.

Sinowatcher Technology Co., Ltd.

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Sinowatcher Technology Co., Ltd
Best solutions to guarantee traffic safety

1. Click “Preview” to see the real-time video from the VD.

Check "Open video”: to display the real-time video.

Check "Superposition”: to enter the overlay mode, more real-time detection data will be displayed as
picture below, including vehicle enter/exit, traffic volume/flow, real-time speed, vehicle length and
queue length.

Vehicle movement is detected by the virtual loop in real-time. When there is a car entering the
detection loop area, this loop line turns turn red; and it turns green when the car is leaving (or no car
inside the loop area).

When a queue is detected, a blue line along the queue will appear in the middle of the lane.
When the long queue reaches the preset cordon, this line turns red, which means the queue length
reaches the alarm area, and the VD will send the alarm signal under preset protocol format to relevant

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Shajing, Bao’an, Shenzhen, 518104, P.R. China.
Sinowatcher Technology Co., Ltd
Best solutions to guarantee traffic safety

2. Click “Configuration” at the top right corner, and we can see 4 parts configuration appears on the
left side, including:
System Information
System Settings
Extension Configuration
System Management

2.1 System Information

Click the left "System Information"-"Factory Settings", you can see the relevant device information.

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Best solutions to guarantee traffic safety

2.2 System Settings

Click the left "System Settings", 5 parts will appear below it, including:
Basic Settings / Time Settings / Network Settings / RS485 Port Information / Time Settings.
Details as pictures below:

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Shajing, Bao’an, Shenzhen, 518104, P.R. China.
Sinowatcher Technology Co., Ltd
Best solutions to guarantee traffic safety

Networking Settings Notes

IP address/subnet mask/gateway shall be set acc. to network architecture. If for indoor office testing on
several VD together, better to set them to be with different IP address to avoid mistakes or conflictions.
“IO Address” refers to IP address of Interface Board (Protocol Converter).
“IO Communication Port” normally fixed with 18767 for communication with Interface board, if connect VD
directly with Signal Controller (still need network switch) through UDP protocol communication, make sure
the port here the same as signal controller port setting.
Data upload port is referring to center platform TCP protocol communication.

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Bottom Time Settings Notes

This time setting is used for old version VD firmware, detection algorithm of which auto switch between day
and night.
Please do not set the time here if the VD firmware is 2021 version (check in "System Information"-"Factory

Email. info@sinowatcher.net

Tel. 86-755-29407296 * Fax. 86-755-29440797

Shajing, Bao’an, Shenzhen, 518104, P.R. China.
Sinowatcher Technology Co., Ltd
Best solutions to guarantee traffic safety

2.3 Extension Configuration

Click the left "Extension Config"-“Intelligent Analysis”, and we can see two new interfaces entrance:
Statistical parameters
Lane Configuration

2.3.1 Statistical parameters

“Statistical cycle” refers to the interval time as a cycle on collection and statistics of traffic flow.
Units: minutes (1-60).
Vehicle classification is based on car length, and you can set the max length of each type vehicle as
standards used for vehicle classification.

2.3.2 Lane Configuration Camera
Clear real-time video showing under this interface,
and we can adjust the calibration area/calibration line/virtual loops through this video interface.

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Check “Display”, the calibration lines and calibration

area frame will be showed in video interface.

Perfect horizontal distance between VD and the nearest location showing in lowest edge in video is 15

Virtual lane ---- Adjust the virtual lanes location by dragging the blue dot or green vertical lines until it is
overlapped with real lane lines showing in the video.
There are 3 visible virtual loops in every lane, the first one is for vehicle presence detection (pink
color). When there is a car entering this first loop frame, it turns turn red; and it turns green when the
car is leaving. Vertically, this loop frame can be set nearly half of vehicle length from the viewing of
VD (approximately 2-3 meters’ real distance). Make sure virtual loops in different lanes are in the
same horizontal line.
The second green loop frame is for occupancy detection while the third blue loop frame is for queue
detection (The farthest efficient queue detection is around 100meters, thus make sure the third virtual
loop configured within 100m in real distance.) PS: Those two data can only be transmitted by protocol
communication; I/O signal connection can only provide vehicle presence/traffic flow signal when cars
passing by the first loop).

Calibration area ---- Drag the orange lines up/down and left/right so that it covers 2-3 lanes. Vertical
lines shall be overlapped with real lane lines from the video, while horizontal two lines shall be parallel
with stop lines (not necessary to be overlapped with stop line).
Calibration line in green color ---- One horizontal, and the other vertical., which are used as reference
of real distance for VD algorithm use. For example, we can mark in road two points with vertical distance
of 5 meters, then drag the vertical calibration line in video to be coincided with the line between the
marked two points, and input “5” meters in “Length of vertical calibration line”; drag the horizontal line
in video to be coincided with one lane width, and measure the real lane width then input it in “Length of
horizontal calibration line” at the right side.

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Shajing, Bao’an, Shenzhen, 518104, P.R. China.
Sinowatcher Technology Co., Ltd
Best solutions to guarantee traffic safety

Lane 1/2/3/4 refers to lanes that this VD is detecting. When check “O4”, it will automatically add 5th lane
in video interface. Click delete, the selected lane/loop will be cancelled.

“Num” refers to the signal output channel – DO No. (1-32) in Interface board corresponding of this
Lane/Loop No. Each lane/loop can only be with one unique signal output channel No. in one junction.
For example, if one junction with totally 4 VD for 4 directions (2 lanes/direction):
• No.1 VD set with Lane/loop No. 1/2 – signal output Num 1-2;
• No.2 VD set with Lane/loop No. 3/4 – signal output Num 3-4;
• No.3 VD set with Lane/loop No. 5/6 – signal output Num 5-6;
• No.4 VD set with Lane/loop No. 7/8 – signal output Num 7-8;

Click the last lane No., it will add following

virtual lane/loop automatically in video interface.

Signal output No.

(DO1-32) in Interface

Sinowatcher Technology Co., Ltd.

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Sinowatcher Technology Co., Ltd
Best solutions to guarantee traffic safety Type parameter

Main parameters to set:

“Direction” --- detection front or rear of car (depending on VD installation location, suggest front detection)
“RTSP address” --- make sure RTSP address here is the same as the VD IP address that you’ve set in
“Networking Settings”. Remember to set here if you have changed the VD default IP address to new one.
“Camera IP address” no need to set, do not change it.


Same as VD
IP address

No need to
change/set Calibration parameter

Check “Display”, the calibration lines and calibration area frame will be showed in video interface.
Calibration line in green color ---- One horizontal, and the other vertical., which are used as reference of
real distance for VD algorithm use. For example, we can mark in road two points with vertical distance of
5 meters, then drag the vertical calibration line in video to be coincided with the line between the marked
two points, and input “5” meters in “Length of vertical calibration line”; drag the horizontal line in video to
be coincided with one lane width, and measure the real lane width then input it in “Length of horizontal
calibration line” at the right side.
“First coil height” – first pink virtual loop’s vertical length (real distance between its two horizontal lines),
suggest 2-3m.
“Distance between farthest detection point and camera” – horizontal distance between farthest detection
point and camera, suggest within 100m.
“Distance between nearest detection point and camera” – horizontal distance between nearest horizontal
line of the first pink virtual loop and camera.

Email. info@sinowatcher.net

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Shajing, Bao’an, Shenzhen, 518104, P.R. China.
Sinowatcher Technology Co., Ltd
Best solutions to guarantee traffic safety

2.4 System Management

2.4.1 Export Configuration/Logging

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2.4.2 Equipment Management

Version update
Equipment to restart

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Shajing, Bao’an, Shenzhen, 518104, P.R. China.
Sinowatcher Technology Co., Ltd
Best solutions to guarantee traffic safety

3. Click “Traffic Inquiries” to query and export historical traffic data.

Ø Stored in the built-in FLASH, 1-year storage if 1 detection data/min.
Ø Stored in SD card (maximum 32G), storage time depending on SD card capacity, normally 1G
enough for 4 years’ storage.
Ø Data transmission with Center Server Platform asks for protocol communication and compatibility.

--------------------------------------- THE END --------------------------------------

Sinowatcher Technology Co., Ltd.

Please visit our website www.trafficsolution.cn

Specifications subject to change without notice

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